Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was passed the second time and ordered to be engrossed. Mr. Macon and Mr. Coor who had leave to withdraw for amendment the Bill to impower the Commissioners therein named to sell the Palace and public Lotts belonging to the same, in the Town of New Bern, presented the said Bill as by them amended, which being read, was passed the second time and sent to the House of Commons. Mr. Payne, from the Committee to whom was referred the Memorial of Petition of Mr. John Geddy, late Sheriff of Halifax County, in behalf of himself and Doctor Charles Pasteur, delivered in the following Report, vizt.: That after examining the premises find the sum of fifty-two pound's two shillings and seven pence due to John Geddy, and the sum of fifty-eight pounds nine shillings & four pence due to Charles Pasteur, Esq., which is recommended to be paid them by the Treasurer. All of which is humbly submitted. MICHAEL PAYNE, Ch. The House taking this report into consideration, Resolved, That they do concur therewith, and ordered that it be sent to the House of Commons. General Rutherford, from the Committee to whom was referred the Memorial of Philip Alston, delivered in the following Report, vizt.: That from the Testimony of John Carroll, Esq., and Mr. John Kendrick, taken on Oath before your Committee, it appears that Thomas Taylor had long been and continued to be an Enemy to this State, and was actually guilty of misprision of Treason a few minutes before, if not at the very instant he fell into the rencontre with Colonel Philip Alston, that the said Alston then commanded a corps of Militia in the service of this State for the express purpose of supporting the Tories; the situation of the County (General Greene being at that time under the necessity of retreating before the British Army) and every circumstance your Committee are of opinion that Colonel Philip Alston should not be brought to Tryal on account of the death of the said Thomas Taylor; and they beg leave to suggest that a Recommendation from the Honourable the General Assembly to His Excellency the Governor to issue a Pardon to the said Colonel Alston, would be the best method to close the enquiry. All which is submitted. GRIFFITH RUTHERFORD, Ch. The House taking this Report into consideration, Resolved, That they do concur therewith, and ordered that it be sent to the House of Commons. The Bill to amend the several Acts heretofore passed for regulating the Town of Wilmington, was read the second time and rejected. Received from the House of Commons the Petition of Thomas and Titus Ogden. Endorsed, read and referred to the Committee a pointed to report on the Memorial of Josiah Parker; which being read, was referred to the House of Commons and returned. Recd. likewise the following Bills, vizt.: A Bill to amend an Act intitled "an Act directing the mode of proceedings against the Real Estates of deceased Debtors where the personal Estate is insufficient for the payment of Debts," The Bill to erect and establish an Academy in the County of Duplin. Each endorsed, read the first time and passed. Ordered that these Bills be read, which being read, were passed, the former the first and the latter the second time and returned. Mr. Coor presented the Memorial of John Tilghman, Esquire, setting forth that as Colonel of the County of Craven he had drawn considerable sums of money for the purpose of paying off the Bounties of Soldiers, the whole of which had been by him faithfully applied to the purpose aforesaid, notwithstanding which on account of the loss of sundry of his papers relative to the appropriation of his Money, he stood charged with a balance on the Comptroller's Books, praying the Assembly take order thereon; whereupon, Resolved, That the Comptroller be directed to give Colonel John Tilghman, of Craven County a Credit on his books for two hundred and six pounds specie, the amount of his account returned to the Treasurer, as it appears to the satisfaction of the General Assembly by the Memorial of Colonel Tilghman rendered on Oath, that he hath faithfully applied the said sum to public purposes for the use of the State. Ordered that this Resolve be sent to the House of Commons for Concurrence. General Harrington, from the Committee to whom was referred the Letter and Account of the Honourable Richard Dobbs Spaight, Esquire, as late Delegate in Congress, delivered in the following Report, vizt.: Your Committee are of opinion Mr. Spaight be allowed the difference of exchange between the current Money of the State and gold and Silver Coin, which difference they conceive to be twenty-five per cent., which amounts from the State of his Account to four hundred pounds. HENRY W. HARRINGTON, Ch. The House taking this report into consideration, Resolved, That they do concur therewith. Recd. from the House of Commons the following Bills, to-wit: The Bill vesting certain property lying and being in the County of Granville, in Mary Alston Bond in fee simple; and A Bill for the more speedy determining disputes that have risen or may hereafter rise in the Counties of Rowan, Mecklenburg, Rutherford, Guilford, Lincoln and Rockingham from erecting Mill Dams and to prevent persons from building Mills as herein described. Each endorsed, read the first time and passed. Ordered that these Bills be read, which being read, were passed the second time and returned. Recd. likewise the Bill to alter the manner of holding elections for members of the General Assembly for New Hanover County. Endorsed, read the second time, amended and passed. Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was passed the second time and ordered to be engrossed. Recd also, the Bill for incorporating the Protestant Episcopal Church of Wilmington. Endorsed, read the second time, amended and passed. Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was rejected; Whereupon, On motion of General Harrington, seconded by Mr. Gillispie. ordered that the yeas and nays be taken on the rejection of this Bill, which were as follows, vizt.: For the passage of the Bill-Mr. Miller, Mr. Thomas Armstrong, Mr. Gillispie, Mr. McCullock, Mr. Brown, General Rutherford, Genral Harrington and Mr. Sullivan.-8. Against the passing of this Bill-Mr. Coor, Mr. Warrington, Mr. Herritage, Mr. Harget, General Gregory, Mr. Riddick, Mr. Easton, Mr. Relf, Mr. Jones, Mr. Herndon, Mr. Etheridge, Mr. Williams, Mr. Moore, General Ramsey, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Payne, Mr. John Armstrong, Mr. Bledsoe, Mr. Sharpe, Mr. Alexander, Mr. Parsons, Mr. Battle, General McDowell, Mr. Macon, Mr. Bryan, Mr. Hines, Mr. McCawley, Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Spicer, Mr. Lightfoot and Mr. Wynns.-31. So this Bill was rejected. Recd. from the House of Commons the Report of the Committee to whom was referred the Memorial of Colonel Philip Alston. Endorsed, read and concurred with. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock. The House met. TUESDAY, 20 December, 1785. Received from the House of Commons a Bill for ascertaining the Duties and Salary of the Public Printer. Endorsed, read the first time and passed. Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was passed the first time and returned. Mr. Gillispie moved for leave and presented a Bill to impower certain persons therein named to receive, sue for and recover all such bequests, donations, Benefactions and other things as have heretofore been bequeathed, given or made by any person or persons whatsoever, for the use of the congregation of the Society of the Presbyterian Communion at Wilmington, which being read, was passed the first time and sent to the House of Commons. General Harrington presented the Claim of Richard Farr, for a Wagon and Team lost in the public service, which being read, was referred to the Committee of Claims and sent to the House of Com mons. A Certificate of Allowance granted by the General Assembly in the year 1781 in favour of the late Reverend Charles Couples was read; whereupon, Resolved, That Mrs. Ann Couples, Relict of the Rev. Mr. Charles Couples, be allowed the sum of seventeen pounds fifteen shillings and five pence half penny, with Interest thereon from the 19th of February, 1781, until paid; and that the Treasurer pay the same and be allowed in the settlement of his public accounts. Ordered that this Resolve be sent to the House of Commons for their Concurrence. Mr. Brown moved for leave and presented an additional Bill to amend the several Acts regulating the Town of Wilmington, and to regulate and restrain the conduct of slaves, and others in the said Town and the Towns of Washington, Edenton, and Fayetteville; which was read the first time, passed and sent to the House of Com mons. Recd. from the House of Commons the Resolve of this House of yesterday in favour of Colonel John Tilghman. Endorsed, read and concurred with. Recd. likewise the report of the Committee to whom was referred the Memorial of the Public Treasurer. Endorsed in the House of Commons, read and concurred with as to the two first sections, the last section being read for the future consideration of the House and have appointed Mr. Cain and Mr. Tisdale on our part, to carry into effect the Recommendation therein, this (This paragraph here ends abruptly and the record for several days is much mixed). On motion of Mr. Macon, seconded by Mr. McCawley, ordered that the Bill for increasing the Jurisdiction of the County Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, and of the Justices of the Peace out of Court, and directing the time of holding the several Courts of this State, this day received from the House of Commons, lie on the Table until to-morrow morning and that it then be read for the second time in this House. Recd. from the House of Commons the following Bills, to-wit: The Bill impowering the Commissioners appointed to settle the accounts of the United States with the State of North Carolina, or the Creditors of the United States within the said State, to call witnesses and to examine them upon Oath or affirmation touchin such accounts. The Bill for the Inspection of Tobacco in the County of Surry. The Bill impowering the Court of Randolph County to adjourn to the place which they shall think most convenient for holding the same. |