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Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was passed the first time and returned; whereupon,

On motion of Mr. Payne, seconded by Mr. Macon, ordered that the yeas and nays be taken on the passage of this Bill which were as follows, to-wit:

For the passage of the Bill-Mr. Warrington, Mr. Herritage, Mr. Miller, Mr. Harget, Mr. Easton, Mr. Relf, Mr. Jones, Mr. Herndon, Mr. Etheridge, Mr. Williams, Mr. Mooring, Mr. McCawley, Mr. Moore, General Ramsey, Mr. Lewis, Mr. T. Armstrong, Mr. Clinton, Mr. Bledsoe, Mr. Gillispie, Mr. Harris, Mr. Bryan, Mr. Parson, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Alexander, General McDowell, Mr. Hines, Mr. Brown, Mr. Hawkins, General Rutherford, Mr. Spicer, General Harrington, Mr. F. Miller, Mr. I. Armstrong, Mr. Coor and Mr. Griffin.-36.

Against the passage of this Bill and for rejecting it-General Gregory, Mr. Riddick, Mr. Payne, Mr. Macon, Mr. Battle, Mr. McCullock and Mr. Wynns.-7.

So the Bill was passed.

Recd. by way of the House of Commons a message from His Excellency the Governor, addressed to the General Assembly, submitting to the consideration of the two Houses certain amendments by him proposed to be made in such Grants for Lands, military and other Commissions as may hereafter be issued; which being read, Resolved, That this House do approve of the same; whereupon,

Ordered that the following message be sent to the House of Com


Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen:

It is the opinion of this House that the amendments proposed by His Excellency the Governor, to be made in the style of Grants and Commissions hereafter to be issued, be adopted.

Recd. from the House of Commons the Memorial of Mr. Benjamin Seawell. Endorsed, read and referred as by the Senate.

Recd. from the House of Commons a Bill to amend the Acts passed for purchasing a Lott or Lotts in the Town of Wilmington for the purposes of building a Jail for the District of Wilmington & for repairing the Court House of said District. Endorsed, read the first time and passed.

Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was passed the first time and returned.

Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.

The House met.

SATURDAY, 17 December, 1785.

General McDowell presented the Memorial of Philip Alston, of Moore County, praying that an act of pardon may be passed in his favour, freeing him from the consequences which may arise from his having put to death a certain Thomas Taylor, a person disaffected to the State, which being read, was referred to a Special Committee; the members chosen on the part of this House were Mr. McCawley, General Rutherford, General McDowell and General Harrington. Mr. Payne, from the Committee to whom was referred the Memorial of Mr. Benjamin Seawell, reported as followeth, vizt.:

That after taking the premises under consideration, your Committee are of opinion that the Memoralist's Claims do not come with propriety before the General Assembly and therefore no allowance ought to be made.


The House taking this Report into consideration, Resolved, That they do concur therewith, and ordered that it be sent to the House of Commons.

Recd. from the House of Commons the following message: Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen:

This House cannot concur with the report of the Committee on the Memorial of Mr. Alston as it was agreed to by the Senate, but propose deleing all but the part thereof which recommends that a Pill be brought in to vest in Mary Alston Bell the Land and Negro therein mentioned; if the Senate will make the Report conformable to this Proposition the Commons will then concur with it.

This Proposition being read, ordered that the following message be sent to the House of Commons:

Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen:

We agree to your proposed amendment in the report of the Committee on the Memorial of George Alston, and have made the amendment accordingly.

Recd. from the House of Commons a Memorial from the Treasurer of the State. Endorsed, read and referred to a joint Committee; the members chosen on the part of this House are Mr. Williamson, Mr. Person and Mr. Blount; which being read was, on the part of the Senate, referred to Mr. Coor and Mr. Macon.

Mr. Lewis moved for leave and presented a Bill vesting certain property lying in the County of Granville in Mary Alston Bell in fee simple; which being read, was passed the first time and sent to the House of Commons.

Recd. from the House of Commons the Bill to enable the Public Treasurer more effectually to recover public monies that are now due, or hereafter may become due. Endorsed, read the first time and passed.

Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was amended, passed the second time and returned.

Recd. likewise the Memorial of Messrs. Stanleys, of the Town of New Bern, Merchants. Endorsed, in the House of Commons, read and referred to a joint Committee; the members chosen on the part of this House are Mr. Williamson, Mr. Person and Mr. Blount; which being read was, on the part of the Senate, referred to General Harrington, Mr. Coor and Mr. Easton and returned.

General Harrington presented the Memorial of General Gregory, setting forth that he had formerly received money to a considerable amount for the purpose of paying bounties to Militia Soldiers, a part of which, owing to its rapid depreciation, he never expended and for which he now stood charged on the Comptroller's Books; praying the Assembly to take order thereon; which being read, was referred to the Committee to whom was referred the accounts of General Rutherford, and sent to the House of Commons.

Recd. from the House of Commons the Memorial of Mr. Josiah Parker, of Virginia. Endorsed, read and referred to the Committee to whom was referred the Memorial of Messrs. Stanleys; which being read, was referred in like manner and returned.

Recd. likewise the following Bills, to-wit:

The Bill to amend an Act for establishing a Town on the lands of Richard Evans, by the name of Martinborough, passed at New Bern, 1771; also another act to amend the before recited Act passed at New Bern in 1774.

A Bill to amend an Act for making provision for the poor, and A Bill to amend an act entitled "an Act for the better observation of the Lord's day commonly called Sunday." Each endorsed, read the first time and passed.

Ordered that these Bills be read, which being read, the first and second were passed the second time & returned, and the third was rejected.

Recd. likewise the Bill to impower Commissioners therein mentioned to sell the Palace and Public Lotts belonging to the same, in the Town of New Bern; which being read, ordered that Mr. Macon and Mr. Coor have leave to withdraw the Bill for amendment.

On motion agreed that Mr. Campbell have leave to absent himself from the service of this House after Wednesday next.

Recd. from the House of Commons the Bill to amend an act passed at New Bern in 1784, entitled "an Act to describe and ascertain such persons who owed allegiance to this State, and to impose certain disqualifications on certain persons therein described. Endorsed, read the first time and passed.

Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was amended, passed the second time and returned.

The following Clause of the said Bill to-wit:

"Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that every person who at any time since the nineteenth day of April, 1775, attached himself to,or intentionally corresponded with or in any manner aided or abetted the enemies of this State in prosecuting the late War, shall be incapable of holding or exercising the Office of Governor, Councillor of State, Delegate in Congress, Judge, or Justice of the Peace, Member of the General Assembly, or any office of Honor, Profit or Trust in this State," being read, a motion was made and seconded that the words nineteenth day of April, 1775, should be struck out of this clause and the words fourth day of July, 1776, inserted in the place thereof; this being objected to the question was put when the House being equally divided the Speaker decided in favour of the proposed amendment.

So the words nineteenth day of April, 1775, were deled and the words fourth day of July, 1776, inserted; whereupon,

On motion of General Rutherford, seconded by Mr. Brown, ordered that the yeas and nays be taken on this question which were as follows, vizt.:

In favour of the proposed amendment-Mr. Coor, Mr. Riddick, Mr. Harget, Mr. Easton, Mr. Williams, Mr. T. Armstrong, Mr. Bledsoe, Mr. Parsons, Mr. Bryan, Mr. Gillispie, Mr. Battle, Mr. Macon, Mr. McCullock, Mr. Hines, Mr. Wynns, Mr. Lewis and Mr. McCawley.-17.

Against the proposed amendment-Mr. Harrington, Mr. I. Miller, Mr. Jones, Mr. Herndon, Mr. Etheridge, Mr. Griffin, General Ramsey, Mr. Payne, Mr. Sharpe, General Rutherford, Mr. Harris, Mr. Alexander, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Brown, Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Spicer and General Harrington.-17.

Recd. likewise the Bill to amend the law relative to attachment of property. Endorsed, read the first time and passed.

Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was rejected. On motion, agreed that Mr. Macon have leave to absent himself from the service of this House after Saturday next.

Adjourned till Monday morning 9 o'clock.

The House met.

MONDAY, 19 December, 1785.

Mr. Gillispie moved for leave and presented a Bill for establishing a Militia in this State, which was read, passed the first time and sent to the House of Commons.

Recd. from the House of Commons the Bill to vest the Title of a piece or parcel of land lying in Granville County in James Cash and his Heirs, in fee simple. Endorsed, read the first time and passed.

Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was passed the second time and returned.

The Bill for impowering the Court of Randolph County to adjourn to the place which they shall think most convenient for holding the same, was read the third time, passed and sent to the House of Commons.

Recd. from the House of Commons the Bill to alter the place of holding the County Court of Beaufort County from Bath to the Town of Washington in the said County and to erect a new Court House, Prison, Pillory and Stocks in said County. Endorsed, read the second time and passed.

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