quire, and the Resolve of this House in favour of Andrew Bostian, decd. Respectively endorsed, read and concurred with. Mr. J. Armstrong presented the resignation of Salathiel Martin, as one of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Surry, which was read, accepted and sent to the House of Commons. Recd. fom the House of Commons the resignation of John Johnston, as Major of the Rowan Regiment of Militia. Endorsed, read and accepted. Recd. likewise the following message, to-wit: Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen : This House cannot concur with the reports of the Committees; the one on the Memorial of George Alston and the other on the Pe tition of Mercy Bedford as they stand, but propose that they be recommitted. This proposition being read, ordered that the following message be sent to the House of Commons: Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen : We agree for the Petition of Mr. George Alston and the Memorial of Mercy Bedford to be again committed. Recd. fom the House of Commons the Claim of George Hicks. Endorsed, read and referred as by the Senate. Recd. likewise the following message: Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen: We do not concur with the report of the Committee of Propositions and Grievances on the Claim of John Bartholomew and Edwin Harris, but propose that they be recommitted. This proposition being read, ordered that the following message be sent to the House of Commons: Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen: We agree that the Claims of John Bartholomew and Edwin Harris be again committed. Recd. fom the House of Commons the Report of the Committee of Propositions and Grievances on the Petition of Mrs. Hannah Davis. Endorsed, read and concurred with. Mr. Clinton presented the resignation of Rice Blackman, as one of the Justice of the Peace for the County of Sampson, which was read, accepted and sent to the House of Commons. Mr. Sharpe presented the resignation of Windsor Peace, as one of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Randolph, which was read, accepted and sent to the House of Commons. Recd. from the House of Commons the following Bills, vizt.: The Bill to impower the Commissioners of the Town of Edenton to convey part of the Town Common to the Trustees of Smith's Academy. The Bill for securing literary property. The Bill to impower the County Wardens of the Poor for the Counties therein mentioned, to build Houses in their respective Counties for the reception of the Poor, and other purposes. The Bill to amend an Act entitled "an Act for opening the land office, and other purposes." The Bill to amend "an Act to empower the County Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of the several Counties in this State to order the laying out of public roads, and to establish and settle ferries, and to appoint where bridges shall be built, and to clear inland Rivers and Creeks." The Bill for impowering the County Courts of Johnston and Duplin to levy a further tax on the Inhabitants of said Counties for defraying the expence of building the Court House, Prison and Stocks in the same. The Bill to impower the Justices of Hertford and Tyrrell Counties to establish free ferries in the said Counties and to lay a tax for defaying the charges of the same; and The Bill for the relief of the Officers, Soldiers and Seamen who have been disabled in the service of the United States during the late war. Each and every of them endorsed, read the third time and passed. Ordered that these Bills be read, which being read, were passed the third and last time by this House. Adjourned till To-morrow morning 9 o'clock. THURSDAY, 25 December, 1785. The House met. On motion of Mr. Gillispie, seconded by Mr. Macon, ordered that the following message be sent to the House of Commons: Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen: We propose that the Councillor yet to be made choice of be ballotted for at 4 of the Clock this Evening, and nominate Dr. King and Spyers Singleton, Esquire. Recd. from the House of Commons a Bill to direct the proceedings of proving Wills and granting letters of administration. Endorsed, read the first time and passed. Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was passed the first time and returned. Recd. likewise the following Bills, to-wit: A Bill increasing the jurisdiction of the County Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, and of the Justices of the Peace out of Court, and directing the times of holding the several Courts in this State; and A Bill for erecting the Counties of Richmond, Johnston, Cumberland, Sampson and Moore into one district, and appointing a Superior Court of Law and Equity to be held for the said Counties, and for altering the times for holding the Courts of the said Counties, within the said District, and for erecting a District Court House and Gaol. Respectively endorsed, read the first time and passed. Ordered that these Bills be read, which being read, the former passed the first time & returned and the latter was rejected. Recd. also the Bill to appoint and enable Abner Nash, Esquire, to collect and publish in one or more volumes all the Acts of the General Assembly, which are now in force in this State. Endorsed, read the second time, amended and passed. Ordered that this Bill be again read, which being read, was rejected. On motion of Mr. John Armstrong, ordered that the following message be sent to the House of Commons: Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen: It is the opinion of this House that a new Dedimus issue to the County of Surry for the qualification of the Gentlemen named in the list herewith sent you, as Justices of the Peace for the said County. Adjourned till 4 of the Clock P. M. Met according to adjournment. On motion of General Ramsey, seconded by Mr. Riddick, Resolved, That Mr. Coor, Mr. Moore, General Harrington, Mr. Macon, Mr. Spicer and Mr. Lewis be added to the Committee appointed to report on the Treasurer's accounts, and that the House of Commons have notice hereof by the following message: Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen: We have added Mr. Coor, Mr. Moore, General Harrington, Mr. Macon, Mr. Spicer, and Mr. Lewis to the Committee appointed to consider of and report on the Public Treasurer's Account. Adjourned till To-morrow morning 9 o'clock. The House met. FRIDAY, 16 December, 1785. Pursuant to a former order on that head the Bill for increasing the number of Judges for dividing the Superior Courts into different Circuits for establishing a Court for the decision of appeals, Writs of Error, and matters of Law, and Causes in Equity, was read, amended, passed the first time and sent to the House of Commons. Recd. fom the House of Commons the following Bills, to-wit: A Bill to impose certain taxes on Law Proceedings. A Bill to extend the line between Burke and Rutherford Counties, and A Bill directing that Marriage Settlements, Contracts, &c., shall be registered. Respectively endorsed, read the first time and passed Ordered that these Bills be read, which being read, were passed the first time and returned. Recd. likewise the following Bills, vizt.: The Bill for establishing an Academy at Kinston, in the County of Dobbs; and The Bill to establish a Superior Court of Law and Equity in the County of Davidson. Each endorsed, read the first time and passed. Ordered that these Bills be read, which being read, were amended, passed the second time and returned. Mr. Macon presented the Memorial of Charles McDowell, Esquire, Brigadier General of the District of Morgan, setting forth that a large sum of money appears to have been drawn by Colonel Hugh Brevard and Colonel John Carter, for the purpose of paying Soldiers Bounties for which as Commanding Officer he stands charged on the Comptroller's Books, which being read, was referred to the Committee appointed to report on the Treasurer's accounts and sent to the House of Commons. On motion, Resolved, That Mr. Herndon be added to the Committee last mentioned, and that the following message be sent to the House of Commons: Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen: We have added to the Committee appointed to report on the Treasurer's accounts, Mr. Herndon. Recd. from the House of Commons the resignations of Rice Blackman and Salathiel Martin, as Justices of the Peace, the former for Sampson and the latter for Surry County. Endorsed, read and accepted. General Rutherford, from the Committee to whom was recommitted the Memorial of George Alston, reported as followeth, vizt.: It appearing to your Committee, that doubts may arise in future with respect to Mr. Alston being entitled to the privileges of a free Citizen, we recommend his case as a singular one, and that he be restored to all the rights of Citizenship; that it also appears to your Committee, the said George Alston did before his departure to Europe, give unto a certain Mary Alston Bell, a Tract or Parcel of Land lying in Granville County, containing about two hundred and seventy Acres, which the said George purchased of Malachi Reeves and Ann Hopkins, also a negro Boy named Cæsar; on which your Committee recommend that a Bill be brought in to vest in the said ary Alston Bell the title of the said Land and Negro; observing always that nothing herein is meant to restore the said Alston to any Estate or any part thereof forfeited to the public by any of the confiscation Laws. All which is submitted. GRIFFITH RUTHERFORD, Ch. 1 The House taking this report into consideration, Resolved, That they do concur therewith, and ordered that it be sent to the House of Commons. Recd. from the House of Commons a Bill for emitting one hundred thousand pounds paper Currency for the purposes therein expressed. Endorsed, read the first time and passed. |