The House taking this Report into consideration, Resolved, That they do concur therewith; Whereupon, Mr. Gillispie moved for leave and presented a Bill to vest a Piece or parcel of land lying in Granville County, in James Cash and his Heirs in Fee Simple; which was read the first time, passed and sent to the House of Commons. On motion of General Rutherford, seconded by Mr. McCawley, Resolved, That General Harrington, Mr. Lightfoot, Mr. Coor, Mr. McCullock, and Mr. Brown, be a Committee on the part of this House to prepare and bring in a Bill to amend and explain the ambiguities in the confiscation Laws, respecting the sales of property made under them; and that the following message be sent to the House of Commons: Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen: We propose that a joint Committee be appointed to prepare and bring in a Bill to amend and explain the ambiguities in the confiscation Laws, respecting the sales of property made under them; and have for that purpose on our part appointed General Harrington, Mr. Lightfoot, Mr. Coor, Mr. McCullock and Mr. Brown a Committee. On motion of Mr. Macon, it was ordered that pursuant to the order of the day of Thursday last, the Bill for levying a Tax for the support of Government and to continue the redemption of Continental money, old Paper, Currency, Specie and other certificates, be read, which being accordingly read was amended, passed the second time and sent to the House of Commons. Recd. from the House of Commons the Report of the Comptroller of the public accounts of the State, addressed to the General Assembly pursuant to their resolve on that head, accompanied by his statement of the accounts of this State against the Continent. Endorsed, read and referred to the Committee appointed to report on the Treasurer's accounts; which being read, was referred as by the House of Commons. General Harrington to whom was committed for amendment, the Bill impowering the Commissioners appointed to settle the accounts between the United States and the State of North Carolina, or the Creditors of the United States with the same; to call witnesses and to examine the same upon Oath or affirmation touching the same accounts, delivered in the said Bill; which being read as by him amended, was passed the second time and ordered to be engrossed. General Harrington presented the Memorial and account of General Rutherford, setting forth that on the Books of the Comptroller of the public accounts, there appeared to be a balance due from him to the public, for which he had in truth heretofore accounted, which Memorial and account being read were referred to a special Committee; the members chosen on the part of this House were General Harrington, Mr. McCawley and Mr. Gillispie; which being done this Memorial and account were sent to the House of Commons. Whereas, it hath been made appear to the General Assembly that sundry Waggons and Teams were sent to or with the Continental line of this State to South Carolina, which were not fit for service and which were ordered to be sold by the Commanding Officer of the said line for Army settlements; Be it therefore, Resolved, That the Treasurer be required and impowered to receive Army settlement Certificates in payment of the Bonds given for the Waggons and Teams sold by order of the Commanding Officer as aforesaid. Ordered that this Resolve be sent to the House of Commons for Concurrence. Mr. Bledsoe moved for leave and presented a Bill to establish a Superior Court of Law and Equity in the County of Davidson, which was read the first time, passed and sent to the House of Com mons. Recd. from the House of Commons the Memorial and Account of General Rutherford. Endorsed, read and referred to Mr. Skinner, Mr. Lock, Mr. McKissick and Mr. Person. Recd. likewise the Bill for altering the place of holding the County Court of Beaufort County from Bath to the Town of Washington in said County, and to erect a Court House, Prison, Stocks and Pillory in said County. Endorsed, read the first time and passed. Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was passed the first time and returned. General Rutherford moved for leave and presented a Bill to enable the Public Treasurer more effectually to recover public monies that are now due, or hereafter may become due, which was read the first time, passed and sent to the House of Commons. Recd. from the House of Commons a Bill for the relief of the Widows and Children of Officers who have died in the service of the United States. Endorsed, read the first time and passed. Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was passed the first time and returned. Recd. likewise the Memorial of Doctor Charles Pasteur. Endorsed, read and referred to a joint Committee; the members appointed on the part of the House of Commons are Doctor Williamson, Mr. P. Hawkins and Mr. Ben Williams; which being read, was on the part of this House, referred to Mr. Payne, Mr. Alexander and Mr. Hill. Recd. also a Bill for appointing Commissioners in the County of Rutherford, for building a Court House, Prison and Stocks in the said County, and for levying a tax for defraying the expence thereof. Endorsed, read the first time and passed. Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was passed the second time and returned. Mr. Coor presented the Petition of Edward McNeal, which was read and referred to the Committee of Propositions and Grievances, and sent to the House of Commons. Recd. from the House of Commons the following Bills, to-wit: A Bill for recovering part of the Artillery belonging to this State, and The Bill to prevent the distillation from Spirituous Liquors from Grain, in the County of Davidson. Each endorsed, read the first time and passed. Ordered that these Bills be read, which being read were, passed, the former the first and the latter the second time and returned. Mr. Easton moved for leave and presented a Bill to encourage the Destruction of Bears, Wolves and other Wild and destructive Creatures in the several Counties within this State, which was read the first time and sent to the House of Commons. Recd from the House of Commons a Bill for confirming Titles to Lands therein Described. Endorsed, read the first time and passed. Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was passed the first time and returned. Recd. likewise the following Bills, vizt.: The Bill for erecting a Town on the lands of Whitmill Hill, Esquire, in Martin County. The Bill to amend an act to establish the Town of Morgan and to direct the building a Court House and Prison in the same, for the District of Morgan; and The Bill to establish a Town in the Fork of Cumberland and Red River, on the East side of Red River, in Davidson County. Respectively endorsed, read the second time and passed. Ordered that these Bills be read, which being read, were passed the second time and ordered to be Engrossed. Mr. Gillispie, from the Committee of Propositions and Grievances to whom was referred the Petition of Mercy Bedford, reported as followeth, vizt.: That after mature deliberation on the premises the Committee are of opinion that she be impowered to dispose of the personal Estate, or so much thereof as she may think most expedient for the support of herself and children; also to collect the debts due to her Husband, Jonas Bedford, and that the landed Estate of said Jonas be vested in the Heirs, Male and Female, of the said Jonas and Mercy Bedford. JAMES GILLISPIE, Ch. The House taking this Report into consideration, Resolved, That they do concur therewith and ordered that it be sent to the House of Commons. Mr. Gillispie, from the Committee of Propositions and Grievances, to whom was referred the Petition of William King, delivered in the following Report, vizt.: That on considering the different matters alluded to in the said Petition, your Committee find that the Petitioner in the Month of November, 1780, did furnish Mr. Dodd, Commissioner of Specific Supplies for the County of Duplin, Fifty-five head of Good Beef Cattle, worth four pounds Specie per head, for which Mr. Dodd was to pay him Cash in a short time. That it appears also to your Committee that the greater part of the said Cattle were purchased on credit by Mr. King, for the payment of which sums he is much embarrassed. That it also appears to your Committee that the sum of two hundred and twenty pounds is a balance which still remains unpaid to your Petitioner, and will add much to his inconveniences, being a man of small property. All which is submitted. JAMES GILLISPIE, Ch. The House taking this Report into consideration, Resolved, That they do concur therewith. Mr. Gillispie, from the Committee of Propositions and Grievances, likewise delivered in the following report on the Petition of Mr. John Walker, vizt.: That it appears to your Committee that Mr. Walker put five negro men slaves into the public service under the Command of Florence McCarthy, acting Deputy Quarter Master at Wilmington, to be employed in conveying public Stores from the Town, on the approach of part of the British army under the command of Major Craig; that after the said slaves continued in the service some time Mr. Walker sent a certain Wm. Sharpless to demand the said slaves and was refused by the said McCarthy; and it appears form the certificates of the said Florence McCarthy that said Negroes were lost in the service; for which five negroes Mr. Walker charges seven hundred and fifty pounds. All which is submitted. JAMES GILLISPIE, Ch. The House taking this report into consideration, Resolved, That it is the opinion of this House, that no allowance be made for the negroes above mentioned. Mr. Hill moved for leave and presented a Bill to impower the Commissioners therein mentioned, to sell the palace and public Lotts to the same, belonging in the Town of New Bern; which was read the first time, passed and sent to the House of Commons. Recd. from the House of Commons the following Bills, to-wit: The Bill to establish the town laid off at Guilford Court House by the name of Martinville. The Bill for dividing the County of Guilford, and The Bill for establishing a town on the lands of Mial Scurlock, decd., in Chatham County. Endorsed, read the first time and passed. Ordered that these Bills be read, which being read, were passed the third and last time in this House. General Harrington presented the Claim of George Hicks against the public, which being read, was referred to the Committee of Claims and sent to the House of Commons. Recd. fom the House of Commons the Bill for the promotion of |