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Mr. Stephen Miller, the Member for the County of Anson, appeared, presented his certificate, qualified agreeably to Law and took his seat.

Recd. from the House of Commons the Petition of Robert Simms. Endorsed, read and referred to the Committe of Propositions and Grievances; which being read, was referred in like manner and


Recd. likewise the Memorial of George Alston. Endorsed, referred on the part of the House of Commons of Mr. P. Hawkins, Mr. Williamson, and Mr. Skinner; which being read was, on the part of this House, referred to Mr. Lewis, Mr. Hill, Mr. Moore and General Rutherford.

Recd. also the Petition of sundry persons in favour of Thomas Garrett. Endorsed in the House of Commons, read and referred to a joint Committee; the members appointed on the part of this House are Mr. Maclaine, Mr. Avery, and Mr. Hay; which being read was, on the part of the Senate, referred to General Skinner and Mr. Riddick.

Recd. from the House of Commons the Report of the Committee of Propositions and Grievances on the Petition of Ambrose Remsey, Esquire. Endorsed, read and concurred with.

Recd. likewise the following Resolutions, vizt.:

The Resolve recommending to the Grand Committee to sit from day to day, &c., and

A Resolve for the Non-admission of Bills of a Private Nature after Saturday next; which being read, were concurred with and returned.

Recd. also the Bill to preclude certain foreigners therein mentioned from holding Office of profit or trust in this State, unless for meritorious services. Endorsed in the House of Commons, read the first time and passed.

Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was passed the second time and returned.

Recd. from the House of Commons the following Resolutions, to-wit:

The resolve of this House of the 3rd Inst., requesting his Excellency the Governor, to grant Warrants in favour of the late Auditors as therein mentioned.

The Resolve of this House of yesterday declaring Robert Norris of Franklin County, no longer a Justice of the Peace for the said County, and

The Resolve of this House for suspending Thomas Espy of Lincoln County, from the Execution of the Office of a Justice of the Peace for said County. Each and every of them endorsed in the House of Commons, concurred with.

Recd. likewise the Bill to impower the several County Courts within this State to establish and lay off towns at their discretion. Endorsed, read the first time and passed.

Ordered that this Bill be read, the same being read, was rejected. Recd. from the House of Commons a Resolution of that Body requiring the late Governors of this State (who have not as yet rendered their accounts) and others, to lay them before this Assembly for their Inspection; which being read, was concurred with and returned

Recd. likewise the Bill for altering the place for holding Courts and other public meetings in the County of Wayne, and for removing the Court House and Prison from West Point to where John Fleetwood now lives. Endorsed in the House of Commons, read the first time and passed.

Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was rejected; Whereupon,

On motion of Mr. Mooring, seconded by Mr. Battle, ordered that the yeas and nays be taken on the question, which were as follows, vizt.:

For the passage of this Bill-Mr. Warrington, Mr. Easton, Mr. Relf, Mr. Griffin, Mr. Williams, Mr. Mooring, Mr. McCawley, Mr. Moore, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Payne, Mr. J. Armstrong, Mr. Bledsoe, Mr. Sharpe, Mr. Hill, General McDowell and Mr. Lightfoot.-16.

Against the passage of this Bill and for rejecting it-Mr. Coor, Mr. Herritage, Mr. Miller, Mr. Harget, General Gregory, Mr. Riddick, Mr. Herndon, Mr. Etheridge, General Ramsey, Mr. Clinton, Mr. Gillispie, Mr. Harris, Mr. Alexander, Mr. Bryan, Mr. Parsons, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Battle, Mr. Macon, Mr. Hines, General Skinner, Mr. Hawkins, General Rutherford, Mr. Spicer, Mr. T. Armstrong, Mr. Wynns, General Harrington and Mr. S. Miller.-27.

So this Bill was rejected.

Mr. Lightfoot and General Harrington, according to order, presented the Bill to amend an act passed at Hillsborough the 27th of October, 1784, Entitled "an Act for appointing Collectors of the Imposts at the several Ports of the State, and for regulating the duty of Naval Officers, the Officers of the Customs and Masters of Vessels as by them amended," which being read with the amendments, was passed the first time and returned to the House of Com


Recd. from the House of Commons an additional Bill to an Act entitled "an act for raising a public revenue for the support of Government;" and to repeal an act entitled "an Act to suppress excessive gaming. Endorsed, read the first time and passed.

Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was amended, passed the second time and returned.

Recd. likewise the report of the joint Committee to whom was referred the Petition of Mr. William Linton. Endorsed in the House of Commons, read and concurred with; which being read was concurred with and returned.

Received also a Bill for levying a Tax for the support of Government, and to continue the redemption of Continental Money, old paper Currency, Specie and other Certificates. Endorsed, read the first time and passed.

Ordered that this Bill lie on the Table till Saturday next and that it be then read for the second time in this House.

Recd. from the House of Commons a Bill for the Inspection of Tobacco in the Town of Nashville. Endorsed in the House of Commons, read the first time and passed.

Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was passed the first time and returned.

Mr. Lewis presented the Claims of William Webb and Conyers White, which being read were, on the part of this House, referred to General Harrington, Genl. Rutherford, Mr. Bryan and Mr. Macon and sent to the House of Commons.

Mr. Riddick moved for leave and presented a Bill to amend an act for making provision for the poor; which was read the first time, passed and sent to the House of Commons.

Recd. from the House of Commons the Petition of Doctor Robert T. Hornby of South Carolina. Endorsed, read and referred to the Committee on his Excellency the Governor's message, and State Papers; which being read was referred in like manner and returned. Mr. Gillispie moved for leave and presented the Petition of William King of Sampson County, which being read, was on motion of Mr. Gillispie, seconded by Mr. Lightfoot, referred to the Committee of Propositions and Grievances and sent to the House of Commons.

Recd. from the House of Commons the Bill to impower the Justices of Tyrrell and Hertford Counties to establish Free Ferries in the said County and lay a tax for defraying the charges thereof. Endorsed, read the second time and passed.

Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read was amended by consent of the House of Commons, passed the second time and ordered to be Engrossed.

Recd. by way of the House of Commons a Message from His Excellency the Governor, addressed to the General Assembly, covering a letter from the Honourable John Sitgreaves, Esquire, one of the Delegates of this State in Congress, informing the Governor he will endeavour to serve a tour as such in the course of the present year and requesting that he would cause his name to be withdrawn from the nomination of Delegates to represent this State in Congress the next year, as his serving longer than one tour would interfere and injure too much his domestic concerns.

The message and letter above mentioned being read were ordered to be filed.

Recd. fom the House of Commons the Bill for adding part of Craven County to Dobbs County. Endorsed, read the first time and passed.

Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was passed the second time and returned.

Recd. likewise the Bill impowering the Commissioner appointed to settle the Accounts between the United States and the State of North Carolina, or the Creditors of the United States within the same, to call Witnesses and examine the same upon oath or affirmation touching the said Accounts. Endorsed, read the first time and passed.

On motion, ordered that General Harrington have leave to take out this Bill for amendment.

Mr. Lightfoot presented the Petition of Mr. Curtis Ivey relative to certain lands in Duplin County which being read, it was ordered that Mr. Lightfoot have leave to prepare and bring in a Bill granting the prayer of the said Petition.

Recd. from the House of Commons a Bill for incorporating the protestant Presbyterian Church of Wilmington. Endorsed, read the first time and passed.

Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was passed the first time and returned.

Recd. likewise a Resolve of the House of Commons requesting His Excellency the Governor, to lay before the General Assembly a List of Warrants by him granted on the Treasury; which being read was concurred with and returned.

Recd. also the following message:

Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen:

We propose that both Houses of the Legislature adjourn till tomorrow at 3 of the Clock in the Evening, in order to make way for the Committee who have the public papers under their consideration. to prepare such business as arises out of them for the consideration of the Assembly.

This Message being read this House adjourned till to-morrow 3 of the Clock, P. M.

The House met.

FRIDAY, 9 December, 1785.

When, agreeably to the Proposition of this House of the sixth Inst. concurred in by the House of Commons, they proceeded to the Conference Room where the ballots of both Houses were taken by the Gentlemen for that purpose appointed; which being done, Mr. Coor and Mr. Macon returned and reported as follows, to-wit:

That His Excellency Richard Caswell, Esquire, was elected Governor of the State for the ensuing year by a large majority of the votes of the General Assembly.

That James Glasgow, Esquire, was elected Secretary of the State. That the Honourable Abner Nash, William Blount, Robert Burton, Charles Johnson, Timothy Bloodworth, and Nathaniel Macon, Esquires, were chosen Delegates, and

That Memucan Hunt, Esquire, was appointed public Treasurer for the State.

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