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as one of the Justices of the Peace for Bladen County, which being read, was accepted and ordered to be sent to the House of Commons. Received from the House of Commons the Petition of Abraham Markoe. Endorsed, referred to the Committee of Propositions and Grievances; which being read, were referred in like manner and returned.

Recd. likewise the Petition of George Laine Moore. Endorsed, referred to the Committee to whom his other Petition was referred; which being read, was referred in like manner and returned.

Recd. from the House of Commons a Bill for securing literary property. Endorsed, read the second time, amended and passed. Ordered that this Bill be read for the second time in this House To-morrow.

Adjourned till To-morrow morning 9 o'clock.

The House met.

TUESDAY, 29 November, 1785.

Mr. Macon presented the resignation of Thomas Turner as one of the Justices of the Peace for Warren County, which being read, was accepted and sent to the House of Commons.

Recd. from the House of Commons the Resolution of this House in favour of Robert Hightower. Endorsed, read and concurred with.

Recd. likewise the Memorial of Andrew Bass. Endorsed in the House of Commons, referred on the part of this House to Mr. Phifer, Mr. Oliver, Mr. Pasteur, Mr. Dodd and Mr. Williamson.

Recd. also the report of the Committee on the Petition of Mrs. Margaret Balfour. Endorsed, read and concurred with.

On motion of Mr. Macon, seconded by Mr. Armstrong, Resolved, That the House proceed in the order of the day; pursuant to which, The Bill for securing literary property was read the second time, amended by consent of the House of Commons, passed and ordered to be engrossed.

Mr. Brown presented the record of a Court called in the County of Bladen for the Tryal of a negro man slave, belonging to the estate of George Gibbs, deceased, which being read was, on motion of Mr. Macon, seconded by Mr. Brown, referred to the Committee of Claims and ordered to be sent to the House of Commons.

Mr. Lightfoot, agreeably to order, presented the Bill to empower the Wardens of the Poor of Northampton County to build a House or Houses in the said County for the reception of the Poor and other purposes, as by him amended; which being read, was passed the first time and sent to the House of Commons.

Mr. Gillispie, according to order, presented the Bill to impower David Vance, late Commissioner of Burke County, to collect the specific supplies assessed upon the Inhabitants of the said County for the years 1780 and 1781, which have not been already collected, as amended by the Committee; which being read with the amendments, was passed the first time and sent to the House of Commons.

Recd. from the House of Commons the representation of Mr. Hezekiah Alexander. Endorsed, read and referred to the Committee of Propositions and Grievances; which being read, were referred in like manner and returned.

Recd. likewise the Memorial of William Walker; the Petition of Justices and Militia Officers of Rutherford County in favour of Lodowick Wray; The Petition of Mercy Bendford; the Repre sentation of a Committee of Mecklenburgh County relative to the settlement of the Sheriff of said County with the Treasurer; and and the resignation of William Gray McDonnell. Respectively endorsed, read and referred as by the Senate; except the one last mentioned which was endorsed, read and accepted.

Mr. McCullock presented the Claim of Captain Robert Fenner against the public, which being read, on motion of Mr. McCulloch, seconded by Mr. Hill,

Resolved, That Captain Robert Fenner, of the late North Carolina Line, be allowed the sum of thirty-five pounds four shillings current money of the State, in full for that sum by him expended in Board and Wages when he had the charge of the State Cloathing; that the Treasurer pay him the same and be allowed therefor in the settlement of his public accounts.

Ordered that this Resolve be sent to the House of Commons for their Concurrence.

Recd. from the House of Commons the following messages: Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen:

We decline for the present a concurrence with your message as to the appointment of a Committee for burning the old emission of Bills as we conceive those Bills ought regularly to pass into the Treasurer's or Comptroller's office, and a state of their amount laid by those officers respectively before the General Assembly when, in the opinion of this House, the appointment of such Committee may be extremely proper.

Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen:

We have received your message proposing a second Committee of Propositions and Grievances with which we do not concur, from a supposition that the business which properly comes before such a Committee can be timely compleated by that already appointed.

General Rutherford presented a Record of the Superior Court of Hillsborough District, relative to a suit in the said Court wherein Mr. Absalom Tatom was Plaintiff and John Armstrong, Esquire, Defendant; which being read was, on motion of Mr. Macon, seconded by Mr. Hill, referred to a special Committee; the members chosen on the part of this House were Mr. Coor, Mr. Lightfoot, General Gregory and Mr. Macon; whereupon the Record was sent to the House of Commons.

Mr. Macon moved for leave and presented a Bill for levying a Tax for the support of Government and to continue the redemption of Continental money, old paper currency, Specie and other Certificates, which was read the first time, passed and sent to the House of Commons.

Mr. Easton presented the resignation of George Bell as one of the Justices of the Peace for Carteret County, which being read, was accepted and sent to the House of Commons.

General McDowell moved for leave and presented a Bill empowering the Court of Randolph County to adjourn to the place which they shall think most convenient for holding the same; which was read the first time, passed and sent to the House of Commons.

On motion of Mr. Gillispie, seconded by Mr. Armstrong, Resolved, That the Committee to whom were referred the messages from His Excellency the Governor, and the public dispatches accompanying them, be directed to make report of the progress they have made in the business committed to their consideration, and that they bring in such Bills as they have already prepared relative to the subject matter of such dispatches, to-morrow morning.

Ordered that this Resolve be sent to the House of Commons for their concurrence.

Mr. Clinton presented the Petition of James Kenan which being read was, on motion of Mr. Clinton, seconded by Mr. Gillispie, referred to the Committee of Propositions and Grievances & orderea to be sent to the House of Commons.

Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.

(The record of several days seems to have been lost.)

MONDAY, 5 December, 1785.

The House met.

Sundry papers being read relative to the Accounts of Mr. Drury Gee, late Sheriff of Northampton County,

Resolved, That the Treasurer of this State be and he is hereby directed to settle the Accounts of Drury Gee, late Sheriff of Northampton County, agreeably to Law, giving him, the said Gee, all just credits; notwithstanding any proceedings which may heretofore have been had on this head by any former Assembly.

Ordered that this resolve be sent to the House of Commons for Concurrence.

On motion of Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Hill, ordered that the following message be sent to the House of Commons: Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen:

The Senate have appointed Mr. Hill, Mr. Macon, General McDowell, and Mr. Brown a Committee, who will act jointly with such of your body as may be appointed, to receive from the public Treasurer and from the late District Treasurers all such old Dollar Money as may be handed them together with such of the Bills of the late emission as may be too much worn for further circulation and cause that the same be destroyed, and make report of their proceedings herein.

General Gregory, from the Committee of Privileges and Elections, to whom were referred such papers laid before this House by General Harrington, as were relative to Mr. Samuel Parsons, a Member of the Senate, delivered in a Report, which being read and debated was rejected.

Recd. by way of the House of Commons a Message of the 3rd Inst. from His Excellency the Governor, addressed to the General Assembly together with sundry papers enclosed. Endorsed, in the House of Commons, read and referred with its enclosures to the Committee to whom was referred His Excellency's former message and State papers, which being read was, together with its enclosures, referred as by the House of Commons and returned.

Mr. McCawley moved for leave and presented a Bill for establishing a Town on the lands of Thomas Relf, which was read the first time and passed.

General Rutherford moved for leave and presented a Bill to establish a Town on the Lands of Thomas Dougan in the County of Randolph, which was read the first time, passed and together with the Bill last mentioned, sent to the House of Commons.

Mr. Mooring moved for leave and presented a Bill for altering the place for holding Court and other public meetings in the County of Wayne and for removing the Court House and Prison from West Point to where John Fleetwood now lives; which was read the first time, passed and sent to the House of Commons.

Mr. Herritage moved for leave and presented a Bill for adding part of Craven County to Dobbs County, which was read the first time, passed and sent to the House of Commons.

Mr. Macon moved for leave and presented a Bill to impower the several County Courts within this State to establish and lay off Towns at their discretion; which was read the first time, passed and sent to the House of Commons.

General Rutherford moved for leave and presented a Bill to preclude certain foreigners therein mentioned from holding any office of profit or trust in this State, unless for meritorious services; which was read the first time, passed and sent to the House of Com


On motion of Mr. Gillispie, seconded by General Gregory, Resolved, That Mr. Gillispie, General Rutherford, General Gregory and General Harrington be a Committee on the part of this House to prepare and bring in a Bill for establishing a Militia in this State; Whereupon,

Ordered that the following message be sent to the House of Com


Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen:

The Senate have appointed Mr. Gillispie, General Gregory, Gen

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