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Mr. Gillispie, from the Committee, also delivered in a Report on the Petition of Mrs. Fields, which being read and debated was rejected, whereupon,

On motion of Mr. Macon, seconded by Mr. Hill, ordered that a Bill be introduced in conformity to the recommendation of Randolph County Court granting the Petition of the said Fields.

Received from the House of Commons a Bill for dividing Bladen County. Endorsed, read the first time and passed. Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read & debated was, on motion of General Rutherford, seconded by Mr. Brown, rejected.

Mr. Sharpe, pursuant to the order of this day, moved for leave and presented a Bill for vesting certain lands and other Estates in Randolph County in Ann Fields, Wife of William Fields, and the Heirs of said William and Ann Fields in fee simple, which was read the first time, passed and sent to the House of Commons.

Mr. Gillispie presented the Memorial of Andrew Bass, which being read, together with the proceedings of a Committee of the last General Assembly relative to the subject matter of the said Memorial was, on motion of Mr. Gillispie, seconded by Mr. Armstrong, referred to a special Committee, the members chosen on the part of this House were Mr. McCullock, Mr. Lewis, General Skinner and Mr. Clinton.

General Gregory, from the Committee of Privileges and Elections, delivered in the following report, vizt.:

The Committee to whom was referred the Petition of Richard Dobbs Spaight, Esquire, against the legality of Mr. James Coor holding a seat in the Senate, do report:

That they duly considered the same and find that Mr. Coor is a Naval Officer for Port Beaufort, that he formerly did receive Stakeage or Tonnage Duty for which it appears that he hath settled according to Law; that he acted as Warden of the Poor for Craven County and hath settled for and paid the Monies by him received for that purpose, for both of which he produced his accounts and vouchers, and further it is the opinion of your Committee that there is no just cause against Mr. Coor to deprive him of his seat in the Senate as a member for the County of Craven, there being no law in force to the contrary. All which is submitted.


The House taking the said report into consideration, Resolved unanimously, that they do concur therewith.

Recd. from the House of Commons the Petition of Mr. John Walker. Endorsed, read and referred to the Committee of Propositions and Grievances, which being read, was referred in like manner and returned.

Received likewise the Petiton of Mr. Benjamin Jones. Endorsed, read and referred to a joint Committee, the members chosen by the Commons are Mr. Starkey, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Person, Mr. Ashe and Mr. Ferebee. This Petition being read was, on the part of the Senate, referred to General Rutherford, Mr. McCulloch and Mr. Coor and returned.

Recd. also the Petition of Mr. William Linton. Endorsed, read and referred to the Committee appointed to consider of Benj. Jones' Petition; which being read, was referred in like manner and re


Recd. from the House of Commons the resignation of John Bell and William Kirkpatrick the former as one of the Justices of the Peace for Brunswick County, and the latter as one of the Justices of the Peace for Bladen County. Each endorsed, read and accepted.

Recd. also the Petition of Mr. John Walker. Endorsed, read and referred to the Committee of Claims; which being read, was referred in like manner and returned.

Received from the House of Commons the following message: Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen:

We agree that the account of Dr. Boyd be referred to the Committee of Claims as by you proposed.

Rec. likewise the Petition of Jacob Richards. Endorsed, read and referred to the Committee on the Memorial of Mr. Benj. Jones; which being read, was referred in like manner and returned.

Recd. also the Petition of James Britain. Endorsed, referred to the Committee of Propositions and Grievances; which being read, was referred to the said Committee and returned.

Recd. from the House of Commons the following message: Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen:

We herewith send you a message this day received from his Excellency the Governor, together with the papers therein referred to, which we propose referring to the Committee appointed to consider of the public dispatches, &c.

The Message and papers alluded to in the foregoing being read, were referred as proposed by the House of Commons; whereupon, Ordered that the following message be sent to the House of Com


Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen:

We agree that the message and Papers from his Excellency the Governor, this day laid before the General Assembly, be referred to the Committee to whom were referred his other message and the public dispatches accompanying it.

Recd. from the House of Commons a Bill for granting further Indulgence to Surveyors for surveying lands. Endorsed, read the first time and passed.

Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was passed the first time and returned.

Received likewise a Bill for erecting a Town on the lands of Whitmill Hill in Martin County. Endorsed, read the first time and passed.

Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was passed the first time and returned.

On motion of Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Macon, Resolved, That Mr. Hill, Mr. Macon, Genl. McDowell and Mr. Brown be a Committee on the part of this House, to receive from the late District Treasurers, Collectors and others, and cause to be burnt, all the old Dollar Bills belonging to the public which may be delivered to them and make report thereof, and that the following message be sent to the House of Commons:

Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen:

We propose that a joint Committee be appointed to receive from the late District Treasurers, Collectors and others, and cause to be destroyed all such old Dollar Bills belonging to the public as shall be delivered to them, and that they make report of their proceedings herein, for which purpose Mr. Hill, Mr. Macon, General McDowell and Mr. Brown are appointed on the part of this House.

Mr. Campbell moved for leave and presented a Bill to alter the place of holding the annual elections for members of the General Assembly in and for the County of New Hanover, which was read the first time, passed and sent to the House of Commons:

Recd. from the House of Commons the following message: Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen :

This House added to the Committee of Propositions and Grievances Mr. D. Hall, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Hinton, Mr Hays and Mr. Oliver.

This message being read, on motion of Mr. Macon, seconded by Mr. Lewis, Resolved, That Mr. Spicer, Mr. Hill and Mr. Lewis be added to the Committee of Propositions and Grievances on the part of this House, and that the following message be sent to the House of Commons:

Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen:

The Senate have added to the Committee of Propositions and Grievances Mr. Spicer, Mr. Hill and Mr. Lewis, and propose that these gentlmen, in conjunction with those this day appointed on the part of the House of Commons, compose a second Committee of Propositions and Grievances.

Received from the House of Commons the Petition of James Taylor White. Endorsed, read and referred specially to a joint Committee; the members appointed by the Commons are Mr. P. Hawkins, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Grant and Mr. Bonds. This Petition being read was, on the part of the Senate, referred to General Skinner, Mr. Battle, Mr. Macon and Mr. Easton and returned.

General Rutherford presented a Petition from Sundry of the Inhabitants of Richmond County relative to the representation of said County in the Senate, which being read was, on motion of General Rutherford, seconded by Mr. Macon, referred to the Committee of Privileges and Elections.

On motion, agreed that General Rutherford and Mr. Lightfoot be added to the Committee of Privileges and Elections.

Mr. Gillispie, from the Committee of Propositions and Grievances, delivered in the following report, vizt.:

The Committee of Propositions and Grievances to whom was referred the Claims of John Bartholomew and Edwin Harris, report,

That the General Assembly direct the Committee of Claims to make due allowance for said claims.


The House taking the said report into consideration resolved, That they do concur therewith and ordered that it be sent to the House of Commons.

Recd. from the House of Commons the proceedings of a Court called in the County of Gates for the Tryal of a Negro slave, the property of Thomas Garrett. Endorsed, read and referred as by the Senate.

Mr. Miller presented the Memorial of William Walker, which being read was, on motion of Mr. Macon, seconded by Mr. Campbell, referred to the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of Mr. Benjamin Jones, and ordered to be sent to the House of Commons.

Mr. Harris presented the representation of a Committee of Mecklenburg County, touching the settlement of the Sheriff of said County with the Treasurer, which being read was, on motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by General Rutherford referred to the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of Mr. Benjamin Jones and ordered to be sent to the House of Commons.

Mr. Miller presented the Petition of Sundry of the Justices of he Peace & Militia Officers of the County of Rutherford in favour of Lodowick Wray of said County, which being read was, on motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by General McDowell, referred to the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of Benjamin Jones and ordered to be sent to the House of Commons.

Mr. Miller likewise presented the Petition of Mercy Bedford of Rutherford County, which being read was, on motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Macon, referred to the Committee of Propositions and Grievances and ordered to be sent to the House of Com


General Rutherford presented a Paper containing the resignation of himself and of William Cathey, John Johnston and James Brandon as Justices of the Peace for Rowan County, which resignations being read, were accepted and ordered to be sent to the House of Commons.

Mr. Brown presented the resignation of William Gray McDonnell

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