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Cumberland Mountains or without the limits of the said Counties, respectively; and the surveyors of the middle and western Districts are hereby directed to conduct themselves accordingly.

Ordered that this Resolve be sent to the House of Commons for Concurrence.

Received from the House of Commons a Resolution of that body of this date containing Instructions to the Treasurer relative to the Interest which may become duty on Indented Auditors Certificates, and likewise relative to such monies as may be tendered them, which may be too much worn for circulation; which being read, was concurred with and returned.

Received likewise the Bill to prevent the sale of such of the lands of Ralph Macnair, decd., as remain unsold in this State, and to impower Edward Hall of Edgecombe County, Executor of the last Will and Testament of the said Ralph, to collect the debts due from the inhabitants of this State to the said Ralph which have become due to him since the passing of the law commonly called the expulsion Act. Endorsed, read the second time, amended and passed.

Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was amended by consent of the House of Commons, passed the second time and ordered to be Engrossed.

The Bill to establish an Academy at Kinston in the County of Dobbs, and to amend the Act establishing the Academy in the District of Salisbury, was read the third and last time, passed and sent to the House of Commons.

Received from the House of Commons a Resolution of that Body of this date in favour of Robert Perkins of Chowan County, which being read, was rejected.

On motion, ordered that the following message be sent to the House of Commons:

Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen:

We have received a Recommendation, agreed to by your House, adding to the Commission of the Peace Thomas Hines and William Hayes for the County of Wake; with the latter we concur and will readily agree to the addition of the former, provided that you will consent that he stand on the list with respect to seniority in the same manner that he did previous to his removal from the said County. Received from the House of Commons the Resolution of this House relative to the pay of the members who attended at New Bern in June last. Endorsed, read and concurred with.

Received likewise the resignations of Joseph Hines and John Wright as Justices of the Peace. Endorsed, read and accepted.. General McDowell, from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of William Orme, delivered in the following Report, to-wit: The Committee to whom was referred the Petition of William Orme, Esquire, have taken the same under consideration, and are of opinion that he is justly entitled to the sum of nineteen pounds thirteen shillings (debt and Cost), which was recovered of him by Waightstill Avery, Esq., on account of his specific tax for the year 1781, collected from him by the said William Orme, then Commissioner for Jones County, from which Tax Mr. Avery was released by a Resolve of the General Assembly.


The House taking this report into consideration concurred therewith; whereupon,

Resolved, That the Treasurer pay unto William Orme of the County of Jones, the sum of nineteen pounds thirteen shillings, in full for that sum recovered from him, the said Orme, by Waightstill Avery, Esquire, being the amount of the said Avery's Specific Tax for the year 1781, Costs of suit included; from the payment of which tax in the County of Jones he was released by a Resolution of the General Assembly.

Ordered that the foregoing Report and Resolve be sent to the House of Commons for concurrence.

On motion of Mr. Brown, the House resolved as followeth, to-wit: Whereas, it hath been made known unto this General Assembly that Nathan Stedman, the elder, and Duncan Ochiltree, have been fined fifty pounds each; Nathan Stedman, the younger, and James Dick, Twenty-five pounds each, and Rome in the sum of

Ten Pounds, all on a conviction for a Riot in the Town of Fayetteville, for which the persons aforesaid were tried, convicted and fined as is set forth at the Superior Court of Law and Equity for the District of Wilmington at the last Term; and it having been suggested that the fines as aforesaid compared with the circumstances of the offenders and the nature of the crime whereof they stand convicted are excessive, therefore,

Resolved, That the persons as aforesaid shall stand discharged from the payment of such Fines respectively until the end of the next Session of Assembly, when the premises may have been more fully enquired into.

Ordered that this Resolve be sent to the House of Commons for Concurrence.

On motion, ordered that the following message be sent to the House of Commons:

Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen:

We propose that the General Assembly ballot to-morrow morning at seven of the Clock for a Brigadier General of the Districts of Wilmington and New Bern, respectively; for a Judge of the Superior Court established in the County of Davidson; for one Councillor of State; for Superintendents of the press in printing the Money now to be emitted; for signers of the money; for Commissioners for purchasing Tobacco for the use of the public and for a public printer; and nominate for Brigadier General for the District of Wilmington Colonels Thomas Clark, James Kenan and John P. Williams; for Brigadier General for the District of New Bern Col. James Armstrong; for Justice of the Court of Law and Equity established in the County of Davidson John Haywood, Jun., Esquire; for a Councillor of State Doctor King and Spyers Singleton, Esquire; for Superintendent of the Press General Rutherford, William McCawley and James Gillispie, Esquires, and General Ramsey; for signers of the Money now to be emitted Mr. Absalom Tatom, Mr. John Macon and Mr. John Hunt; for Commissioners for purchasing Tobacco for public use John Haywood, Sen., for the town of Tarborough, John Whitaker, John Geddy and Thomas Christmas for the Town of Halifax and Robert Rowan for the Town of Fayetteville; and for Public Printers Messrs. Arnett and Hodge of the Town of New Bern.

Should you accede to this measure you will signify the same by Message. Mr. Payne and Mr. Brown will, on the part of this House superintend the balloting.

Received from the House of Commons a Resolution of that body

in favour of John Eaton, Coroner of Halifax County; which being read, was concurred with and returned.

Received likewise the Bill to amend the Act passed for purchasing a Lott or Lotts in the Town of Wilmington, for the purpose of building a Jail for the District of Wilmington and for repairing the Court House of the said District. Endorsed, read the second time and passed.

Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was amended by consent of the House of Commons, passed the second time and ordered to be engrossed.

Received likewise the Bill to impower the Freeholders and Freemen of the Counties of Washington, Sullivan and Greene to return their representatives otherwise than is hitherto directed. Endorsed, read the second time, amended and passed.

Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was passed the second time and ordered to be engrossed.

Received also, the following Bills, to-wit:

The Bill for the more speedy determining disputes that have arisen or hereafter may arise in the Counties of Rowan, Mecklenburgh, Rutherford, Guilford, Lincoln and Rockingham from erecting Mill-Dams, and to prevent persons from building Mills as herein directed;

The Bill directing that Marriage settlements and other marriage contracts shall be registered, and for preventing injury to creditors; The Bill vesting certain property lying and being in Granville County in Mary Alston Bell in fee simple;

The Bill to establish a Superior Court of law and Equity in the County of Davidson;

The Bill for the regulation of Commerce;

The Bill for levying a tax for the support of Government and to continue the redemption of Continental money, old paper Currency, Specie and other Certificates; and

The Bill to impower Robinson Mumford and James Porterfield to receive Storage for Tobacco inspected and deposited in such Ware House or Houses as they shall build at Fayetteville. Each and every of them endorsed in the House of Commons, read the third time and passed.

Ordered that these Bills be read, which being severally read, were passed the third and last time by this House.

Received from the House of Commons the Bill for emitting one hundred thousand pounds in paper currency for the purposes therein expressed. Endorsed, read the third time and passed.

Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was passed the third and last time by this House.

The passage of this Bill being objected to, on motion of Mr. Payne, seconded by Mr. Riddick, it was ordered that the yeas and nays be taken which were as follows, to-wit:

For passing of this Bill-Mr. Coor, Mr. Herritage, Mr. J. Miller, Mr. Harget, Mr. Easton, Mr. Jones, Mr. Herndon, Mr. Etheridge, Mr. Williams, Mr. McCawley, Mr. Moore, Mr. Lewis, General Ramsey, Mr. Thomas Armstrong, Mr. I. Armstrong, Mr. Bledsoe, Mr. Gillispie, Mr. Sharpe, Mr. Harris, Mr. Alexander, Mr. Bryan, Mr. Parsons, Mr. Campbell, General McDowell, Mr. Hines, General Harrington, Mr. Brown, Mr. Hawkins, General Rutherford, Mr. Spicer and Mr. Stephen Miller.-31.

Against passing and for rejecting this Bill-General Gregory, Mr. Riddick, Mr. Payne, Mr. Battle, Mr. McCullock, Mr. Macon and Mr. Warrington.-7.

So this Bill was passed.

Received from the House of Commons the following message: Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen :

This House propose that a joint Committee be appointed to examine and report what injury the State is likely to sustain by David Miller's ante-dating land Warrants and entering Western Lands since the office was shut, and have for this purpose appointed Messrs. Phifer, Singleton, Alexander, McKissick, Phillips and Isler. This mesage being read was ordered to lie on the Table. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.

The House met.

WEDNESDAY, 28 December, 1785.

Received from the House of Commons the following message:

Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen:

We agree to ballot as by you proposed, and add to your nomination for Brigadier General for the District of Wilmington Thomas

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