Milam 196 211 5,219. Buchanan over Fremont, 82,674; Pierce over Scott, Montgomery... 163 179 88 138 POPULAR VOTE FOR PRESIDENT, BY STATES. Total.. 13412641838169 8745841386580 1601274 155825 1860099 1220544 291263 1299062 1387243 62800||1275011 11229127059 786656 761549 530189 687502509097647281105821 155872 44282 46587 The Opposition vote was divided between Gen. William H. Harrison, of Ohio, Hugh L. White, of Tennessee, Willie P. Mangum, of North Carolina, and Daniel Webster of Massachusetts. William Wirt, of Maryland, ran as an Anti-Masonic Candidate, in 1832, receiving a considerable vote in New-England, New-York, and Pennsylvania, which is added to that of Mr. Clay in our Table. Mr. Wirt received the Androscoggin 8090 2261 Aroostook... 740 808 Cumberland. 6876 5851 1949 York ........ 44373 1850 Banks, Butler. Briggs. Barnstable 1457 760 Total.. .56361 New-Hampshire-1859. By Congressional Districts. GOVERNOR. Districts. Total...58780 85334 14365 Connecticut-1860. By Congressional Districts. Districts. Rep. Dem. Dem. Belknap...... 1724 Tolland.... Dutchess. 138 .... .... Carroll 2248 2330 Rockingham. 5799 5055 Strafford 8498 2679 .... Madison Total.. 11811 11182 Kings.. 5684 4675 5247 5058 7582 9332 2397 1517 2243 8215 2676 8591 2299 8220 2668 4925 2552 4585 2691 8490 Total......11746 10689 Vermont-1859. By Congressional Districts. GOVERNOR. Districts. Total... ..12124 11792 the State, 541. Saxe. Bristol....... 622 543 Rep. Dem. Kent..... 1012 1460 Warren.... Total. .10835 12295 Delaware-1858. Opp. Dem. 5802 2537 819 .. Counties. Kent. ... New Castle 1857 2024 7758 ..... Total..... 1694 2632 2110 2221 251139 252589 275952 227304 251784 251194 AGGREGATE VOTE FOR OTHER STATE OFFICERS. The above are the actual returns sent from the various coun- *Nominated and supported by the American, or " Balance of Power" 8697 8282 Schenectady 3596 PENNSYLVANIA. CONGRESS-(Continued.) ELECTION RETURNS-N. JERSEY, PENN., MARYLAND AND VIRGINIA. New-Jersey-1859. GOVERNOR. 241 CONGRESS. Millward. Phillips. XV. 1691 Districts. Union. Dem. Districts. Union. Dem. Districts. Hale. White. 1976 1328 19 part 9238 7849 Maj. for Hale, 1,889. 21 part 66 23 part 405 XVI. Junkin, Fisher, Worcester 2560 2768 24.... 1091 978 Perry Majority for Olden, 707. York........ II. Burlington.. 4748 3392 Broom, Am., 253. Mercer 3587 2981 Millw'd over Phill's, 3,298. XVII. McPherson. Reilly. Balt. Co., pt.. 1690 1760 Carroll... Webster. McHenry. 2433 2297 Kent.. III. Total..... 9701 7209 Total.... 10106 10622 Maj. for Wright, 516. Balt. City, pt. 8026 2554 Balt. Co., pt.. 1591 1672 Blair. Pershing. 2798 1567 1700 2273 Total. 5185 Hickman, A. L. D., 6,786. Hick'n over Manley 1,601. 4676 Huntingdon. 2115 1261 IV. 2501 1578 VII. Passaic... Sussex 2463 1870 Bucks Maj. for Wright, 411. Essex...... Olden. Wright. 7883 7454 3131 3726 Union...... 1766 1899 Total.... 12780 13079 TOTAL VOTE OF STATE. Pennsylvania-1858. CONGRESS. Total.... 8324 8076 Total... 8897 5589 Total... 9617 4226 Maj. for Harris, 5,891. Balt. City, pt.10168 2796 Maj. for Davis, 7,372. Davis. Harrison. Covode. Foster. Alleghany ... Hoffman. Kunkel. 2201 2289 Armstrong.. 2425 2001 Indiana 3035 1585 Frederick. 3673 3718 2842 4629 Total.. 8716 8849 Hall. Gillis. James City 111 31 429 156 107 815 258 No return. Middlesex.... 179 214 1371 1049 New Kent.. 239 132 835 479 Northampton. 227 153 1671 Northumber'd 108 194 Total. 8905 8111 Westmoreland 444 146 55 171 102 4307 3582 |