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luminous books, such books as are written for lawyers; but that the great Flood reduced man's life to three score and ten-a span too brief for masses of reading suited only to antediluvians. M. March 10, 1848.

new principles of decision, are continually spring-with regard to the long spoken of Tehuantepec Canal, caning into view how many thousand fresh themes of not fail to strike the reader, as it certainly did us. We, interest, in society, politics, literature, and science, along with many others, (like the man who found a millcrowd the mental eye, and crave a share of tended purpose, in all respects, except that there was no site on the top of a mountain admirably adapted to the inupon attention! Then let them remember (what the appearance of water in the neighborhood to set the machinewitty Sidney Smith and Macaulay after him, have ry in motion,) had been in the habit of regarding this as the suggested) that men once lived near a thousand first stage to China, without asking ourselves where the years, and could then afford to be tasked with vo- We confess ourselves under great obligation to Lieut. Mauwater was to come from that was destined to float the ships. us doubt all mere theory for the rest of our days. ry. We wanted light, and he has given us enough to make



Although it is not a habit with us to call attention to particular articles, which appear in our pages, yet we feel constrained by the very peculiar nature of that, which is laid before the public, in our present number over the signature of Lieut. Maury, to violate a general rule. The reader, we are assured, will find in the essay in question, ample ground to excuse us for a departure from what we may fairly designate as a foregone conclusion.

The project developed by Lieut Maury, and to which Mr. King awards him the title of discovery, opens to the mind's eye a boundless vision of national greatness and power. The trade of the East--the wealth and jewels of the Orient-has been, from the earliest ages, the object to which has been directed the attention of all the nations of the earth. From this were derived the splendor of the Ptolemies, and the magnificence of the Caliphs. For this, Venice espoused the Adriatic, and with the spolia opima of the Indies rose to an unexampled height of commercial prosperity. It was, at once the day-dream of the Spaniard and the cherished hope of "the world-seeking Genoese." The daring navigators, who first braved the perils of the deep, did not doubt that their barks would be borne on to

"Where the gorgeous East with richest hand Showers on her kings barbaric pearl and gold," and in more modern times-nay, even in our own day-the profusion of the Nabob has attested the abundant rewards of the traffic of the British East India Company. To secure the trade of Asia to ourselves, to cause this rich current to flow through our land, is assuredly then an object of paramount importance.

We are not prepared to pass judgment upon the views of Lieut. Maury, the subject being in a great degree new to us, though it undoubtedly possesses interest for all. Yet there appears to go along with him so much of reason based upon knowledge, that we confess ourselves almost half-convinced before we are half-informed. We acknowledge that we were "startled from our propriety," when we learned, for the first time, a fact, which might have been very easy of ascertainment, that New Orleans is 3,000 miles nearer in the direction of travel to China, than Panama. Upon examination, we find that it so indeed. The practical knowledge which he has shown himself to possess of all matters

This is certainly one of the most remarkable papers of the day, and whether its speculations, (which are not numerous by the bye,) be just or not, must command the most serious attention. If he is a theorist, he is a very bold one; if his paper is designed to set forth mere speculations, it cannot be denied that he is a most original thinker; if he be merely indulging his fancy, he has made a most unaecountable display of practical knowledge. We cannot help believing that this paper is likely to produce no small degree of sensation, both here, and abroad. Let its fate be what it may, however, the author will be classed among the first minds of the age.

We again commend our readers to the diligent perusal of this paper, and a thorough understanding of its contents.


Mons. Alexandre Vattemare, the enlig htened founder of the System of International Exchanges has made a visit to our city in the prosecution of his praiseworthy designs, and has been received with cordiality by the Legislature of Virginia. He brought with him many valuable contribu in Europe. We had the pleasure of a long conversation tions to the State Library from corporations and societies with Mons. Vattemare, in the course of which he set forth with great enthusiasm and feeling, a plan for an institution of great interest to be established in the City of Paris. This plan, which must address itself at once to the grall tude and national pride of every American, is (in his own eloquent language)" to build up, in the most splendid edifice of the metropolis of the old world-the Hotel de Ville-a special and enduring monument of American genius," by founding an American Library to consist solely of the freewill offerings of the people of the United States to the City of Paris. In the hall set apart for this purpose, each State of the Union will have an alcove expressly appropri ated for the reception of its contributions, distinguished by its armorial bearings, its name and the date of its incorpo ration. Here the thousands of visitors who frequent the Hotel de Ville will learn something at least of the institu tions of America, here may be seen at every turn the records of her greatness and her glory, and here the Ameri can citizen, who shall linger in the gayest of European capitals, may walk with a proud step and survey with a feeling of generous exultation what has been, in some measure, the work of his own hands. In this noble enterprise Mons. Vattemare invites the coöperation of all "StateLegislatures, cities, corporations, scientific societies, authors, artists, publishers and amateurs." We are assured that this appeal will not be in vain and that Mons. Vattemare, when he shall recross the Atlantic, will carry with him the materials for a worthy beginning of the work. It may be well to state, for a better understanding of the scheme, that all private donations intended for the Library, should be sent in the name of the State, where the donor resides, with the donor's name subjoined, as for example, "The State of Virginia to the City of Paris. Presented by." All persons in our own State desiring to con

tribute will send their offerings to the State Librarian, who is instructed by a vote of the Legislature to forward them to their destination.

To this System of International Exchanges, Mons. Vattemare has directed all the energies of his mind and body for many years. He has spent a large private fortune in its establishment and asks in return only a recognition of its high claims. Simply as tending to advance the cause of Science and the Fine Arts, it deserves all the assistance we can afford it, but as affecting the social relations of different countries, as binding them together by the sense of mutual courtesies and good-feeling, we cannot too highly commend it. We bespeak for Mons. Vattemare, wherever

be may go, the distinguished reception he so eminently deserves at the hands of the American people.

Notices of New Works.

TITUS LIVIUS.-Selections from the Five First Books, together with the Twenty-First and Twenty-Second Books entire. Chiefly from the text of Alchefski, with English Notes for Schools and Colleges. By J. L. Lincoln, Professor of Latin in Brown University. With an accompa nying plan of Rome, and a Map of the Passage of Hannibal. New York. D. Appleton & Co., 200 Broadway.Philadelphia. G. S. Appleton, 148 Chesnut Street.

"Angels' visits," both in paucity and value. Text-books must supply their deficiencies.

Mr. Folsom's edition was a decided improvement. It was more handsomely and correctly printed, not only than the old one, but than even Professor Lincoln's. It embra ced extracts from 40 books, and among them some of the most interesting portions of the early history, and of the decade containing an account of the Second Punic War; but it still labored under the great defect of meager and unsatisfactory notes, which rendered it inevitable that it should be superseded.

Lincoln's has less text, but far more commentary.

what may be called the poetic portion of the work, and He has first given some specimens from the earlier or

then some from the later or more authentic. He has the twenty-first and twenty-second books entire, having selected them, because they describe the origin of the second Punic War, and its progress until after the battle of Cannae, and accompanied them by a map showing the route of Hannibal over the Alps. His plan of Rome is also exceedingly useful, in connexion with a book describing so many transactions which took place in the city.

The annotations, which occupy about one third of the volume, are brief and judicious, being usually directed to points of real importance, and making those points clearly


Nothing can be more erroneous, than the supposition, that a very small modicum of ability and learning, suffice to write grammars and commentaries. But the mistake may well be excused, when we see so many lamentable instances in which men, without clear conceptions, and without judgment, accumulate a inass of crudities, often more unintelligible, than the difficulties which they profess

A real grammarian or annotator must not only possess an extensive and accurate knowledge of his subject, but a clear head, filled, not with the idea of displaying his own erudition, but of leading his readers along the most direct and obvious path to a point from which they can have a clear and extended view of the subject under discussion.

The lovers of classical literature in the United States, amid many discouraging circumstances, have reason to re-to elucidate. joice in the increasing number and excellence of the school editions constantly issuing from the American Press. The taste and habits of our people must be completely revolutionized, before the ponderous editions, so common in Europe, can be saleable or even possible in America. But the cheap text-books of Felton, Dillaway, Packard, Woolsey, Owen, Cleaveland and many others, are ample enough for the brief time, and briefer patience of our scholars. That indefatigable and voluminous compiler, Anthon, has almost completely neutralized the real excellence of his productions by stuffing them to repletion.

The diction should be simple and perspicuous, and all extraneous matter should be carefully excluded. The constant recurrence of pedantic technical phrases, is a wretched draw back on the utility of both commentaries and gram


We have hailed the Livy of Professor Lincoln with great One annotator not satisfied with clearing up every real pleasure, not because we resemble the valiant Baron of difficulty, "seeks a knot in a bulrush," and writes a long Bradwardine in ever having made the author of it our vade-note on " rubro sanguine," in which he most scientifically mecum, or because we set any peculiar value on the work informs us, that oxyde of iron is the coloring matter of as a history. The Niebuhr school have succeeded in reducing it, when considered in that aspect, into the same class with Ivanhoe, and, like all innovators, have adduced strong reasons for overthrowing this venerable fabric of bind credulity, formerly erected around the authority of the eloquent Roman. But Niebuhr himself has, in warm terms, acknowledged the matchless beauty of the composition, which is peculiarly fitted to charm all youths who have the capacity, and due preparation for its intelligent perusal.

blood. Is it surprising, that any young man of sprightliness, after reading one such note on a Latin poet, should skip half the rest, to avoid being bored again by a treatise on animal chemistry?

Another gives notes so few and short, and so carefully avoids every thorny passage in the original, that a learner soon ceases to consult a help which he perceives to be merely nominal.

Others are guilty of a far more pernicious offence, in giving liberal translations of difficult portions, without one particle of the granimatical, historical, geographical or other information, 'necessary to a comparison of the two idioms, or a proper understanding of the anthor's meaning. Editions on this plan, ought to be utterly repudiated, as affording strong encouragement to indolence and ignorance, by furnishing idle parrots with words, as substitutes for ideas.

In the United States, they have long needed a better guide to the sense and excellencies of this admirable writer. The only American edition prior to that of Folsom, which we have seen, is one printed at Cambridge, containing the first five books only, and without a single note. Such editions, at least when well-printed, which this old edition is not, in the hands of teachers who have the abili- Prof. L. has avoided the faults to which we have alluded. ty, industry and time to give the requisite explanations His notes are brief and simple, without often pretermitthemselves, or to direct their pupils to the proper sources ting what requires elucidation; we say often, because we of information, may be made highly useful. But in these have observed some cases, ,in which, no doubt accidentally, days of Telegraphic education, such instructors resemble he has overlooked passages, absolutely unintelligible to be

ginners without explanation. He appears to have had access to the best annotators, and editions, and to have made a judicious and temperate use of them.

In his preface he thus gives his plan of writing notes, "The notes have been prepared with chief reference to the grammatical study of the language; to the illustration of its forms, constructions, idioms, of its usages in general, and in particular of the usage of Livy. Wherever it was possible, it has been thought best, simply to furnish apt references to such grammars and auxiliary works, as were supposed to be in the hands of the student; but important difficulties, which required more ample means of investigation and study, have been more fully discussed and explained. It is hoped that the notes will be also found to embrace all necessary information relating to the history, geography and antiquities, together with useful references to such standard works as are accessible to the student." This plan is, on the whole, an admirable one, and admirably carried out; he is more clear, copious and satisfactory on the use of the moods and tenses, and some other important grammatical points, than any other brief annotator whom we have ever read. We differ from him in only one particular, and in that, not so much, because we consider him intrinsically wrong, as, because his scheme does not suit the actual condition of things.

Dumas publishes his bad morality in the ‘Siécle' and Sue cut throats principally in the Debats'-but M. Soule has been ubiquitous, printing his volumes in every journal and accomplishing the most extraordinary and incredible feats of composition. Let it not be supposed from what we have said, that we are at all familiar with the works of M. Soulié. We know them (a few of them) only by their titles, Ernest Clemenceau is the first that we have read. We are sorry, however, to see this in an English version, for it is kindred in its style with those more fascinating and dangerous serials, whose pernicious effects we have so often deplored. We do not mean to quarrel with la belle France for sending us such a literature. We like her in many points of view: we admire her people, her public institutions of learning, her politesse, her patés and her gloves! We admire M. Thiers,-the fame of Very's and the Sorbonne has reached us, we respect the genius of Blin. But in the name of a great republic, we protest against her novelists.

"One little favor, O Imperial France,

Still teach the world to cook, to dress, to dance;
Let, if thou wilt, thy boots and barbers roam,
But keep thy morals and thy creeds at home!

This novel before us was published originally in 1843, we It would greatly promote brevity, and, what is far more think, under the title of "Le Bananier." Its purpose is important, habits of industrious investigation in those who manifestly political, to expose the designs of England epon use notes, if they were confined, as much as possible, to the French colonies in the West Indies with regard to "mere references to grammars and auxiliary works." But slavery. A Frenchman with his bosom swelling with hatred they will of course be useless to persons not in possession for his old enemy, writing upon such a subject might very of the works to which reference is made. Now it must naturally be expected to care little for his statements and be manifest to all acquainted with the real state of the case, accordingly we find charges of the most serious and atrothat a very large number, probably a majority of those who cious nature, made against the East India Company and will read his Livy, will not have access to his works of the British Government; charges amounting, indeed, to an reference. The name of "grammars and auxiliary works" intention, through the instrumentality of a secret agent, to is Legion, and scarcely any two schools or colleges in the pillage the island of Guadaloupe by exciting the slaves to country use the same. Besides there is a lamentable par- rebellion and massacre. That the pseudo philanthropy of simony among our students generally, in the purchase of England in meddling with the institution of slavery, (Engexpensive text books. We should therefore consider it far land, with her Hindostanese slaves and Irish paupers,) has better, that the grammatical principle, the fact in history, given cause of offence to the Creole slave-owners, we are geography, or antiquities necessary for illustration, should ready to believe, but that the Hon. East India Company or be always clearly and distinctly stated in the outset, and any Premier of the realm could stoop to the pitiful malig followed by appropriate references for the benefit of teach-nity which M. Soulié develops, is absolutely incredible. M. ers, and all readers who have access to the authorities, and Soulié becomes very poetical in his description of the conleisure to consult them. This improvement, as we condition of the slaves in Guadeloupe. Not content with rep ceive it to be, may easily be made, without any inconveni-resenting them as comfortable and well-cared for, (doubtent increase in the size of the second edition, which we less the true state of the case) he makes their existence a foresee will soon be required. We shall hope also for a correction of the typographical errors, which, although not very numerous, are more frequent, than might naturally have been expected in a work prepared, in most respects, with such admirable care.

We can most heartily recommend the edition, both to those who design reading Livy for the first time, and also to such as desire to refresh their old recollections of this delightful writer. An acquaintance with its merits, will make us look forward with peculiar interest to one of Horace by the same hand, said to be now in the course of publication.

ERNEST CLEMENCEAU: or British Philanthropy Illustrated.
A Tale of Guadaloupe in 1838. Translated from the

French of Frederick Soulié. By a Lady of Charleston.

Charleston. Burgess & James.

dreamy round of delights and amusements, they work but six hours a week; the men are more intelligent than their master and the women far more lovely and accomplished than their master's daughter. But this is the couleur de rase of an extravagant and volatile Frenchman and finds an excuse readily enough in the inherent eumity he cherishes for John Bull.

The translation of Ernest Clemenceau is well-done and attests a very intimate knowledge of the French language.

THE CZAR; HIS COURT AND PEOPLE. By John S. Marwell. New York. Baker & Scribner. 1848. Kohl, Stephens and other accredited travellers have given the country are as yet but imperfectly appreciated in conse us interesting accounts of Russia; but the peculiarities of quence of the reserved manner in which many of her insti M. Frederick Soulié is one of that class of writers-the tutions are conducted and the diplomatic relations which she French feuilletonists-which pours forth from the daily press sustains with the rest of Europe. Perhaps the only na of Paris such an inexhaustible supply of romances. And tion towards which the Emperor has reason to feel perfect M. Frederick Soulié is, perhaps, the most voluminous of ly candid is our own; and this is the reason why he has somethem all. The other prominent writers of the class have times extended facilities to American inquirers into Rusconfined themselves, for the most part, to a single gazette,— 'sian character, policy and condition not accorded either to

the English, French or German. At all events, we prefer | prove the good-nature with which he pursued his wanderthe testimony of one of our own countrymen-not only be-ings, never disconcerted by any unforeseen change in his cause he is likely to see more than is open to other eyes, plans, or vexed by the misadventure of getting drenched in but on account of the comparatively unprejudiced point of the Highlands. view in which he will regard everything. Besides, books of travel are confessedly the forte of our writers. They certainly have a liberality of tone and accuracy of observation only occasionally met with from other sources. The neat volume before us justifies this assertion. There is no attempt at fine writing, and the sanctities of private life are respected; yet we have a vivid picture of Northern Euгоре drawn with spirit and judgment. The author is concise, sensible and evidently a faithful narrator. As Secretary of Legation at the Russian Court, he enjoyed excellent opportunities which he has obviously improved. We HAWKSTONE-A Tale for England in 184-. New York: believe this is his first production, and we trust it will receive the favorable recognition it so eminently deserves.

If we were disposed to find fault, at all, we should question the propriety of calling the book a “ Summer in Scotland," when Scotland is not reached until the 130th page and we should assuredly take just exception to his views of slavery in the District of Columbia; but we forbear comment upon this latter, which is vexata quæstio, as this is not a proper place to discuss it.

The book is for sale by Messrs. Drinker & Morris.

Stanford & Swords. 1848.

The questions which divide the church, at this moment, both abroad and at home, are very ably presented in this HISTORICAL VIEW OF THE LITERATURE OF THE SOUTH of difference between the Catholic and the Episcopalian, work. A discriminating view is given of the true grounds OF EUROPE. By J. C. Z. Simonde De Sismondi. New and the evils of fanaticism are described with severe, but York: Harper & Brothers. 1848. incontrovertible illustrations. In fact, "Hawkstone," under The reputation of Sismondi for thorough and accu- the guise of a novel, unfolds the present condition of relirate research, philosophical insight and cultivated taste-gious opinion among a large body of Christians. All are has been very warmly recognized since his death. His more or less interested in the points at issue; to those who name is honorably identified with the science of Political are actually partizans, we can imagine no recent volume Eectomy-(of which throughout his life he was a devoted half so attractive. As a story, it is vivid and dramatic; student,) with standard history and general literature. Re- while as an exposition of theology, it conveys a vast amount fective men doubtless find his "Italian Republics" the of information as to the existent state of the Church of mest suggestive of his works; but readers imbued with a England at once authentic and agreeably conveyed. On praise love of belles-lettres cannot fail to turn with de- the whole, Hawkstone is a remarkable work and we comlight to the volumes named above. Upon renewing our ac-mend it to our readers as worthy of a careful perusal. The quaintance with them, after an interval of many years, we same publishers have just issued Mark Wilton, or the have been agreeably surprised to find the interest awaken- Merchant's Clerk," by Rev. Charles B. Tayler, the popued by them as fresh as ever. Indeed, the account of the lar author of "Lady Mary," and other religious novels." Troubadours and of Italian literature abounds not only in anous information and personal anecdote, but traces the progress of the human mind and especially its relations with language and poetry in a discriminating and attractive manner. The work is very neatly printed and should adorn the library of every man of taste. The same publishers Lase just issued a sparkling book entitled The Bachelor of the Albany." Its characteristic is an unflagging liveliless; and it is the cleverest thing of the kind which has ap-come, we do not doubt, the vade mecum of a large class of peared for a long time—a most entertaining companion upon bardlings. Of the good effects of its publication, however, a journey and by the fireside.

A SOMMER IN SCOTLAND. By Jacob Abbott. New York: Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 82 Cliff Street. 1848. The kingdom of Great Britain, from John O'Groat's to Land's End, has been so extensively traversed of late years that there is scarcely a nook or cranny in either isl and, which has not been described to us at length in the rnal of the tourist. No obscure book-stall within sound Bow-bells, but has been set down with the minutest parlarity-no loch or burn of bonnie Scotia, invested with he traditions of many centuries and endeared to us in the ages of Sir Walter and the poet ploughman, but has been ected by the traveller, with the aid of wood-engraving quotations from Marmion. Indeed the field has been ➡ frequently trodden, that little remains to be said of it, sides the mere personal incident of travel.

In the volume before us, the author disclaims the attempt produce anything that shall be new to the reader. "The ok," says he, "claims no higher province than that of Bering a rational source of entertainment to the reader in sure hours." As such, we can commend it very highly. is reflections are always sensible and we cannot but ap

[ocr errors]

A SYSTEM OF ENGLISH VERSIFICATION; containing rules for the structure of the different kinds of verse, &c., &c. By Erastus Everett, A. M. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 200 Broadway. 1848.

This is really a very excellent little volume and will be

there may

well be two opinions. On the one hand it may be urged (in objection to Mr. Everett's design) that as the race of ballad-mongers is increasing among us, to a most alarming extent, any book that promises to facilitate their efforts and swell their ranks is a serious evil and ought to be discountenanced. On the other, it may be said that as great numbers of young gentlemen and ladies will write verses, at all hazards, it is a laudable undertaking to teach them to write good ones; at least, to place within their reach a manual which will give some notion of the cæsura and induce a regard for allowable rhymes. We incline to the latter way of thinking, and we therefore look upon Mr. Everett as a public benefactor. Let all such as meditate an epic or would indite a ballad, read this book with attention.

SHAKESPEARE PROVERBS: or the wise Saws of our wisest
Poet collected into a Modern Instance. By Mary Cow-
den Clarke. New-York: Wiley & Putnam London
Chapman & Hall.

The first thing that strikes us in opening this little book is its exquisite typography, the next is the fact that Mrs. Clarke has changed her manner of spelling the name of

Shakespeare, since the " complete Concordance to Shaks- have issued the first numbers of these magazines. The pere" was published.

"Patch grief with proverbs," says one of the characters of the immortal bard, and in doing this, we should resort to him after the inspired lessons of Solomon.

The arrangement of the "Shakespeare Proverbs" is alphabetical, with reference to the initial letter of the line; which may be best illustrated by citing a few examples. We open at the letter H.

Hope is a lover's staff.

He that dies pays all debts.
Hold, or cut bow-strings.

He is well paid that is well satisfied.
&c., &c., &c.

For sale by Nash & Woodhouse.

York: D. Appleton & Co. 1848.

Virginia Historical Register, a projet of the Virginia His torical Society, must become, as their organ, an interesting and valuable publication. The Editor, Mr. Wm. Maxwell, long favorably known to the literary world, introduces the work with a graceful Editorial, in which he marks out the course it will pursue and invokes (we hope not in vain,) the generous encouragement of the public. With the increasing interest manifested throughout our State in the prosecution of historical studies, we predict for the Regis ter a large circulation and an extended field of usefulness.

THE IRIS is a very unpretending though excellent publication, at the low price of $1 50 per annum, edited by an association of gentlemen, whose names are not given to the world. The editorials are written in a pleasing style and are marked with good taste. We hope to see it pros per.

LIES. New York. Leonard Scott & Co., 79 Fulton Street.

This valuable and interesting manual should be in the hands of every votary of the noble game to the illustration of which it is devoted. It contains, in the first place, the Rudiments of the Game-then-Elementary Analyses of her most popular openings exemplified in games actually played We have too long delayed the expression of our thanks by the greatest masters, and a series of Chess Tales. These to the American publishers, for copies of these excellent materials have been derived from the most authentic and works, sent to us regularly through the Richmond Agents, desirable sources. The volume consists of more than five Messrs. Nash & Woodhouse. To say anything in their hundred pages and is very handsomely printed. In the praise would, surely, be quite unnecessary, as their merits preface the Editor eloquently vindicates his subject from are well known throughout the United States. Blackwood the character of a mere diversion and quotes both the pre-same brilliant, good-humored, delectable falsifier that it has is, by far, the best of the English monthlies and is still the cepts and practice of illustrious men in support of its claims to an admirable exercise of the reasoning powers. He quotes from Franklin's Morals of Chess to prove that Foresight, Circumspection, Caution and Self-reliance, are all cultivated by the habit of Chess-Playing. But if any one is a skeptic on the subject, the attractive manner in which the subject is unfolded by Mr. Agnel in his volume, would soon convert him. There are four admirably conceived illustrations, (besides the diagrams,) representing the playing of the celebrated games. We understand the designs were prepared expressly for the work by Weir.

THE PRINCESS: A MEDLEY. By Alfred Tennyson. Boston: W. D. Ticknor & Co. 1848.

This is the most extended poem which has yet appeared from the pen of Tennyson. It contains numerous passages of exquisite beauty; especially those where minute description is blent with singular refinement of language. We have been struck with many of the comparisons which in their simplicity and boldness, remind us of the choicest lines in the old English dramatists. But while the beauties peculiar to the genius of the author are widely scatter

down in a pet. There is invariably a high-tory article for ever been. We always take it up with avidity and lay it home consumption, followed by two or three admirable sweetest of lyrists, Delta, strikes the chords,) a pleasant sketches, with some bursts of poetic melody, (when that story in the department of fiction and very many absurd since ceased to look for fairness in anything that it publishfictions and stories about America. Indeed we have long es. But we cannot be so far swayed by prejudice as not to award to it the highest literary excellence.

The American reader will peruse with great satisfactor the article in a recent number of the Edinburgh on Sir Francis Head's Administration of Canada.

It may be proper to state here, that by an arrangement with the English publishers, Messrs. Leonard Scott & Co. receive the sheets of Blackwood in advance of its publi cation and are thus enabled to issue it, before the English copy reaches this country.


ed through these captivating pages, he sins against the dig-publish, a new edition of the "Italian Sketch Book," by J. C Riker, of New York, has in press, and will shortly nity of the Muse by frequently resorting to a free and easy H. T. Tuckerman, greatly enlarged and improved. This style-almost colloquial and in striking contrast with his volume is the result of two visits of the author to Italy and more elevated strains; occasionally, too, some petty affecta.

tion mars the effect of a delicious effusion. Yet this Med-will contain sketches, tales and essays, suggestive of the ley abounds with fresh poetical conceptions that cannot but most attractive features of that beautiful, though unhappy delight every reader of refined sympathy or delicate fancy.ers of the Messenger, and we know they will be glad to land. The style of Mr. Tuckerman is familiar to all read welcome the appearance of this revised edition of his Sketch Book.

ADVERTISER. No. 1. January, 1848.

THE IRIS: Devoted to Science, Literature and the Arts, In-
cluding Medical News. Edited by the Quidnunc Club.
March, 1848.

Mess. D. Appleton & Co. have in press an elegant work entitled "The Romance of the History of Louisiana," Our enterprising publishers, Macfarlane & Fergusson, from the pen of a distinguished native of that State.

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