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Two years' rent at 40s., would he..₤4 0 0 Why such land would be immensely dear Expenses, taking the average of 4 years-Fallow, Wheat, Clover, and Wheat..

Poor's Rate, Highway Rates,County
Rates, &c....

Interest on 41. 13s. 6d., 5 per cent.,
for interest, and 5 per cent, for
wear and tear, 10 per cent. in the

0 9 4


Produce, 30 bushels per acre, at 8s. 12

5 10


Gain per acre £2 14


Now a man with such a farm as this might live; though he (Mr. P.) had not allowed for bad harvests or for tithes, because, for the present, he would sink that question. But suppose they came down a peg; and took land of an inferior quality, the rent of which should only be 20s. per annum. In this case the farmer was subject to the same expenses, if he did justice to the land; and it was no penny or twopenny matter; they all knew that. (Cheers and laughter.) Rent, 2 years, at 20s. Expenses, 3 items as above.



2 0 0
5 10

without any rent at all. (Cheers.) How could he hold out any hope of relief to a man so 4 13 6 situated? To do so, he should be a gross deceiver. (Cheers.) He might say, as many a 0 3 0 candidate bad said, " Vote for me, and I will do something for you." But many a man who bad relied upon such promises had fouud a passage across the wide Atlantic the only means of escaping from the consequences of such a delusion. (Cheers.) If any man should come to them and say he could make such oland yield a profitable return, whether it paid rent or not, he (Mr. P.) would tell them, that in his opinion, the assertion would be a downright he. (Cheers and laughter.) He repeated that if any gentleman wi-hed him to do so, he was willing to go still farther int details connected with this important question-for he was equally desirous to state his own views, and to hear the opinious of others. He was ready and auxions to learn all he cou'd on this subject, and had no wish to go to Parliament with his fingers in his mouth. (Laughter.) He had endeavoured to add all he could to bis stock of information since he first came before the county as a candidate; and this made him say, that while he would do every thing in his power to ensure prosperity to agriculture, he neither could nor wou'd, for the purpose of obtaming their support, promise to do that which neither he nor any other man could ever hope to perform. (Cheers.) He could not do impossibilities; therefore, it was useless to make such professions. But he had pledged himself before, and he would do so again toMany persons might say they could manage day, to look into the cause, which, as he had a farm at less cost than this. But he was not already observed, had produced this effect, to be told that a man should live upon pota-and to do what he could to remedy the evil, toes, because he should live as he ought to but no more. (Cheers.) He wished to promote live. And if a farmer said he could manage the interests of agriculture for this reason. at a less cost than he (Mr. P.) had described, let him be asked whether he paid his servants 2s. 6d. per day; for a man shou'd not have less; and whether his ploughs and farming gear were in good condition. All these things should be taken into account. But let them take land that would produce, not 30 bushels per acre, 15, or eveu 12, but 7, as many of them knew was top often the case. And here (as we understood him) he would observe, that however laudlords might consider they obliged tenants by letting them farms, in such cases as this the obliged party was not the tenant, but the landlord, who made the best bargain by getting them off his hands. (A laugh.) Thus, taking the worst quality of land,

Produce, 15 bushels per acre, at s.



Loss per acre £1

Or, 7s. Id. left per acre, for rent.

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5 10

0 0

5 10

What was the use of the manufacturer making goods, if he had no customer to buy them? And who was his best customer? Why, the farmer. (Cheers.) That was, in good times; for he feared that many of them had not been able to command many superfluities lately. But he (Cheers, and cries of "True.") would yet go to Parliament impressed with the consciousuess that the interests of agricul ture and of manufactures were so identified with each other as to be inseparable. He had spoken of the dependence of the manufacturer on the farmer; but where, on the other hand, would be the utility of a farmer growing more corn, or raising more cattle or sheep than he could barely consume at his own table, unless, in his turn, he had the manufacturer to purchase them? (Cheers.) Every man must know 100 how the two interests hung together. The Then the same expenses as above.. 5 5 10 manufacturer would not make goods unless

Two years' rent, at 10s.

Produce, 7 bushels, at Es.



be had the farmer to buy them, and the latter 65 10 would have no occasion to carry cultivation 2 16 0 beyond the limits of his garden, unless he had a market for his produce with the mauufac turer. (Cheers.) When, for instance, trade was bad in Laucashi e, he need not tell them what effect it had on the Darlington and

39 10 Or, loss per acre, 17. 4s. 11d., without any


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Stockton markets. Breeders either would not commons. (Renewed laughter.) A grocer told bring their stock to market; or if they did, him, a few days ago, that when wages were they had to drive them home again, and after good, they would have nothing but green tea keeping them another year, sold them, per- and loaf sugar; and even when they were low haps, 5s. per head higher, out of which they they had coffee and moist sugar. (Much laughhad to pay for the year's keep. (Cries of "True, ter.) But it was not the grocer alone who true.") Such was always the case when the shared the plunder; it was diffused in various condition of the manufacturing districts were streams, and all went to augment the quantity depressed; for no man would pretend to say of human comfort and happiness. (Cheers.) that this could be the consequence of foreigu When that railway was commenced, its enecompetition. (Cheers.) They were recom- mies prophesied that it never would be finished. mended, in a hand-bill he had seen, to send And then, when it was finished, that it must to Parliament only such men as had landed go down-it could never prosper. It had. estates, and who would look to the protection however, been twelve years in operation; aud of the agricultural interest alone. They might now let them inquire what effect it had proadopt that advice if they admired it; but for dueed during that period. Was it nothing his part he thought it would be just as reason that 100 ships weekly entered the Tees, where, able to return only men who had but one eye. previous to the construction of the railway, (Lond laughter.) They might depend upon such a number were hardly seen in 6 months? it, that if a man had to go to Parliament to do (Cheers.) But this was not all. The coalany good, he must have both his eyes-aye, trade was going on improving, bringing and keep them open, too, or he would make into the district, in the course of the a left-handed business of it. (Much cheering year, from 200,000l. to 250,0007. in ready and laughter.) But he was surprised that mouey, of which they never saw one stiver beindividuals from whom, considering their rank ore. (Loud cheers.) Then there was that and station in life, better things might have enlargement in the trade of the town, cousebeen expected, should hold the opinions they quent upon the increased traffic in the river, did upon this subject. He was not going to which was so advantageous to the inhabitants follow their example, by crying up agricul- of Stockton. And there was another material ture, or any oue interest more than another. point to be borne in mind. Committees of the (Cheers.) But he should endeavour to show, two Houses of Parliament had “sifted" the in a few words, how certain individuals, who coal-trade, to ascertain what it was; and it was turned upon their heels as if they felt insulted stated, in the course of the inquiry, by one of whenever commerce was mentioned, deluded the Messrs. Branding, that because competithemselves in entertaining the extreme option in that trade had become so great, espe nions which they professed to hold on this question. No man need be ashamed of speaking of his progeny; and he believed he wright claim a very near relationship with the railway connected with this town. (A laugh.) | Now, that very railroad-a commercial undertaking be it remembered-which had been so traduced, poor thing, that if it had not been as hard as iron-(a laugh)-it must have been knocked down long ago,that railroad, he was prepared to demonstrate beyond the possibility of doubt or contradiction, had heen productive of immense benefit to the agriculture of the district through which it passed. (Hear, bear.) Yet persons were to be found who could cry "Stand agriculture-down with commerce!" Now, let them contemplate the facts. Since the formation of that railroad, 6,000 inhabitauts had been added to the population of the district. (Loud cheers.) if they considered that each person, little or big, old and young, consumed, on the average, balf a stone of meal per week, this would increase the consumption of the district 52,000 bushels per annum, or about 7,531 sacks of fine flour. (Cheers.) The farmers had now no longer any occasion to go badgering to London to sell their flour; for they could dispose of it at their own doors! Then there was the extra consumption of beef, butter, cheese, and malt; things which colliers liked (a laugh); for however farmer's labourers lived, colliers krew very little about short

cially from Stockton, they were not able, in the North, to sell coals, in 1830, as high, by 2s. or 3s. per chaldron, as in 1828. (Great cheering.) Now, if the people of Stockton did not get the benefit of that, such benefit was enjoved by some other portion of the commuuity. The saving that would accrue to the public, in the price of ooals, estimating the vend at 1,500,000 Newcastle chaldrons, would amount, at 2s per chaldron, to 150,0007. per annum; thus proving the truth of that beautiful principle of commerce, that a man cannot mend his situation in life without bettering that of his ueighbour's also. (Cheers.) The consequence, therefore, was, that while the railroad did well for the proprietors, it had drawn, to this part of the kingdom, trade from the Land's End to Aberdeen, and a large portion of our fellow-creatures were indebted to the enterprise of the southern división of the county of Durham for obtaining one of the first necessaries of life at a cheaper price than they had ever done since the word "coals was known in this country. (Great cheering.) To return more immediately to the subject of agriculture. He could assure his hearers, that some of the agriculturists were long-headed men. They had subjected him, 'n many places, to the most minute and searching inquiries: they had used their smallest ses with regard to him. (A laugh.) He not dis know how other candidates had fare but with himself the scrutiny had been most sever

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thing be more monstrous than the assumption that, in consequence of such presentation, the incumbent should exact a tax upon the skill, capital, industry, and enterprise of the whole parish? (Much applause.) He would not say that he would take a radical part on this question; but, he would at least endeavour to do his duty. (Cheers.) The time would come

and unsparing. They had made him produce | not receive them without his (Mr. P.'s) consent. his title deeds, down to the minutest parch. He could not get them if his (Mr. P.'s) laud ment, before they would graut him their con- were laid in fallow-if he grew no corn, or fidence. The employment of this systein, suffered his hay crops to rot on the ground. however, had only served to place him more (Cheers.) There was no law to force the culfirmly in the public regard; for he had the tivation of his ground; and such being the satisfaction of knowing that, in nearly every fact, what became of the absolute "property" instance, as he had before stated, his explana- of the clergy in the tithes? (Cheers.) Why, tions had been sufficient to secure app obation it was only the other day that 43 clergymen of his principles. (Cheers.) He had been of this diocese had raised a cry against plura. surprised to find some agriculturists hold the lities. They objected to a clergymau holding, opinious they did on the question of tithes. 2 or 3 livings; but who ever heard of a comHe did not mean to make that a prominent plaint being breathed agaiust a mau having topic of observation here; hut he would refer 2 or 3 estates? (Great cheering) It would to it for the purpose of explaining how tithes really appear from this, that the clergy, whatoperated to the injury of the farmer and the ever they might say, were beginning to think disadvantage of the public. Suppose a farmer that the tithes were not so much their own took a farm at a rent of 2104., but his land as they pretende. (A laugh) There were lord, after striking his bargain, says, “On, laws against simony in the church; but whobut I forgot this farm is tithe-free; and I ever heard of a simoniacal contract with remust lay on a sixth (he believed that was the gard to land. (Much laughter.) There was. rate) to the rent-which would thus be ad- indeed, a property in advowsous; but these vanced to 2451. This was no tenth business. were a peculiar sort of animal. (Laughter.) (Hear and laughter.) Now, he should like to But though there might be a property in the see the good old times r. vived when the farm-right of presentation to a living, could any er used to calculate upon realising three rents, one for the landlord, one for expenses, and the third for himself. (Cheers.) He did not know how the calculation might be made at the present day; but he was apprehensive that, in nine cases out of ten, the farmer was afraid to put pen to paper on the subject. (Cheers.) The rent, then, for this farm, would be 2454, which on the former principle of calculation, would make the gross produce of the farm 7351. Now, if it had been taken at the rent originally stipulated, the produce, by the same mode of calculation, should have amounted to 6307..; and the tithe of that would have been 634, whereas the additional rent imposed by the laudlord, on account of the exemption from tithe, would have been 287. less than the value of the tithe. So that the loss to the farmer, by the operation of the tithe system, as contra-distiuguished from increase of rent, would have been the sum he had mentioned-which showed that nothing like the value of the tithe was ever laid on in the shape of rent. (Cheers.) But again; supposing the farmer took took a twenty years' lease, and expended 1,000l. in improvements, calculating upon 10 per cent., or 100l. a year, for the employmen of his capital. But if the tithe-farmer should say, "Out of that 1007.1 must have 107.," the loss would he, during the period of the lease, no less than 7604.-and without the improvements 5601.! Was he not justified then, in saying that the tithe system was a bir to improvement-a public detriment and injury? (Loud cheers.)' (After some further calculations tending to show the mischievous operation of tithes, Mr. P. proceeded.) Tithes were the means given to promote a certain end; and, therefore, when he heard it asserted that the clergy had the same right to the tithes that he had to his estate, he was compelled to ask, how did it happen the clergyman could

it was fast approaching-when it would be asked what right these men had to more than a teuth of the fee of the land-when there could be no calculation of fifths or tenths, but when each clergymau should be paid according to the extent of his usefulness, and upon no other scale. (Cheers.) He was very auxi ous for the sake of godliness, that the clergy, on this question, should meet the people half way. They were the best friends of the church who persuaded them to concession (Cheers.) Let them go across the Irish Channel, and learn by what they might witness there, that it is impossible for a church or a state to stand out against a combined people. (Immense cheers.) For these reasou, and for the sake of harmony, peace, and religion, the sooner there was a fair and equitable consideration of this case, the sooner the question should be properly and judiciously settled, so as to satisly the people, the better for the people, but threefold better for the church. (Loud cheers.) It had been suggested to him, as he entered the town, that he should say something on the subject of corporeal punishments in the army, The practice was one which he reprobated with all his heart; and which he would do his utmost to put au end to, to whomsoever it ap plied, whether to blacks or to whites. (Cheers.) Several persons had asked him if he did not know that there were such things as White Slave Owners? He knew that he had been charged with being one of these, as he pre sumed his enemies would charge him with anything to serve their own purg poses. But

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they did not know that he was one of the sending out a man with a splendid name to strongest sticklers for "Sadier's Bill," as in Vienna, or elsewhere, to protect the interests of was termed, (Great cheering.) He rejoiced the country, we were to employ au bouest, to say he had no reproach on his conscience well-meaning man of “ on this point. While masters or parents, for the consequences be better both for ourselves principle," would not there was as much culpability on the one hand and the world? (Cheers.). What was it that as on the other, were willing to sacrifice the gave the envoys of America their advantages rising generation, by confining them to exces- over the great men of our own country, but sive til, he thought it was absolutely ne- their thorough acquaintance with the princicessary for the Goverument to interfere. ples of trade, which the magnates of our own (Curer) The first step to be taken was to land so much despised that they would take abolish all-night labour iu factories. (Cheers.) an anodyne if they presumed there was a posMasters would not sit up to pursue it, and sibility of their even dreaming of trade? (A why should children do so? (Cheers.) Ac- laugh.) Such men had no chance when pitted tuated by these feelings, he had spent many against a long-headed Yaukee. (A laugh.) If, an hour with Mr. Sadler, aud, mouths before therefore, they would place all the country he thought of standing here as a caudi- had lost through "expediency date, had done all in his power to make with what it might have gained through iu contrast that bill as imperative and effectual as he pos- Christian principle," they would see the sibly could. (Loud cheers.) But the strangest rock upon which the ship of state had already argament to which he had to listen, as op- split, and from which it was desirable to proposed to his return, was one which had been tect it for the future. Till we adopted someused by certain persons Ingh in religious func- thing like "Christian principle," as the tions and authority-and one gentleman foundation of our policy, in trade and agriespecially, who had a s in the church, had culture, as well as in peace and war, it would told him, that though he believed he would be vain to expect national prosperity; and go into the House of Commons an honest man, therefore, whatever might be said as to his he would not come out such. (A laugh.) For losing his principles, which he regarded more all his honesty, however, he knew the reverend than life, he meant to attempt it. He might gentleman would not give him his vote. be told his "Christian principles" were like (Laughter.) He said to him, "You come for- a mathematical proposition, very beautiful in ward on Christian principles." He replied, theory, but would not work iu practice. He "I do so." "You caunot carry them into meaut, however, to try them; because if he execution in the House of Commons." What had any hope of serving his country, setting should he say to this? He could only say, aside any local interests by the advocacy of that if Christianity were available, it must be which a mau might acquire popularity, it available in every situation in life. (Cheers) would be by legislating in a spirit accordTo concede the converse of that proposition aut with that blaze of light, knowledge, was to say, that though Christianity was a very and understanding, which had burst upon good thing, we would only take as much as the mind of the English people, with a we liked of it, and leave the rest. (Cheers.) force and effulgence that were without exBut be agreed with Mr. Fox, that when we ample in this or any other country. (Cheers.) diverged from the line of moral rectitude we Pupularity had always, heretofore, been also sent politically wrong, aud that honesty in attached to the wheels of the great; who, public, as well as in private life, would be if they could not win could buy it; but found the best policy. (Loud cheers.) He that day is gone by, aud he was the living considered the assertion, that Christian prin- proof. (Loud cheers.) His hopes were these, ciples could not be successfully maintained in the legislature, far too bold and daring. Let it be recollected what the word most in vogue in that quarter had been. It was "expediency." Now the only change which his profession embraced was the difference between “expediency" and " justice." He knew what "expediency" had done for the country. Let them look around. He knew that" Christian principle" would remedy slavery; but "expedietie," would not set the negro at liberty. (Cheers) He knew that "Christian principit" said war was wrong, and that it was our interest to live at peace. But it was said that it was not,"expedi: nt" that there should be peace; and he knew, that during the last war, when the chaplains of the army had to preach of " peace" they were instructed not to say a word against war. (Much laughter.) Might not "Christian principle" too, be well apphed to our embassies; and if instead of

that the electors of England, at this crisis, would set aside all minor considerations, and do their duty by returning to Parliament none but men who had given proofs that they sought ouly to promote the interests of their fellow-men, and who were anxious for the spread of everything useful or valuable in politics, morals, and religion. (Cheers.) Then might we expect to see the dawn of our country's regeneration, and to behold the sun of British prosperity rise to an altitude from which nothing could reduce it. (Cheers.)Mr. Pease then thanked the assemblage for the kindness with which they had listened to him; and after offering some jocular remarks upon a statement that had gone forth, that he had but one speech for all occasions, and exposing the absurdity of the imputation, concluded amidst the reiterated cheers of the crowd by declaring it was his firm purpose, if he were blessed with life and strength, to da

his best to serve them and the country-antison) on Saturday week, stated, “he Angel could do no more!


"never heard of a more gross case, and "could not conceive how any justices "could commit a respectable gentleman "to prison for feloniously demolishing a "house, when it appeared on the state(From the Morning Chronicle of 6. November.) ment of the witnesses for the prosecuTHE people of England are grievously "tion, that all the damage was done mistaken, if they suppose that they can "before he got there." The riot was obtain the blessing of good Government made a handle of to arrest this gentleand a fair and impartial administration, man, allowed by his very Tories eneof justice throughout the country, with-mies to be an honourable and most upout many a hard struggle. The Tories right man. He was committed for feare united and powerful. They are, of lony, in riotously assembling with divers course, no match for the people when other evil-deposed persons, and with the people pull together. But the mo- force beginning to demolish and pull ment the people relax, the Tories are down the dwelling-house of one John ready for mischief. The Tories, yet Davies. This man, John Davies, had have nearly the whole working of the fired two pistols, and wounded a boyadministration. The lord-lieutenants without any provocation, in conse are nearly all Tories; and the magis-quence of which outrage his windows tracy throughout all the country are were broken by the incensed populace, nearly all the creatures of the Tory lord- a full hour before Mr. Thomas went to lieutenants. These magistrates have, as the house for the purpose of apprehendevery one knows, great power to annoy ing him. Davies, the perpetrator of and persecute; and woe betide the ho- this outrage, is suffered to go at large, nest man who at the last election agi and the gentleman who interfered to tation made himself conspicuous in bring him to justice is treated as a promoting the return of reform candi- felon ? dates. In some places the magistrates proceed to most disgraceful lengths in wreaking their vengeance on those who are opposed to the return of Tory candidates.

And now for the motive for this flagrant departure from justice. The real crime of Mr. Thomas is the having called and taken the lead in the numerous public meetings which have taken A strong proof of the truth of these place in that spirited town, and in the remarks has been recently furnished in county of the same name, in favour of the borough of Carmarthen. That the Reform Bill, and the having, by his borough has been thrown into a state of talents, perseverance, and popularity, great excitement by the commitment to been mainly instrumental in securing prison of George Thomas, Esq., one of beyond a doubt the return to the new its most respectable inhabitants; au attorney who has the largest practice, and is possessed of a large property independently of his profession.

Parliament of excellent reformers for both the borough and county; but, above all, the having counselled John Jones, Esq., the present Tory member, to pledge himself to vote for the Reform Bill in all its stages, without which he had no chance of securing his election.

In an address to the electors of the county of Carmarthen, and of the united burghs of Carmarthen and Llanelly, dated the 2d of November, Mr. Thomas thus expresses himself:

On the last charter day, as our readers may remember, there were riots in Carmarthen. The next day Mr. Thomas was arrested, and liberated for fourteen days, on finding bail himself for 1,000l. and two sureties for 500l. each. At the expiration of that term, he was put in prison, and bail refused, though tendered to any amount. Mr. Thomas was "Electors of Carmarthenshire-I obliged to apply to the Court of King's" charge the Hon. Col. Trevor with Bench, and the Judge (Mr. Justice Pat-" sanctioning or conniving at the pro

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