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Commons, and who would willingly pledge state of feeling, and the individuals you allude themselves to their constituents accordingly. to, in those cities, much better, I believe, than

Now, Sir, are you really prepared to maintain that the electors would be wrong in returning such representatives as these, because they happened to be men who disclaimed all connexion with Lord Grey's or any administration whatever, and would enter into the House of Commons, therefore, as the unfettered and determined advocates of the people? A Ministry truly worthy of the country, and such as ought to guide the nation and its destinies at this eventful crisis, could not but rejoice at seeing a House of Commons filled with such members.

The Reform Bill was conceded to the loud and general outcry of a distressed country, reduced to extremity by a long continued course of corruption and misgovernment, which existed and scourged the land for so many years because it was beyond the power of being checked and controlled by the people. The act of Parliament, or "Reform Bill," now affords to the people (though at the eleventh hour) this just and efficient control, in all time coming, over their own affairs,-if they have only the good sense and firmness to be true to themselves, and choose men devoted Deither to a Whig nor a Tory party, but to the good of the country at large; and who are determined to bring the real benefits that may be derived from the Reform Bill into full and effectual operation as speedily as possible, in order to lessen the burdens and alleviate the sufferings of the country.

your informant seems to do, at least if he speaks (through you) according to his real knowledge and information on the subject. If the electors of Edinburgh return Mr. Aytoun in preference to Mr. Abercrombie, it must be because they feel assured that he will serve them more zealously and essentially in Parliament, than the man who is quartered upon the public for doing nothing, and is fettered and gagged by an unearned pension of 2,000. a year for life. If the country obtains a tithe of the justice it expects from a reformed Parliament, it is quite clear that this very pension is one of the first which will be, and ought to be, lopped off. The electors of Edinburgh ought to be the best judges of their own interest, and as they will send members to the "House," not to please Lord Grey's administration, I presume, but to serve themselves, I cannot see, therefore, how they can be justly blamed if their choice should fall upon Mr. Aytoun. As to Tory Ewing, of Glasgow, as you are pleased to call him, and who happens to be a distant relation of my own, he is no Tory, but as good a Whig as Lord Palmerston, or even Sir John Cam Hobhouse, with ten times their talent and information. Mr. Douglas, of whom you speak so lightly and incorrectly, is a gentleman of extraordinary abilities and accomplishments, who is universally respected by high and low, with the exception of some of the ultra Tories, from one of whom (in disguise) I suspect you have derived your information.

Though there are many great and crying evils which will fall to be reformed in consequence of this memorable act of Parliament, yet the very first and most important point to be obtained, and which will give some relief to the country, is cheap government,-namely, the abolition of sinecures, pensions, and all places whatever that can be dispensed with; the unsparing reduction of salaries which cannot be dispensed with; and curtailing our overgrown civil, military, and church establishments, at home and abroad. And who are the men who will have the courage and patriotisin to commence and complete this Herculean, but imperative, task? Let the electors of Great Britain and Ireland seriously pause, and consider this well. It will be for them to decide whether they can fairly expect to obtain any effectual relief from men connected with either of the two great political parties of the state, who, for the sake of place, have always been found so eager to vanquish 64, George-street, Manchester, Sept. 29. and eject each other from the executive Government of the country.

I am an old and confirmed reformer, as you will perceive, when I state that the "Father of reform," the virtuous and venerable Major Cartwright, was my intimate friend, and resided with me during his visit to Edinburgh in 1815. If you are possessed (as I believe you are) of that manliness and candour which you lay claim to, you will publish this letter, as well as my letter of the 24th of July, "To the Electors of Edinburgh," signed "An Old Scottish Reformer," and which you will find in the Caledonian Mercury of the 26th of July, now forwarded to you for that purpose. You are of course welcome to comment on these letters with all gentlemanly freedom, in your powerful and influential journal. I bave the honour to be, Sir,

You have taken occasion also in your journal of Thursday to make some remarks on the candidates for the representation of Edinburgh and Glasgow. I have resided in the former city for the last 20 years, and (being a native of Dumbartonshire) I was educated and lived at Glasgow (where I am still a frequent visiter to my nearest relations) for as long a period. I therefore know the

Your most obedient servant,

To the Editor of the Times.

Sir, I am sorry to see you have allowed some injudicious person to usurp the editorial pen in respect to the Glasgow election. A similar article in the Morning Chronicle would

* We have not room for that letter in addition to the one now inserted.

not have excited surprise, because Mr. Crawfurd is connected with Mr. Black's friends, the Perries but it was not known that he could sway the Times too.

Mr. Crawfurd never had any chance of success. He is unable to speak. He cannot make himself intelligible in a popular assem bly. He has no readiness, nor faculty of apOf all the Glasgow candidates Mr. Douglas plying his knowledge. His qualifications conwas the first publicly mentioned. And an sist in being a good writer; but in this he is election committee, upon the broadest and inferior to Mr. Douglas, as every one who has most public basis, was in progress to ascertain | read Mr. Douglas's pamphlet on the poorwhich two of the reformers who might be laws and law reform can testify. In every proposed to represent Glasgow had the great- other respect, in all that concerns the country est support, in order that the weaker candi- or the people Mr. Crawfurd is immeasurably date might retire and support the stronger,below when a party, well known in Glasgow, under the name of "Digesters," from their having entered into a private cabal to "digest measures for the people to carry into effect," brought out Mr. Oswald and Mr. Crawfurd.

When this plan to defeat the wishes of the citizens, and to keep out their popular candidate, was discovered, Mr. Douglas the very next day published his address to the electors. Afterwards he addressed fourteen large assemblies of electors, who published strong resolu tions in his support, and spontaneously named on the spot local committees, consisting of above 1,200 persons, who, by an active canvass, have already insured his election.

In attempting to address the electors at public meetings, in imitation of Mr. Douglas, Mr. Crawfurd demonstrated to the rouviction of the whole Glasgow public his inferiority and incompetency. No Glasgow journalist could be induced to publish anything so notoriously untrue as that Mr. Crawfurd-totally unknown to Glasgow-had the slightest chance of success against Mr. Douglas, who had been known as an active, consistent, and energetic

advocate of reform, both by speech, writing, and action for the last 25 years.

While Mr. Douglas's support was increasing, and Mr. Crawfurd was losing ground every day, some friends of the latter circulated through the city a fabulous account of the state of the canvass. To expose this device,

Mr. Douglas.
I am, Sir,

Your most obedient servant,

A GLASGOW ELECTOR. Glasgow, Sept. 29.




Greenock (Scotland), 22. Oct. 1832.


I EXPECTED to be able to be at READING and NEWBURY by the last week in this month. It being out of my power to accomplish that, in consequence of my engagements in Scotland, I take this method of expressing my hope, that you will not cover yourselves with everlasting disgrace by choosing, to represent

and from a full confidence in their own you, a fellow named JoHN WALTER, strength, Mr. Douglas's committee proposed who lives at BEAR-WOOD, somewhere to Mr. Crawfurd's the plan of a joint cauvass in order to unite reformers by the retreat of between ОAKINGHAM and READING, and the candidate having the fewest votes. This fair proposal was rejected by Mr. Crawfurd, who was part-proprietor, manager and with whom therefore rests the blame of the conductor of the bloody Times newscontinued discussion among reformers. Mr. Douglas is invidiously styled an "at-paper for many years; and he was so at torney," to colour a false imputation of unpo- the time when that bloody vehicle justi pularity. Mr. Douglas is very different from fied the murder of the Protestants at what the English understand by an attorney. His education, general and professional, would

have entitled him to admission as a Scottish

or English barrister. The thousauds who applanded his recent addresses, and gratefully recollect his public services, will read with astonishment the assertions of his unpopuJarity and of the implied popularity of Mr. Crawfurd, which no Glasgow newspaper would have risked its credit by publishing, and which therefore have been systematically published in distant newspapers, to which Mr. Crawfurd's friends had access.

NISMES, in France; when it hunted poor CASHMAN the sailor to the gallows; when it insisted upon the necessity of our carrying on war against America until we had deposed JAMES MADDISON, and when it justified the deeds of our own fellows, in 1817, in passing those horrible bills, by which Englishmen, if

reformers, were shut up in prison at the | was at the time when it was conducted pleasure of SIDMOUTH and CASTLE- by this JOHN WALTER.

REAG H, without even being told of any offence that they had committed; and when READING jail and its dungeons were crammed with these victims.

I am here at a great distance from my books; but, when I get back, I will carry you down chapter and verse for all that I say about the conduct of this fellow. I will produce you, from his This infamous newspaper, which own paper, proof of the truth of all that still continues its bloody course, I say. But, did not SCOTT ELDON make always justifying every tyrannical and him a justice of the peace? did not cruel deed, may now be managed by WELLINGTON sanction his being made other persons; but, this JOHN WALTER a justice of the peace? If you be rewas the manager of it during the time formers, what do you want more than of which I have spoken; during the that? However, the thing to do is, for publication of the infamous things you to put the following questions to which I have particularly mentioned, WALTER : and of hundreds of other things equally infamous yet, that jesting gentleman; that dealer in puns; that retailer of Joe Miller-like wit; that HENRY MARSH, who has been a swaggerer about reform for so many years, has the incomparable baseness to stand forward as the champion of this newspaper-grinder, and to make his merit as a newspaper-grinder, the GROUND OF HIS PRETENSIONS to represent the county of Berks! However, you must be too tired of this babbler's jesting; of the 4.


1. Are you the printer, and do you receive the profits of the printing, of the bloody Times newspaper, now? Are you a proprietor, and shareholder, along with ANNA BRODIE and FANNY WRAIGHT, of the bloody Times newspaper?

3. Was that true which STODDART pub

lished respecting your conduct as to your publishing bills against the poor reformers in 1817? How much of the public money have

the divers branches of the family of WALTER received within the last five-and-thirty years?

These questions may do for the present. But, as to this last question, I am determined, if I be in parliament, that the matter shall undergo a thorough

ten-thousand-times-told tales of this everlasting diner and toaster, who has the astonishing impudence to tell you, that the bloody instrument of tyranny, the Times newspaper," was always the friend of reform:" you must have seen too much of this despicable jester by this time to pay any attention to what investigation. There has always been, he says, while he is going about from place to place guttling and guzzling at the expense of this WALTER and by the means of money got out of his bloody newspaper; which, though it has just now had something like justice done to it by Mr. ALDERMAN Scales, is not now more infamous, nor so infamous as it

for years past, part of this brood of the
WALTERS fastened upon this devoted
people, in some form or another; and I
am resolved to cause a strict inquiry
When I get home, I
into this matter.
will begin to collect accurate informa-
tion upon the subject. I saw a letter,
in the hand-writing of old WALTER, the

founder of the crew, which letter was P.S. I hereby request persons acwritten to be shown to me, confessing quainted with the matter, to be getting that he had received seven hundred ready materials for a full history of old pounds in the time of the sway of PITT, WALTER and all his descendants and for libelling the sons of the king. In collateral branches, and particularly to short, I will show you how you would collect information relative to the sums cover yourselves with everlasting in- of money, in whatever shape, that any famy if you were to elect this man. You of them may have had from the public. are told, that by electing him you will


keep out a Tory." Keep out a Tory! What Tory upon earth can be so bad as a man like this? And what principles has he? And what does he understand, except the getting of money by grinding and publishing dirty paragraphs?

Mind, I will go into Berkshire and say all this to the fellow's face; and in the town or village nearest to where he lives, if he have the pluck to come and meet me. I have no time for any thing more at present; I shall be able to get into Berkshire by the middle of November or thereabouts, of which you shall be duly apprized. DAN STEWART, the other great agent of tyranny in 1817, who has retired with his justice of peaceship into Oxfordshire, has the dence to keep quiet. I will go and, find out DAN's quarters and beat them up; for, as I have a hundred times said, there will be no good and righteous government in England until these men shall be legally dealt with for their conduct in 1817. I will be bound to stick a blister-plaster upon them, that shall not be jested off by the swaggering and jesting toastmaster HARRY MARSH.




My correspondent, who sends me an invitation from DARLINGTON, in the fol lowing words, is respectfully informed, that I shall be at CARLISLE on, or about, the 2d of November; that I shall go thence to DARLINGTON, and that I will stop there two nights; that I intend then to go to LEEDS, stop there one night, then go to BRADFORD, stop there one night; then go to TODMORDEN, and ROCHDALE, and stop a night at ROCHDALE, if possible; then go to OLDHAM, stop there a night; then to MANCHESTER, and stop there a night, just to row up the POTTERS and SHUTTLEWORTHS and BAXTERS, and to tell them of the wonderful effects that the pamphlet of the mountebank has produced in Scotland; then go to BIRMINGHAM and COVENTRY, and stay a night at each place, just to describe to them the wonderful advantages that the Scotch have derived from their one-pound My friends, in the hope that you will reject this fellow with I had almost forgotten the innewspaper and begging you to be assured, that I vitation from DARLINGTON, which has will come down and challenge the fel-been conveyed to me in the following low and his jesting champion to meet words, from the chairman of the meetme face to face,

I remain,

Your faithful Friend,


And most obedient Servant,


ing, held there for the purpose of sending me an invitation.

Resolved-" That Mr. COBBETT be WM. COBBETT." earnestly solicited to visit this town,

"to deliver lectures on the political wriggle and twist about; this that

"state of the country, the impartial makes Torrens abuse me; but the whole "knowledge of which, by all classes of crew of them will be brought down to "the community, can alone work out specific pledges yet before the day of "the salvation of Great Britain from election, or they will stand a poor chance "her political degradation; a means, of being elected; and my real opinion "which may not be more efficiently is, that they will calculate to a fraction "employed and cultivated than when the worth of being in when bound down "communicated with the eloquence, hand and foot by pledges, and then, if “ zeal, and patriotism of WILLIAM COB-worth the while, if they think that with




these pledges at work in the parliament, the shadow of a sovereign in the corner' of the Exchequer remains to be given to tools, in they will rush like hounds to the scrag-pole; I believe they will make a calculation as nice as that which

THE Lord Mayor of London has issued the paper-money makers of New York his address to the electors of the city, made when they issued notes so long as and, as it is very elaborate and more they paid the expenses of paper and explicit than any that has yet been issued print and house and clerks; and I believe by any candidate, as it says something that upon the result of the calculation upon every topic that the people care will depend, whether or no the Whig anything about, and as it speaks well candidates will take the pledges or not. upon every one, this address is published by me as an example to candi-By-the-by, a very clever small pamphlet lished by me as an example to candi- has been put into my hand, and to the dates and electors all over the kingdom. influence of which I am inclined to asThe Lord Mayor has come out voluncribe the explicitness and the spirit of tarily with a string of pledges that ren- the Lord Mayor's address. It is entitled der any thing more, as far as regards him, quite unnecessary; for it is impossible that he, with this paper on record, with the eyes of his constituents on him, should act a false or shuffling part when in parliament. He must

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Eye-Water for the use of Electors in general and of those of London in particular," sold by Wilson, Royal Exchange. It is a little resumé of past events, in which they are so well contrasted, and the principal actors in them so shown off, so clearly and in so small a space, that the drowsiest alderman of all the drowsy court that he belongs to need not rub his eyes for a month after one application of this "water." The

follow the instructions of his constituents in the votes that he will have to give on the different measures that he evidently contemplates; and, the Lord Mayor of London, professing what we see underneath, and pledging himself as he there does, with what face can the hypocritical shuffling Whig candidates refuse to declare openly their principles "The electors of London will soon and pledge themselves in detail to "have an opportunity of showing their certain specific measures? Shufflers," detestation of this corrupt and proffishufflers! it is this that makes them" gate system, by choosing for their re

author concludes his observations on the City of London with this :

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