HIS LIFE, PUBLIC SERVICES, DEATH AND GREAT FUNERAL CORTEGE, WITH A HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION OF THE NATIONAL LINCOLN MONUMENT, By JOHN CARROLL POWER. MONUMENTAL EDITION. SPRINGFIELD, ILL. : EDWIN A. WILSON & CO. Entered according to Act of Congress, May 8, 1872, By JOHN CARROLL POWER, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. Entered according to Act of Congress, Oct. 16, 1874, By JOHN CARROLL POWER, In the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. Entered according to Act of Congress, Nov. 4, 1874, By JOHN CARROLL POWER, In the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. TO THE YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN IN THE E 457 PG UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Of all stations in life, this volume is most respectfully DEDICATED; With the earnest hope that they will adopt ABRAHAM LINCOLN As their MODEL, and strive to conform their lives to his standard of Truthfulness, Honesty and exalted Patriotism. THE AUTHOR PREFACE. In presenting to the reading public a new volume on the life of Abraham Lincoln, I do not claim to have discovered any new mines of truth, but my aim has been to present old truths in a new and attractive dress, to divest the subject of all irrelevant and redundant matter, and give a concise and connected account of the life, public services and tragic death of the wonderful man whose character seems to enlarge and expand the more it is studied. I have drawn extensively upon other biographers and historians, especially the writings of Hon. I. N. Arnold, Dr. J. G. Holland, J. H. Barrett, Ward H. Lamon, and others. In addition to the published works on the subjeet, I have derived very great advantage from more than four years residence among the people where Mr. Lincoln spent nearly thirty years of his life, and from a personal acquaintance with every member of the National Lincoln Monument Association. I have not felt called upon to defend Mr. Lincoln's character against unfavorable criticisms of his religious views. His own words will answer them more thoroughly than anything I could say, and I must confess my astonishment at finding in his writings so |