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The Senate of the United States, preceded by their Officers. Members of the House of Representatives of the United States. Governors of the several States and Territories. Legislatures of the several States and Territories.

The Federal Judiciary,

And the Judiciary of the several States and Territories.
The Assistant Secretaries of State, Treasury, War, Navy, Interior,

and the Assistant Postmaster General, and the
Assistant Attorney General

Officers of the Smithsonian Institute.

Members and Officers of the Sanitary and Christian Commissions.

Corporate Authorities of Washington, Georgetown

and other cities.

Delegations of the several States.

The Reverend the Clergy of the Various Denominations. Clerks and employees of the several Departments and Bureaus, Preceded by the heads of such Bureaus and their respective

Chief Clerks.

Such Societies as may wish to join the Procession.
Citizens and Strangers.

The troops designated to form the escort will assemble in the Avenue north of the President's house, and form line precisely at 11o'clock a. m., on Wednesday, the nineteenth inst. with the left resting on Fifteenth street. The procession will move precisely at 2 o'clock p. m. on the conclusion of the religious services at the Executive Mansion-appointed to commence at 12 o'clock meridian-when minute guns will be fired by detachments of artillery, stationed at St. John's Church, the City Hall, and at the Capitol. At the same hour, the bells of the several churches in Washington, Georgetown and Alexandria will be tolled.

At sunrise on Wednesday, the nineteenth inst. a federal salute will be fired from the Military Stations in the vicinity of Washington, minute guns between the hours of 12 and 3 o'clock, and a national salute at the setting of the sun.

The usual badge of mourning will be worn on the left arm, and on the hilt of the sword.

By order of the Secretary of War:

W. A. NICHOLS, Assistant Adjutant General.

The Governors of several of the loyal States, immediately after the capture of the rebel army under General Lee, issued proclamations appointing days for thanksgiving in their respective States. These were all countermanded after the assassination of the President, and the proclamation of the Acting Secretary of State adopted instead. That proclamation was incorporated into and made the principal part of the proclamations by Governors of States and Mayors of cities throughout the United States, and also in the British Provinces of North America. The proclamations of some of the Mayors in the Dominion of Canada were fully equal in their expressions of heartfelt sympathy ⚫ and condolence with those from similar officers in the United States.

In the absence of Governor Oglesby from the State, Lieutenant Governor William Bross issued a proclamation to the people of Illinois, recommending them to assemble in their several places of worship, at as early a day as possible, to " devoutly implore Almighty God to have mercy on us; that He will restrain the wrath of man and cause the remainder of his wrath to praise Him."

On the same day that Secretary Hunter issued his proclamation, Governor Oglesby adopted it, and adds:

"Responding to the spirit of the announcement, I call upon the people of the State of Illinois, the home of her martyred son, to meet in their various churches and places of public worship on that day, to observe it in such manner as this painful occasion shall suggest at the solemn hour.

Done at Springfield, April 17, 1865.


Hon. T. J. Dennis having been installed Mayor on the evening of the 17th, his first official act was to issue a proclamation in harmony with that of the Acting Secretary of State at Washington, and the one by Governor Oglesby, calling on the people of Springfield to assemble at their several places of worship at the time designated to engage in services appropriate to the occasion.



On Wednesday morning, April 19, 1865, the sun arose in splendor on the glittering domes of the nation's Capital. The East Room of the Executive Mansion, where a Harrison and a Taylor had lain in state, now contained all that was mortal of one who was immeasurably greater than either of them, judging by the result of his labors and the grateful esteem in which he was held by the people of the nation. The hour was approaching for the services to commence. None could be admitted without tickets, and there being only room for six hundred persons, that number of cards were issued, of which the following is an imitation:


Admit the Bearer to the EXECUTIVE MANSION,

On WEDNESDAY, the 19th of April, 1865.

Near 11 o'clock a body of about sixty clergymen entered the Mansion. Then came heads of Government Bureaus, Governors of States, members of municipal governments, prominent officers of the army and navy, representatives of foreign governments, or what is usually termed the Diplomatic Corps. At noon, President Johnson, in company with his cabinet, except Secretary Seward, of the State Department, approached the catafalque and took a last look at his illustrious predecessor. The religious services were opened by the Rev. Dr. Hall, of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and Rector of the Epiphany, who read portions of Scripture used in the impressive burial service of that church, and prayer by Bishop Simpson, of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Rev. Dr. P. D. Gurley, of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, and pastor of the President and family, then delivered an impressive funeral sermon. I can only give a single quotation, but that will enable us to understand how President Lincoln labored with such untiring patience in the discharge of his official duties:

"I speak what I know, and testify what I have often heard him say, when I affirm that the Divine goodness and mercy were the props on which he leaned. Never shall I forget the emphatic and deep emotion with which he said, in this very room, to a company of clergymen and others, who called to pay him their respects, in the darkest days of our civil conflict: 'Gentlemen, my hope of success in this struggle rests on that immutable foundation, the justness and goodness of God; and when events are very threatening, I still hope that, in some way, all will be well in the end, because our cause is just, and God will be on our side. Such was his sublime and holy faith, and it was an anchor to his soul. It made him firm and strong; it emboldened him in the pathway of duty, however rugged and perilous it might be; it made him valiant for the right, for the cause of God and humanity, and it held him in steady patience to a policy of administration which he thought both God and humanity required him to adopt."

Rev. Dr. E. H. Gray, Pastor of the E Street Baptist Church, who was at the time Chaplain of the United

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