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delivered in at the Secretary's table- They were then


It was moved by Mr Madison seconded by Mr Sherman to refer the resolutions, offered by Mr Patterson, to a Committee of the whole House

which passed in the affirmative

It was moved by Mr Rutledge seconded by Mr Hamilton to recommit the resolutions reported from a Committee of the whole House.

which passed in the affirmative.

Resolved that this House will to-morrow resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to consider of the state of the american union.

And then the House adjourned till to-morrow at II o'clock. A. Μ.

Saturday June 16. 1787.

The Order of the day being read

The House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole

House to consider of the state of the american union

Mr President left the Chair

M' Gorham took the Chair of the Committee
Mr President resumed the Chair

Mr Gorham reported from the Committee that the Committee had made a progress in the matter to them referred ; and had directed him to move that they may have leave to sit again.

Resolved that this House will on monday next again resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to consider of the state of the American Union.

And then the House adjourned till Monday next at 11 o'Clock A. Μ.


Monday June 18. 1787.

The Order of the day being read.

The House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole

House to consider of the State of the American Union
Mr President left the Chair

Mr Gorham took the Chair of the Committee

Mr President resumed the Chair.

M' Gorham reported from the Committee that the Committee had made a further progress in the matter to them referred: and had directed him to move that they may have leave to sit again

Resolved that this House will to-morrow again resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to consider of the state of the american Union.

and then the House adjourned till to-morrow at 11 oClock A. М.

Tuesday June 19. 1787.

The Order of the day being read

The House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole
House to consider of the state of the American Union.
Mr President left the Chair

Mr Gorham took the Chair of the Committee
Mr President resumed the Chair.

Mr Gorham reported from the Committee that the Committee, having spent some time in the consideration of the propositions submitted to the House by the honorable M Paterson— and of the resolutions heretofore reported from a Committee of the whole House, both of which had been to them re

to the House

ferred, were prepared to report thereon—and had directed him to report that the Committee do not agree to the propositions offered by the honorable Mr Paterson-and that they again submit the resolutions, formerly reported, to the consideration of the House.

It was then moved and seconded to postpone the consideration of the first resolution, reported from the Committee till to-morrow.

and on the question to postpone
it passed in the affirmative

And then the House adjourned till to-morrow at II o'Clock A. Μ.

Wednesday June 20. 1787.

The honorable William Blount Esquire a Deputy from the State of North Carolina attended and took his seat.

The following credentials were then produced and read. (here insert M' Blount's credentials)

It was moved by Mr Ellsworth seconded by Mr Gorham to amend the first resolution reported from the Committee of the whole House so as to read as follows-namely,

Resolved that the government of the United States ought to consist of

a Supreme Legislative, Judiciary, and Executive.
On the question to agree to the amendment
it passed unanimously in the affirmative

It was then moved by Mr Lansing seconded by Mr Sherman to postpone the consideration of the second resolution reported from the Committee, in order to take up the following, namely.

Resolved that the powers of legislation be vested in the

United States in Congress.

and on the question to postpone

it passed in the negative.

It was then moved and seconded to adjourn

which passed in the negative

On motion of the Deputies of the State of Delaware the determination of the House on the second resolution reported from the Committee was postponed until to-morrow.

and then the House adjourned till to-morrow at 11 o'clock A. M.

June 21. 1787.

The honorable Jonathan Dayton Esquire, a Deputy of the

State of New Jersey, attended and took his seat

The following credentials were produced and read.

(here insert Mr Dayton's credentials).

It was moved and seconded to agree to the second resolution reported from the Committee, namely,

Resolved that the Legislature consist of
Two Branches.

which passed in the affirmative.

It was moved and seconded to amend the first clause of the 3rd resolution reported from the Committee so as to read

Resolved that the Members of the first branch of the Legislature ought to be appointed in such manner as the Legislature of each State shall direct

On the question to agree to the amendment

it passed in the negative

It was then moved and seconded to agree to the first clause

of the third resolution as reported from the Committee, namely,

Resolved that the Members of the first branch of the Legislature ought to be elected by the People of the several States.

which passed in the affirmative

It was moved and seconded to erase the word

"three" from the second clause of the third resolution, reported from the Committee

which passed in the affirmative

It was moved and seconded to insert the word.

"Two" in the second clause of the third resolution re

ported from the Committee.

which passed unanimously in the affirmative

and then the House adjourned till to-morrow at 11 o'Clock. Α. Μ.

Friday June 22.

It was moved and seconded to strike the following words out

reported from the Committee

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of the 4th clause in the 3rd resolution namely

"To be paid out of the public treasury"

On the question to strike out the words

it passed in the negative

It was moved and seconded to strike ["out" stricken out] the following words out of the 3rd resolution reported from the committee, namely

"to receive fixed stipends by which they may be compensated for the devotion of their time to public service" and to substitute the following clause, namely

"to receive an adequate compensation for their services"
On the question to agree to the amendment
it passed in the affirmative


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