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time of the publication of that work, as it was discovered in the library at Cambridge, and was subsequently published in Amsterdam. The utility of the earlier Targums consists in their vindicating the genuineness of the Hebrew text by proving that it was the same at the time when the Targums were made, and these Targums are also of importance in showing that the

prophecies relating to the Messiah were understood by Jews in ancient times to bear the same interpretation that is now put upon them by Christians.

A version of the New Testament prepared by Amund Laurent was published in Swedish at Stockholm. CHARLES W. DARLING.

(To be continued.)



We take the train for Salisbury Cathedral and Southampton, and down the "Solent," an arm of the sea from one to six miles wide, and about one and a-half hours' ride by steamer from Southampton; a delightful ride with a cool bracing air; the New Forest, with its beautiful fields and residences of the wealthy on one side, and Southampton, with its Marine Hospital and other prominent buildings on the other. We soon come in sight of Osborn Palace on the Isle of Wight, the present summer residence of the Queen and royal family. Her yacht lies in waiting for her to embark on her first visit to Wales. At 7.30 o'clock, the Queen, Princess Henry of Battenberg and Princess Alice of Hesse, her daughter, come down, and, as usual, a great crowd is there to see them off. The Queen does not seem to have grown much older than when I saw her in London, eleven years ago; she does

not seem quite so stout. All along the shore of the Isle of Wight are beautiful villages and summer resorts of the English for bathing; at Cowes, where we stopped, were perhaps one hundred or more private yachts, but in a day. or two all had gone cruising about in various directions. We undertake to walk about the island over its beautiful roads, stopping where we pleased; but a heavy rain coming on we were glad to see a Tally-ho coach coming, and we asked if there was room for one more; receiving an affirmative reply. we were soon mounted on the topmost seat by the side of a young Englishman and his beautiful sister from London.

We first stop and walk up to Carisbrook Castle, about a mile from Newport; it is very old-built probably before the Roman occupation-and was fortified by the Romans in the reign of the Emperor Claudius.

It is

now nearly in ruins, but the walls and some portions of the building are still in a good state of preservation, and is covered with English ivy. The old castle has a long and interesting history of attacks and defences; it has had many prominent occupants as prisoners, including the Earl of Warwick in 1397. King Charles was held a prisoner here by the parliament in 1648. After numerous efforts to escape, the closing chapter in the history of this ill-fated monarch is summed up in the following words: "In the year of our Lord God, 1649, January the 30th day, was King Charles beheaded at Whitehall Gate." The Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Gloucester, the daughter and son of Charles, were removed here on the 16th of August, 1650 the former soon died here; in 1652 the latter was released by Cromwell and he went to Holland. The well-house is a great place of attraction, where the water is drawn up by donkeys by a large wooden wheel which has its history, dating back to the 15th century. The donkeys have the reputation of living to be very old, one as old as thirty-two years; the present one is very old.

From the walls and towers of the castle we get one of the finest views of the island; it is a most magnificent view of fields and forests; we can see Newport, Carisbrook and other villages, the cemetery on the hill side and the convent. I walked round and round the castle walls to take in what I called the perfection of beauty of landscape.

The ground is not hilly, but undulating, and the deep green of the foliage, the quaint old houses and churches and the beds of bright flowers about the homes, make one wish he could use· the brush and easel and carry with him for permanent reference, something to call up the scene through life.

We go on to Yarmouth, a little old town on the sea at the mouth of the "Yar," where a regatta was going on which great crowds had come to see, standing out in the rain which poured down English fashion. From here we pass through a beautiful country to Freshwater gate, called so from a gap in the range of Chalk Downs. We see numerous people, men and women, walking up the road through the hedges, and ask where they are all going; we are informed that there is a flower show in progress in the park at Farringford House, the residence of Lord Tennyson, the Poet Laureate. He thus writes about:

"Where far from noise and smoke of town,
I watch the twilight falling brown,
All round a careless ordered garden
Close to the ridge of a noble down."

We walk with the people up Tennyson's Lane and soon come to the flower show on an open park; we can see Farringford House through the trees, a plain, half circular stone house, with large windows in front. Mrs. Tennyson was sitting at one of these windows, but she complained of being much annoyed by strangers coarsely looking in at her windows and gazing at her. Lord Tennyson has been so

beset with visitors since the railroad was opened that he has built a house near Haslemere, and he is there now. We asked the privilege of walking about the grounds, which we found. were not cultivated like English parks, but were rather carelessly kept; there were scarcely any flowers, but many walks and hedges. We were told that when the Queen visited the Poet, she planted a tree in memory of her visit, but in a short time the relic stealers car

ried it off, twig by twig. The barns and houses of the workmen engaged on the premises are of stone, and the cottages are quite attractive with vines. running over the fronts and with their flowers and well-kept gardens. The men were eating their dinners and the women and girls looked clean and tidy. We go into the grounds of the flower show and find a splendid variety of healthy plants and flowers such as we cultivate at home. Plumbago, geraniums, some of the latter single bunches of flowers measuring six or eight inches across, and a great variety of colors, some of pure white. There was a great show of dahlias, some new varieties of cactus species which we had never seen. Some of the roses, especially the Baroness Rothschild, were very large, measuring eight inches across the top. There were ferns, fuchias, balsams, Queen of the Belgians, etc. They seem to make a good deal of a plant of white hardy perennial flox which I have had on my grounds for years in great quantities. The flowers and vegetables of all kinds

showed that the good people of the Isle of Wight were good cultivators. The rector of the village took the first prize for six varieties of splendid ferns.

We walk over to the bay, some distance, and ascend Hendon Hill, four hundred feet high, covered with heather with its purple bloom; from this point we get a good view of Alum Bay and the islands in the distance; the "Needles," some quite tall cliffs standing up out of the sea, look like sentinels on guard. A large number of people have come from different parts of the island on excursion coaches and carriages, and are enjoying the surf-bathing and were watching the waves as they came in and receded. The cliffs, rising from fifty to one hundred feet from the shore were of many colors. of many colors. The strata were vertically arranged, and their tints are bright and varied of red, blue, gray, white and black like stripes of silk. There had just been a heavy rain and they looked quite bright.

We mount our Tally-ho for a four hours' ride through a beautiful country ; through farms and villages with their quaint old churches and houses. We are interested in seeing the memorial monument in the churchyard to the memory of Elizabeth Walbridge, the "Dairyman's Daughter," whose story by Leigh Richmond interested us so much in our youth. We come to the road which leads along the sea from which come the delightful salt-water breezes, cool and refreshing, so that we have to button our overcoats closely

about us as night approaches. As we come near Ventnor we notice, I should think, fifteen or twenty large stone. houses separated from each other, and learn from a passenger that they form the Royal National Hospital for Consumptives, accomodating one hundred patients on the cottage plan, each accomodating six patients.

We are glad to get to Ventnor, and are attracted to the Royal Marine Hotel, where the stars and stripes are floating from a high pole and the British flag from another pole. Some forty Americans, mostly families from New York, come here every year. Everything looks substantial, and indicates that this is a popular seaside resort, judging from the fine villas of all conceivable styles of architecture, covering the hillside.

We ascend the Downs and get one of the best views of the Isle of Wight that we have seen. We take the railroad to Ryde, stopping at Shanklin, one of the prettiest seaside towns that we have seen, and as we walk about the streets we meet numerous fashionably dressed people, all on their way to the beach. It is 11 o'clock, and they are on their way to the morning baths down by the sea, where a large number of people are sitting in the sand and filling the little bathinghouses which are drawn out into the surf by a horse, and when the bathers are through with their baths they are drawn up to the beach again. We notice all sorts of pretty costumes. The young men wear white flannel pants

and a loose red or brown or blue striped sack, with leather-colored gaiters and a white cap. The ladies appear in a great variety of jaunty costumes. The men are generally good looking, but the girls are coarsefeatured and have long noses and long faces. The young ladies have a way of digging a large round hole in the sand, and lying down in it they cover themselves with sand, playing like children. The whole beach is covered with gay people in bright colors, and it makes an animated scene. The difference between American and English women is very marked. We see the women at the watering places in the United States spending their time sitting on the piazzas of hotels and boarding houses reading their dime novels-even taking them to the breakfast table and scarcely taking time to eat, so occupied are they in devouring the trash. The English women are fond of out door life and sports; we often meet them with their knapsacks on their backs and a good, stout alpine stock, tramping over Alps in Switzerland and walking over the Isle of Wight. They have eyes to see and ears to hear all that nature would teach. They sketch, and study birds and flowers, etc., while our women, as a rule, are all absorbed in fancy work. Our women are more artistic and beautiful. The English are sturdy, intelligent, and as a general thing, homely.

In groups on the beach the people gather around the negro minstrels, the bands of music and the fakir shows,

all bent on having a good time. The walks down to the beach are through what they call the "Chine," a deep shaded ravine one hundred feet high and from one hundred and fifty to two hundred feet wide, with a narrow stream at the bottom winding around. We walk up and down the steep steps, holding on to the rail, and all at once come up to the lookout which gives a fine view of the whole scene upon the beach, and then we walk down to the terminus in an extremely narrow fissure, down which the rill which has formed the Chine, falls about thirty feet.

We stop at Sandown, another favorite watering place on the island, where the annual regetta was going on-one of sailing boats and the other a boys' boating club-and excursions had been arranged to accommodate the people who came from many places to witness it; they lined the high banks and quays, making a gay scene in their summer costumes and colored parasols. The beach was also lined with visitors.

We did not stop long at Ryde, which from the sea, as you approach it, is attractive; the hillside is covered with an amphitheater of villas and trees, and you can see Portsmouth and the English forts which command the harbor. A live king, William of Germany, has just been received by his grandmother, Queen Victoria, with a grand marine display of over one hundred English war vessels. His fleet, consisting of twelve or fifteen war ships.

We have often heard of the picturesque beauty of the Isle of Wight, and we feel that pen cannot describe its beautiful scenery. It is a lovely spot, only two hours' ride from London by rail and an hour or an hour and a half from Southampton and Portsmouth by steamer. It is interesting to go by Southampton down the Solent by steamer to Ryde and return by steamer to Portsmouth, giving one a different view of English scenery and English towns to London. The form of the island is that of a diamond; twentythree miles from east to west, and thirteen miles from north to south; containing about 100,000 acres, nearly all of which is highly productive.

We have now visited every part of Great Britain, and feel as if this was the grand culmination of our most interesting and successful tour of about four months; but we are anxious to start homeward, and we take the cars from London to Chester, where we always like to spend the Sabbath when here and worship in the old cathedral. Hawarden, the home of Gladstone, is about six miles from here, and on Sunday morning, learning that he was at his home at Hawarden Castle, we rode out to Hawarden to worship in St. Deiniol Church, which is a handsome building, with a square embattled tower. The old grave monuments are scattered about the enclosure; we enter the church and are shown by the usher to a seat near an empty one, and as that is empty, I ask him if we cannot occupy that; he replies; "That is

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