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dency, entitled to a place in our paper. We wish for the moment when it may be no longer deemed necessary to mea. sure justice to man by the colour of his skin, and we believe that a rational and humane treatment of the slave will be necessary to prepare him for a political change so much sired by all.. also give accora.... our last) the music for the Hermit of Killarny' and new words as sang by the Juvenile Son's of Efin, at their last cel. | ebration of the anniversary of St Patrick. Editor.


to promise, (in

On the 3d Feb. arrived at Cadiz Bay the brig Osmyn, Davis master, of Bos. ton, with eight persons on board, whom he had picked up at sea, from a small sloop blown off the coast, on her passage from New York to Egg Harbor. At the time capt. Davis fortunately fell in with them, they were upwards of a thou. sand miles from the American coast, were in the most distressing situation, having suffered very much from the cold and scantiness of their provisions. -Under the hospitable roof of R. S. Hackley, esq. American Consul, they found immediate relief, on their arrival and through his humanity and that of his countrymen, an ample provision had been made for their immediate return to 'their country and friends. Their names are Henry Davis, master of the sloop, and his daughter; George Painter, his wife & two children, of N. York, bound on a visit to Egg-harbor; (they had taken passage in the Maria Theresa, capt, Backus, who was to sail the next day for N. York) and David Weldon and Pertes Brown, Seamen, had likewise en gaged passage in another vessel, soon to sail for N. York.

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els and cutting his throat with a knife, in a most shocking manner. A Coro. ner's inquest was held over the body who brought in a verdict of Suicide.He has formerly carried on business in that city, and was originally from New. Jersey-It is not known that he was overloaded with any peculiar misfor. tunes; nor was he observed to be particularly addicted to any of the prevalent vices which sometimes lead the mind to melancholy and unnatural death.


At Bennington, Vermont, on the 28th of Feb. last, F. E. Robinson, esq. son of the Hon. Jonathan Robinson, to Mrs. Ann Kuhn, daughter of Th. Storm, esq of this city.

At Albany Benjamin D. Packard, to Miss Charlotte Crane.

In New Jersey, George Page, of Moores Town, to Miss Atlantic French and Peter Hankinson, to Mrs. Lydia Mount; rev. E. Slack, to Miss Sophia Leak; Charles Howell, to Miss Rachel Erwin; Thomas Fish, to Miss Mary Young; tev. John Lamb, to Miss Urania Minton; Jacob Williamson, to Miss Jerusha Ent, capt Peter Howard, to Miss Sarah Van Nest; Richard Choyee, to Miss Ann Runkle; and Maj. Jacob Kleine, to Miss Lydia Quike.

At Albany, Henry Newman, to Miss Elizabeth Humphreys and David Morris to Miss Mary Jones


On Manday morning last, after a lingering illness, which she bore to the last with the utmost christian fortitude, leaving a young family to lament her irreparable loss, and much regretted by a numerous circle of friends, Mrs. Forton, widow of Claudius, Forton, aged 42


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Saturday, April 11,.....1812.






[No. 25.

Indeed! thought I, then let me be prepared! The pride of Mustapha was humbled; and I guessed the bloody purpose he would encompass. Like a base coward he could fawn and play the aycophant when on the brink of danger; but the peril over, aud seated on the summit of concerted safety, him would he sacrifice whose generous soul had rescued him from jeopardy. Such in fact was the soul scheme he contemplated to wipe away the infamy of humiliated greatness. They retired in silent interchange of signs,leaving me in expectation of the worst of pur


The boy was given me with much reluctance. I bore it from its home, and was proceeding toward Constantinople to execute my orders on the road in the completest manner. But as ill-luck, would have it, passing near to this in the dead of night, I was beset by robbers. A bullet brought me from my horse, and is now lodged in this thigh. Another shot killed my charge; and after smarting all night with my wounds, I had the good fortune to escape from my persuers to receive the reward I merited. It was the recollection of that circumstance, seignor, which occupied my thoughts I'm not, however, displeased at what happened, since it was the means of placing me under your highness' command. A company in the Janissaries was ther ecompence award-guished heart as I remembered ed me for my services, and, in consideration of the vizier's favor, I shall ever hold myself bound to obey his mandates, and allow me" to add those also of your Highness.'

The story of Omar placed be.. fore me an interesting picture of my destiny. What! was I then the son of the mighty selim-presump tive heirto the Ottoman throne? the very idea kindled up my blood to deeds of more than mortal valor. But my mother-this unheard-of Zaide! a sigh bursts from my an

that she also, like her son, was a victom to misfortune, no matter, thought I to myself perhaps I shall live to sooth her wearied pangs and while clasping to my heart the author of my existence learn the

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