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he answered, that he must preach to other cities alfo, Luke iv. 42, 43, 44. Mark i. 35-39.

Then Jefus went through all Galilee, and taught in their fynagogues, and caft out devils, Luke iv. 44. Marki. 39. and as he stood by the lake of Genefareth, a great multitude preffed upon him he entered therefore into Simon's fhip, and taught the multitude from thence, Luke v. 1-4. and when he had left fpeaking, at his command there was a great draught of fishes taken, at which Simon Peter and Andrew, James and John being astonished, he commanded them to follow him, and he would make them fishers of men, Luke v. 4—1. Mark ii. 16—20. Matt. iv. 18-22.

Then Jefus went through all Galilee, teaching in their fynagogues, and healing every disease, and his fame went through all Syria, and a great multitude followed him, Matt. iv. 23, 24, 25.

In a certain city Jefus healed a leper, who, though he was forbidden, yet published it and they came to him from every place to hear him, and to be healed, infomuch as he could no more openly enter into the city, but was in defert places, and prayed, Luke v. 12-16. Mark i. 40-45. Matt. viii. 1-4.

Then again Jefus entered into Capernaum, his own city, after fome days, and taught them at home, and before the Scribes and Pharifees, and a great multitude. He forgave fins to one fick of a palfy, who was let down through the roof of a house, and healed his difeafe, to the aftonishment of them all, Luke v. 17-26. Mark ii. 1-12. Matt. ix. I—8.

Then went Jefus forth again by the sea-fide, and all the multitude came unto him, and he taught them, and as he paffed by, he faw and called, Levi, or Matthew, fitting at the receipt of cuftom, Luke v. 27, 28. Mark ii, 13, 14. Matt. ix. 9.


Jefus in the houfe of Levi, defended both himself and his difciples for eating with publicans, and excufeth and vindicates them against the Pharifees, for their not fasting, Luke v. 29-39. Mark ii. 15-22. Matt. ix. 10-13. And it came to pafs on the second Sabbath after the first (i. e. the first Sabbath of the new year, instituted after their coming out of Egypt, and beginning from the month Nifan, or Abib) Je. fus going through the corn-fields, cleared his difciples. from the charge of the Pharifees, because they plucked the ears of corn; and explained the doctrine of the Sabbath, Luke vi. 1-5. Mark ii. 22-28. Matt xii, 1-8.

The fecond paffover of the Ministry of CHRIST, from which the fecond Year of the feventieth Week of DaNIEL begins.

AFTER this was the feast of the Jews, and Je

fus went up to Jerufalem, and healed on the Sabbath-day a man that had an infirmity thirty-eight years, who lay at the pool of Bethesda; and made a moft divine apology to the Jews, who fought to kill him, because he faid that God was his Father, John V. I—47.

Afterwards he went from thence and entered into a fynagogue and taught, and healed one that had a withered hand; whereupon the Pharifees went forth,. and ftraightway, with the Herodians, took counfel how they might deftroy him, Luke vi. 6-11. Mark iii. 1-6. Matt. xii. 9—14.

But Jefus, when he knew this, withdrew himself to the fea, and healed the multitude that followed him, ftraitly charging them that they should not make him known, and commanded his difciples, that a small

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ship should wait on him, because of the multitude that thronged him, Mark iii. 7—12. Matt. xii. 15


And it came to pass in those days that he went in. to a mountain to pray; and when it was day, he chose twelve, whom he called apoftles, who are specified by name, Luke vi. 12.-16. Mark iii. 13-19.

And he came down with them from the mountain, and stood in a plain, where a great multitude came to him, and he healed them all, Luke vi. 17, 18, 19.

After this they went into an house, and the multitude came together again, fo that they could not fo much as eat bread; and when his kinfmen heard of it, they went to lay hold on him, for they faid, he is befide himfelf, Mark iii. 19, 20, 21.

When Jefus faw the multitude, he went up into a mountain, and when he was fet, his disciples came unto him; and then he preached that long and excellent fermon, first to the apoftles, and afterwards to all the people, Luke vi. 20—49. Matt. v. vi. vii.

Now when he had ended all his fayings in the audience of the people, he entered into Capernaum, where he healed the Centurion's fervant that lay fick of the palfy, ready to die, Luke vii. 1-10. Matt. viii. 5-13.

The day following he went into the city of Nain, and raised one that was dead, and carrying out to his burial, which was the only fon of a widow; whereupon his fame fpread abroad, Luke vii. 11-17.

John the Baptift, being yet in prison, and being moved with the relation of his difciples concerning the fame and deeds of Jefus, fent two of them unto him, faying, Art thou be that was to come, or shall we look for another? And when they were returned with his anfwer, Chrift gave a large teftimony of ohn. After which he upbraided fome of the cities jor their ingratitude, and yet willingly fubmit


ted to the fole good pleasure of his Father, who hid his Son from fome, and revealed him to others, Luke vii. 18-35. Mat. xi. 2-3c.

Then Simon the Pharifee, defired him that he would eat with him, and as they were at meat he defended against Simon, and abfolved the woman, a fin ner, that washed his feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head, both kiffing, and anointing them, Luke vii. 36-50..

It came to pass afterwards that he went from city to city preaching, and his difciples were with him, and certain women miniftered unto him, Luke viii. I, 2, 3.

Then they brought unto him one that had a devil, that was both blind and dumb, and he healed him,and zealously defended himself against the Pharifees and Scribes that came down from Jerufalem, that blafphemed him, faying, He caft out devils through. Beelzebub, Mark iii. 22-30. Mat. viii. 22-37.

Then faid fome of the Scribes and Pharifees to him, Mafter, we would fee a fign of thee; to whom when he had sharply rebuked them, he would give no other fign but that of Jonas, Matt. viii. 38-5.

Whilft Jefus fpake to the people, it was told him that his mother and brethren ftood without defiring to fee, and to speak with him; but Jefus answering, fhewed them whom he accounted for his mother, and brother, and fifter, Luke viii. 19, 20, 21. Mark iii. 31-35. Matt. xi. 46–50.

The fame day Jesus went out of the house, and fat by the sea fide, and great multitudes were gathered unto him, fo that he went into a ship, and fat, and taught the multitude many times, by the parable of the fower, and by divers other parables, Luke viii. 4-18. Mark iv. 1-34. Matt. xiii. 1-33.

Alfo the fame day when it was evening, he faid unto them, let us launch forth unto the other fide of the lake:

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lake: and when he had given an answer to fome that would follow him, and fent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship, and by the way there arose a great tempeft, but he rebuked the wind and calmed the fea, and faved his difciples, Luke viii. 20-25. Mark iv. 35-41. Matt. viii. 18—27.

When they came to the other fide, into the country of the Gadarenes, or Gergafenes, which was on the oppofite fhore to Galilee; and when he was gone on land, there met him two poffeffed with devils, very fierce (Mark and Luke mention but one) out of whom Jefus cafteth the devils, and fuffered them to go into the herd of fwine, whereupon the Gadarenes defired him to leave their coafts. Then did the poffeffed perfons importune him that they might abide with him; but he denied their request, and fent them back to publish about Decapolis what great things Jefus had done for them. After which he paffed over again by ship to the other fide, and from thence went unto his own city (Capernaum), Luke viii. 26—36. Mark vi. 1, 16, 17, 20. Matt. viii. 28, 33, 34.

And it came to pass that when Jefus was returned, the people received him gladly, for they waited for him, and he was by the fea-fide, Luke viii. 40. Mark v. 21. and there came to him the difciples of John, faying, Why do we and the Pharifees fast oft, but thy difciples faft not? to whom he gave answer, Matt. ix. 14-17.

Whilft Jefus yet fpake, behold there came Jairus, one of the rulers of the fynagogue, and befought him greatly for his only daughter, being about twelve years old, who lay at the point of death; and as he was going, even at Jairus's door, a woman that had an iffue of blood twelve years, was fuddenly healed by touching the hem of Jefus's garment: and the daughter of Jairus being now already dead, was reftored to life by his word only: and he ftraitly charg


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