him, and miniftered unto him, and many other women that came up to Jerufalem with him, Luke xxiii. 47, 48, 49. Matt. xxvii. 51-56. The Jews therefore, that the bodies should not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was an high day) because it was the preparation, befought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken down. The foldiers therefore came and brake the legs of the two thieves, but not of Jefus, because he was already dead. Yet one of them with a fpear pierced his fide, and there came out blood and water, and these things were done that the fcriptures might be fulfilled, John xix. 31-37. And when even was now come, because it was the preparation, that is, the day before the Sabbath, there came Jofeph of Arimathea, a rich man, and an honourable counsellor, who alfo looked for the kingdom of God, a good, and a just man, and one who had not confented to the counfel and deed of them. Being a difciple, but fecretly for fear of the Jews, came boldly to Pilate, and begged the body of Jefus. Pilate marvelled that he was already dead, and calling the centurion, afked him; and when he knew it, he gave the body to Jofeph. There came alfo Nicodemus (which at firft came to Jefus by night) and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes about an hundred pound weight: and they took the body of Jefus and wrapped it in a linen cloth with the fpices, as the manner of the Jews was to bury. And Joseph laid it in his own new fepulchre, which he had hewn out of a rock, wherein yet never man was laid, and which was in a garden in the place where Jefus was crucified, rolling a great flone to the door of the fepulchre and Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of Jofes, who came with him from Galilee, beheld where they laid him, fitting over against the fe pulchre and they returned and prepared spices and ointments, and rested on the Sabbath-day, according to to the commandment, John xix. 38-42. Luke xxiii. 50-56. Mark xv. 42-47. Matt. xxvii. 57–61. The next day (April 4th) the Pharifees befought Pilate that he would command the fepulchre to be made fure until the third day, adding their reafon, which, when he had yielded to, they went and made the fepulchre fure, fealing the ftone and fetting a watch. In the end of the Sabbath, or when the Sabbath was now pat (April the 5th) when it dawned towards the first day of the week, in the morning very early, whilft it was yet dark, came Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Salome, bringing fpices which they had bought, that they might fee the fepulchre, and anoint Jefus; and they faid, "Who fhall roll away the stone from the door "for us?" And when the fun was rifen, coming to the fepulchre, they faw the ftone rolled away: for behold there was a great earthquake; for the angel of the Lord came down from heaven, and rolled away the ftone, and fat upon it; and they went in, but found not the body of the Lord Jefus: and it came 10 pals as they were much perplexed thereat, behold two men came to them in fhining raiment; their countenances were as lightening, and their garments white as fnow. Matthew and Mark mention but one angel and the keepers for fear did thake, and became as dead men. And when the women were afraid and bowed their faces to the earth, the angels faid to them, "Fear not ye, I know that ye feek Je"fus that was crucified; but why feek ye the living amongil the dead? He is not here: he is rifen as " he said, Come and fee the place where the Lord was “laid, and remember what he faid, whilft he was was in "Galilee with you, faying, The Son of man must "be delivered into the hands of finful men, and be "crucified, and the third day rife again; but go ye quickly, E 3 66 "quickly, and tell his difciples and Peter, that he is "rifen from the dead, and behold, he goes before you "into Galilee, there fhall ye fee him; behold, I have "told you." Then the women remembered the words of Jefus, and they departed quickly out of the fepulchre with fear and wonder, and great joy, and ran to tell his difciples; but they faid nothing to any man as they went; for they were afraid. And when the women told these things to the eleven, and to all the reft, their words feemed to them as idle tales. But Mary Magdalene telling Peter, and the other difciple, whom Jefus loved, " They have taken away "the Lord, and we know not where they have laid "him;" Peter and that other difciple went out, and came to the fepulchre; but that other disciple did outrun Peter, and came first to the fepulchre, and when he ftouped down, he faw the linen clothes lying, but went not in. Then came Peter following him, and went into the fepulchre, and saw the linen clothes lie, and the napkin that was about his head not lying with them, but wrapped together in a place by itfelf: then went in that other difciple, and faw and believed, and Peter went unto his own home, wondering at what was done; for as yet they knew not the fcriptures, that he must rise again from the dead. And the difciples went to their own home. But Mary Magdalene ftood without at the fepulchre weeping, and whilst the wept, fhe ftooped down in the fepulchre and faw two angels in white, fitting, the one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jefus had lain; and they faid unto her, " Woman, "why weepeft thou?" She faid, "They have "taken away my Lord, and I know not where they "have laid him:" and when he had thus faid, the turned back, and faw Jefus, but knew not that it was he. And Jefus faid to her, "Why weepest "thou? Whom feekeft thou?" She, fuppofing that that it had been the gardener, faid, " If thou hast "borne him hence, tell me where thou haft laid him, "and I will take him away: Jefus faid to her, "Touch me not, but go and tell my brethren, fay ing, I go," &c. And fhe came and told his difciples, and those that had been with him, as they were weeping and mourning, that fhe had feen the Lord, and that he had said these things to her; but they believed her not. And as the women went from the fepulchre (perhaps Mary Magdalene was absent) that they might tell his difciples, behold Jefus met them, and faid unto them, "All hail," and they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him. Then said Jefus to them, "Be not afraid, go "and tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, "there they fhall fee me," John xx. 1, 2, 18. Luke xxiv. 12. Mark xiv. 1-11. Matt. xxviii. 1, 8, 9, 10. Now when they were going, behold the watch went into the city, and fhewed to the chief priests all the things that were done; and when they were affembled with the elders, they took counsel, and gave large fums of money to the foldiers that they should fay, that his difciples came and stole him away whilst they flept: and "if it come to the governor's ears, “faid they, we will perfuade him, and fecure you." So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this faying is commonly reported amongst the Jews to this day, Matt. xxviii. 11—15. And two of them went into the country that fame day to a village fixty furlongs from Jerufalem, called Emaus; and as they jourried, Jefus went along with them; and they, telling what things were done concerning Jefus of Nazareth, how he was crucified, and that he rose again, &c. Jefus fhewed them out of the fcriptures, that it behoved Chrift to fuffer, and to enter into his glory. And in the village, when he had had taken bread, and given thanks, and broken it. he was known to them, their eyes being opened, though he appeared in another form, and he vanished out of their fight. And they rofe up that fame hour, and returned to Jerufalem to the eleven, who faid to thefe two," The Lord is rifen indeed, and hath ap. 'peared unto Simon." Then they told them what things were done in the way, and how he was known of them in breaking of bread; but neither believed they them, Luke xxiv. 13-35. Mark xiv. 12, 13. 66 Whilft they yet spake, it being evening, in the first day of the week, the doors being fhut where the disciples were gathered together for fear of the Jews, came Jefus himself and stood in the midst of them, and faid, "Peace be unto you :" but they were affrighted, fuppofing that they had seen a spirit; but he upbraided them with their unbelief, and hardnefs of heart, because they had not believed those that had feen him fince he was rifen: and he faid unto them, Why are you troubled? See my hands and my feet: a fpirit hath not flesh and bones:" and he fhewed them his hands and his feet, and his fide: and when they believed not for joy, and wondered, he faid unto them," Have ye here any meat?" And he did eat a piece of broiled meat and an honey comb; and his difciples rejoiced that they had feen the Lord. And he faid unto them, "Thefe are the words that I fpake unto you, while I was yet with you: that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Mofes, and in the prophets, and in the "Pfalms, of me." Then he opened their understandings that they might understand the fcriptures, and faid unto them, "Thus it is written, and thus it be. "hoved Chrift to fuffer, and to rife from the dead "the third day, and that repentance and remiffion of "fins fhould be preached in his name, among all na❝tions, and ye are witneffes of these things. And "behold, I fend the promise of my Father among 46 "you; |