Then Pilate, when he had called the chief priests and the rulers, and the people, he faid unto them, "Neither I, nor Herod find any fault in him, nor a .66 : ny thing worthy of death; I will therefore chaftife "him and release him." For he was of neceffity (according to the custom) every feaft, to deliver to the people one prifoner whomfoever they would. And the multitude crying out aloud, began to defire that he would do unto them as he ever had done. Then faid Pilate, "Ye have a custom that I should "release one unto you at the passover will ye there"fore that I release unto you the King of the Jews, or Barabbas?" For he knew that the chief priests had delivered him up of envy. But they ftirred up the people that they should rather defire Barabbas, who was a notable thief, who lay bound for insurrection and murder in the city. When Pilate was fat down on the judgment feat, his wife fent to him, faying, "Have thou nothing to do with that just "man; for I have fuffered many things in my "dream by reason of him this day." Pilate therefore fpake unto them again, being willing to release Jefus, "Which of them will ye that I release "unto you?" They all cried out, faying, "Not "him, but Barabbas." Pilate replied," What then "will ye that I fhall do unto him whom ye call King "of the Jews?" and they all cried out again, " Cru"cify him." Pilate faid unto them the third time, Why? what evil hath he done? I find no caufe of "death in him: I will therefore chaftife him, and "let him go." But they cried the more earnestly, "Crucify him :" and were very inftant with loud voices defiring the fame, Mark xv. 6—15. 66 Then Pilate took Jefus and fcourged him, and the foldiers platted a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and clothed him with purple, faying, "Hail King of the Jews," and beat him with ftaves. Pi 66 late 66 late therefore went forth again unto them, and faid unto them," Behold I bring him forth unto you, “ that ye may know that I find no fault in him. " Then Jefus came forth, wearing the crown of thorns, and the robe, and Pilate faid unto them, "Behold "the man." When the chief priests and officers faw him, they cried out, faying, “ Crucify him, crucify "him." Pilate replied, "Take ye him and crucify "him; for I find no fault in him." Then faid the Jews, "He ought to die, because he made himself "the Son of God." When Pilate heard that, he was the more afraid, and went again into the judgmenthall, and faid to Jefus, "Whence art thou?" But Jefus gave him no anfwer. Then faid Pilate to him, Speakeft thou not unto me? Knoweft thou not that "I have power to crucify thee?" Jefus answered, "Thou couldst have no power unless it were given "thee from above." From thenceforth Pilate fought to release him. But the Jews cried out, "Then "thou art not Cæfar's friend." When Pilate heard this, he fat on the judgment feat, in the place called the Pavement, and it was the preparation of the paffover, and about the fixth hour. Then faid he to the Jews, "Behold your King." The chief priests anfwered, "We have no king but Cæfar." When Pilate therefore saw that he prevailed nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water and washed his hands before the multitude, faying, “ I am inno"cent of the blood of this juft perfon, fee you to it." And all the people answered and faid, "His blood be "upon us and our children." Then Pilate being willing to content the multitude, released unto them Barabbas, and when he had fcourged Jefus, he delivered him over to their will, that he might be crucified, John xix. 1, 10, 17, 30. Then the foldiers of the governor, when they had led Jefus into the hall called Prætorium, they called the the whole band together; and when they had ftripped him, they put upon him a scarlet robe, and plat ted a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and a reed in his right-hand, and bowing the knee, they mocked him, faying, "Hail, King of the Jews." And when they had fpit on him, they took the reed, and smote him on the head and when they had mocked him, they took off put his own clothes on him, and crucify him, Matt. xxvii. 27, 31. 37. : the purple, and led him out to Mark xv. 16 Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he faw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought the thirty piedes of filver to the chief priests, confeffing his fin unto them; and cafting the filver pieces into the temple, went and hanged himself and they bought with them the Potter's field, that the prophecy might be fulfilled, Matt. xxvii. 3, &c. And Jefus came forth carrying his crofs; but as they were leading him, they found one Simon of Cyrene, as he came out of the country, whom they took, and compelled to carry the crofs after Jefus. There were alfo two thieves that were led with him to be crucified. And there followed a great multitude of people, and of women that lamented, to whom Jefus turned, and foretold the lamentable deftruction of Jerufalem. And when they were come into the place called Calvary, but in the Hebrew, Golgotha, they gave him to drink wine mingled with myrrh, and vinegar mingled with gall; and when he had tafted it, he would not drink it: and they crucified him there (and it was the third hour) and two thieves with him, îne on the right hand, and the other on the left. And Jefus faid, "Father forgive them; for they know "not what they do." And Pilate wrote a fuperfcrip 1 tion in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, and put it on the crofs; which, at the request of the chief priests, Pilate would not alter. And after they had crucified him, they divided his garments into four parts, to every foldier that was employed in his execution a part; and caft lots for his feamless eoat, whose it fhould be, that the fcripture might be fulfilled: and fitting down, they watched him there; and the people ftood beholding him. But they that paffed by reviled him, wagging their heads, and faying, "Oh, "thou that destroyeft the temple, and buildest it in "three days, fave thy felf. If thou be the Son of "God, come down from the crofs." Likewife alfo the chief priests, and rulers, with the people, and fcribes and elders, mocking and fcoffing, faid a. mongst themselves, "He faved others, himself he "cannot fave. If he be the King of Ifrael; if that "Chrift, the chofen of God, let him come down "from the crofs, and we will believe him. He truft"ed in God, let him deliver him if he will have him ; "for he said, I am the Son of God." The foldiers alío mocked him, and coming to him, offered him vinegar, faying, “If thou be the King of the Jews, "fave thyfelf." The thieves also that were crucified with him, caft the fame in his teeth. And one of them, continuing his railing against him, the other being converted, rebuked him, and faid unto Jefus, "Lord, remember me when thou comest into "thy kingdom." To whom Jefus anfwered, "Today fhalt thou be with me in Paradife." And there ftood by his cross the mother of Jefus, and his mother's fifter, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jefus therefore faw his mother, and the difciple whom he loved ftanding by, he said to his mother, "Behold thy Son," and to the disciple, "Behold thy mother." And when the fixth hour was come, there was darknefs over all the land, or or country, until the ninth hour; and about the ninth hour, Jefus cried out with a loud voice, "Eli, "Eli, lamma fabacthani? and fome that food by, "faid, He calleth Elias," Luke xxiii. 26-38. Matt. xxvii. 32-50. Luke xxiii. 44, 45, 46. After this, when Jefus knew that all things were accomplished, that the fcripture might be fulfilled, he faid, "I thirft." Now there was fet there, a vel fel full of vinegar, and they filled a sponge with vinegar, and put it upon hyffop, or a reed, and put it to his mouth, faying with the reft, "Let be, let us "fee if Elias will come to fave him, and take him "down." But Jefus, when he had received the vinegar, faid, "It is finished." And then again he cried with a loud voice, "Father, into thy hands I "commend my fpirit," and bowing his head, be gave up the ghoft. And when the centurion faw that he fo cried out, and gave up the ghoft, he glorified God, faying, Truly this is a juft man, truly "this is the Son of God," Mark xv. 38-42. And behold the vail of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom, and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent, and the graves were opened, and many bodies of the faints, which flept, arofe, and came out of their graves after his refurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. And the centurion, and they that stood over-against, and they that watched Jefus, when they faw the earthquake, and the things that were done, feared greatly, faying, "Truly this was the Son of "God." And all the people that came together to that fight, beholding the things that were done, fmote their breafts, and returned. And his acquaintance, and the women which followed him from Galilee, ftood afar off, beholding these things, among whom were Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the lefs, and mother of Jofes, and Salome, who also, when he was in Galilee, followed E 2 him |