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propounded to them the parable of the marriage of the king's fon, and the refusals and excufes of fome that were bidden, and the wickednefs and punishments of others, especially of him that had not on the wedding-garment. Then went the Pharifees, and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk wherefore they fent unto him their difciples, with the Herodians, faying, Is it lawful to give tribute to Cafar, or not? These being astonished at his answer, left him, and went their way, Luke xx. 1, 8, 9, 19, 20, 40. Mark vi. 20-33. and xi. 1, 12, 13, 37. Matt. xxi. 19–46. xxii. 1—46.

The fame day there came to Jefus the Sadducees, asking him of the woman that had seven brethren to her husbands, which of them should be her husband in the refurrection? And when the multitude heard his answer, whereby he proved the refurrection, they were astonished at his doctrine: then a Pharifee that was a lawyer, tempted him, asking which was the great commandment in the law? To whom he anfwered, and asked the Pharisee whofe fon Chrift is? And no man was able to answer him a word, neither durft any man from that day forth, ask him any more queftions, Luke xx. 41-44.

Then spake Jefus to the multitude, and to his difciples concerning the Scribes and Pharifees, denouncing eight woes against them, and turning his speech to the city of Jerufalem, he accufed her of cruelty and obstinacy, and foretold her defolation, Luke xx. 45-47. Mark xii. 38-40. Matth. xxiii. 1-39.

And as Jefus fat over against the treasury, he saw a widow cafting in two mites, whom he preferred before them that caft in more, Luke xxi. 1-4. Mark xii. 41-44.

When he was gone out of the temple, his disciples fhewed him the stately buildings, and ftones of it, whereupon


whereupon he foretold the ruin thereof, Luke xxi. 5-36. Mark xiii. 1-37. Matth. xxiv. 1—51.


And as he fat on the mount of Olives over against the temple, his disciples asked him when these things fhould be, and what should be the fign of his coming, and of the end of the world? To whom he at large anfwered concerning the figns of them both and warned them to watch, and be ready, because they knew not the hour when the Lord would come, and he taught them the fame thing by the parable of the ten virgins as alfo by the parable of the talents delivered to the fervants to trade withal: and defcribed the judgment of this world, (perhaps as a type of that) by fetting the fheep on the right hand, and the goats on the left, and giving fentence upon each of them. By day he taught in the temple, but at night he went into the mount of Olives; and all the people came unto him early in the morning, and he taught them in the temple, Matth. xxv. 1–46. Luke xxi. 37, 38.

And it came to pass, when Jefus had finished these fayings, he faid unto his difciples, Ye know that after two days is the paffover, and the Son of man shall be betrayed to be crucified: about which time they confulted together in the palace of the high priest, that they might kill Jefus: but they said, Not on the feaft day, left there be an uproar amongst the people, Mark xiv. 1, 2. Matth. xxvi, 1—5.

As Jefus was in the house of Simon the leper, he defended a woman that poured an alabafter box of ointment on his head, as he fat at meat, against his difciples that murmured at it, and foretold his burial, Mark xvi. 3-9. Matth. xxvi. 6—13.

Then entered Satan into Judas, who offered himself, and covenanted to betray him, Luke xxii. 1-3. Mark xiv. 10, 11. Matth. xxvi. 14-16.


The fourth and laft paffover, in which CHRIST (our paffover) was facrificed, 1 Cor. v. 7. and fo an end was put to all the legal facrifices which prefigured this only one. The fourth, or middle year of the last week of DANIEL now beginning, Dan. ix. 27.

IN N the first day of unleavened bread, when the paff over was flain (April 2.) his difciples afked him where they should prepare it? Then he fent Peter and John into the city, telling them that there should meet him a man bearing a pitcher of water, by following of whom, they fhould find a gueft-chamber ready furnished by the good man of the houfe, Mark xiv. 12-16. Matth. xxvi. 17-19.

And in the evening he went thither with the twelve, and when they had fat down and eaten, Jefus faid, I bave greatly defired to eat this paffover with you before I fuffer: and he commanded them to divide the cup amongst themselves, faying, I will not any more eat of the paffover, or drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God fhall come: Then faid he, one of you shall betray me, and they began to be forrowful, and to fay unto him one by one, Is it I? and he answered, It is he that dippeth his hand with me in the difb: and to Judas, afking, Is it I? He answered, Thou haft faid, Luke xxii. 14-18. Mark xiv. 17-21. Matth. xxvi. 21, 25.

Alfo whilst they were eating, Jefus inftituted the facrament of his body and blood in bread and wine, after he had fupped, adding, I will not henceforth drink of the fruit of the vine, till I drink it new with you in the kingdom of my Father. But be

hold, faith he, the band of him that betrays me, is with me at the table: then they began to enquire amongst themselves, if any among them should do this,

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Luke xxii. 19-23. Mark xiv. 22—25. Mat. xxvi. 25, 26.

There was also a ftrife amongst them which of them should be accounted greateft. When fupper was ended, Jefus arofe and laid afide his garments, and took a towel and girded himself therewith, and began to wash and wipe his disciples feet, and Peter's alfo, who at first denied it, but afterwards defired it. This being done, Jesus sat down again, saying, I have fhewed you an example, that as I have done, you might likewife wash one another's feet: be that will be greatest among you, let him be the leaft: yet he added, I do not speak of you all; for I know whom I have chofen. When he had said these things he was troubled in spirit, and teftified faying, One of you shall betray me: His difciples therefore looking one upon another, were uncertain of whom he fpake; Peter therefore beckoned to the beloved difciple, that he fhould ask who it was: Jefus answered, He it is to whom I shall give a fop after. I have dipped it, and he gave the fop to Judas, and faid unto him, What thou doeft, do quickly. Judas having received the fop went out immediately: and it was night, John xiii. 2-38. Luke xxii. 24-30.


When Judas was gone out, Jefus faid, Now is the Son of man glorified, and God is glorified in him: and he told them of his fudden departure, and ex. horted them to the mutual love of one another. faid alfo, Simon, Simon, Behold, Satan bath defired you, that he might winnow you as wheat; but I have prayed for thee; and do thou ftrengthen thy brethren, and when Peter too confidently faid, I will lay down my life for thee, he answered, The cock fhall not crow till thou haft denied me thrice. Then faid he unto them, He that hath a purfe, let him take it, and he that bath not a fword, let him buy one. Some an fwering,

fwering, Here are two fwords, he said, It is enough, Luke xxii. 31-38.

Then did Jefus comfort them against the forrow which they conceived for his death; and to the queftions of Thomas, Philip, and Judas, (who is alfo Libbæus, furnamed Thaddaeus, another of the fons of Alphæus, and brother of James) he answered every one particularly, promifing them that the Holy Ghost fhould be their teacher and left his peace with them; and again admonished them of his approaching death, and of the joyful fruit thereof: adding, Arife, let us go bence; and when they had fung an hymn, they went out towards the mount of Olives, John xiv. I31. Mark xiv. 26. Matth. xxvi. 30,

In the way as they were going, by the parable of the vine and the branches, he exhorted them to bring forth fruit, and to remain in the love of God towards them, and mutually to love one another, and to abide patiently the hatred of the world, which hates Chrift himself; and that they should not be offended for perfecutions, John xv. 27. And again he com-forted them against forrow for his death, by the promife of fending them the Conforter, the Spirit of truth, whofe office against the world, and towards them he defcribeth: and admonished them that yet a little while, and they should not jee him: and they, not understanding what that meant, he explained it unto them, and told them that their aforefaid forrow fhould be turned into joy, by the example of a woman bringing forth a man child: as alfo by the promife of his returning to them, by the love of the Father towards them, and by his ready hearing of their petitions that they should make in his name.


when he faid, I come forth from the Father, and am come into the world; and again, I leave the world, and go unto the Father; his difciples aufwered, Lo, now thou fpeakest plainly: we believe thou cameft from

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