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who faid, that then it is better for a man not to marry, Mark x. 2-12. Matt. xix. 3-12.

At this time they brought unto him little children that he should lay his hands upon them, and pray, and his difciples forbade them; for which, being rebuked by Jefus, he laid his hands upon them, and blesfed them, and then departed from thence, Luke xviii. 15-17. Mark x. 13, 16. Matt. xix. 13-15.

Jefus going from thence, as he was in the way, there met him a young man, one of the rulers, very rich, faying unto him, Good Mafter, what must I do to inherit eternal life? And Jefus having fpoken concerning the title that he gave him, sent him to the commandments, and he replying, that he had obferved them, Jefus loved him but bidding him to fell al that he had, and give it to the poor, he went away forrowful, Luke xviii. 18-30. Mark x. 17-31. Matt. xix. 16-40.


Then Jefus inveighed bitterly against covetous rich men: and when Peter faid, Behold we have left all to follow thee, he made notable promifes to all fuch, whereof fome were peculiar to the apoftles: adding withal, that many which were laft should be firft, and the firft fhould be laft, which he declared by a parable of labourers in a vineyard, for many were called but few chofen, Luke xviii. 28, 29. Matt. xix. 27, &c. Mark x. 23, &c.

Lazarus of Bethany being fick, his fifters fent to tell Jefus thereof, who, as foon as he heard it, tarried two days in the place where he was: but afterwards he faid to his difciples, Let us go again into Judea. They faid to him, The Jews of late fought to ftone thee, and goeft thou thither again? Jefus answering, faid unto them, Lazarus fleepeth, (meaning that he was dead.) Let us go to him, faid Thomas, that we may die with him, John xi. 1—6.

Jefus came nigh to Bethany, and found that Laza


rus had been buried four days: and Mary hearing of it, came quickly to him out of the town, where Martha alfo met him, and Jefus feeing her weep, he wept alfo; and coming to the grave, he bade them remove the ftone, and giving thanks to his Father, called Lazarus out of the grave, whereupon many believed on him; but fome went to the Pharifees, and told them what things Jefus had done, John xi. 17-54.

Hereupon the Pharifees called a council, where Caiaphas prophefied concerning Jefus, and from that day they confulted together that they might put him to death, commanding, that if any one knew where he was, they should give them notice, that they might take him. Jefus therefore walked no more openly a mongst the Jews, but went unto a city, Ephraim, and there continued with his difciples, John xi. 54.

After this they went up to Jerufalem, and as they were in the way, Jefus went before them, and they were afraid; and he again took the twelve, and began to tell them what things should happen unto him, but they understood none of those things, Luke xviii. 31-34. Mark x. 32-34. Matth. xix. 17-19.

Then came to him James and John, the fons of Zebedee, and their mother, defiring that they might fit, the one on his right hand, and the other on his left; but he repelled them with his anfwer; and when the reft were displeased with their requeft, he admonished them all, that he that would be great and firft amongst them, must be the minifter and fervant of all, Mark x. 35-45. Matth. xix. 20—28.

And it came to pafs when Jefus came nigh to Jericho, a certain blind man fat begging by the way-fide, and asking who it was that paffed by, and hearing that it was Jefus of Nazareth, he (though he was rebuked) earnestly implored his mercy; and being called by Jefus, he received his fight, and followed him, glorifying God, Luke xviii. 35-43.


Then Jefus entered, and paffed through Jericho, and efpying Zaccheus in a fycamore tree, be faid unto him, I must abide at thy house to day, Luke xix. 1-10.

And as Jefus went out of Jericho, a great multitude followed him; and he restored fight to two blind men, whereof Bartimeus was one, and they followed him, Mark x. 46-52. Matth. xix. 29-34.

Being come nigh to Jerufalem, because they thought that the kingdom of God fhould immediately appear, as he went forwards, he told the parable of the nobleman that went into a far country, who gave to his ten fervants ten pounds, to occupy therewith till he returned, and when he came back knowing which had gained most by trading, he rewarded each of them according to the proportion of their gain, Luke xix. 11-27.

Now the paffover was at hand, and many went out of the country up to Jerufalem before the paffo ver, that they might purify themfelves, John xi. 55% 56, 57.

And Jefus, fix days before the paffover, came to Bethany, and they made him a fupper, and Lazarus fat with him, and Mary anointed his feet, and wiped them with the hairs of her head, whom Jefus de fended against Judas; and much people came thither, not only for Jefus's fake, but that they might fee Lazarus. But the chief priests confulted how they might put Lazarus to death, because many of the Jews believed by reafon of him, John xii. 11. Mark xi. 1-7. Matt. xxi. 1-7. Luke xix. 21-35

After this Jefus went before, afcending up to Jerufalem; and it came to pass that when he was nigh to Bethphage, and Bethany, at the mount of Olives, (the 29th day of our March) he fent two of his difciples for an afs-colt that was tied. Matthew men tions the dam alfo: and they brought the colt unto Jefus, and caft their garments on the colt, and set


him thereon, and much people that came to the feast, met him, many cafting their garments in the way, and others cut down branches of the trees and strewed them in the way; and when he was come unto the defcent of the Mount of Olives, the company that went before and that followed cried, Hojanna to the Son of David. Then said some of the Pharifees to him, Mafter, rebuke thy difciples. Jefus answered them; and the Pharifees thereupon faid amongst themselves, Perceive ye not that we prevail nothing? Behold the world is gone after him, John xii. 12-18. Luke xix. 36-40. Mark xi. 8, 9, 10. Matth. xix.

8, 9:

When Jefus was come nigh, feeing the city, he wept over it, foretelling the utter deftruction there-of, John xii. 19. Luke xix. 41, 42. Mark xi. 10,


And when he was entered into Jerufalem, all the city was moved, faying, Who is this? And Jefus entered into the temple of God, and caft out those that bought and fold in it, and healed both blind and Jame in it; and juftified the children who cried, Hofanna, in the temple, against the priests and scribes, that were displeased at it. He also taught daily in the temple, thofe that heard him being very attentive; but the chief priests and elders of the people fought to destroy him, Luke xix. 45, 46. Mark xi. 11. Matt. xxi. 12—16.

Some Greeks of those that came to worship at the feaf, defired to fee Jefus, and he answered them that told him alfo by preaching of his paffion, and calling upon his Father, he received an answer from heaven, which fome thought to be thunder, others an angel and speaking again of the lifting up of the Son of Man from the earth, he anfwered them that afked him, Who this Son of Man was? Then going from thence, he hid himself from them: and when


it was evening, he went with his disciples unto Bethany and though he had done fo many miracles amongst them, yet did they not believe, that the word of Ifaiah might be fulfilled. Yet nevertheless many of the rulers believed on him, but did not confess him for fear of the Pharifees. Jefus crying out therefore, preached concerning faith in him, John xii. 20-50. Mark xi. 17.

On the morrow, when he came from Bethany, he was an hungry, and feeing a fig-tree that had only leaves on it, he curfed it, and it ftraightway wither

Then they came to Jerufalem, and entering into the temple, he again caft out those that fold and bought there, and would not that any fhould carry a veffel through the temple; and crying out, he taught concerning faith in himfelf; but the chief priests fought how they might deftroy him; for they feared him, becaufe all the people were astonished at his doctrine and when evening was come, Jefus went out of the city, Mark xi. 12-19. Matt. xxi. 18, 19.


And when they returned in the morning, as they paffed by the fig-tree, they faw that it was dried up by the roots, which Peter fhewing to Jefus, he preached unto them of the power and virtue of faith, but efpecially in prayers. And they came again into Jerufalem; and as he was walking in the temple and teaching, the chief priefis, elders, and fcribes, came unto him, faying, By what authority dost thou thefe things? Jefus anfwered, by afking them concerning John's baptifm. He alfo fpake unto them the parable of the two fons, afking them, which of the two did the will of his father? and applied it unto them: as alfo the parable of the vineyard let out to husbandmen, and of their killing the heir of the vineyard, together with the application thereof: and from that hour they fought to take him; but they feared the people, for they took him for a prophet. Again he


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