ing one with another, what the rifing from the dead should mean; and they asked him, why do the Scribes fay that Elias muft first come? and they received an anfwer, by which they understood that Jesus spake of John Baptist, as that Elias, Luke vii. 28—36. Mark ix. 1-13. Matth. xvii. 1-13. And it came to pass, the next day when they were come down from the hill, and that he was come to his disciples, he faw a great multitude about them, and the Scribes queftioning with them; and ftraightway when all the multitude faw him, they were greatly amazed, and running to him, faluted him; and as he was asking about their queftioning with his difciples, the father of a lunatic child anfwered him, the it was about his child that had an unclean spirit, both deaf and dumb, and that his difciples could not caft him out. Then Jefus having caft out the fpirit, reflored the child to his father whole: and being at home, he shewed his difciples the reafon why they could not cast out this devil, Luke vii. 37-42. Mark ix. 14-29. Matt. xvii. 14-21. And they departed thence and paffed through Galilee, and he would not that any man should know it: and he taught his difciples concerning his death and refurrection; but they understood not that faying, and being exceedingly forry, were afraid to ask him, Luke vii. 43-45. Mark ix. 30-32. Matt. xvii. 22, 23. When they were come to Capernaum they asked Peter about Jefus's paying tribute money. And when Jefus was come into the houfe, he prevented Peter, telling him, that he should find a piece of money in a fish's mouth, and bad him pay that for tribute both for himfelf and for Jefus, Matt. xvii. 24-27. At Capernaum Jefus afked his difciples what it was that they difputed of among themselves by the way; at which, when they were filent at the first, they af. terwards ་ terwards told him that he was, who should be greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Then Jefus taking a child, and fetting him in the midft, taught them that they fhould have humility even as a child. He alfo warned the world of offences, admonishing us to take heed, that neither hand, foot, nor eye, make us to offend --that little ones are not to be despised-how our brother finning against us, is to be reproved; as alfo to be bound and loofed by the church: and to be forgiven to feventy times seven times, as he fhewed in that parable of the two debtors to the king, Luke vii. 46-48. Mark ix. 33-37. Matth. xviii. 1-35. Then faid John to him, we saw one cafting out devils through thy name, whom Jefus taught that he was not to be forbidden, and again warned them not to offend little ones, and to take heed again, that neither hand, foot, nor eye, cause them to offend, Luke vii. 49, 50. Mark ix. 38, 50. After these things Jefus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, becaufe the Jews fought to kill him. Now the feat of tabernacles was at hand; and Jefus went not up to the feast, as his brethren would have him do, who as yet believed not on him; but he went up after them, not openly, but as it were in fecret, John vii. 1-10. And it came to pass that when the time was come that he fhould be received, he fet his face to go to Jerufalem, and he fent meffengers before his face, and they went into a village of the Samaritans to make ready for him; but they would not receive him, wherefore they went into another city, and Jefus rebuked his difciples, who would have commanded fire to come down from heaven upon them, Luke vii. 51-56. And as they were paffing in the way, Jefus gave C ing one with anot A com his a' . to time that would follow ale tags fetus fent leventy difciples by 439 i 30 Pito every city and place, where he him walang giving them inftructions, and arm ***NY #th power, Mark X. I-16. The maltitude enquiring after Jefus at the feast, ma concerning him, Jefus in the midit of the ad, taught in the temple; and they wondersdctrine; he anfwered, that his doctrine was his own, but his that fent him. He also anmany things to them who reproached and obted against him, and officers were fent to apprehend In the laft and great day of the feaft, Jefus cry concerning faith in him, there was a divifion concerning him amongst the people: but the officers * out which were fent, and Nicodemus, defended both his perion and caufe before the Pharifees that spake against him, John vii. 11-53. Then went Jefus unto the mount of Olives and early in the morning he fat and taught in the temple, where, being not willing to condemn the woman that was taken in adultery, he warned her to fin no more. As he was teaching in the treafury of the temple, he affirmed that he was the light of the world, and defended his bearing record of himself. He taught many things concerning the Father himself, and told them whither he goes, and who he is: alfo of their father Abraham; of the fervitude of fin and of the de. vil. Of himself, that he had not a devil as they fuppofed. That whofoever kept his fayings fhould not taste of death, concluding with these words, before Abraham was, I am; whereupon they took up ftones to throw at him. But Jefus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midft of them, and fo paffed by, John viii. 1-59. As Jefus paffed on the way, he faw one begging, that that was blind from his youth, who being made to fee, after many examinations both of himself, and of his parents, he was caft out of the fynagogue, who afterwards meeting Jefus, he worshipped him, John ix. 1-41. Then preached Jefus, that he is the door of the Sheep, and that good Shepherd; as alfo concerning thieves and hirelings; and there was again a divifion amongst the Jews for those sayings, John x. 1—21. At this time the feventy returned to him with joy, whom Jefus further warned and inftructed; and rejoicing in fpirit, he told them privately that their eyes were happy, Luke x. 17—24. Then came to him a certain lawyer, asking him, What he must do to inherit eternal life? Jefus fent him to the law: and by the parable of the man that fell amongst thieves, taught him who was his neighbour,/ Luke x. 25-37. Afterward it came to pafs, that as he went, he came to a certain town, and was received into the house of Martha, fhe herself miniftring to him, whilft Mary heard the words of Jefus, for which he was preferred before Martha, Luke x. 38-42. And it came to país as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceafed, one of his difciples faid unto him, "Lord teach us to pray, as John taught his dif "ciples:" whereupon he the second time, prescribed to them the Lord's prayer: ufing arguments also to ftir them up to conftancy in prayer, and for the confirmation of their faith in obtaining their fuits, Luke xi. 1-13. Then caft Jefus a devil out that was dumb, and the multitude marvelled, and he confirmed against fome blafphemers, that he did not cast out devils thro' Beelzebub, Luke xi. 14-26. And it came to pass as he spake these things, that a certain woman of the company faid unto him, an answer, particularly to fome that would follow him, Luke vii. 57-61. After these things Jefus fent feventy difciples by two and two into every city and place, where he himfelf would come, giving them inftructions, and arming them with power, Mark x. I-16. The multitude enquiring after Jefus at the feaft, and murmuring concerning him, Jefus in the midit of the feaft, taught in the temple; and they wondered at his doctrine; he anfwered, that his doctrine was not his own, but his that fent him. He alfo anfwered many things to them who reproached and objected against him, and officers were fent to apprehend him. In the laft and great day of the feaft, Jefus cry ing out concerning faith in him, there was a divifion concerning him amongst the people: but the officers which were fent, and Nicodemus, defended both his perfon and caufe before the Pharifees that spake against him, John vii. 11-53. Then went Jefus unto the mount of Olives and early in the morning he fat and taught in the temple, where, being not willing to condemn the woman that was taken in adultery, he warned her to fin no more. As he was teaching in the treafury of the temple, he affirmed that he was the light of the world, and defended his bearing record of himself. He taught many things concerning the Father himself, and told them whither he goes, and who he is: alfo of their father Abraham; of the fervitude of fin and of the de.. vil. Of himself, that he had not a devil as they fuppofed. That whofoever kept his fayings fhould not taste of death, concluding with thefe words, before Abraham was, I am; whereupon they took up ftones to throw at him. But Jefus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midft of them, and fo paffed by, John viii. 1-59. As Jefus paffed on the way, he faw one begging, that |