gest what he has to say, when the time to speak has evidently come, this, with God's blessing, will do far more good than if he had been constantly proclaiming, with a loud voice, what those around were unprepared to receive. “The words of the wise are heard in quiet, more than the cry of him that ruleth among fools." III. Take heed to your temper, and be quiet from all the provocations to passion which can only distress yourself, and make you utterly unable to be serviceable to others. Temper, it has been said, is everything. By this it is not intended anything that springs up of itself spontaneously in the human heart. Without any reference to religious principle, the greatest variety is to be observed in men's natural tempers. Some are naturally warm and hasty, and others of an easy, indolent temper. True religion does not entirely change, or completely eradicate, our natural dispositions; but in exerting its sanctifying influence upon them, it most materially moderates, and controls, and directs them. It may safely be said, that a sanctified temper is everything. As the temper is sanctified, it will run counter to its natural bias, and rise superior to its natural tendency, whenever that bias would incline us to transgress, and whenever that tendency would cause us to fall. Such a temper cannot be obtained without earnest prayer; and when it is obtained, it cannot be preserved without vigilant care. Still, however, it is so extremely precious in itself, and so richly diffusive of blessings to others, that there are no pains however great, nor any efforts however earnest, to which we should not cheerfully submit, in order to obtain and preserve it. Let those who desire so unspeakable a benefit as a sanctified temper, live near to Him who is meek and lowly in heart, and who is made, to all that truly believe in His name, sanctification and redemption, as well as wisdom and righteousness. Yonder in heaven, where Christ is enthroned at the right hand of God, is the fountain head, and the springing well of sanctification ; but there, in your own heart, if you are united to Him by a true and living faith, is the stream of sanctification. Keep open the communication by faith and prayer. If you cut yourself off, by unbelief, or indulged sin, from the fountain, the stream at once will cease to rise up in your heart. He in whom we have believed is “Our never failing treasury, fill'd With boundless stores of grace.” All our fresh springs are in Him. As we live near to Him, and receive out of His fulness, we grow more and more like unto Him. A sanctified temper is a Christ-like temper. This makes us humble and lowly in our own sight, and pitiful and compassionate to the faults and the frailties, the mistakes and infirmities of others. In one word, it teaches us to have fervent charity among ourselves. Let those who would cultivate such a heavenly spirit as this, consider seriously what they must do. Avoid everything that has a tendency to ruffle and disturb it. Never take offence where no offence is intended. And even where it is intended, make every possible allowance for the ignorance, or the prejudice, or the peculiar circumstances of those with whom you have to do. Consider your own self, and the need you have for allowances to be made for you. Shall we, who need so much, concede so little ? O, what would become of the best among us, if God should be extreme to mark what we have done amiss? Where should we be, if God, the judge of all, did not exercise unspeakably more forbearance to us than we do to each other? Where no sin is committed, and nothing is done that is clearly contrary to the word and will of God, we should be more anxious to hide and to heal, than to expose and reprove. We know that it is even said, “ Love covereth all sins.” It is not well to be on the look-out for matters of complaint, and causes of offence. Many things are constantly occurring in this bad world which are never worth sifting to the bottom. “ Take no heed unto all words that are spoken, lest thou hear thine own servant curse thee." When bitter feelings are created, and angry tempers begin to rise, we should recollect the terrible consequence of indulging them. It will not only wound our conscience, and dishonour our Christian profession, but it will render us utterly unfit to accomplish anything that is good. God does not want, and He will not use, such instruments in His work. “The wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.” When we reprove sin, or attempt to do good in an angry and bitter spirit, it is like Satan attempting to cast out Satan. But if we set about it in a humble, loving, kind, and compassionate spirit, then the finger of God will be seen in our efforts. Satan cannot cast out Satan. But the finger of God can; and the event will prove, that the simplest word, which was whispered in the spirit of kindness and love, was unspeakably more effi. cacious than all the harsh and bitter things that were ever thundered forth to the world in the bitterness of controversy. Truth, though always powerful, loses its power, when spoken in a fierce or angry manner; but, with God's blessing, truth spoken in love is irresistible. May the writer conclude with a word of friendly counsel (spoken in love) to all who desire to lead a quiet and peaceable life? 1. He would say, then, first of all seek peace and a quiet mind within, and then follow peace and quietness with all men. You can only have inward peace and quietness as you stay your soul, by simple faith, for pardon and acceptance, apon the precious death and merits of Him who died for you and rose again. Remember the gracions promise: “ Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee.” Your acceptance of Him who has made peace by the blood of His cross, alone can give you peace; peace now, and peace for ever. He is offered to you freely; and if your conscience is thoroughly awake, it will never be quiet, an i never cease to accuse you, until you have come, by faith, to the blood of sprinkling. This will effectually and for ever purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God. Do not delay this needful application. Then you will be prepared for all the events of this short and uncertain life; and, being justified by faith, you will have peace with God through Jesus Christ. 2. And let all who have obtained this peace, prove them. selves to be the children of God, by promoting and making peace among others. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” Neither repeat nor give ear to grievous words which stir up strife. Set a watch upon the door of your lips. Remember who has said, “By thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” Think of this, and " let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth.” Pray earnestly for a sanctified temper, that is, for a heart renewed in every thought, in every desire, in every imagination. Study to be quiet, and to mind your own business. He who expects pardon and peace with God only through the merits of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by faith, and at the same time who daily endeavours, through the supply of the Holy Spirit, to rule alike both his lips and his life, his temper and his conversation, after the example of Him “who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth,”-he shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. “And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever." C. 0. NOTICES OF BOOKS. Prayers, Ancient and Modern, adapted to Family Use. London: Seelcy. 1869.—We have much pleasure in commending this volume to our readers. It contains prayers embodying the devotional feel. ings of holy men in various ages of the Church. Augustine, Anselm, à Kempis, Alcuin, Melancthon, Cranmer, · Calvin, Bradford, Ken, Andrewes, Jeremy Taylor, Venn, Toplady, and Scott, are presented to us in this volume, as offering petitions ; even as, we doubt not, before Him who sitteth upon the Throne and the Lamb, their praises are now ascending in unison with the voice of thanksgiving for a common salvation. The prayers have been adapted to modern use with care and judgment, and have the rare merit of being what they profess to be-Prayers suitable for the relief of our necessities, and for the setting forth of God's glory. Rome from the Fall of the Western Empire. By the Rev. G. Trevor, M.A., 8c. London: Religious Tract Society. 1869.—Within the compass of 500 pages, Mr. Trevor has contrived to compress a very useful and readable account of the Papacy, so that those who wish to have a connected view of its history, distinguished as much as possible from extraneous matter, have it here presented to them. He does not profess to have treated the question polemically, nor was it necessary. The facts which he has brought forward tell their own tale with little need for note or comment, but what there is we can heartily commend. We think the Society have judged rightly in publishing such a work, which, in a popular form, and at a moderate price, places within the reach of the public a substantial history upon an important subject of especial interest at the present time. It is enriched with numerous tables of contemporary successions from the time of Augustus to the reign of Queen Victoria, similar to those in Dean Milman's History of Latin Christianity, which will be found very serviceable for reference, and there is also an index of names. The book will be found useful in school libraries, whether in private families or in places of education. We quite agree with him in thinking that it is “history which supplies the completest refutation of the papal claims." It is, therefore, no fault of his that his tone is condemnatory. In dealing with such a subject, the most unimpassioned historical narrative involves the condemnation of the system which is recorded ; and neutrality is impossible, even where the historian would desire to be impartial. If the history of the Papacy and the history of Christianity were indeed correlative terms, it would be no easy matter to withstand the assaults of infidelity. PUBLIC AFFAIRS. THE Session of Parliament is at length over, and our legislators have been dismissed to their respective homes “to gather that practical knowledge and experience which form the solid basis of legislative aptitude." We trust that they will make a good use of their time, for seldom has more legislative aptitude been required than will be wanted in framing the various measures which are either promised, or which will necessarily form the subjects of discussion, in the next Session. The Land question in Ireland,—the Education question in Eng. - land, Scotland, and Ireland,—the Report of the Marriage Law Commission, pointing out the evi's arises from the different les preranng in the scree singiscaribe Report of the Jadicatore Consun, Teammedig a octete rezode Ig of all our Superior Ccarts-cbe firal Report of tbe Bital Comission, which Cannot be mact icoger de sei- bese saad ample materais ir netection, and witar to the alienost od *egislative agritse.? Bat it is po legislators car to Deed kegislative sptrode jest now. The formation of tbe Der Cozet Bods in Irelacd, and toe of the Constitution of ice Protestant Episcopal Church, are works wich require an innere avant of practical wisdom. And this is cauet for at a time of great excitement, when men's minds are agitated by a sense of ir astice and of wrong. To the Bisbops of the Irish Courch men nataraur. at such a time, look for guidance : and thas far they are shown themselves deserving of the confidence tiat has been reposed in them. Any appearance of a desire to give to the governing bedy an exclusively derical com. plerion, or even of dictating to the Laity tbe bode in which tbey were to be represented. would have been most mischievous. This has been carefully avoided. We learn from the frank and judicious address of the Archbishops, that at a meeting of the Irish Bishops it was ananimously resolved that it was expedient that & general Synod of the Bishops, Cergy, and Laity of the Church should be assembled to consult together as to the course to be pursned; and the Archbishops lost no time in issuing their writs for the summoning of Provincial Sroods for tce purpose of consulting and treating on the representation of the Cierry in such synod, and have at the same time expressed a hope that the Laity will prepare a scheme for las representation. We are sure that our readers will join with the Archbishops in earnestly praying that, in a task so novel, so perplexing, so arcons, of such immense significance for the whole farure of their Church, as that which is before them, they may each and all be guided by that Holy Spirit of truth, unity, and concord, who alone can give them a happy issue from the difficulties which are round about them on every side." The Emperor of the French has given another proof of his political foresight. He had scarcely made the announcement referred to in our last Number, when it became evident that the changes then announced would have the effect of strengthening his enemies, while they would fail to satisfy those who are the friends alike of freedom and of order. The Emperor met the difficulty frankly and boldly. The concessions now proposed are far greater than those originally promised, and they are accompanied by a complete amnesty for all political offenders. If the changes now proposed are carried out, the personal government of the Emperor may be considered at an end, and will be succeeded by the constitutional government of the Representatives of the People. All but the “irreconcileables" appear be satisfied, and their opposition will rather tend to strengthen the Government. It is not to be wondered, that the time that has elapsed since the Battle of Sadowa has not been sufficient to remove the irritation |