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ney Crossing to be hauled down on the Gasconade to the mouth of the Little Piney, where it arrived immediately after we had crossed the ford. Before we had reached the ford, Major Sturgis assumed the command of the army. I therefore respectfully refer to his report in regard to the main body of the troops engaged in the battle.

troops were throwing themselves into the | artillery, I ordered the ferry-boat from Big Pibushes and bye-roads, retreating as well as they could, followed and attacked incessantly by large bodies of Arkansas and Texas cavalry. In this retreat we lost five cannon, of which three were spiked, and the colors of the Third, the color-bearer having been wounded, and his substitute killed. The total loss of the two regiments, the artillery, and the pioneers, in killed, wounded, and missing, amounts to 892 men, as will be seen from the respective lists.

In order to understand clearly our actions and our fate, you will permit me to state the following facts:

First. According to orders, it was the duty of this brigade to attack the enemy in the rear, and to cut off his retreat, which order I tried to execute, whatever the consequences might


Second. The time of service of the Fifth regiment Missouri Volunteers had expired before the battle. I had induced them, company by company, not to leave us in the most critical moment, and had engaged them for the term of eight days, this term ending on Friday the 9th, the day before the battle.

Third. The Third regiment, of which 400 three months' men had been dismissed, was composed for the greater part of recruits, who had not seen the enemy before, and were imperfectly drilled.

With the greatest respect, your most obe-
dient servant,
Commanding Second Brigade Mo. Volunteers.

J. M. Schofield, Acting Adjutant-General:—
DEAR SIR: I have the honor to submit the
following report of the part taken by the Iowa
troops in the late hotly contested battle of
"Wilson's Creek."

At 6 o'clock P. M., of the 9th inst., the First regiment of Iowa Volunteers, under command of Lieut.-Col. Wm. H. Merritt, Col. J. F. Bates being sick, united with the forces at Springfield, under command of Gen. Lyon, and commenced the march to Wilson's Creek, twelve miles distant. Arriving within three miles of the enemy's camp and in close proximity to their pickets, the order was given to halt. The troops lay on their arms until 3 o'clock a. M. of the 10th inst., when they advanced on the enemy's lines. About 5 o'clock A. M. our advanced skirmishers engaged the enemy's pickets and drove them in. The First Missouri and First Kansas Volunteers, and a battalion of regular infantry under command of Captain Plummer, Fifth. About two-thirds of our officers had with Totten's battery, very soon engaged a conleft us; some companies had no officers at all-siderable number of the rebel forces. a great pity-but the consequence of the system of the three months' service.

Fourth. The men serving the pieces, and the drivers, consisted of infantry, taken from the Third regiment, and were mostly recruits, who had only a few days' instruction.

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Dubois' battery took position a short distance east of where the enemy were being engaged, and the Iowa troops were drawn up in line of battle on its left. A brisk fire was commenced and kept up for thirty minutes. The enemy responded promptly with a battery in the ravine, but their shot passed from ten to one hundred feet over our heads. Detailed Company D, First-Lieut. Keller commanding, and Company E, First-Lieut. Abercrombie com

After the arrival of the army at Springfield, the command was intrusted to me by Major Sturgis, and the majority of the commanders of regiments. Considering all the circumstances, and in accordance with the desires of the commanding officers, I ordered the retreat of the army from Springfield. The preparations were begun in the night of the 10th, and at daybreak the troops were on the march tow-manding, to act as skirmishers in advance of ard the Gasconade. Before crossing the river I received information that the ford could not be passed well, and that a strong force of the enemy was moving from the south (West Plains) toward Waynesville, to cut off our retreat. I also was aware that it would take considerable time to cross the Robidoux, and the Little and Big Piney, on the old road.

To avoid all these difficulties, and to give the army an opportunity to rest, I directed the troops from Lebanon to the northern road, passing Right Point and Humboldt, and terminating opposite the mouth of Little Piney, where, in case of the ford being unpassable, the train could be sent by Vienna and Lynch to the mouth of the Gasconade, whilst the troops could ford the river at the mouth of the Little Piney to reinforce Rolla. To bring over the

my line. Ordered to advance over the hill, engage the enemy, and relieve the First regiment of Kansas Volunteers. In advancing to engage the enemy, met the First Kansas retreating in confusion. They broke through our line on the right, separating companies A and F from the balance of the cominand. While in this confused state received a murderous fire from the enemy's infantry. Gave the command to fall back and re-form the line. The din of firearms and the loud talking of the retreating troops drowned my voice, so that the command could not be heard on the left. Led the two Companies, A and F, over the hill, halted them and ordered them to about face and fire on a squadron of the enemy's cavalry advancing to charge on a section of Totten's battery. The fire was executed with promptness and effect,

and after receiving the discharge from the battery, the enemy retired in double-quick time, leaving a number of dead and wounded on the field. Ordered Companies A and F to hold their position until further orders, and then returned to Companies I, C, H, K, G, and B, who had been left facing the enemy's line; found our troops advancing under a galling fire from the enemy's infantry. After repulsing the enemy they fell back in good order. Ordered Maj. A. B. Porter to proceed to the rear and take command of the four companies, "A," "F," "D," and "E," there stationed. Held our position in front for five hours, alternately advancing and retiring as the approach and repulse of the enemy made it necessary to do so. In every charge the enemy made we repulsed them and drove them into the ravine below. About 12 o'clock M. the order was given to retire from the field, which was done in good order. As we retired over the hill we passed a section of Totten's battery, occupying a commanding point to the right, supported on the right by companies A, F, D and E of the Iowa troops, under command of Major Porter, and on the left by one company of regular infantry under command of Captain Lothrop. This company sustained our retreat with great coolness and determination, under a most terrific discharge from the enemy's infantry. After the wounded were gathered up, our column formed in order of march, and the enemy repulsed, the battery and infantry retiring in good order. Thus closed one of the most hotly contested engagements known to the country, commencing twenty minutes after 5 o'clock A. M., and concluding twenty minutes after 12 o'clock M., in which the enemy brought to the field 14,000 well-armed and well-disciplined troops and 10,000 irregular troops, and our own force amounted to about 5,000 troops in the early part of the engagement, and considerably less than four thousand troops for the concluding

CAPTAIN TOTTEN'S REPORT. SPRINGFIELD, Mo., Aug. 11, 1861. SIR: In obedience to instructions, I have the honor to make the following report relative to the part taken by my company in the battle on Wilson's Creek, Aug. 10, 1861:

Light Company F, 2d regiment of Artillery, marched in company with the other troops comprising Gen. Lyon's command from Springfield on the evening of Friday, Aug. 9, for the position occupied by the enemy. Early on the following morning, Aug. 10, the camp of the Southern army was discovered about one mile and a half south of the head of Gen. Lyon's column, and soon after the infantry of our advance was fired upon by the pickets of the enemy. From that time our march, as directed by Gen. Lyon in person, lay through a small valley which debouched into that through which Wilson's Creek runs at the point immediately occupied by the front of the enemy, and just where the main road to Springfield enters the valley, keeping along the foot of the hills, and soon afterward our skirmishers found those of the enemy and the battery opened. Here the left section of my battery, under Lieut. Sokalski, was first brought to bear upon the enemy in the woods, in front, and shortly afterward the other four pieces were thrown forward into battery to the right on higher ground. A few rounds from the artillery assisted the infantry of our advance in driving the enemy back from their first position, and they fell back toward the crests of the hills, nearer and immediately over their own camp. I now conducted my battery up the hill to the left and front, and soon found a position where I brought it into battery directly over the northern position of the enemy's camp. The camp of Gen. Rains, as I afterward learned, lay directly beneath my front and to the left very close to my position, and a battery of the enemy to my front and right within easy range of my guns. The camp of Gen. Rains was entirely deserted, and, therefore, my first efforts were directed against the battery of the enemy to the right and front. The left half battery was then brought into position, but the right half battery, in reality occupying the most favorable ground, was principally directed against the enemy's battery, although the whole six pieces, as opportunity occurred, played upon the enemy's guns. As the position of the enemy's guns was masked, the gunners of my pieces were obliged to give direction to their pieces, by the flash and smoke of the opposing artillery. In the mean time, the battle was raging in the thick woods and underbrush to the front and right of the position occupied by my battery, and the 1st regiment of Missouri Volunteers was being hard pressed. I now reBefore concluding this report, I must bear ceived an order from Gen. Lyon to remove a testimony to the gallant and meritorious con- section of my battery forward to the support duct of Captain A. L. Mason, of Company C, of the 1st Missouri, which I did in person, comwho fell in a charge, at the head of his coming into battery just in front of the right com pany. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, WM. H. MERRITT, Lieut.-Colonel Commanding.

four hours of it.

It is with great pleasure that I acknowledge valuable aid and assistance from Major A. B. Porter, Adjutant Geo. W. Waldron, who was wounded in the leg, and Sergeant-Major Charles Compton; and to express my unbounded admiration of the heroic conduct displayed by both officers and men. No troops, regular or volunteer, ever sustained their country's flag with more determined valor and fortitude; they have crowned themselves with imperishable honor, and must occupy a conspicuous place in the history of their country.

A list of the killed, missing, and wounded will be found attached to this report, together with such notices of individual prowess as were observed on the field.

pany of this regiment. Within 200 yards of the position occupied by the section of my battery

brought up to support our brave men still in action, while two pieces of my battery were in advance on the right. The last effort was short and decisive, the enemy leaving the field and retiring down through the valley, covered by thick underbrush, to the right of the centre of the field of battle, toward their camp on Wilson's Creek. After this we were left unmolested, and our forces were drawn off the field in good order under Major Sturgis, who had assumed command directly after Gen. Lyon's death. It should be borne in mind that in the foregoing report I have only glanced at the main points of the battle where the pieces of my own artillery were engaged. I have not entered into detail at all, and could not without entering into a more elaborate history of the affair than appears to be called for on this occasion from me. I wish simply now, in conclusion, to make a few deserved remarks upon the conduct of my officers, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers during the battle. In reference to Lieut. Sokalski, it gives me the liveliest satisfaction to bear witness to his coolness and bearing throughout the entire day; no officer ever behaved better, under such trying circumstances as he found himself surrounded by at times during the day. The non-commissioned officers and men, to a man, behaved admirably, but I am constrained to mention Sergeants Robert Armstrong and Gustave Dey, and Corporals Albert Watchman and Lorenzo T. Immell, who were on several occasions during the day greatly exposed and severely tried, and bore themselves with great credit. The other non-commissioned officers were equally deserving and meritorious according to the time they were in action, but those mentioned were constantly engaged, and deserve particular notice, and because they were always equal to the duties imposed upon them. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

a regiment of the enemy was in line, with a Secession flag and a Federal flag displayed together. This trick of the enemy caused me for a moment some uncertainty, fearing by some accident that a portion of our own troops might have got thus far in advance; but their fire soon satisfied me upon this head. I immediately opened upon them with canister from both pieces, in which service I am happy to be able to say I was ably assisted by Capt. Gordon Granger, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, and 1st Lieut. D. Murphy, 1st Missouri Volunteers. The next step in the progress of the battle was where the enemy tried to force his way up the road, passing along by their battery toward Springfield. This was an effort to turn the left of our position on the hill, where my battery first came into position-and for a time the enemy seemed determined to execute his object. Four pieces of my battery were still in position there, and Capt. Dubois' battery of four pieces on the left near the road. As the enemy showed himself, our infantry and artillery opened upon his ranks, and drove him back, and he appeared no more during the day. About that time, and just after the enemy had been effectually driven back, as last mentioned, I met General Lyon for the last time. He was wounded, he told me, in the leg, and I observed blood trickling from his heel. I offered him some brandy, of which I had a small supply in my canteen, but he declined, and rode slowly to the right and front. Immediately after he passed forward, Gen. Lyon sent me an order to support the Kansas regiments, on the extreme right, who were then being closely pressed by the enemy. I ordered Lieutenant Sokalski to move forward with a section immediately, which he did, and most gallantly, too, relieving and saving the Kansas regiments from being overthrown and driven back. After this, the enemy tried to overwhelm us by an attack of some eight hundred cavalry, which, unobserved, had formed below the crests of the hill to our right and rear. Fortunately, some of our infantry companies, and a few pieces of artillery from my battery, were in position to meet this demonstration, and drove off this cavalry with ease. This was the only demonstration made by their cavalry; and it was so effete and ineffectual in its force and character, as to deserve only the appellation of child's play. Their cavalry is utterly worthless on the battle-field. The next and last point where the artillery of my battery was engaged was on the right of the left wing of the Iowa regiments, and somewhat in their front. The battle was Having no position assigned me, I selected one then, and had been for some time, very doubt- directly opposite to and about four hundred ful as to its results. Gen. Lyon was killed, and yards from the advanced batteries of the eneour forces had been all day engaged, and sev-my. My position was such that my men were eral regiments were broken and had retired. partially and my horses entirely protected from The enemy, also sadly dispirited, were merely direct musketry fire. making a demonstration to cover their retreat from the immediate field of battle. At this time the left wing of the Iowa regiment was

JAMES TOTTEN, Captain 2d Artillery, Commanding Light Company F. Captain GORDON GRANGER, Acting Assistant AdjutantGeneral, Army of the West,


CAMP NEAR ROLLA, Mo., Aug. 17, 1861. Captain Gordon Granger, United States Army, Acting Adjutant-General, Army of the West:

CAPTAIN: I have the honor to report that after the pickets of the enemy were driven in on the morning of the 10th inst., I followed Captain Steele's battalion into action.

After assisting Captain Totten to silence the enemy's batteries, in which we perfectly succeeded, I received orders from Gen. Lyon to

Very respectfully, your obe-

Second Lieutenant Mounted Rifles, Commanding
Light Artillery Battery.

move my battery to the right-Captain Granger not victorious.
was to place me in position. Three companies dient servant,
of the First Infantry and one of Mounted Rifles
-recruits-were driven back by an overwhelm-
ing force of the enemy, (five regiments, I think,)
who, in the ardor of our advance, had collected
in masses.


CAMP NEAR ROLLA, Mo., August 17, 1861. CAPTAIN: I have the honor to submit the fol

Capt. Granger now countermanded my order to move, and by a change of front to the left Ilowing report of the operations of my battalion, enfiladed their line and drove them back with great slaughter, Capt. Granger directing one of my guns.

Their broken troops rallied behind a house on the right of their line. I struck this house twice with a twelve pound shot, when they showed an hospital flag. I ceased firing and their troops retired.

Large bodies now collected in a ravine in front of the centre; by using small charges I succeeded in shelling the thicket, but could not judge of the effect of my fire. It seemed to check the enemy, as he changed his position to one more to my right and beyond my fire.

A new battery now opened upon us from the crest of the hill opposite, and having a plunging fire it did great execution, all the shot of which passed over me, falling among the wounded, who had been carried in rear of my battery in large numbers. We succeeded in partially silencing this fire, and at the same time drove back a large column of cavalry which had turned our position and were preparing to charge our rear.

at the battle near Springfield, Mo., on the 10th instant. The battalion was composed of companies B and E, Second Infantry, commanded by First Sergeants Griffin and G. H. McLaughlin, a company of general service recruits, commanded by First Lieutenant W. L. Lothrop, Fourth Artillery, and a company of mounted rifle recruits, commanded by Lance Sergeant Morine. During the early part of the action the battalion was in position to support Dubois' battery, but had no opportunity of engaging the enemy except to assist in dispersing a large body of cavalry that frequently threatened our rear.

Soon after the fall of Gen. Lyon, Capt. C. C. Gilbert, First Infantry, joined my battalion with a part of his company, and we made arrangements to repel a threatened assault on the battery in front, which was repelled without our becoming engaged with the enemy. Major Sturgis then ordered me to form line of battle and advance upon the enemy's front, whence the heaviest firing had proceeded during the day. We very soon came within range of the enemy's rifles, when a fierce contest ensued, the enemy gradually retiring upon his reserve, where he made a stand from which our small force was unable to drive him. After a heavy firing on both sides in this position, without any apparent advantage on either side, the contest ceased for a short time, as if by mutual consent. We were opposed to vastly superior numbers, and many of our men were killed and wounded, so that I did not deem it discreet to charge upon the enemy without support, although Captain Gilbert suggested it.

During the entire engagement I was so embarrassed by my ignorance of General Siegel's position, that on several occasions I did not fire upon their troops until they had formed within a few hundred yards of our line, fearing they might be our own men advancing to form a junction with us. During the last effort of the enemy to break through our right wing and capture our batteries, I limbered up two guns to send to Captain Totten's assistance. Before I could have a road opened through the wounded, I was ordered to fall back to a hill in the rear, and protect a retreat. I remained until all our troops had passed in good order,ceived orders from Major Sturgis to send a and was marching to the rear when my twelve pound gun broke down; I asked Major Osterhaus to protect me with his battalion; he remained with me until I repaired damages, and then marched in my rear until I joined the command on the prairie.

I now received orders to take command of a rear guard, but as I had already joined Captain Steele's battalion of regulars, and we had formed a rear guard under his command, I reported this fact, and marched to Springfield under Captain Steele. We were not followed by the enemy, who had, I think, been driven from the field before we left it.

Many of the company-myself includedwere struck and slightly injured by spent musket and canister shot, but only two were wounded and one missing. My men behaved well, and cannot be convinced that we were

During this suspension of hostilitics I re

company of skirmishers on the brow of the hill to our left and front. Lieutenant Lothrop went in command of this company, but was met with such a galling fire from the enemy that he was compelled to retire; all of which service he performed with coolness and intrepidity. Lieutenant Lothrop's retreat was followed up by a vigorous attack from the enemy upon us as well as upon Totten's battery, on our left and rear. The enemy had a field-piece established under the crest of the hill to our left and front, which threw grape with spitefulness-and occasionally a shell-with more moral effect than damage to us.

This piece was now reinforced by one or two pieces of the same character, all of which threw an incessant shower of missiles at us; but my men were ordered to stoop, and very few took effect on us. It was now evident that the ene

my intended to take Totten's battery, as a strong column of infantry was advancing upon it. Totten mowed them down with canister in front, and our infantry poured a murderous fire into their flanks, which compelled them to beat a hasty retreat. The enemy had failed in all his endeavors to dislodge us from our position, which I conceived to be the strategic point of the battle-field, and was determined to hold it at all hazards.

Another short suspension of hostilities ensued. After a consultation with the officers, Major Sturgis sent me orders to retire. Just at that time Captain Granger came up to me, and we discovered that the enemy were about to renew the attack upon us. Captain Granger rushed to the rear and collected several hundred volunteers of different regiments, while we held the enemy in check, and formed them on our left. We then advanced upon the enemy and drove them off the field, and never saw one of them afterward. After collecting our command we retired slowly from the field.

I commanded the rear guard on the retreat toward Springfield, but saw nothing of the enemy. It was evident that he had been severely punished.

Lieutenant Farrand, First Infantry, also reported to Colonel Siegel, but was not under my command, being placed at the opposite extremity of the brigade. Colonel Siegel placed me in advance, with orders to seize persons who might give information to the enemy, and the command moved about sunset. The night was very dark, and it was with great difficulty that we avoided losing our way or getting separated. At about eleven o'clock the command was halted, and rested till two, when it moved on, approaching the rear of the enemy's camp. Upon nearing the camp, after daylight, different stragglers were met going from the camp to the surrounding country, and all captured, so that no intimation was given to the enemy of our presence till the first gun was fired. Colonel Siegel directed me to take the right flank, and then proceeded into the valley below the camp, and opened fire of cannon upon it; I, in the mean time, moving to the edge of the bluff and opening fire with our carbines, for the purpose of distracting the attention of the enemy, being at too great a distance to do much execution. A few minutes before Colonel Siegel opened fire, I heard the firing at the opposite end of the camp, and sent word to him that General Lyon was engaged. This was a little after six A. M. The enemy ran out of their camp, which was of cavalry, and contained the head-quarters and tents of McCulloch and McIntosh. Colonel Siegel then took position on their camp ground, and I moved up along the bluff. Up to this time I had observed wagons and horsemen moving up toward the west and going south along the Fayetteville road, the point where we struck the camp being in the valley below that road and probably two miles from where it crosses the creek. At this time I was about a mile from the main command-it being on the west side of the valley, while I was on the bluff and higher up-when

I wish to call the attention of the Major commanding to the gallant conduct of Captain C. C. Gilbert, of First Infantry; of First Lieutenant Lothrop, Fourth Artillery, and George H. McLaughlin received the highest commendations of all the officers present. I also mention the First Sergeant of Captain Gilbert's company, Mandrazz, who was killed in the last assault of the enemy; also First Sergeant Griffin, commanding Company B, Second Infantry, and Lance Sergeant Morine, commanding the company of Mounted Rifle recruits, each of whom behaved with distinguished gallantry. Sergeant Morine was mortally wounded, and died on the field. During the critical state of the combat, II observed a large body of cavalry forming and conferred with Captain Gilbert, whose intelligence and soldierly qualities are well known, and whose self-possession during the battle was calculated to inspire the men with confidence. In the latter part of the contest he received a wound in the shoulder, which compelled him to retire from the field.

approaching the command. I immediately sent word to Colonel Siegel and retired myself, as it was getting between me and him. I was obliged to go back to get across the creek, and in the mean time the cavalry had formed to charge and had been broken up by Colonel Siegel and put to flight, though their officers I furnish herewith a list of the killed, wound-raved and stormed and tore their hair in trying ed, and missing of my command during the day. I have the honor to be, Captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Captain Second Infantry, Commanding Battalion.

CAMP NEAR ROLLA, Mo., August 17, 1861. SIR: Having been requested, through Major Sheppard, to write a report of my share in the late battle, I have the honor to state that :On the afternoon of the 9th inst. I was ordered to report to Colonel Siegel at six o'clock with my company, (I, First Cavalry,) which I did. Company C, Second Dragoons, commanded by

to make their men advance. When I reached Colonel Siegel again he told me he was going to advance, and to take my place on the left flank, which I did, keeping in line with the advance along the road. After advancing a short distance-I think to within about half a mile of the Fayetteville crossing, and over a mile from where we first engaged-the command encountered a concealed battery, on or near the Fayetteville road, into which ours had forked. The action here was hot, and there was continued cannonading with some firing of musketry, for, I should think, half an hour. I could see but little, being mostly in the timber to the left, with my company, among which

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