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and swings a Union flag, "the first," she says, | started a second messenger arrived, saying that "she has dared to for months."

Our landlady comes in and deplores, with tears, that all her forks and spoons have been carried off! The regiments now march by so quickly that we do not catch their names. They will all concentrate at Centreville. All are in fine spirits, and only fear that the seceshers will run too fast to be caught.

Gen. McDowell seems to manage every thing excellently. He is evidently a thorough gentleman and soldier. We are very sorry to hear that, through some mistake, the Garibaldians at the left have only five rounds of ammunition. All is quiet now, and the men are eating their lunch. A CIVILIAN. -N. Y. Times.

Doc. 99.



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the enemy had broken, and was flying before our bayonets. This information was false. The order to "break ranks was then given, after which Col. Woodruff, Col. De Villiers, Lieutenant-Colonel Neff, and Captains Sloan and Hurd left the camp to see the retreat. They rode three miles beyond the camp, being one mile beyond our pickets, and mistaking the enemy, who, it would seem, had been pursuing the retreating regiments, for our troops, they trotted directly into the rebel lines and were made prisoners. Our loss is variously stated, but appears to be about a dozen killed and thirty or forty wounded.

Dr. Thompson, an ex-member of Congress, at present claiming to stand neutral, was taken before Gen. Cox on the 18th, when he admitted the rebel loss to be 65 killed and 150 wounded. On the day after the battle, a flag of truce brought Gen. Cox a letter from Col. Norton, of the Twenty-first regiment, who was wounded A CORRESPONDENT of the Cincinnati Commer- in the fight and afterwards made a prisoner, cial gives the following account of this action: saying that his wound was in the thigh; that From various sources of intelligence we glean he was doing well, and expected to be out of the following particulars of those army opera-bed in a couple of weeks. He also stated that tions in the Kanawha region, which eventuated the captured party were respectfully treated in the capture of several Kentucky officers on by their captors. The dead had been buried Wednesday last. It would seem that the va- before the Silver Lake started, and the woundrious detachments of Gen. Cox's brigade, which ed brought in. There is a discrepancy between have been "cleaning out" the country, had two of the accounts. The one is that Capt. concentrated at the mouth of the Pocotaligo Sloan is a prisoner, and the other that he is River, a small stream into which enters the wounded in the stomach and refuses to allow Kanawha about twenty miles below Charleston. the surgeons to extract the ball. There is also The brigade is divided into three parts, one of a difference in regard to the First Kentucky, which occupies the south or right bank of the Colonel Guthrie's command, which is divided river, the other the left bank, while the remain-into two sections: the one, commanded by Col. ing portion is on three boats, prepared to sup- Guthrie, was to march by the way of Ripley; port either side. On the 17th, Gen. Cox or- the other, under Major Leiper, was with the dered the Twelfth Ohio, two companies of the main army-one account saying that it joined Twenty-first Ohio, together with the Cleveland Col. Cox on the evening of the 16th, the other Artillery and Capt. Rogers' cavalry company, saying that it was on Friday. As the enemy is from Ironton, Ohio, about 1,500 men, to cap-in force on the road Col. Guthrie was to have ture a rebel camp which was planted on a hill about five miles above. Early in the morning of that day, they marched out to do this work. They found the rebels-report says numbering 4,000 men-strongly intrenched with two rifled cannon, on a hill, having a deep valley at its base, in which was a wheat field. Outside of their fortifications were a number of log-houses, in which loop-holes had been cut; these were occupied by riflemen, supposed to number about 300. As our troops were crossing the wheat field, they were raked with grape shot. The Cleveland artillery immediately got their pieces in position, and in half an hour silenced the enemy's battery. The rifled cannon were then brought so as to rake the log-houses, and continued to deal death and slaughter among their tenants, until the want of ammunition compelled our forces to retreat.

About half-past 2 o'clock a messenger brought the word to camp that the troops had exhausted their ammunition, when Gen. Cox ordered out a reenforcement; but before it

marched, some fears are expressed as to the safety of his regiment. But with all the information we can gather, we are at present unable to form an opinion as to his probable safety. At the last accounts, the troops had not removed from the mouth of the Pocatallico, but were awaiting ammunition and cannon.

It is worthy of remark that the balls received by the wounded generally entered the upper part of the body, and passed downward. This was caused by the elevated position of the enemy. Among the wounded is one for whom we can learn no other name, although he is frequently spoken of in the letters that we have seen, than the endearing one of the Artillery Pet Boy. Although his wounds are exceedingly painful, and necessarily mortal, he is represented as bearing them with the fortitude of an old-time hero. His loss appears to cause a great deal of sorrow among his companions.

Quartermaster Gibbs occupied a prominent position in the fight, though we are unable to learn exactly what part he took in it.

-Cincinnati Commercial, July 22.


day night, July 18, 1861.

Cotton had no sooner taken position than two balls whistled over his head, cutting the twigs from the topmost branches of the trees. His men quickly unlimbered their pieces and went to work, while he posted himself to their right to watch the effect of his shot on the enemy's works. The first few rounds, like those of the rebels, were too high, but the captain kept on crying out, "a little lower, boys," till the proper elevation was attained, when he played upon them rapidly, and in fifteen minutes silenced their guns with the loss of only one man, pri

I embrace the earliest opportunity to give you the particulars of this ill-starred affair. Information having been received at headquarters that the rebels were preparing to make a stand at Scaryville, eight or ten miles above this point, where Scary Creek empties into the Kanawha, Gen. Cox ordered the Twelfth Ohio regiment, Col. Lowe, a portion of two companies of the Twenty-First, the Cleveland Light Artillery, Capt. Cotton, with two rifled six-vate John Haven of Scholersville, Putnam pounders, and a small cavalry company from Ironton, in all about one thousand men, under the command of Col. Lowe, to proceed up the river by land on a reconnoitring expedition. The instructions to the commanding officer were, that if he found the rebels in a position from which they could be easily dislodged, to drive them out; if not, to take a position and hold it till the main body of the army could advance. Col. Norton, of the Twenty-First, who had ex-night. plored the ground the day previous, accompanied the party, but was only permitted to take with him a fragment of his command.


The army is encamped near the mouth of Pocotaligo Creek, or Poco," as it is generally called, the advance thus far having been made mainly by steamboats, four of which have been chartered by the Government for the transportation of troops and stores up and down the Kanawha. On one of these the reconnoitring party, supplied with forty rounds of ammunition, embarked about 9 o'clock in the morning, and were landed on the opposite bank of the river, at a point a few hundred yards lower down, where there is a road leading across the country to Scaryville. The distance from the camp to the village is eight or ten miles by river, but not more than four or five by land.

The column moved cautiously, the scouts thoroughly scouring the country on both sides of the road as they advanced. About 3 o'clock, the party reached the vicinity of Scaryville, when the fragment of the Ironton cavalry company, which had somehow fallen to the rear, was ordered to advance. They had no sooner rounded the brow of the hill, which gradually slopes off to the creek, but runs a bolder spur in the direction of the river, than they were met by a discharge from a battery on the opposite shore of the smaller stream, which killed one of their men, and caused the company to retreat in great disorder.

Capt. Cotton's company of artillery, which fought like so many tigers, was at once ordered to advance, and took position near the top of the hill, under a clump of trees. The principal fortification of the enemy, a huge breast work of earth, was distinctly visible about half-way up the opposite slope, and seemed to have been prepared with considerable skill. The distance from our battery was about five hundred yards, The rebels had but two pieces of artillery, both rifled six-pounders, the same as our own. Capt,

County, a handsome, intelligent young man, as brave as a lion, and the pet of the company. Poor fellow! his right hip was shot away just as he was passing a ball to his gun. When his captain saw him fall, he ran and picked him up, and conveyed him in his own arms to a place of safety. "Never mind me, captain," he cried, "but don't let that flag go down!" He still lingers, but can hardly survive the

The infantry was now ordered to advance, and rapid volleys of musketry followed from each side, which could be distinctly heard at the camp. The ten or twelve log huts composing the village of Scaryville were filled with rebel infantry, the chinking having been removed so that the cracks could serve as loopholes. From these, every few moments, were seen to issue livid sheets of flame, followed by the rattle of their rifles, and whistling of their Minie balls. As soon as Capt. Cotton observed to what use the buildings had been put, he turned his artillery upon them, hitting one at almost every shot. The manner in which the logs, guns, and limbs of men were scattered about, as his percussion shell would strike, must have been anything but encouraging to the rebels.

The position which the rebels had chosen for their stand was a very good one, but no better, perhaps, than a hundred others that might have been selected lower down. The hill was high and precipitous, and the country to their left densely wooded, while that on their right, except for a few rods at the mouth of the creek, was open, thus giving them the advantage of cover, while our troops, in case they attempted to advance their right wing, would be fully exposed to the enemy's fire. As the ammunition of our boys was now getting low, an order was given to charge bayonets. The left wing, composed of the fragment of the Twenty-first and one or two companies of the Twelfth, led by Lieut.-Col. White, promptly obeyed, and, rushing down the hill, forded the stream, which was more than knee deep, and rushed upon the enemy's intrenchments. Had the movement on the right been equally prompt, the rebels would have been utterly routed; but, owing partly to the incompetency of their officers, and partly to the fact that they were badly disciplined, they faltered, and soon after fled. The left could not hold their position alone, although they did all that could have been ex

pected of veterans, and as they only had a few | the troops under his command. Hardly had rounds of ammunition, they fell back on the right bank of the stream.

About this time, the rebels were reënforced by a regiment, (said by a captured prisoner to have been Georgians,) who came up with a fresh piece of artillery and Minié muskets. Capt. Cotton again opened with his pieces, giv- | ing them as good as they sent. Ile only had six or eight rounds of ammunition, however, which he disposed of in his happiest style, and then retired behind the hill.

we arrived at this place, when, to the horror of
every right-minded person, several houses were
broken open, and others were in flames, by the
act of some of those, who, it has been the boast
of the loyal, came here to protect the oppressed
and free the country from the domination of a
hated party. The property of this people is at
the mercy of the troops who, we rightly say,
are the most intelligent, best-educated, and most
law-abiding of any that were ever under arms.
But do not therefore the acts of yesterday cast
the deeper stain upon them? It has been claim-
engaged in these acts. This is of but little mo-
ment; since the individuals are not found out,
we are all alike disgraced. Commanders of
regiments will select a commissioned officer
as a provost-marshal, and ten men as a police
force under him, whose special and sole duty
it shall be to preserve the property from depre-
dations, and to arrest all wrong-doers of what-
ever regiment or corps they may be. Any persons
found committing the slightest depredation, kill-
ing pigs or poultry, or trespassing on the prop-
erty of the inhabitants, will be reported to head-
quarters, and the least that will be done to them
will be to send them to the Alexandria jail.
It is again ordered that no one shall arrest or
attempt to arrest any citizen not in arms at the
time, or search or attempt to search any house,
or even to enter the same without permission.
The troops must behave themselves with as
much forbearance and propriety as if they
were at their own homes. They are here to
fight the enemies of the country, not to judge
and punish the unarmed and defenceless, how.
ever guilty they may be. When necessary,
that will be done by the proper person.
By command of Gen. McDowELL,

Prior to this, a courier had been despatched to the General for assistance, who at once or-ed by some that their particular corps were not dered out the Twenty-first. The boys responded promptly, but after crossing the river and marching a mile, they met the party returning. They were not pursued by the rebels. All the dead and a few of the wounded were left on the field, as they could not be gathered under the enemy's fire. Among the latter was Col. Norton, who is said to have behaved with great | bravery. He sustained a severe, though not dangerous flesh wound, and is now in the rebel camp, where, we learn, he is doing well. About thirty of our wounded were brought in by their comrades. The wounds are generally slight. Lieut. Pomeroy and private Mercer, both of the Twenty-first, and private Haven of the Cleveland Artillery, are the only ones, I think, who cannot recover. An official list of the killed, wounded, and missing has been rendered, which places our loss at 57, as follows: killed, 9; wounded, 38; missing, 9. The loss of the enemy must have been fully equal to our


The greatest misfortune of the day, however, was the loss of Col. Woodruff, Col. De Villiers, Lieut.-Col. Neff, and Captains Austin and Hurd. The Second Kentucky regiment, especially, is disconsolate at the loss of their gallant leader, whom they loved as a father. They would storm Gibraltar now to be with him. These officers, as I advised you by telegraph,

JAS. B. FRY, Assistant Adjutant-General.

Doc. 101.

JULY 18, 1861.

passed our pickets to get a view of the fight, BROOME COUNTY (N. Y.) RESOLUTIONS. and have, doubtless, all been captured. They have been out twenty-four hours. The army will probably remain at this point some days. Weather very warm.


We have just learned that Cols. Woodruff, De Villiers, and the other missing officers, are all in the rebel camp, where they are comfortably cared for.

Doc. 100.




IT is with the deepest mortification the General commanding finds it necessary to reiterate his orders for the preservation of the property of the inhabitants of the district occupied by

Resolved, That the existing war is the attack of rebels upon the peerless Constitution and the liberties of the common country, and that they are to be regarded as the assassins of liberty— enemies in war, in peace friends.

Resolved, That the only method of settling the present controversy is by maintaining the integrity of the Government against the machinations of demagogues, or the insidious traps of oily politicians.

Resolved, That, in the present state of American affairs, compromise is treason to the Government of both God and man; and the least to demand at the hands of rebels is unconditional obedience to the Constitution and the laws, as expounded by the legally-constituted tribunals of the country; that upon this platform we stand, and, by the grace of God, will abide the issue.

Resolved, That the present Administration, in | down fore and aft, and put on board of her the high position they have taken to preserve eight sixty-eight pounders, four forward and the integrity of the Government, have our sym- four aft. A space of thirty feet on each side pathy and our undivided support, and that with of the wheel-houses is covered with five-eighth the country we will stand or fall; and to this inch wrought-iron plates, and a protection has we pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred also been placed in front of the engine-house. honor. The floor of the deck is also protected with iron, and the pilot is secured as much as possible from danger. But our informant believes that, notwithstanding these precautions, a shot fired into the beam will disable the engine. This information may be of some service to our cruisers near Fortress Monroe and on the Potomac, who, we trust, will keep a sharp look-out for the steel-clad Yorktown, and prepare to give a good account of her.

Resolved, That, in the recent spectacle presented to us in the so-called Union meetings held throughout the country under the auspices of Messrs. Wood, Davis & Co., we recognize a more subtle foe than open hostility, and that such enactments, under the shelter of the American flag, are only suggestive of a touching inquiry contained in the Holy Writ, "Betrayest thou the Son of Man with a kiss?"

Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting, together with a copy of the resolutions, be published in all the county papers.

H. P. BUSH, Secretary.

W. H. SCOTT, Chairman.

Doc. 102.


JULY, 1861.

WE had a very interesting interview yesterday with an intelligent gentleman who was formerly a resident of Philadelphia, but who has been living for some months in Richmond, Virginia. After many unsuccessful efforts, he was fortunate enough to secure a pass to enable him to reach the North, and he left the capital of the Old Dominion on the 9th of July. It was impossible at that time to travel on either of the direct routes, and he went to Bristol, Tennessee, where he was arrested and lodged in jail overnight, but released the next morning, after an examination by the military authorities. He then proceeded to Nashville, Tennessee, where a similar fate awaited him; but, after some difficulty, he also obtained his release there, and, proceeding direct to Louisville, met no further obstructions on his journey, via Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Harrisburg, and Lancaster, to Philadelphia.

Among the causes which hastened his departure from Richmond was the general belief there that every citizen capable of bearing arms would soon be impressed into the military service, and the alternative was presented to him of soon being subjected to great indignities, bearing arms against the North, or escaping.

Some of the intelligence he communicated to us was of a very important character, and it was all full of interest. He informed us, for instance, that great pains have been taken to fit out the steamer Yorktown, which was formerly connected with a line running between New York and Richmond, so that she may break the blockade, and commit fearful ravages as a privateer. It was supposed that by this time she would be finished, and her crew is already enlisted. They have razeed her

VOL. II.-Doc. 28

The total number of troops on the official muster-roll of the Confederate army in Virginia a few weeks ago was 180,000, but it must be remembered that this formidable array embraces all those who have arrived from other Southern States, all the raw militia impressed into the service in Virginia, and thousands of men who are heartily disgusted with, or deadly hostile to, secession, and who will embrace the first opportunity that offers to escape from the secession ranks.

It was supposed that at Manassas Gap and Manassas Junction about sixty thousand troops were stationed, at and near Norfolk about twenty thousand, in the vicinity of Richmond about seven thousand; that General Johnson had from fifteen to twenty thousand, exclusive of his recent reënforcement of five thousand; that in the neighborhood of Fairfax Court House there were at the time of his departure not more than from fifteen to twenty-five hundred. The remaining troops are scattered at different points throughout the State, embracing in part those who are under the command of Gen. Wise, and those who were recently defeated in several battles by Gen. McClellan.

Our informant visited many of the soldiers when they were quartered near Richmond, for the purpose of obtaining an insight into their real sentiments, and though professing himself, for his own safety, to be a rank secessionist, he found many of them much dissatisfied, and they complained bitterly of the treatment to which they had been subjected. Quite a number did not hesitate to declare, when they ascertained he was from the North, that they would embrace the first opportunity to desert into our lines, and that if a great battle occurred, they would rather fire upon their own associates than upon the Union army.

In Alabama and Georgia many men were forced against their will to enter the Confederate army, three alternatives, as they expressed it, being placed before them-" to enlist, to go to jail, or to be hung." When it is considered that not a few of them have no sympathy with the secession movement, that they have received little or no pay, that their provisions are scant, it is not singular that they are anx ious to desert. It must not be inferred, how

ever, that these feelings are universal. On the contrary, the prevailing opinion among the soldiers is that they will have an easy victory over the North, and the officers do all in their power to inspire them with confidence. General Beauregard, about the close of June, in addressing his troops, assured them that he had a strong hope that on the Fourth of July he would dine at Willard's Hotel, in Washington; that he would then immediately march upon Philadelphia, from which point he would proceed to New York, and there alone, on the banks of the Hudson, dictate terms of peace to the Northern army.

The cry among all the ultra-secessionists is that they seek no compromise, that they will ask for no quarter, and grant none. Their troops strive to be armed to the teeth, as if they were bent upon a sanguinary contest. Many of them have good arms; others are supplied with ordinary regulation muskets. Some still use flint locks, some shot guns, and about eight or ten thousand have not yet been furnished with any guns at all. There is an immense number of bowie knives and revolvers among them, and an unusually large proportion of their force consists of cavalry, mounted on very fine horses, branded "Va." on one of the front shoulders, and they are now taking particular pains to have their cavalry swords made very sharp.

Men are found in the ranks of almost every age from thirteen to sixty, and many of them are crippled or deformed, as they have no rigid inspection, and gladly accept all whose services they can obtain. There is no uniformity in their clothing, and often members of the same company wear suits of different colors.

until their last dollar is spent and their last man killed.

Great pains have been taken to fortify Richmond, and it is the prevailing opinion there that even if our armies should, by any chance, approach that city, they would be unable to enter it. Several heavy batteries, mounted with a large number of sixty-eight pounders, have been erected-one in the direction of Acquia Creek, another on James River, another out by Howard Grove, towards Norfolk; and the best pass towards the city, which is from the northwest, is well guarded, and they believe can be successfully defended against any force we can muster.

Many of the negroes in Richmond are at present idle, on account of the tobacco factories having been closed, and there is considerable uneasiness felt in regard to them by the white population. The patrol and police force, which parade the streets day and night, have always their guns loaded, so as to be prepared for any emergency. The negroes are kept well informed of the course of events by the colored waiters at the various hotels, where the officers, over their wine and whiskey, discuss military affairs with more freedom than discretion.

A short time ago three negroes were passing down one of the streets of Richmond, when one of them complained to the others of the treatment he had recently received from his master, to which one of his companions replied, "Well, never mind; Massa Lincoln will be here soon, and den it will all be right." This conversation having been overheard, the negroes were arrested, and each received thirtynine lashes. On another occasion our informant saw a negro drilling, in the outskirts of the city, after the usual military fashion, some forty or fifty negroes. He asked him what he was drilling negroes for? to which he replied,

In conversing with troops from the South, he expressed surprise that Fort Pickens had not yet been captured, but they replied that it was now too strong to be taken, except with great loss of life, and there was little probabil-"Oh! everybody learnin' to be soldiers now; ity of its soon falling into their hands. Of the capture of Fortress Monroe the soldiers seemed more sanguine. They said that when they were ready to march against it they would soon find means to force our troops to surrender.

Public sentiment in the city of Richmond has recently undergone a very considerable change. Some five or six weeks ago scarcely a man could be found who had not been carried away by the secession excitement, but now, among the masses and the working men, a Union feeling is rapidly being developed, and if a fair election could be held at this time, and public sentiment truly expressed, a very large Union vote would be polled. On the other hand, the politicians and those who at present appear on the surface to control public sentiment are very loud and bitter in their denunciations of the North, and declare that they will never be subjugated-that, no matter how large may be our force, or how many victories we may win, they will fight for independence

why not de darkies too?" Not satisfied with this answer, he repeated his interrogatory, when the negro said, "Well really, massa, I don't like to say." It is a general complaint among the whites that the negroes are much more impudent than usual, and but little disposed to cheerfully submit to the restraints which were formerly imposed upon them.

Provisions of some kinds are now becoming scarce in Richmond, and command high prices. The stock of bacon is very low, but this year's crop of wheat and corn is a very fair one, and there is little probability of any want of these articles in the South during the coming season. In Virginia and Tennessee the yield has been unusually great. Our informant saw in the former State one plantation containing 2,000 acres, and in the other 1,800 acres of first-rate wheat, and many excellent crops of corn.

The effects of the blockade are beginning to be seriously felt. The stocks of salt and leather, and many other articles for which there is great demand. are very low. Ice is

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