The Life, Eulogy, and Great Orations of Daniel Webster |
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American authority Banquo blessings Boston Bunker Hill Bunker Hill Monument cause character civil colonies commerce Congress constitution Daniel Webster debate Declaration doctrine duty eloquence England established Eulogy existence expressed Faneuil Hall fathers favorable federal feeling friends genius gentleman from Massachusetts happiness Hartford Convention heart Heaven honorable gentleman honorable member hope human important independence institutions interest internal improvement JOHN ADAMS labor legislature liberty live look maintain Marshfield Matthew Carey measures ment mind monument Nathan Dane never object occasion opinion ORATIONS OF DANIEL palpable party passed patriotism peace political possess present President principles public lands question religious reply to Hayne respect revolution Rochester American senator from Massachusetts sentiments slavery slaves South Carolina speech spirit supposed tariff tariff of 1816 thing thought tion true trust unconstitutional Union United votes whole
Popular passages
Page 24 - Liberty first and Union afterwards ; but everywhere, spread all over in characters of living light, blazing on all its ample folds, as they float over the sea and over the land, and in every wind under the whole heavens, that other sentiment, dear to every true American heart, Liberty and Union, Now and Forever, One and Inseparable.
Page 80 - That it be recommended to the respective assemblies and conventions of the United Colonies, where no government sufficient to the exigencies of their affairs has been hitherto established, to adopt such government as shall in the opinion of the representatives of the people, best conduce to the happiness and safety of their constituents in particular, and America in general.
Page 87 - Sir, before God, I believe the hour is come. My judgment approves this measure, and my whole heart is in it. All that I have, and all that I am, and all that I hope, in this life, I am now ready here to stake upon it; and I leave off as I began, that live or die, survive or perish, I am for the Declaration. It is my living sentiment, and by the blessing of God it shall be my dying sentiment, Independence now, and Independence forever.
Page 84 - True eloquence, indeed, does not consist in speech. It cannot be brought from far. Labor and learning may toil for it, but they will toil in vain. Words and phrases may be marshalled in every way, but they cannot compass it. It must exist in the man, in the subject, and in the occasion.
Page 11 - He smote the rock of the national resources, and abundant streams of revenue gushed forth. He touched the dead corpse of the Public Credit, and it sprung upon its feet...
Page 19 - ... it — if party strife and blind ambition shall hawk at and tear it — if folly and madness — if uneasiness, under salutary and necessary restraint shall succeed to separate it from that union, by which alone its existence is made sure, it will stand, in the end, by the side of that cradle in which its infancy was rocked; it will stretch forth its arm with whatever of vigor it may still retain, over the friends who gather round it; and it will fall at last, if fall it must, amidst the proudest...
Page 216 - I have not accustomed myself to hang over the precipice of disunion, to see whether, with my short sight, I can fathom the depth of the abyss below; nor could I regard him as a safe...
Page 216 - When my eyes shall be turned to behold for the last time the sun in heaven, may I not see him shining on the broken and dishonored fragments of a once glorious Union : on States dissevered, discordant, belligerent ; on a land rent with civil feuds or drenched it may be in fraternal blood...
Page 216 - I profess, sir, in my career hitherto to have kept steadily in view the prosperity and honor of the whole country, and the preservation of our federal Union. It is to that Union we owe our safety at home, and our consideration and dignity abroad. It is to that Union that we are chiefly indebted for whatever makes us most proud of our country.
Page 86 - ... If we fail, it can be no worse for us. But we shall not fail. The cause will raise up armies; the cause will create navies. The people, the people, if we are true to them, will carry us, and will carry themselves, gloriously, through this struggle. I care not how fickle other people have been found. I know the people of these colonies; and I know, that resistance to British aggression is deep and settled in their hearts, and cannot be eradicated.