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They were not content with their own so often in a long career earned the resources, but they began by stealing gratitude of his countrymen. that which belonged to us. The honest man who was in the War Department not long ago stole all our munitions of war and sent them South, and when the rebels were ripe for revolt, they stole everything that they found ready to their hands. There have been reverses in every war, and we have had ours. But I believe we have passed our day of reverses. When the war commenced we were without money, without men, without arms. All our money and arms had been stolen by those who had meditated rebellion. But now the case is very different. We have plenty of money, plenty of arms, and an abundance of men. And more, we have the brave and gallant young General at the head of our army. That young soldier is the idol of his troops, because of his solicitude and care for them. In every contest, so far as his career has gone, he has been victorious. Since he has assumed the command of our armies his constant care has been to have his men disciplined and instructed in the art of war, so as to ensure a victory when he shall be prepared to move with the immense host at whose head he now stands."

General Scott, the morning after the proceedings attending his resignation, left Washington for New York on a special train, accompanied by his staff, the Secretaries of War and the Treasury, and a number of other distinguished persons, including Governor Sprague of Rhode Island, and General B. F. Butler of Massachusetts. General McClellan took leave of him at the depot in an affecting farewell. A couch was fitted up for the invalid General in the single passenger car of the train. The route taken was by Baltimore, through Harrisburg to Jersey City, and though the day was stormy, the inhabitants everywhere turned out in numbers to greet the arrival of the toil-worn General, who had

A few days after his arrival at New York General Scott was waited upon at his lodgings in the Brevoort House, by a Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, and the Union Defence Committee of the City, when resolutions were presented and addresses made appropriate to the occasion. To the address of Mr. Perit, in behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, General Scott replied: "The language of praise is sweet when it comes from high sources of intelligence and moral worth; and sweet also is the consciousness of having labored hard through a long life to merit it. His measure was full and overflowing. The great calamity which had befallen the country-the rebellion found him far advanced in life; and the labors, responsibilities, and anxieties which it had thrown upon him, had broken him down. He was now but a wreck. If the calamity had occurred three or four years before it would have found him vigorous, and in a condition to do some service in meeting it; and he would have met it, he flattered himself, successfully. Although he was hors du combat, yet he was happy to say--and his opinion on this subject might be of some value-that he had left on the field a large and patriotic army, in which were many of the best citizens of the country, the best of officers and men, commanded by Generals of great merit; Generals capable of achieving victory. On the field were young and vigorous men, competent to perform all the duties which the country requires of them. Major-General McClellan, a man of scientific attainments and genius, and of respectable experience; Major-General Halleck, another officer of genius, science and discretion, who would meet all the expectations of his Government and country, and many brigadiers and Colonels of great worth.

"He (General Scott) did not, therefore, despair of the Union; he was even


confident of the success of our cause, within a limited time, and hoped that the coming Spring would find the rebellion suppressed. In a short time he hoped that another union of fraternity would be reëstablished so firmly as to endure for ever. The Union had commanded all his affections. The Union was his country, and he knew no other."


scientiousness. It is due from me to say that he is not a President of my making. I had no part nor lot in his election. I confess that he has agreeably disappointed me. He is a man of great ability, fidelity and patriotism."

In this interview General Scott announced his intention of immediately visiting Europe for his health, in the hope of relief from the vertigo with which In another reply to the address of the he was affected. When he had accomUnion Defence Committee, he compli- plished this he would return to the city, mented that body on its timely labors which had been more or less his home for the preservation of the Government for forty years. The next day, Novemat the outbreak of the rebellion, and ber 9th, accompanied by a few friends, added to his praises of Generals Mc-he privately took his departure from the Clellan and Halleck, a warm tribute to hotel and embarked on the steamship the virtues of President Lincoln. "I Arago for Havre, cheered on the way have considerable confidence," said he, by the first reports, then reaching the "in the Administration of the country. North, through rebel sources, of the sucI do not speak of party confidence, for I cess of the naval expedition in the caphave long ceased to be a party man. Iture of Beaufort, an important event have great confidence in the President. He which will form the subject of another is a man of genius untiring zeal, and con- chapter



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THE soldiers of Illinois, who were to mercial cities are the depots. Whichbear so conspicuous a part in the coming ever of the two parties in the national war, were early in the field. The State, conflict should first get possession of both by its geographical and political Cairo would hold an inestimable advanposition, was likely to exercise a most tage in carrying on the war. Nor was important influence on the war. Bound- the command of the State less important ed on the west and south by the Missis- in its moral influences. The sympathies sippi and Ohio rivers, it was in its power of its Southern portion might naturally to control the vast supplies furnished to be, as it was frequently stated they the South by those mighty channels of were, with its neighbors in Kentucky trade. Cairo, at the junction of these and Missouri. Next to the border slave two streams, was the key to the North- States, its voice on the principles and west. A military force stationed there conduct of the war was of the utmost might arrest the entire water communi- significance. Had Illinois wavered, Kencation of New Orleans and the interme- tucky and Tennessee would have been diate cities with St. Louis, on the one doubly resolute, and Missouri doubly side, and Cincinnati on the other, and hesitating. Happily, she had in the the regions beyond, of which these com-executive chair a man who saw clearly

the nature of the issue, and had the will to be allowed to accept the services of and spirit to lead the undoubted incli- ten regiments in addition to the quota nation and determination of her loyal called for by the General Government. population. No one stood forward, as This was the beginning of the army of the crisis approached, more firmly to Illinois. Previous to the war the entire arrest the downward course of rebellion uniformed militia of the State did not than her Governor, Richard Yates. By muster eight hundred men; before the his energetic patriotism, both the mili- close of the year more than seventy tary and political power and authority thousand of its citizens were in the army. of the State were promptly secured to Illinois, in her population of about à the Government. In advance of the million seven hundred thousand, had now imminent struggle, when there was four hundred thousand capable of bearbut a spec of war in the horizon, he had, ing arms, and more than double that in his Inaugural in January, consider-number of children in her free schools.* ately and firmly declared his conviction Simultaneously with the meeting of of the duty of the people of Illinois to the Illinois Legislature, at the end of the Union. Of the vexed question of April, Governor Yates, in obedience to slavery, it was an institution, he de- an order of the War Department, staclared, which could not exist for ever. tioned a portion of the Volunteer forces "Die it must," was his language," sooner which had been hastily mustered, as a or later; die, that the philosophy of garrison at Cairo. An important seizure history may be demonstrated; die, that of a cargo of seven hundred kegs of powman's most cherished hopes may not der and other war materials, on a boat wither; die, that God's eternal justice descending the Mississippi, was one of may be vindicated." But, he said at the the first fruits of the occupation. As same time, while the "outside territories troops were organized, the command was of the Union were not to be surrender-reinforced, and the natural defences of ed to a policy that would retard their the place strengthened by military art. settlement," there was no reason why this inevitable work of emancipation should not be left to the discretion or necessities of the slave-holding States. He demanded only obedience to the Constitution and the laws, and less than this fidelity to the Union he would not accept. He could recognise but one theory of political action, that of "the perpetuity of the Constitution and the Government organized under it."

The embankment of the levees afforded an advantageous position for heavy guns; and before the rebels were prepared for its assault, Cairo was beyond the reach of capture. At the end of May BrigadierGeneral Prentiss had under his command, at Camp Defiance, some five thousand State volunteers, with a respectable force of artillery. An entrenched camp on the opposite station in Missouri, at Bird's Point, was occupied by Colonel Schuttner's regiment of St. Louis Volunteers, composed of Germans, Poles, and Hungarians, rendering the control of the Mississippi at this point complete.

With these principles his course was thenceforward simple and direct. The call to arms found him ready and resolved. He promptly called the Legislature together in special session, and clearly set before its members the demands of the occasion. "Secession," said he, "has brought about its inevitable results, and we must crush it and treason wherever they raise their unsightly heads, or perish ourselves." He asked Allen C. Fuller's, Adjutant-General, Report, Dec. 12 1861

We have an interesting account of a visit to Cairo the following month, in a letter of the London Times' correspondent, Mr. Russell. Just arrived from an examination of General Pillow's rival

* Inaugural Address of Governor Yates, Jan. 14, 1861.

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Among other military employments of the force at Cairo, in its service in this quarter, there was a spirited raid, on the 19th of August, of a party of about two hundred of the Illinois troops, led by Colonel Dougherty and Lieutenant-Colonel Ranson, against a band of Secessionists who were occupying Charleston, Missouri. On reaching the spot where the enemy were encamped in the courthouse, church and other buildings, a charge was ordered, which resulted in a loss of forty killed and fifty or sixty wounded on the side of the rebels, and one killed and several wounded of the attacking party. The rebels were fully routed and fifteen prisoners with eighteen horses and other horses and other trophies were brought in to Bird's Point.

works at Memphis, and its vicinity, he sees the military value of the position, and bears witness to the general excellence of the defences. His sketch of the departure of an expedition on a guerrilla enterprise against a party of rebels at Commerce, on the Mississippi, affords a vivid glimpse of the stalwart men, "well set up, stout, powerful, infantry-looking, cheerful and full of confidence," who a few months later were to secure the plaudits of the country in their brave campaign in Tennessee. Nor were the humors of the camp forgotten by this lively observer. Here is an evening scene, doubtless freely sketched, in which his countrymen bore a part: "An Irish gentleman, who had been evincing his satisfaction at the receipt of his wages, more Hibernico, just now attempted to Besides its embankments and their get past us. Who goes there?' 'A defenders Cairo and the region under friend-shure you know I'm a friend!' her guardianship had a more powerful Advance three paces and give the coun- means of protection and annoyance to tersign.' The gentleman approached, the foe, in the little flotilla of gunboats and was brought up by the bayonet. destined to such signal service on the 'Send for the captain, and he'll give you western waters. The construction of the word, bedad.' The intercession was these vessels was commenced at Cincinunnecessary, for two policemen came up nati in May, when Commander John in hot pursuit, and the general, who was Rodgers was sent by the Navy Departsitting by, ordered the guard to deliver ment to superintend the work. Under their prisoner to the civil power. For his direction three stern-wheel steamers, some extraordinary reason, this act the Tyler, Lexington and Conestoga, moved the prisoner to the greatest grat- were purchased and prepared for miliitude, and taking off his cap, he ex-tary service. They were heavily cased claimed, Thank you, general; long life with oak and severally armed with seven, to you. Indeed, general, I'm greatly six, and four guns. They reached Cairo obliged to you, on this account!' Anoth- in August, and henceforth we find them er sentry who challenged an officer in constantly enployed in checking the adthe usual way, was asked by him, 'Do vances of the enemy and supporting the you know the countersign yourself?' movements of the National troops. Indeed, I don't, sir; it's not nine o'clock and they hav'n't given it out yet.' A very tolerable military band had played outside the hotel in the evening, and I was pleased to see the quiet manner in which the bystanders, of all ranks, sat down in the chairs as they were vacant, close to the general, without any intrusion, or any sense of impropriety arising from their difference in rank."

Their first active employment was on the 9th of September, when, by order of General Grant, Lieutenant Phelps commanding the Conestoga and Lieutenant Stembel commanding the Lexington, were sent down the river to Norfolk, eight miles below Cairo on the Missouri shore, to cooperate with a land movement of Colonel Wagner upon the enemy at that place. The Conestoga led the way, and

The most considerable movement from Cairo previous to the great expeditions. to the Tennessee and the Cumberland, was the armed reconnoissance of General Ulysses S. Grant, then commanding the district of South Eastern Missouri, in the direction of Columbus, which resulted in the battle of Belmont. This officer, destined to distinguished service in the war, was a native of Ohio, and entered the Military Academy from that State in 1839. Graduating from that institution in due course, he was appointed brevet 2d Lieutenant to the 4th Infantry. He served with distinguished honor in the Mexican campaigns of both General Taylor and General Scott, and was brevetted Captain for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Chapultepec. He attained the full rank of Captain in the 4th Infantry in 1853. The following year he resigned his rank in the service, and settled in St. Louis county, Missouri, whence he removed to Galena, Illinois, in 1860. At the breaking out of the war of the rebellion he offered his services to Governor Yates and entered at once on active employment as Colonel of the 21st regiment of volunteers, serving in that capacity until he was promoted among the earliest appointments of the kind at Washington, to the rank which he held at Belmont, of Brigadier-General of Volunteers.

came in contact with a rebel battery at Lucas's Bend on the Missouri side, when a skirmishing fire was kept up for some time, the enemy following the movement of the steamers as they ascended the stream by advancing their flying rifled artillery along the shore. The fire was promptly returned, when the foe retreating, they were pursued by the steamers till the latter came up with two rebel vessels out of Columbus. One of these was the gunboat Yankee, upon which Lieutenant Stembel, at the distance of about two miles and a half, tried the force of one of his 8-inch guns charged with a 15-second shell. Giving the gun its greatest possible elevation, he fired, and "had the satisfaction of seeing the shell explode in the star-board wheelhouse of the Yankee, careening her smoke-stack and otherwise crippling her, when both rebel steamers retreated towards Columbus, the batteries on the bluff alone preventing their capture." One man only was injured on the Union side. In September Captain Andrew H. Foote, an officer of the United States Navy, presently to acquire great distinction in the service on the Mississippi, was assigned to the command of the Western Flotilla, for which a number of iron-clad gunboats and mortar boats were in active preparation. On the 30th of October he reported to the Department the ascent of the Conestoga, Lieutenant Phelps, with three companies The object of the expedition from of Major Philips' Illinois regiment, to Cairo, as we learn from General Grant's Eddyville, sixty-two miles above Padu-Report, was to prevent the enemy in cah on the Tennessee river. "Conjointly that quarter sending out reinforcements they had a handsome and successful skir- to Price's army in South-western Missoumish, in which the rebels broke and fled ri, and also from cutting off two small every direction, leaving seven dead on columns that had been sent from Cairo the field." Two of the Union party were and Cape Girardeau in pursuit of Jeff. severely and several slightly wounded. Thompson, who was in command of a The spoils were forty-four prisoners, sev- body of insurgents on St. Francis river. en negroes, thirty-one horses, eleven As the rebel force was known to be mules and a fair quantity of military large, General Charles F. Smith, an offiequipments. cer of the regular army, who was stationed at Paducah, was requested to coöperate by demonstrations on the


* Commander Stembel's Report to Commodore Foote, September 13, 1861.

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