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ates and the army of the Potomac. Our troops were a second time outnumbered; and the sad result was a loss on our side of 930 captured, killed, and wounded, contrasted with 300 killed and wounded of the rebels. Yes, there was one other leading feature of the climax-for, in contrast to the gloom and dejection of our camp, Leesburg was that night illuminated !"*

bearing wounded all the afternoon was second meeting between the Confedershoving off with a mangled, moaning load, and the rebels in full strength appeared on the bluff. Their unearthly yells then went up again, but our disheartened men were silent; yet they stragglingly returned the concentrated and decimating fire that was now poured upon them. Amid their volleys, they shouted to us to surrender; but this was answered with rough expressions of disdain, and responses from our muskets. But hope had now quite abandoned our side. Bramhall's gun, which had been brought from the field, but which he had failed to get to the river with the purpose of submerging it, had been tumbled down the cliff and spiked, and all power for active retaliation was departed. Yielding to a stern necessity, therefore, Colonel Coggswell gave the order for the men to cast their arms into the stream and save themselves as best they could. The panic common to the climax of protracted suffering then set in, and the scene became one of route, carnage, and dismay. Hundreds plunged into the river, and a large number, regardless of the safety of the wounded, swam after the returning scow, and, swamping it with their weight, the wounded, quick and dead went down together. Many able swimmers were stifled in the fierce, unfriendly current, and those who, through lack of that accomplishment, or mistrustful of their strength, would not tempt the river, wandered wearily up and down the hostile shore, and were eventually taken prisoners. Colonels Coggswell and Lee were among the latter number, in consequence of having yielded to the men the earliest opportunities of escape; and Captain Beirel, who remained under the bank while his men tried their fortune with the stream, was among the last to stem the current. He took his sword with him, but when midway in the passage, was obliged to adopt the alternative between the loss of it and life, and drop it on the way. Thus ended the

The loss of Colonel Baker was of course keenly felt by the country, which saw in the disaster a calamity similar to that which the nation was called to mourn in the death of General Lyon. Every honor was paid to his memory in a public funeral at Washington, and in civic honors as his remains were carried to New York on their way to their passage by sea to a final resting place in his home at California. The news of his death reached San Francisco a few days only after the battle in which he fell. The intelligence was among the first messages sent to California by the newly completed telegraph line this peaceful triumph of civilization and new bond of Union perfected in the midst of devastating war aimed at the destruction of the nation. The line was opened on the 25th of October, when a message was transmitted from Sacramento by Chief Justice Field of California, in the temporary absence of the Governor of the State, to President Lincoln at Washington. At San Francisco, on the 26th, whilst the citizens were preparing to fire a salute and make other demonstrations in honor of the event, a dispatch from the East announced the death of Colonel Baker. The rejoicings were suddenly changed to mourning, and the celebration deferred.

The following general order, in honor of Colonel Baker, was issued by General McClellan on the 22d October, the day preceding the funeral ceremonies at Washington: "The Major-General com

* New York Tribune, November 5, 1861.

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manding, with sincere sorrow, announces memory, which they felt he would so to the Army of the Potomac the death freely have rendered to kindred excelof Colonel Edward D. Baker, who fell lence. McDougal, celebrated his "Godgloriously in battle on the evening of given gifts-sensations, memory, thought Monday, 21st of October, near Lees- and action, going hand in hand together, burgh, Va. The gallant dead has many his love of music-"not only music as it titles to honor. At the time of his death gives present pleasure to the ear, but he was a member of the United States music in the sense in which it was underSenate for Oregon, and it is no injustice stood by the old seekers after wisdom, to say that one of the most eloquent who held that in harmonious sounds speakers in that illustrious body has rested some of the great secrets of the been silenced by his fall. A patriot, infinite" A patriot, infinite" and recalling his love of zealous for the honor and interests of his poetry, told how once, many years beadopted country, he has been distinguish- fore, on the wild plains of the West, in ed in two wars, and has now sealed with the middle of a star-lit night, as they his blood his devotion to the national were journeying together, he had first flag. Cut off in the fullness of his pow- heard from him the chaunt of that noble ers as a statesman, and in the course of song, "The Battle of Ivry," in anticia brilliant career as a soldier; while the pation, as it were, of his own gallant country mourns his loss, his brothers in conduct in the fieldarms will envy, while they lament his fate. He died as a soldier would wish to die amid the thick of battle, his voice and example animating his men to brave deeds."

At the next meeting of the National. Congress, a day, the 11th of December, was given in the Senate to the memory of its late member, General Baker. The unusual presence of the President of the United States on the occasion, gave additional significance to the proceedings. Mr. Lincoln came as a mourner, to listen to the eulogies, some to be pronounced in no unstinted measure, of his fallen friend. Addresses were delivered by Nesmith of Oregon, McDougall and Latham of California, Browning of Illinois, Cowan of Pennsylvania, Dixon of Connecticut, and Sumner of Massachusetts. All seemed to have caught something of the fervor of the eloquent hero whom they lamented, to whom reason presented itself in the language of passion and imagination; the heroism and devotion of whose death were the poetry of his life in action. Lilies and purple flowers were heaped with full hand upon his grave, as his old companions brought that homage to his

"The King has come to marshal us, in all his armour
And he has bound a snow-white plume upon his
gallant crest.

He looked upon his people, and a tear was in his

He looked upon the traitors, and his glance was
stern and high;
Right graciously he smiled on us, as ran from wing

to wing,

Down all our line, a deafening shout, 'God save our
Lord the King!'

And if my standard-bearer fall, and fall full well he

For never saw I promise yet of such a bloody fray, Press where ye see my white plume shines, amid the ranks of war;

And be your oriflamme to-day, the helmet of Navarre."

Mr. Browning spoke of the devotion to political principles which had taken his friend from the Senate to the battle field. "He was a true, immovable, incorruptible, and unshrinking patriot. He was the fast, firm friend of civil and religious liberty, and believed that they should be the common heritage and blessing of all mankind; and that they could be secured and enjoyed only through the instrumentality of organized constitutional government, and submission to, and obedience of, its laws; and the conviction upon his mind was deep and profound that if the wicked rebellion

which had been inaugurated, went unrebuked, and treason triumphed over law, constitutional government in North America would be utterly annihilated, to be followed by the confusion of anarchy, and the confusion of anarchy to be succeeded by the oppressions and atrocities of despotism. He believed that whatever the horrors, and plagues, and desolations of civil war might be, they would still be far less in magnitude and duration than the plagues and calamities which would inevitably follow upon submission and separation. The contest in which we are engaged had been, without cause, or pretext of cause, forced upon


We had to accept the strife, or so submit to an arrogant assumption of superiority of right, as to show ourselves unworthy of the liberties and blessings which the blood and treasure, and wisdom and virtue of illustrious sires had achieved for us; and he believed that the issue of the contest was powerfully and vitally to affect the welfare and happiness of the American people, if not, indeed, of all other nations, for centuries yet to be. With these views, both just and patriotic, he recognized it as his duty to give his services to his country whenever and in whatever capacity they could be of most value and importance; and with as much of self-abnegation as the frailties of humanity would allow, he took his place in the serried ranks of war; and in the strict and discreet discharge of his duty as a soldier, fighting for his country in a holy cause, he fell." With classic taste and eloquence, Mr. Sumner dwelt upon the qualities of the man, and of those exigencies of the times which had brought him to a premature grave. "The Senator," said he, 'to whom we to-day say farewell, was generous in funeral homage to others. More than once he held great companies in rapt attention while he did honor to the dead. Over the coffin of Broderick he proclaimed the dying utterance of this early victim, and gave it to the fiery

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wings of his own eloquence: 'They have killed me, because I was opposed to the extension of slavery and a corrupt administration; and as the impassioned orator repeated these words, his own soul was knit in sympathy with the dead and thus at once did he endear himself to the friends of freedom, even at a distance,

"Who would not sing for Lycidas? He knew Himself to sing and build the lofty rhyme.' "There are two forms of eminent talent which are kindred in their effects-each producing an instant present impression, each holding crowds in suspense, and each kindling enthusiastic admiration. I mean the talent of the orator and the talent of the soldier. Each of these, when successful, wins immediate honor, and reads his praise in a nation's eyes. Baker was orator and soldier. To him belongs the rare renown of this double character. Perhaps he carried into war something of the confidence inspired by the conscious sway of great multitudes, as he surely brought into speech something of the ardor of war. Call him, if you will, the Prince Rupert of battle; he was also the Prince Rupert of debate.

Not content with the brilliant opportunities of this Chamber, he accepted a commission in the army, and vaulted from the Senate to the saddle, as he had already vaulted from Illinois to California. With a zeal that never tired, after recruiting men, drawn by the attraction of his name, in New York and Philadelphia, and elsewhere, he held his brigade in camp near the Capitol, so that he passed easily from one to the other, and thus alternated between the duties of a senator and a general. His latter career was short, though shining. disastrous encounter near Ball's Bluff he fell, pierced by nine balls. That brain which had been the seat and organ such subtle power, swaying assemblies, and giving to this child of obscurity place and command among his fellowmen, was now rudely shattered; and that

At a



When the Senate resolutions of respect to the memory of Colonel Baker were communicated to the House of Representatives, like proceedings were held, and enthusiastic speeches delivered by Sheil of Oregon, Phelps and Sargent of California, Colfax of Indiana, Kelly of Pennsylvania, and other members.


bosom which had throbbed so bravely "The boy-soldier," said the speaker, was rent by numerous wounds. He" whose remains are before us, came, by died with his face to the foe; and he both parents, from the best New England died so instantly, that he passed without races. His father is descended from the pain from the service of his country to ancestor of old General Putnam, and his the service of his God-while with him family on this side contains such statespassed more than one gallant youth, the men and scholars as Timothy and John hope of family and friends, sent forth by Pickering. His mother's family has given my own honored commonwealth. It is to us statesmen, sages, patriots, poets, sweet and becoming to die for one's scholars, orators, economists, philanthrocountry. Such a death sudden, but pists, and now gives us also a hero and not unprepared for-is the crown of the martyr. His great-grandfather, Judge patriot soldier's life." Lowell, inserted in the Bill of Rights, prefixed to the Constitution of this State, the clause declaring that 'all men are born free and equal,' for the purpose, as he avowed at the time, of abolishing slavery in Massachusetts; and he was appointed by Washington federal judge of this district. His grandfather was minister of this church, honored and Among the victims of this lamentable loved, as few men have been, for more disaster at Ball's Bluff, there was an in- than half a century. Born in Boston in genuous youth, standing on the entrance 1840, he was educated in Europe, where to manhood, with every advantage before he went when eleven years old-and him which cultivated taste and scholar- where, in France, Germany and Italy, ship, high principles and distinguished he showed that he possessed the ancessocial standing could possess in the ca- tral faculty of mastering easily all lanreer of life. This was William Low-guages, and where he faithfully studied ell Putnam of Boston, 2d Lieutenant of the 20th Massachusetts Volunteers. He was carried forth from the field wounded, and died in the hospital at Poolesville the following day. His death was sincerely mourned at Boston, not only in consideration of himself and his family, but in the wide-spread fellowship of sorrow which the losses of the Massachusetts' regiments created in so many respected homes of the city. At the funeral services at the West Church, Boston, a commemorative address was delivered by the Rev. James Freeman Clarke, from which we take the following biographical passages. They afford a striking indication of the zeal and sense of duty and honor with which the war was in many instances entered upon at the North-not without counting the cost, and fearlessly braving the sacrifices.

classic and Christian antiquity and art. Under the best and most loving guidance, he read with joy the vivid descriptions of Virgil, while looking down from the hill of Posillipo, on the headland of Misenum, and the ruins of Cumæ. He studied with diligence the remains of Etruscan art, of which perhaps no American scholar, though he was so young, knew more. Thus accomplished he returned to his native land, but modest and earnest, he made no display of his acquisitions, and very few knew that he had acquired anything. When the war broke out his conscience and heart urged him to go to the service of his country. His strong sense of duty overcame the reluctance of his parents, and they consented. A presentiment that he should not return alive was very strongly in his mind and theirs. But he gave himself

souls, our heroes and saints; go with Ellsworth, protomartyr of this great cause of Freedom; go with Winthrop, poet and soldier, our Korner, with sword and lyre; go with the chivalric Lyon, bravest of the brave, leader of men; go with Baker, to whose utterance the united murmurs of Atlantic and Pacific oceans gave eloquent rhythm, and whose words flowered so early into heroic action. Go with our noble Massachusetts boys, in whose veins runs the best blood of the age.

cheerfully, and said, in entire strength of his purpose, that to die would be easy in such a cause; and in the full conviction of immortality, he added, What is death, mother? it is nothing but a step in our life.' His fidelity to every duty gained him the respect of his superior officers, and his generous, constant interest in his companions and soldiers, brought to him an unexampled affection. He realized fully that this war must enlarge the area of freedom, if it was to attain its true end-and in one of his last letters, he expressed the earnest Colonel William Raymond Lee, who prayer that it might not cease till it was taken a prisoner by the enemy, and opened the way for universal liberty. long held as a hostage at Richmond, was These earnest opinions were connected born in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1807, with a feeling of the wrong done to the descendant both on the father and mothAfrican race, and an interest in its im-er's side, of revolutionary ancestors. He provement. He took with him to the entered West Point at sixteen, and comwar, as a body servant, a colored lad pleted his course without pursuing the named George Brown, who repaid the military profession. Choosing the occukindness of Lieutenant Putnam by grati-pation of a civil engineer, he was emtude and faithful service. George Brown ployed by a Boston company in the followed his master across the Potomac survey of lands, which they claimed in into the battle, nursed him in his tent, Texas, and while engaged in this busiand attended his remains back to Boston. ness, was taken prisoner by the MexiNor let the devoted courage of Lieuten- cans, and held for several months in ant Henry Sturgis be forgotten, who captivity. He resumed his profession lifted his wounded friend and comrade of engineering on his return, and found from the ground, and carried him on his various employment in the superintendback a long distance to the boat, and re- ance of the Boston and Providence Railturned again into the fight. In the fatal road, and other engagements connected battle a week ago Lowell fell, as is re- with railways. On the breaking out of ported, while endeavoring to save a the Rebellion, he offered his services to wounded companion,-fell, soiled with the Government, which were accepted. no ignoble dust, non indecoro pulvere He set about the formation of a regiment, sordidum. Brought to the hospital tent, the 25th Massachusetts Volunteers, with he said to the surgeon who came to dress which he proceeded to Washington in his wound, 'go to some one else, to whom September. He was at once sent to the you can do more good; you cannot save advance post on the Upper Potomac, me,' like Philip Sydney giving the water where we have found him ready for duty to the soldiers who needed it more than at the first intimation of a movement himself. Farewell dear child, against the enemy. brave heart, soul of sweetness and fire. We shall see no more that fair, candid brow, with its sunny hair, those sincere eyes, that cheek flushed with the commingling roses of modesty and courage. Go and join the noble group of devoted

So unhappy an affair as that at Ball's Bluff could not be allowed to pass by without bitter comments on the misman agement which led to the melancholy disaster. The folly of committing men in small detachments, to so untenable a

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