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their lives at the altar of patriotism. I want to make peace with your Johnsons and your Holts, and men of that classwith men who are loyal to the country, and not with rebels who have muskets in their hands."

tated by the necessities of the times. Touching upon a topic ever uppermost in the minds of a New England audience, he said: "I do not invoke you to engage in this war as a war against slavery. We are warring for a different principle. But there is an old adage brought down to us from the ancients, that 'whom the gods would destroy they first madden.' They are afflicted by that madness which, for their wickedness, God's providence has brought upon them; and that will do more to crush out the institution of slavery than would have been done by the peaceful administration of the Government in ten centuries. If that should be the consequence, I have no tears to shed. To the future and to Providence I leave the issues of this great question. It is not the province of the Government of the United States to enter into a crusade against the institution of slavery." At a Union meeting at Bangor, Maine, in this month (September) Vice-President Hamlin spoke. "There has been a great deal," he remarked, "said about peace. I am a peace man, and for peace, and am willing to fight for it; and I am here flanked on either side with two ma- | jestic peace-makers-the very best instruments known to men to make a peace in times like the present. I am for a peace; and I want it founded upon that basis that shall not entail upon my children the necessity of again passing through this ordeal. I am for peace; but I want that peace that shall elevate us in the eyes of all the world, and which shall demonstrate that there is integrity and capacity enough in men for self-government; and I want a peace, too, that shall give security to the gallant men in the rebel States who have come forward and sacrificed their fortunes and almost of Kentucky, with all their sincere love

The Hon. Joseph Holt of Kentucky, at a meeting in New York on the 3d of September, at the invitation of the Chamber of Commerce, delivered one of those kindling addresses with which he, perhaps, more than any other, nerved the minds of his countrymen to the struggle upon which they had entered. Speaking of his State of Kentucky, he said: "In spite of all the efforts to rend them asunder, New York and Kentucky this night stand before the world as sisters. Kentucky has not now, she never has had, and she never can have sympathy with either the spirit or the purpose of those conspirators who, at the head of armies and in the mad pursuit of power, are now reddening their hands in a nation's blood. She abhorred them as Rome abhorred Cataline, as the American people abhorred Benedict Arnold, as Christians abhor the memory of Judas Iscariot. That abhorrence was fully expressed in her recent election, and yet in the very presence of that overwhelming popular demonstration, and in defiance and contempt of it, the public papers now assure us that the secessionists are preparing to precipitate that State into the horrors of civil war, simply and solely because she has refused to follow the example of Faust and sell herself to the devil. If, like the political bandits of South America, they atrociously persist in appealing from the popular vote to the sword, then I venture to predict that it will be found that the Union men

of peace, still carry bullets as well as pression of the rebellion. "Fellow citiballots in their pockets." Of the senti- zens," said he in conclusion, "amid all senti-zens," ment of the North he said, speaking from the discouragements which surround us, his observations in a recent tour through I have still an unfaltering faith in human the region, he had "nowhere found any progress and in the capacity of man for feeling of exasperation against the people self-government. I believe that the blood of the South-no bluster, no threatening; which the true lovers of our race have but at every point a solemn determina- shed on more than a thousand battletion to uphold the Government, connect- fields has borne fruit, and that that fruit ed, at the same time, with a sadness and is the Republic of the United States. It with a depth of tenderness I would in came forth on the world like the morning vain endeavor to describe. Strong and sun from his chamber. Its pathway has brave men, when speaking to me of the been a pathway of light and glory. It unhappy distractions which rend our has brought blessings upon its people in country, have wept in my presence, and the brimming fullness with which the I have honored these men for this un- rivers pour their waters into the sea. I wonted exhibition of deep feeling, for if cannot admit into my bosom the crushing a brave man cannot weep over the thought that, in the full light of the threatened ruin of such a country and Christian civilization of the nineteenth such a Government as this, where is century, such a government is fated to there a catastrophe or a sorrow that can perish beneath the swords of the guilty touch his heart? Everywhere, and in all men who are now banded together for its places, the people seem now to realize overthrow. I cannot, I will not believe the fact that this is not a war upon the that twenty millions of people, cultivated, people of the South, but a war undertak- loyal, courageous, will ignominiously suf en for their defence and for their deliv- fer their institutions to be overturned by erance." In accordance with this earnest- ten millions, nearly half of whom are ness and sympathy was the speaker's helpless slaves with fetters on their appeal to the sense of duty of the North hands. Let us, then, rouse ourselves to play their part manfully in the conflict fully to this great work of duty. If it is for the preservation of the Government to be done well, it should be done quickof their fathers-while foreign nations ly. If we would economise both blood were looking to its destruction. "How and treasure, we should move promptly, gladly," he exclaimed, "would the enewould the ene- we should move mightily. At this very mies of freedom behold a monument of us moment, were it possible to precipitate in the skies, could they see inscribed the whole physical force of the loyal upon it these words: In memory of the States on the fields of the South, it would great Republic of the United States, be a measure not only of wisdom, but of founded by Washington and destroyed economy and humanity also." by Toombs, Twiggs and Floyd!" With equal scorn he denounced disloyal men at the North who would, by sowing dissension, weaken the force of the Government, which stood pledged to the sup

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On the 20th of August General McClellan formally entered upon command of the army of the Potomac, which, as at that time constituted, comprised the troops serving in the former departments



of Washington and North-eastern Vir- shall be made on that day; that the ginia, in the valley of the Shenandoah, men shall, as far as possible, be perand in the States of Maryland and Dela-mitted to rest from their labors; that ware. The following officers were at- they shall attend Divine service after tached to his staff: Major S. Williams, the customary Sunday morning inspecAssistant Adjutant - General; Captain tion, and that officers and men shall Alexander V. Colburn, Assistant Adju- alike use their influence to insure the uttant-General; Colonel R. B. Marcy, In- most decorum and quiet on that day. spector-General; Colonel T. M. Key, The General Commanding regards this Aide-de-Camp; Captain N. B. Swetser, as no idle form. One day's rest in 1st Cavalry, Aide-de-Camp; Captain seven is necessary to men and animals. Edward McK. Hudson, 14th Infantry, More than this, the observance of the Aide-de-Camp; Captain L. A. Williams, Holy Day of the God of mercy and of 10th Infantry, Aide-de Camp; Major A. battles is our sacred duty." J. Myers, Signal Officer; Major Stewart Among other camp incidents which ocVan Vliet, Chief Quartermaster; Cap-curred while the army on the Potomac tain H. F. Clarke, Chief Commissary; was in formation, was a visit on the 10th Surgeon C. S. Tripler, Medical Director; of September of President Lincoln, acMajor J. G. Barnard, Chief Engineer; companied by Secretary Cameron, GovMajor J. M. Macomb, Chief Topographi- ernor Curtin, and others to the Pennsylcal Engineer; Captain Charles P. Kings-vania regiments. After the ceremony bury, Chief of Ordnance; Brigadier- of presentation by Governor Curtin of General George Stoneham, Volunteer a set of flags, provided by the Cincinnati Service, Chief of Cavalry; Brigadier Society of Philadelphia, to the brigade General W. S. Barry, Volunteer Service, Chief of Artillery."

under command of General McCall, the distinguished party crossed the river by the Chain Bridge, where a scene occurred at one of the new forts which is remembered by the few words, often recited afterwards, addressed by General McClellan to the troops: "Soldiers," said he, "we have had our last retreat. We have seen our last defeat. You stand by me and I will stand by you, and henceforth victory will crown our efforts."

As a further and most important means of raising the morale, and adding to the efficiency of the army, General McClellan, on the 6th of September, issued the following order, enjoining the special observance of the Sabbath in the camp: "The Major-General Commanding desires and requests that in future there may be a more perfect respect for the Sabbath on the part of his command. Words like these, incidentally spoken, We are fighting in a holy cause, and were eagerly caught up by the public should endeavor to deserve the benign and treasured as sure promises of the favor of the Creator. Unless in the case success of the young General, upon whom of an attack by the enemy, or some the expectation of the war was now other extreme military necessity, it is placed. At this early period of the contest commended to commanding officers, that there was certainly no ground of comall work shall be suspended on the Sab-plaint of the want of confidence in those bath; that no unnecessary movements entrusted with its conduct, on the part

of the people. They yielded all frankly regard is rather saturnine, and, if not and freely to those in authority, and so melancholic, is of a grim gayety; Mcfar from withholding credit where it was Clellan is genial even in his reserve. due, were rather disposed, so sure were The density of the hair, the squareness they of results, of paying the tribute of of the jaw, the firmness and regularity fame and admiration in advance. Gen- of the teeth, and the outlines of the feaeral McClellan, in particular, was ac- tures, are points of similarity in both, cepted as the hero of the future; the which would be more striking if Beaurenewspapers eulogized him; the print gard were not of the true Louisianian shops were filled with his portraits: Creole tint, while McClellan is fair-comeverything was hoped from his conduct plexioned. Beauregard has a dark, dull, of the war. Se strong was this impres- student's eye, the dullness of which sion that the correspondent of the Lon- arises, however, from its formation, for don Times, Mr. Russell, whose letters it is full of fire, and its glances are quick were reprinted everywhere, presented and searching. McClellan has a deep, his portrait at full length to the world, clear eye, into which you can look far with a minuteness of description and and deep, while you feel it searches far personal detail applied usually only to and deep into you. Beauregard has long-established and well-tried celebri- something of pretension in his mannerties. "When I had the pleasure," he not hauteur, but a folding-armed, mediwrote, in an ingenious parallel between tative sort of air, which seems to say, the two most talked-of men in the North-Don't disturb me; I'm thinking of miliern and Southern armies, "of conversing tary movements.' McClellan seems to with General McClellan for the first time be always at leisure; but you feel at the he asked me several questions, with evi- same time that you ought not to intrude dent interest and friendly curiosity-not too much upon him, even when you seek unusual on the part of Generals in refer- in vain for the grounds of that impresence to their antagonists respecting sion in anything that he is doing or sayGeneral Beauregard. In his case there ing. Beauregard is more subtle, crafty was all the more reason for such in- and astute; McClellan is more comprequiries, in the fact that they were old hensive, more learned, more impressionfellow-students and class-mates. To my able. Beauregard is a thorough soldier; mind there is something of resemblance McClellan may prove he is a great genbetween the men. Both are below the eral. The former only looks to military middle height. They are both squarely consequences, and disregards popular built, and famed for muscular power manifestations; the latter respects the since their college days. Beauregard, indeed, is lean and thin-ribbed; McClellan is full and round, with a Napoleonic tendency to embonpoint, subdued by incessant exercise. Beauregard sleeps little; McClellan's tenperament requires a full share of rest; both are spare and Spartan in diet, studious, quiet. Beau

opinions of the outer world, and sees political as well as military results in what he orders. They are both the creatures of accident, so far as their present positions are concerned. It remains to be seen if either can control the current of events, and if in either the artilleryman or the cavalry officer of the old


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"General McClellan's headquarters are in a pleasant house at the corner of a square-not unlike that of Gordon or Euston. By day, the door and windows are open; a sentry in blue tunic, blue cap, blue trowsers, all without which are called facings, brass buttons, with a distracted eagle thereupon, and a waistbelt with a brass buckle inscribed 'U. S.,' walks up and down, generally with a pipe or cigar in his mouth, and his firelock carried horizontally over his shoulder, so as to bring the bayonet on a level with any eye of which the unwary owner may be coming round the corner. Several dragoon horses are hitched up by the rail and the trees along the pavement, standing patiently and good-naturedly, as American horses are wont to do, or, at most, stamping and flicking off the flies which in the United States try patience and temper so very hardly. At the door are ready orderlies, two quick, intelligent young men, who are civil without being servile, and who, in being so, afford some contrast to the various very independent soldiers lounging or sitting on the steps reading newspapers, and waiting for answers to their messages. There is a sort of Open Sesame' air about the place which does not prevent the secrets inside being well kept. In the parlors are seated officers and visitors smoking or talking. The tables are covered with a litter of papers and journals and torn envelopes, and the clacking tongue of the telegraph instrument resounds through the building. The General is generally upstairs,


and sundry gentle Cerberi bar the entrance to his presence, nor is he destitute of the art of making himself invisible when he pleases. His staff are excellent men, I am told, and most courteous and gentlemanly I know, so far as my personal experience goes, nor could any commander be served more efficiently than the General is by such men, as Brigadier-General Vanvliet, or Colonel Hudson, notwithstanding the absence of a good deal of the stiffness which marks the approaches to some headquarters, as General McClellan found when he and his brother Commissioners sought in vain to obtain access to Marshal Pelissier in the Crimea. The General, a short time ago an employeé on the Central Illinois Railway, but still with so much of the old spirit in him that he studied closely all the movements of that short Italian campaign of which he is not doomed to give a counterpart in this part of the world, is a nocturne, and at the close of long, laborious days, works hard and fast late into the night till sleep pursues and overtakes him, when he surrenders readily, for he has one of those natures which need a fair share of rest, capable though they be of great exertion without it on occasion. He works hard, too, in the saddle, and, when the business of the morning has been dispatched, off he goes, attended by a few officers and a small escort of orderlies and troops, across the Potomac, visiting the camps, examining positions, eating where fortune spreads the board, and returning, generally after nightfall, to look over the reports, to issue orders, to baffle little politicians, and to stand on the defensive against those of larger dimensions. Here he is natural, but vigilant-candid, but prudent, tobacco ruminant or fumant, full

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