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In the same spirit, Governor Holbrook, of Vermont, recapitulating the blessings enjoyed by the land, recommended the expression of thanksgiving, "that at the first note of alarm, the loyal American people of all professions, pursuits, parties, and opinions, so spontaneously rallied in defence of our beautiful and beloved country as to give assurance that, with the blessing of Providence, they will emerge from the struggle bringing their institutions with them, firmly established, and standing before the world a full demonstration of the power and stability of a free government."

suits have been uninterrupted; our National rights are respected; partisan animosities are fast burning out, and the spirit of fraternal affection has been beautifully manifest throughout a wide extent of our common country. Though composed of the representatives of many nations, a general calamity has revealed our strange homogeneity, has served to obliterate prejudices, has moved all alike by the same patriotic emotion. All alike have responded to the call to save our imperiled institutions. The marvelous energy which the crisis calls forth proves our national spirit to be unabated, our vigor unwasted, and gives promise, un- Governor Buckingham, of Connecticut, der the blessings of God, of a higher po- looked beyond the present hardships of sition in all that constitutes true national the struggle to the new national life in greatness. Though evils follow the train the future. "To maintain our rights," of armies, yet for these we have a great said he, "against the combined powers compensation in the fact that the expo- of rebels, to reëstablish this government sures and expenditures incident to war upon the foundations of righteousness, will necessarily counteract the tendency and to open the way for this whole peoof the age to effeminacy and luxury. ple to engage again in the avocations of In strong scriptural phraseology blend-peace, will cost us time and treasure and ing the motives of religion with the duties life. It will carry sorrow into many a to the State, Governor Curtin, of Penn-heart and grief into many a family circle. sylvania, besought the blessing of Heaven But we may rejoice in confidence that "on behalf of these United States, that our beloved country may have deliverance from these great and apparent dangers wherewith she is compassed, and that the loyal men now battling in the field for life may have their arms made strong and their blows heavy, and may be shielded by His divine power, and that He will mercifully still the outrage of perverse, violent, unruly, and rebellious people, and make them clean hearts and renew a right spirit within them, and give them grace that they may see the error of their ways and bring forth works meet for repentance, and hereafter, in all godliness and honesty, obediently walk in His holy commandments, and in submission to the just and manifest authority of the republic, so that we, leading a quiet and peaceful life, may continually offer unto Him our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving "

God, who holds the destinies of nations in His hands, has no attribute which can take side with the oppressor; that He is with us in this struggle for right and justice; that the privations and losses which we now suffer will be abundantly rewarded by the richer, purer, and higher blessings of liberty which shall be permanently enjoyed by future generations."

The most characteristic document, however, which made its appearance on this occasion, was one from the pen of Governor Andrew, of Massachusetts. Filled with instructive pious emotion, and overflowing with that outspoken eloquence with which the old Puritans supported national duties and trials with religious consolations and sanctions, it sets before us in a vivid manner the sacred enthusiasm, the earnest patriotism, which sent forth so many of the


noblest spirits of the land to bleed and die in the cause of the country. This noticeable State paper ran thus:

The example of the Fathers, and the dictates of piety and gratitude, summon the people of Massachusetts, at this, the harvest season, crowning the year with the rich proofs of the Wisdom and Love of God, to join in a solemn and joyful act of united Praise and Thanksgiving to the Bountiful Giver of every good and perfect gift.

"I do, therefore, with the advice and consent of the Council, appoint THURSDAY, the 21st day of November next, the same being the anniversary of that day, in the year of our Lord sixteen hundred and twenty, on which the Pilgrims of Massachusetts, on board the Mayflower, united themselves in a solemn and written compact of government, to be observed by the people of Massachusetts as a day of Public Thanksgiving and Praise. And I invoke its observance by all people with devout and religious joy.

'Sing aloud unto God, our strength: make a
'joyful noise unto the God of Jacob.

'Take a psalm, and bring hither the

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timbrel, the pleasant harp with the psaltery. 'Blow up the trumpet in the new moon,

in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day. 'For this was a statute for Israel,

' and a law of the God of Jacob.'-Psalm 81, vs. 1 to 4.

"O bless our God, ye people, and make the voice 'of his praise be heard:

'Which holdeth our soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to be moved. 'For thou, O God, hast proved us: thou hast tried us, as silver is tried.'-Psalm 66, vs. 8, 9.

"Let us rejoice in God and be thankful; for the fulness with which He has blessed us in our basket and in our store, giving large reward to the toil of the husbandman, so that our paths drop fatness :'-


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"For the measure of success which has attended the enterprise of those who go down to the sea in ships, of those who search the depth of the ocean to add to the food of man, and of those whose busy skill and handicraft combine to prepare for various use the crops of the earth and the sea :

"For the advantages of sound learning, placed within the reach of all children of the people, and the freedom and alacrity with which these advantages are embraced and improved :

"For the opportunities of religious instruction and worship, universally enjoyed by consciences untrammelled by any human authority:

"For the redemption of the world. by Jesus Christ, for the means of grace, and the hope of glory.'

"And with one accord, let us bless and praise God for the oneness of heart, mind, and purpose in which He has united the people of this ancient Commonwealth for the defence of the rights, liberties, and honor of our beloved country:

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May we stand forever in the same mind, remembering the devoted lives of our fathers, the precious inheritance of Freedom received at their hands, the weight of glory which awaits the faithful, and the infinity of blessing which it is our privilege, if we will, to transmit to the countless generations of the Future.

"And, while our tears flow in a stream of cordial sympathy with the daughters of our people, just now bereft, by the violence of the wicked and rebellious, of the fathers and husbands and brothers and sons, whose heroic blood has made verily sacred the soil of Virginia, and, mingling with the waters of the Potomac, has made the river now and for ever ours, let our souls arise to God on the wings of Praise, in thanksgiving that He has again granted to us the privilege of living unselfishly and of dying nobly, in a grand and righteous


"For the precious and rare possession of so much devoted valor and manly heroism:

"For the sentiment of pious duty which distinguished our fallen in the camp and in the field :

"And for the sweet and blessed consolations which accompany the memories of these dear sons of Massachusetts on to immortality.

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And in our praise let us also be penitent. Let us seek the truth and ensue it,' and prepare our minds for whatever duty shall be manifested hereafter.

"May the controversy in which we stand be found worthy, in its consummation, of the heroic sacrifices of the people and the precious blood of their sons, of the doctrine and faith of the fathers, and consistent with the honor of God and with justice to all men. And,

'Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: 'let them also that hate him flee before him.':

As smoke is driven away, so drive them away.

Psalm 68, vs. 1, 2.

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Scatter them by thy power, and bring them down,

'O Lord, our shield.'-Psalm 59, v. 11.


was being gathered on many a battlefield for the historic life of the nation. "America," said he, "was peculiarly a providential country. This was the continent upon which results were to be brought forth. Those were short-sighted men who supposed that the defeat of one party or other would injure the final result of Freedom. No man, no party, was responsible for this great commotion. One said it was the Abolition party; but who made the Abolition party? Another said it was the Secession party but what had made the Secession party? Underworking all was the providence of God. The harvest to which we were called was a terrible harvest, the harvest of death. From many a Thanksgiving table there were noble sons absent today, some of them sleeping in unshrouded graves, where the breezes of the Potomac sighed their requiem, God grant that before another year the great national table may be spread, and there would be thirty-four plates and thirtyfour States, and a Star-Spangled Banner waving over all. Out of this trial the

Given at the Council Chamber, this thir-nation already had great gain. It had ty-first day of October, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and the eighty-sixth of the Independence of the United States of America. JOHN A. ANDREW.

'By His Excellency the Governor with the advice and consent of the Council. OLIVER WARNER, Secretary. GOD SAVE THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS." The discourses delivered in the various pulpits breathed the most devoted patriotism, while the people were solemnly reminded of the work before them, and urged to new efforts. From numerous passages of kindling eloquence, which will be sought hereafter as memorials of these troubled days, we select one reflecting the spirit of many,-that in which the eminent orator, the Rev. Dr. Chapin, from his pulpit, in New York, presented the "terrible harvest" which

fused the discordant elements of the nation; we should be a nobler nation hereafter than ever before. We had gathered in a harvest of noble names, and the whole land was the richer for it. Ells


worth, Greble, Winthrop, Lyon, and
Baker, were noble seed from whom rich
harvests should yet be gathered. People
had said that the American Revolution
had secured our liberty for ever.
we could not live for ever on that; Lib-
erty must be earned by a people at least
as often as every century. It was the
sad, sweet memories of heroic men which
made nations truly rich. Over a harvest
of weakness and national degeneracy,
had it come, we might well have wept.
But thank God we had a harvest of
armed men.
armed men. Let us put in the sickle,
even though it be the sword, and thank
God for the harvest before us, terrible
with death but rich in the noblest and

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and missing were estimated at a hundred. The repulsed assailants returned to their camp at Cheat Mountain, and the enemy presently retired to Staunton.

In Western Virginia a sharp engagement was fought, on the 13th of December, at Camp Alleghany, on the summit A movement in the division of General of the Alleghany mountain, on the bor- McCall, from Camp Pierpont, on the der of Focahontas and Highland coun- Potomac, in December, exhibited the ties, the road to Staunton. The enemy increasing discipline and soldierly spirit having left their intrenched camp at of the Union forces. Learning on the Greenbrier river, where they had been 19th, that the enemy's pickets had adassailed by General Reynolds, in Octo-vanced to within four or five miles of ber,* had fallen back to this place. An the lines, and were carrying off and expedition to attack them in their new threatening good Union men, that officer position, started from the Union camp determined to arrest their movements, at Cheat Mountain summit, seventeen and, if possible, capture the force which miles distant, on the 12th, under the was assembled in the neighborhood of command of Brigadier-General Reuben Dranesville. Brigadier-General E. O. H. Milroy, composed of about two thou- Ord was accordingly sent forward with sand Indiana, Ohio, and Virginia troops, his command, early on the morning of with a company of cavalry. On ap- the 20th, with instructions to surround proaching the position the force was di- and capture the party, and at the same vided for a simultaneous attack on op- time to collect a supply of forage from posite sides. The division accompanied the farms of some of the rank secessionby General Milroy was first on the spot, ists in that vicinity. His brigade conat daylight of the 13th, and driving in sisted of four regiments of Pennsylvania the pickets, reached the top of the moun- infantry, the Bucktail rifles, commanded tain on the enemy's right. They then by Lieutenant-Colonel Kane, a detachadvanced toward the camp, where the ment of five companies of Pennsylvania enemy-two Georgia regiments, a Vir- reserve cavalry, commanded by Lieutenginia regiment, and two battalions with ant-Colonel Jacob Higgins, and Captain two field batteries, under Colonel Edward Easton's battery of four guns, two 12 and Johnson, received them with vigor. The two 24-pounders, altogether numbering a fight was kept up for several hours with force of between 4,000 and 5,000. The heavy losses, when a retreat was order- force of the enemy which they were to ed. Owing to the bad state of the road meet, is represented in a letter, published and its obstruction by the enemy, the in the Richmond Dispatch, as about other division intended to coöperate was 2,500. It was under the command of delayed. It came into action, however, General Stuart, and was composed of and kept up for several hours an "Indian the 11th Virginia regiment, Colonel Garfight," at close quarters with the foe. land; the 6th South Carolina, LieutenantThe losses of the Union side were re- Colonel Secrest; the 10th Alabama, Colported at twenty killed, one hundred and onel John H. Forney; the 1st Kentucky, seven wounded, and ten missing. An Colonel Tom Taylor; Captain Cutts' Sumaccount published in the Richmond En- ter flying artillery, and detachments from quirer, states that twenty of the enemy Ransom's and Radford's cavalry. The fell upon the field, while the wounded parties met near Dranesville. The batteries of the two forces were placed opposite each other, at a distance of about

* Ante, vol. i., p. 567

Correspondence of the Cincinnati Commercial, Cheat five hundred yards, on the Centreville

Mountain Summit, December 20, 1861. Moore's Rebellion
Record, vol. iii., pp. 466–471.


On either side were dense thick


ets. There was an attempt to turn the Union left, but it was at once checked by the battery. In front on the right, there was resolute fighting at close quarters. The excellent position of Easton's battery, however, soon drove the enemy's battery from its position, an advance was made, and the rebels fled toward their camp at Centreville, leaving their killed and wounded on the field. The road was strewed with men and horses, two caissons, one of them blown up, a limber, a gun carriage wheel, a quantity of artillery ammunition, small arms, and an immense quantity of heavy clothing, blankets, etc. The loss on the Union side was seven killed, sixty-one wounded, includ

ing one Lieutenant-Colonel and four Captains, and three missing. That of the rebels was some fifty killed, a hundred and thirty or more wounded, many severely, and seven prisoners. The Alabama and South Carolina troops suffered severely. The contest lasted an hour, between one and two o'clock in the afternoon. General McCall, who arrived on the field after the action commenced, ordered the return march to his camp, bringing with him sixteen wagon loads of excellent hay, and twenty-two of corn.*

* General McCall's Official Report, December 22, 1861. Special correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch, Centreville, December 24, 1861. Correspondence New York Tribune, Camp Pierpont, December 22, 1861.



THE Second session of the Thirtyseventh Congress was promptly organized on the regular day of assembling, the 2d of December. President Lincoln's Message, delivered the following day, was a calm, temperate review of the position of the Government, and the progress of the war. In a single brief opening sentence, the usual acknowledgment was made of the mercies of Heaven to the nation:"In the midst of unprecedented political troubles, we have cause of great gratitude to God for unusual good health and most abundant harvests." The foreign relations of the country were then taken up, and significantly touched in a few pithy paragraphs; a striking commentary upon or deduction from the mass of correspondence which the Secretary of State laid before the public, and which has been freely cited in these pages. * With no undue expectations from the justice of the National cause, with no appeal to foreign sympaAnte, vol. i., chapter xxviii., on Foreign Relations.


thy, and no vaunting display of home resources, the conviction so familiar to statesmen, that diplomacy in the long run must be based upon material interests, was forcibly impressed upon the suggestions which he offered. Master of the situation, the President evidently felt that he could rely on the obvious necessities of the case in working out a satisfactory solution of the problem. will not be surprised to learn," said he, "that in the peculiar exigencies of the times, our intercourse with foreign nations has been attended with profound solicitude, chiefly turning upon our own domestic affairs. A disloyal portion of the American people have, during the whole year, been engaged in an attempt to divide and destroy the Union. A nation which endures factious domestic divisions is exposed to disrespect abroad, and one party, if not both, is sure, sooner or later, to invoke foreign intervention. Nations thus tempted to interfere are not always able to resist the counsels of

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