| Henry Wilson - Antislavery movements - 1877 - 814 pages
...distinction of race or color, the elective franchise." " This bill," said Mr. Garfield in the House, " starts out by laying its hands on the Rebel gov.ernments and taking the very breath of fife out of them. In the next place it puts the bayonet at the breast of every Rebel in the South.... | |
 | Hilary Abner Herbert - Reconstruction - 1890 - 486 pages
...say, in the discussion of these measures on the 18th February, 1867, and seemingly with exultation: "This bill sets out by laying its hands on the rebel...of life out of them ; in the next place it puts the bayone£ at the breast of every rebel in the South ; in the next place it leaves in the hands of Congress... | |
 | Jabez Lamar Monroe Curry - Constitutional history - 1895 - 268 pages
...military rule. This law, as Mr. Garfield declared in debate, " laid its hands on the rebel governments, taking the very breath of life out of them ; in the...bayonet at the breast of every rebel in the South, and leaves in the hands of Congress utterly and absolutely the work of reconstruction." This, and a... | |
 | Elizabeth Avery Meriwether - Confederate States of America - 1904 - 294 pages
...sort. "This bill," said Garfield joyfully, "first sets out by laying its hand on the rebel States' governments, and taking the very breath of life out of them. In the next place it puts a bayonet at the breast of every rebel in the South. In the next it leaves in the hands of Congress... | |
 | Hilary Abner Herbert - Antislavery movements - 1912 - 280 pages
...James A. Garfield, who was, at a later date, to become generous and conservative, said exultingly: "This bill sets out by laying its hands on the rebel...them; in the next place, it puts the bayonet at the 219 breast of every rebel in the South; in the next place, it leaves in the hands of Congress utterly... | |
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