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Globular Naval Battery

Patented by

Anson Phelps Stokes

100 William Street

New York


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NUMEROUS attempts have been made to produce a floating battery which would prove practically impregnable; but these batteries have all possessed certain disadvantages which, among other objects, it is the purpose of my invention to


While I was abroad, the United States Patent Office granted me Letters Patent for a Spherical Floating Battery.

The following shows the claims allowed:

Extract from specifications forming part of Letters Patent No. 724,756, dated April 7th, 1903, granted to Anson Phelps Stokes.

“I. In a substantially spherical floating battery, the combination with air-ports, and gratings, in superposed decks, through which fresh air from the exterior passes downward into the battery, of a smoke-stack located at the center of the battery, and a channel around said stack open at its top to the exterior through which foul air is discharged by the draft created by the heat of the stack, substantially as and for the purposes set forth.

"2. In a substantially spherical floating battery, the combination with an upper deck of annular shape, and inner and outer walls on said deck, of one or more armor shields arranged overhead extending from the inner to the outer wall, substantially as and for the purposes set forth.

"3. In a substantially spherical floating battery, the combination with an exposed upper deck of annular shape, and inner and outer walls on said deck, of one or more armor shields overhead extending from wall to wall and movable thereon horizontally, substantially as and for the purposes set forth.

"4. The combination with a substantially spherical floating battery, of one or more guns, rigidly mounted near the center thereof, and means for elevating or depressing said guns by shifting the position of the battery in a vertical

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