Letters on the Philosophy of the Human Mind: First Series |
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abstract terms act of perception amongst appear assertion Author Berkeley bodily sensations ceived ception chap character colour common name conceiving conception consciousness denote discern distinct doctrine Dugald Stewart ENCYCLOPÆDIA entities Essay existence expressions external objects facts faculties feelings figurative figurative language Genus History Hume hypotheses non fingo ideas Illustrations imaginary imagination inferences inquiry instance intellectual operations Kant knowledge language LETTER LORD MACAULAY Maps meaning mental phenomena mental philosophy metaphorical mode motion nature objects perceived observed organs of sense Oriel College particular passage percipient philosophers philosophy of mind phraseology phrases physical Portrait Post 8vo precise present qualities question recollection regard remark representations representative resemblance revised says sciousness Second Edition sensible separate sight soul speak Species speculations Square crown 8vo Strength of Materials ternal THEOLOGIA GERMANICA theory things thought tion Treatise truth understanding vols Woodcuts words writers
Popular passages
Page 14 - Visits to Remarkable Places : Old Halls, Battle-Fields, and Scenes illustrative of Striking Passages in English History and Poetry. By WILLIAM HOWITT. 2 vols. square crown 8vo. with Wood Engravings, 25s. The Rural Life of England.
Page 37 - Guide ; containing ample Descriptions of all the fine leading varieties of Roses, regularly classed in their respective Families ; their History and Mode of Culture. Fifth Edition, corrected and improved. Fcp.
Page 16 - De la Rive.— A Treatise on Electricity, in Theory and Practice. By A. DE LA RIvE, Professor in the Academy of Geneva. Translated for the Author by CV WALKEK, FRS In Three Volumes; with numerous Woodcuts.
Page 9 - A GREEK-ENGLISH LEXICON. Compiled by HG LIDDELL, DD Dean of Christ Church, and R. SCOTT, DD Dean of Rochester.
Page 30 - A General Dictionary of Geography, Descriptive, Physical, Statistical, and Historical ; forming a complete Gazetteer of the World. By A. KEITH JOHNSTON, FRSE 8vo. 31s. 6d. M'Culloch's Dictionary, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical, of the various Countries, Places, and principal Natural Objects in the World.
Page 8 - The VOYAGE and SHIPWRECK of ST, PAUL; with Dissertations on the Life and Writings of St. Luke and the Ships and Navigation of the Ancients.
Page 125 - IT is evident to any one who takes a survey of the objects of human knowledge, that they are either ideas actually imprinted on the senses; or else such as are perceived by attending to the passions and operations of the mind; or lastly, ideas formed by help of memory and imagination— either compounding, dividing, or barely representing those originally perceived in the aforesaid ways.
Page 28 - The Family Shakspeare ; in which nothing is added to the Original Text ; but those words and expressions are omitted which cannot with propriety be read aloud.
Page 133 - ... all those bodies which compose the mighty frame of the world, have not any subsistence without a mind; that their being is to be perceived or known; that consequently so long as they are not actually perceived by me, or do not exist in my mind or that of any other created spirit, they must either have no existence at all, or else subsist in the mind of some Eternal Spirit...
Page 20 - Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports ; a Complete Account, Historical, Practical, and Descriptive, of Hunting, Shooting, Fishing, Racing, &c. By DP ELAINE. With above 600 Woodcuts (20 from Designs by JOHN LEECH).