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son, Johnson, Kidd, Marvin, Matson, McCormack, McFerran, Moss, Moxley, Norton, Orr, Phillips, Pomeroy, Prewitt, Rankin, Ray, Ritchey, Rowland, Sayre, Shackelford of H., Shackelford of St. L., Waller, Welch, Woodson, Woolfolk, and Mr. Pres


Shanklin, Smith of L., Stewart, Vanbuskirk, and Walker-32.

Mr. WELCH moved to adjourn until Monday morning at 9 o'clock, and to print the ordinance and amendment as amended, which was decided in the negative. NOES-Messrs. Allen, Baker, Bonnifield, After further consideration of the amendBreckinridge, Bridge, Doniphan, Drake, ment, on motion of Mr. HOUGH, the ConEitzen, Gamble, Hitchcock, Holmes, Holt, | vention ordered the pending propositions Irwin, Isbell, Jackson, Leeper, Linton,

Long, McClurg, McDowell, McLean, Meyer, to be printed, and adjourned until 9 o'clock Morrow, Noell, Ross, Schofield, Scott, Monday morning.


MONDAY MORNING, June 29, 1863. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Welch.

The journal of the proceedings was read and approved.

By leave of the Convention, Mr. Busn recorded his vote in the negative upon agreeing to the amendment of Mr. Henderson to the amendment proposed by Mr. Drake of St. Louis to the ordinance reported by the Committee on Emancipation.

Mr. IRWIN moved that leave of absence be granted to Mr. Porter, Sergeant-at-Arms, which was refused by the following vote, the ayes and noes being called for by Mr.


AYES-Messrs. Allen, Baker, Bartlett, Birch, Bogy, Bonnifield, Breckinridge, Foster, Hall of R., Henderson, Holt, Hough, Irwin, Jackson, Jamison, Leeper, McDowell, McFerran, Meyer, Moxley, Norton, Rankin, Shackelford of H., Shanklin, Smith of St. L., Stewart, and Walker-28.

NOES-Messrs. Bass, Bast, Broadhead, Bridge, Bush, Calhoun, Cayce, Comingo, Deal, Doniphan, Douglass, Drake of St. L., Duvall, Dunn, Eitzen, Frayser, Flood, Gantt, Gorin,Hitchcock, Holmes, How Howell, Isbell, Johnson,Kidd, Linton, Long, Martin, Matson, McClurg, McLean, Morrow, Moss, Orr, Pomeroy, Ray, Ritchey, Ross, Sayre, Scott, Schofield, Shackelford of St. L., Sheeley, Smith of L., Vanbuskirk, Waller, Welch, Woodson, Woolfolk,

and Mr. President-51.

Mr. SMITH of L., from the Special Committee to whom was referred the "Ordinance organizing the county of Lyon," reported the same back and recommended its adoption.

The question being on agreeing to the report, it was disagreed to by the following vote, the ayes and noes being called for by Mr. ORR:

AYES-Messrs. Allen, Bartlett, Bridge, Doniphan, Frayser, Foster, Gravelly, lall of R., Holmes, Holt, Hough, How, Irwin, Isbell, Jackson, Leeper, Lindenbower, Linton, Long, Marvin, McDowell, Meyer, Pom ́eroy, Prewitt, Rowland, Scott, Shackelford of H., Shanklin, Smith of L., Woolfolk, and Mr. President-31.

NOES-Messrs. Baker, Bass, Bast, Birch, Bogy, Bonnifield, Breckinridge, Broadhead, Bush, Calhoun, Cayce, Comingo, Douglass, Drake of St. L., Duvall, Dunn, Eitzen, Fiood, Gamble, Gantt, Gorin, Henderson, Hitchcock, Howell, Jamison, Johnson, Matson, McClurg, McCormack, McFerran, McLean, Morrow, Moss, Moxley, Noell, Norton, Orr, Phillips, Rankin, Ray, Ritchey, Ross, Sayre, Schofield, Shackelford of St. L., Sheeley, Smith of St. L., Vanbuskirk, Walker, Waller, Welch, and Woodson-53.

Mr. PHILLIPS, from a Special Committee, presented the following report, which was passed over informally:

The majority of the committee to whom was referred "An ordinance appropriating money for the care of the sick and wounded soldiers of Missouri," beg leave to report, that, in view of the embarrassed condition of the finances of the State, and the misuse

so often made and liable to be made of
such appropriations, coupled with the fur-
ther objection to this body engaging in
special legislation, they would therefore
respectfully recommend the rejection of
the ordinance.


On motion of Mr. VANBUSKIRK, Mr. Holt was appointed on the Committee on Accounts vice Mr. Pipkin, who is absent on leave.

The regular order of business, viz., "the amendment to the ordinance reported by the Committee on Emancipation," was taken up, and, after consideration thereon, On motion of Mr. DRAKE of St. Louis, the Convention adjourned until 2 o'clock P. M.


The Convention met pursuant to adjournment.

Mr. HENDERSON moved to amend the amendment by adding after the word 66 owners" the words "or their legal representatives as servants," and also after the word "those" the words "who are then," which amendments were agreed to by the Convention.

The amendment as amended was then disagreed to by the following vote, the ayes and noes being called for by Mr. VAN


AYES-Messrs. Allen, Bogy, Breckinridge, Broadhead, Bridge, Foster, Gamble, Henderson, Hitchcock, Holmes, How, Irwin, Isbell, Jackson, Linton, Long, Marvin, MeDowell, McLean, Morrow, Noell, Phillips, Rankin, Scott, Shackelford of St. Shanklin, Smith of L., Smith of St. L., and Vanbuskirk-29.

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Resolved, That this Convention do now adjourn sine die.

Which was rejected by the following vote, the ayes and noes being called for by Mr. Breckinridge;

AYES-Messrs. Baker, Bast, Bonnifield, Bush, Deal, Eitzen, Leeper, Lindenbower, McClurg, Meyer, Morrow, Moss, Norton, Orr, Ray, Scott, Stewart, and Walker-18.

NOES-Messrs. Allen, Bartlett, Bass, Birch, Bogy, Breckinridge, Broadhead, Bridge, Calhoun, Cayce, Comingo, Doniphan, Douglass, Drake of M., Drake of St. L., Duvall, Dunn, Frayser, Flood, Foster, Gantt, Gorin, Gravelly, Hall of R., Henderson, Hitchcock, Holmes, Holt, Hough, How, Howell, Irwin, Isbell, Jackson, Jamison, Johnson, Kidd, Linton, Long, Marvin, Matson, McCormack, McDowell, McFerran, McLean, Moxley, Noell, Phillips, Pomeroy, Prewitt, Rankin, Ritchey, Ross, Rowland, Sayre, Schofield, Shackelford of H., Shackelford of St. L., Shanklin, Sheeley, Smith of L., Smith of St. L., Vanbuskirk, Waller, Welch, Woodson, Woolfolk, and Mr. President-68.

Mr. ISBELL moved to adjourn until 9 o'clock to-morrow morning, which was disagreed to..

Mr. BROADHEAD moved the following amendment:

Amend by way of substitute-strike out section 2, and insert

"Section 2. That slavery and involuntary servitude, except for the punishment of crime, shall cease to exist in Missouri on the fourth day of July, eighteen hundred and seventy, and also slaves within the State at that day are hereby declared to be free; provided, however, that all persons emancipated by this ordinance shall remain under the control and be subject to the authority of their owners as servants during the following periods, to wit: Those NOES-Messrs. Baker, Bartlett, Bass, over forty years of age, for and during Bast, Birch, Bonnifield, Bush, Calhoun, their lives; those under twelve years of Cayce, Comingo, Deal, Doniphan, Doug- age, until they arrive at the age of twentylass, Drake of M., Drake of St. L., Duvall, three years; and those of all other ages, Dunn, Eitzen, Frayser, Flood, Gantt, Gorin, Hall of R., Holt. Hough, Howell, Jami- until the fourth day of July, eighteen hunson, Johnson, Kidd, Leeper, Lindenbower, dred and seventy-six. The persons, or Matson, McClurg, McCormack, McFerran, their legal representatives, who up to the Meyer, Moss, Moxley, Norton, Orr, Pome-moment of emancipation were the owners roy, Prewitt, Ray, Ritchey, Ross, Rowland, Sayre, Schofield, Shackelford of H., Shee- of the slaves thereby freed, shall, during ley, Stewart, Walker, Waller, Welch, Wood- the period for which the services of such son, Woolfolk, and Mr. President-57. freed men are reserved to them, have the same authority and control over the said

Mr. BUSH offered the following resolution:

freed men that are now held absolutely by the master in respect of his slave; provided, however, that after the said fourth day of July, eighteen hundred and seventy, no person so held to service shall be sold to a non-resident of, or removed from, the State of Missouri by the authority of his or her late owner, or their legal represent


The amendment was agreed to by the following vote, the ayes and noes being called for by Mr. DRAKE of St. L.:

Mr. DRAKE of St. Louis offered the following substitute for the amendment. Amend by substituting the following: "Sec. At the general election of Su preme and Circuit Judges on the Tuesday next after the first Monday of November next, the qualified voters of this State shall vote by ballot upon the ratification of this ordinance. Ballots shall have written or

printed on them the words "For the Emancipation Ordinance," or "Against the Emancipation Ordinance." The return of the vote so taken shall be made to the office of the Secretary of State; and on the first day of January next the same shall be cast

AYES-Messrs. Allen, Bass, Bogy, Breckinridge, Broadhead, Bridge, Calhoun, Cayce, Comingo, Doniphan, Douglass, Duvall, Flood, Foster, Gamble, Gantt, Gorin, Hall of R., Henderson, Holmes, How, How-up in the presence of the Governor, who ell, Irwin, Isbell, Johnson, Kidd, Linton, Long, Marvin, McCormack, McDowell, McFerran, MeLean, Morrow, Moss, Moxley, Noell, Norton, Phillips, Pomeroy, Prewitt, Rankin, Ritchey, Ross, Rowland, Sayre, Shackelford of H., Shackelford of St. L., Sheeley, Smith of St. L., Vanbuskirk, Waller, Woodson, and Woolfolk-55.

NOES-Messrs. Baker, Bartlett, Bast, Birch, Bonnifield, Bush, Deal, Drake of M., Drake of St. L., Dunn, Eitzen, Frayser, Hitchcock, Hough, Jackson, Jamison, Leeper, Lindenbower, Matson, McClurg, Meyer, Orr, Ray, Scott, Schofield, Shanklin, Smith of L., Stewart, Walker, and Mr. Presi


Mr. WOOLFOLK offered the following amendment. Amend by way of new section as follows:

"Section 6. That at the election for State officers, to be held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-four, the several clerks of the County Courts, or in case said clerks fail, then the judges of elections, shall, in preparing the poll books for election, enter thereon two columns, one headed "For Emancipation," and the other "Against Emancipation;" and if the majority of the legal votes given be for emancipation, then sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force; but if the majority of legal votes given be against emancipation, then sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this ordinance shall be null and void; and when the result of the election shall be ascertained the Gov'ernor of this State shall by proclamation announce the same."

shall by proclamation declare the result. If a majority of all the votes given in relation to emancipation be against emancipation, this ordinance shall be considered as in full force, otherwise it shall be void.”

The substitute was agreed to by the following vote, the ayes and noes being called for by Mr. DRAKE:

AYES-Messrs. Allen, Baker, Bogy, Bonnifield, Breckinridge, Broadhead, Bridge, Bush, Comingo, Drake of St. L., Eitzen, Frayser, Foster, Gamble, Gantt, Gorin, Gravelly, Henderson, Hitchcock, Holmes, Holt, How, Irwin, Isbell, Jackson, Leeper, Lindenbower, Linton, Marvin, McClurg, McCormack, McFerran, McLean, Meyer, Morrow, Noell, Phillips, Pomeroy, Rankin, Ritchey, Scott, Schofield, Shackelford of St. L., Shanklin, Smith of St. Louis, Stewart, Vanbuskirk, Walker, and Mr. President-51.

NOES-Messrs. Bartlett, Bass, Bast, Birch, Calhoun, Cayce, Deal, Doniphan, Douglass, Drake, Duvall, Dunn, Flood, Hall of R., Hough, Howell, Jamison, Johnson, Kidd, Long, Matson, Moss, Moxley, Norton, Orr, Prewitt, Ray, Ross, Rowland, Sayre, Shackelford of H., Sheeley, Waller, Welch, Woodson, and Woolfolk-36.

Mr. SMITH of St. L. moved to amend the amendment as follows:

Strike out the word "the" and "ordinance" in both instances where they occur, so that the ballots may read, "For Emancipation," or "Against Emancipation," which was disagreed to by the following vote, the ayes and noes being called for by Mr. Drake of St. L.:

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Deal, Douglass, Drake of M., Duvall, Frayser, Flood, Foster, Holt, Howell, Long, Matson, McFerran, Moss, Moxley, Prewitt, Rowland, Shackelford of H., Smith of St. L., Woodson, and Woolfolk-27.

NOES-Messrs. Allen, Baker, Birch, Bogy, Bonnifield, Broadhead, Bridge, Bush, Doniphan, Drake of St. L., Dunn, Eitzen, Gamble, Gantt, Gravelly, Hall of R., Henderson, Hitchcock, Holmes, Hough, How, Irwin, Isbell, Jackson, Jamison, Johnson, Kidd, Leeper, Lindenbower, Linton, Marvin, McClurg, McCormack, McDowell, McLean, Meyer, Morrow, Noell, Norton, Orr, Phillips, Rankin, Ritchey, Ross, Sayre, Schofield, Scott, Shackelford of St. L., Shanklin, Smith of L., Stewart, Vanbuskirk, Walker, Waller, Welch, and Mr. President-56.

The question being on agreeing to the amendment of Mr. Drake of St. L., it was agreed to by the following vote, the ayes and noes being called for by Mr. DRAKE of St. L.:

AYES-Messrs. Baker, Bartlett, Bast, Bonnifield, Bush, Doniphan, Drake of St. L., Dunn, Eitzen, Frayser, Foster, Gorin, Gravelly, Henderson, Hough, Isbell, Jackson, Jamison, Johnson, Kidd, Leeper, Lindenbower, Linton, Marvin, McClurg, McCormack, McDowell, McLean, Meyer, Morrow, Noell, Norton, Orr, Rankin, Ritchey, Rowland, Schofield, Scott, Shanklin, Smith of L., Stewart, Vanbuskirk, Waller, Walker, Woolfolk, and Mr. President-46.

NOES-Messrs. Bass, Birch, Bogy, Breckinridge, Broadhead, Bridge, Calhoun, Cayce, Comingo, Deal, Douglass, Drake of M., Duvall, Flood, Gamble, Gantt, Irwin, Long, Matson, McFerran, Moss, Moxley, Phillips, Pomeroy, Prewitt, Ross, Sayre, Shackelford of H., Shackelford of St. L., Sheeley, Smith of St. Louis, and Woodson -38.

On motion of Mr. HALL of R., the Convention adjourned until to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock.

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The reading of the journal of yesterday's proceedings was dispensed with.

On motion of Mr. WELCH,

Resolved, That the Committee on Printing contract with George Knapp & Co., of the city of St. Louis, for the printing of five thousand copies of the debates and proceedings of the present session of the Convention, at rates not exceeding those heretofore agreed upon between the Convention and George Knapp & Co. at the first

session of this Convention.

Resolved, That the account of George Knapp & Co., for printing five thousand copies of the proceedings and debates of this Convention, be audited by said committee, and that the same be considered as printing for the Convention, the payment for which is provided for out of the funds appropriated by the Convention for the contingent expenses of this Convention.

Resolved, That said printed proceedings be distributed in the same manner as was

provided for the distribution of the proceedings of the first session.

On motion of Mr. VANBUSKIRK,

Resolved, That the Chaplain of this Convention be allowed by the Committee on Accounts five dollars per diem for his services, and that the two Pages be allowed two dollars and fifty cents each per diem for their services.

Mr. SCHOFIELD presented an ordinance to amend the "Ordinance defining the qualifications of voters and civil officers in this State, and for other purposes," adopted June 10, 1862.

On motion of Mr. COMINGO, the consideration of the ordinance was passed over for the present by the following vote, the ayes and noes being called for by Mr. DRake of St. L.:

AYES-Messrs. Allen, Bartlett, Bass, Bast, Bridge, Calhoun, Comingo, Deal, Douglass, Drake of M., Dunn, Frayser, Flood, Gorin, Hall of R., Hough, Howell, How, Jackson, Jamison, Kidd, Matson,

McClurg, McCormack, McFerran, McLean, Moss, Moxley, Norton, Orr, Ray, Rowland, Sayre, Shackelford of H., Shackelford of St. L., Sheeley, Smith of L., Vanbuskirk, Waller, Welch, Woodson, and Woolfolk-42. NOES-Messrs. Baker, Birch, Bogy, Bonnifield, Breckinridge, Bush, Drake of St. L., Duvall, Eitzen, Foster, Gantt, Gravelly, Henderson, Hitchcock, Holmes, Holt, Irwin, Isbell, Johnson, Leeper, Lindenbower, Linton, Long, Marvin, McDowell, Meyer, Morrow, Noell, Phillips, Pomeroy, Rankin, Ritchey, Schofield, Scott, Shanklin, Smith of St. L., Stewart, Walker, and Mr. President-39.

Mr. McCLURG offered the following pre

amble and resolution :

WHEREAS a distinguished member of this Convention, the Hon. Robert M. Stewart, was, during the night of the 28th inst., confined in the military prison in Jefferson City; and whereas rumors are in circulation that said Stewart was arrested and taken from this Hall during the morning session of the 29th inst.; therefore,

Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed, whose duty it shall be to ascertain the facts in the premises and report the same to this Convention, together with such resolutions as may be deemed proper. The resolution was adopted, and Messrs. McClurg, Smith of L., and Bogy, were appointed said committee.

Mr. RITCHEY, from a Special Committee, made the following report:

MR. PRESIDENT: Your committee, to which was referred the charges of continued absence from this body of A. S. Harbin and others, beg leave to report that the case of the Hon. John T. Redd, a member of the Fourth Senatorial District, has been presented and duly considered. Your committee find that the said John T. Redd

has failed to attend any of the sessions of this body, except the first; and, therefore, your committee present the following resolution and respectfully recommend its adoption :

Resolved, That the seat of the Hon. John T. Redd, a member of this body, from the Fourth Senatorial District, be and the same is hereby declared vacant.

Mr. PHILLIPS presented a petition from citizens of Pettis county, asking the Con

vention to continue in office his Excellency Governor H. R. Gamble.

The Convention proceeded to the consideration of the regular order.

Mr. HENDERSON moved a reconsideration of the vote agreeing to the substituted

amendment of Mr. Drake of St. Louis on yesterday, which motion was decided in the affirmative by the following vote, the ayes and noes being called for by Mr. Drake of St. Louis:

AYES-Messrs. Bass, Bast, Birch, Bogy, Comingo, Deal, Douglass, Drake of M., Breckinridge, Bridge, Broadhead, Cayce, Duvall, Flood, Frayser. Gamble, Gantt, Hall of R., Henderson, Hitchcock, Holmes, Holt, How, Howell, Irwin, Jackson, Kidd, Long, Marvin, Matson, McCormack, McDowell, McFerran, Moxley, Noell, Phillips, Pomeroy, Prewitt, Ritchey, Ross, Sayre, Shackelford of H., Shackelford of St. L., Sheeley, Smith of St. L., Waller, Welch, Woodson, and Woolfolk-50.

NOES-Messrs. Allen, Baker, Bartlett, Bonnifield, Bush, Doniphan, Drake of St. L., Dunn, Eitzen, Foster, Gorin, Hough, Isbell, Jamison, Johnson, Leeper, Lindenbower, Linton, McClurg, McLean, Meyer, Morrow, Orr, Rankin, Ray, Schofield, Scott, Shanklin, Smith of L., Stewart, Vanbuskirk, Walker, and Mr. President-33.

'On motion of Mr. MEYER, the Convention. adjourned until half-past 2 o'clock P. M.


The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, and resumed the consideration of the pending amendment.

Mr. LINDENBOWER moved to lay the ordinance and amendment on the table, which was decided in the negative by the following vote, the ayes and noes being called for by Mr. Lindenbower:

field, Bush, Drake of St. L., Eitzen, Isbell, AYES-Messrs. Baker, Bartlett, BonniLeeper, Lindenbower, McClurg, Meyer, Morrow, Orr, Schofield, Scott, Stewart, and Walker-17.

NOES-Messrs. Allen, Bass, Bast, Birch, Bogy, Breckinridge, Bridge, Broadhead, Calhoun, Cayce, Comingo, Deal, Doniphan, Douglass, Drake of M., Dunn, Duvall, Flood, Foster, Frayser, Gamble, Gantt, Gorin, Gravelly, Hail of R., Henderson, Hitchcock, Holmes, Holt, Hough, How, Howell, Irwin, Jackson, Jamison, Johnson, Kidd, Marvin, Matson, McCormack, Mc

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