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Vincent Marmaduke, submitted the following report:

"The Committee to whom was referred the resolution in reference to the seat of Vincent Marmaduke, of the Sixteenth Senatorial District, had deferred the examination until his arrival here, which was daily expected. The communication received on yesterday from the Commanding General, informing us of his having sent Vincent Marmaduke south, in consequence of his disloyalty, warrant us in asking the passage of the annexed resolution :

"Resolved, That the seat of Vincent Marmaduke, a Delegate from the Sixteenth Senatorial District, be and is hereby declared vacant."

Which report was agreed to, and the resolution reported adopted by the Convention.

Mr. PHILLIPS offered the following:

Resolved, That hereafter no member shall be allowed to speak longer at any one time on any subject than thirty minutes, without

the unanimous consent of all the members present.

Mr. COMINGO moved to amend by striking out "thirty minutes," and inserting "one hour," which amendment was rejected by the Convention.

The resolution was then disagreed to by the following vote, the ayes and noes being called for by Mr. Stewart:

AYES-Messrs. Baker, Bridge, Broadhead, Cayce, Duvall, Flood, Gantt, Holmes, How, Irwin, Marvin, McFerran, McLean, Moss, Noell, Norton, Phillips, Pomeroy, Ross, Rowland, Smith of L., and Mr. Presi


NOES-Messrs. Allen, Bartlett, Bass, Birch, Bogy, Bonnifield, Calhoun, Comingo, Deal, Doniphan, Douglass, Drake of M., Drake of St. L., Dunn, Eitzen, Frayser, Foster, Gorin, Henderson, Hitchcock, Hough, Howell, Isbell, Jamison, Johnson, Kidd, Leeper, Lindenbower, Linton, Long, Matson, McClurg, McCormack, McDowell, Meyer, Morrow, Moxley, Orr, Prewit, Rankin, Ray, Ritchey, Sayre, Schofield, Scott, Shackelford of H., Shackelford of St. L., Shanklin, Sheeley, Smith of St. L., Stewart, Vanbuskirk, Walker, Waller, Welch, and Woodson-56.

Mr. JOHNSON submitted the following:

WHEREAS on the 25th day of May, 1863, an election was held in the Twentieth Senatorial District for a Delegate to this Convention; and whereas, from the election returns, it appears that one Mr. Baker received twelve votes over and above the vote cast for one Mr. Devin; and whereas, from the poll books and evidenee that can be had from a member of this body, that some twenty votes or more cast for said Baker are illegal, by reason of the said voters not being citizens of said district; therefore,

Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed, whose duty it shall be to inquire into all the facts, and to report to this body at 9 o'clock to-morrow morning who is entitled to a seat in this body by reason of said election.

On motion of Mr. DRAKE of St. Louis, the whole subject was laid upon the table.

Mr. MARVIN called up the ordinance entitled "An ordinance to change the time of holding elections for Supreme and Circuit Judges," heretofore introduced by Mr.


Mr. MARVIN offered the following substitute for the ordinance:


in Convention assembled, as follows: Be it ordained by the people of Missouri,

Section 1. That so much of the sixth and seventh articles of the amendments to the

Constitution of this State, ratified at the session of the Legislature of 1850 and 1851, as provides that the elections of Supreme and Circuit Court Judges shall be held on the first Monday in August, 1851, and on the first Monday in August every six years thereafter, is hereby abolished.

Sec. 2. The first general election for Supreme and Circuit Court Judges hereafter to be held under said amendments to the Constitution shall be on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, 1863, and on the first Tuesday next after the first Monday in November every six years thereafter, any law, constitution or ordinance of this Convention to the contrary notwithstanding.

The substitute was agreed to.

Drake of M., Dunn, Duvall, Flood, FrayThe special order, viz., the ordinance re- ser, Gantt, Hall of R., Hough, Howell, ported by the Committee on Emancipation, Norton, Orr, Pipkin, Prewitt, Ray, Ross, Jamison, Johnson, Kidd, Matson, Moss, was taken up, and pending the considera-Rowland, Sayre, Shackelford of H., Sheetion of which,

On motion of Mr. HOWELL, the Convention adjourned until 3 o'clock P. M.


The Convention met pursuant to adjourn


On motion of Mr. DRAKE of St. Louis, the regular order was suspended, and the ordinance changing the time of holding elections for Supreme and Circuit Court Judges was taken up.

Mr. DRAKE of St. Louis offered the following amendment, which was agreed to: Amend by adding as an additional section :

"Section 3. Whatever elections of judges or clerks of courts, and other officers, may now be fixed by law or by order of any court for the first Monday of August, 1863, shall be held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday of November, 1863."

Mr. PIPKIN moved to amend as follows: Strike out 66 1863," " and insert "1864." Which was disagreed to.

The ordinance, as amended, was read a

third time and adopted.

The consideration of the regalar order having been resumed,

Mr. DRAKE of St. Louis moved a call of the Convention, which was ordered, when the following members were noted as

ABSENT-Messrs. Collins, Comingo, Givens, Gravelly, Jackson, Maupin, McFerran, Moxley, Phillips, Redd, Ritchey, Ross, Sawyer, and Vanbuskirk.


On motion of Mr. DRAKE of St. Louis, further proceedings under the call were dispensed with.

The question being on agreeing to the amendment offered by Mr. Orr to the amendment offered by Mr. Breckinridge, it was decided in the negative by the following vote, the ayes and noes being called for by Mr. ORR:

AYES - Messrs. Bartlett, Bass, Bast, Birch, Calhoun, Cayce, Deal, Douglass,

ley, Waller, Woodson, Woolfolk, and Mr. President-36.

NOES-Messrs. Allen, Baker, Bogy, Breckinridge, Bridge, Broadhead, Bush, Doniphan, Drake of St. L., Eitzen, Foster, Gamble, Gorin, Henderson, Hitchcock, Holmes, Holt, How, Irwin, Isbell, Leeper, Lindenbower, Linton, Long, Marvin, McClurg, McCormack, McDowell, McFerran, McLean, Meyer, Morrow, Noell, Pomeroy, Rankin, Schofield, Scott, Shackelford of St. L., Shanklin, Smith of L., Smith of St. L., Stewart, Vanbuskirk, Walker, and Welch-46.

Mr. MARVIN moved a reconsideration of the vote agreeing to the amendment of Mr. Gravelly to the pending amendment.

On motion of Mr. WELCH, the motion to reconsider was laid on the table by the following vote, the ayes and noes called for by Mr. Welch :

AYES-Messrs. Bartlett, Bass, Bast, Birch, Bogy, Calhoun, Cayce, Deal, Doniphan, Douglass, Drake of M., Dunn, Duvall, Flood, Frayser, Gantt, Gorin, Gravelly, Hall of R., Henderson, Hough, Howell, IsMatson, McCormack, McFerran, McLean, bell, Jamison, Johnson, Kidd, Linton, Long, Moss, Norton, Orr, Pipkin, Pomeroy, Prewitt, Ray, Ross, Rowland, Sayre, ShackelWaller, Welch, Woodson, Woolfolk, and ford of H., Shackelford of St. L., Sheeley,

Mr. President-50.

NOES-Messrs. Allen, Baker, Bonnifield, Breckinridge, Bridge, Bush, Drake of St. L., Eitzen, Foster, Gamble, Hitchcock, bower, Marvin, McClurg, McDowell, Meyer, Holmes, Holt, How, Irwin, Leeper, LindenMorrow, Noell, Phillips, Rankin, Schofield, Scott, Shanklin, Smith of L., Smith of St. L., Stewart, Vanbuskirk, and Walker-33.

The question being on agreeing to the amendment offered by Mr. Breckinridge, it was disagreed to by the following vote, the ayes and noes called for by Mr. DRAKE of St. Louis :

Gravelly, Jackson, Linton, and McCorAYES-Messrs. Allen, Breckinridge, Bush,


NOES-Messrs. Baker, Bartlett, Bass. Bast, Birch, Bogy, Bonnifield, Bridge, Broadhead, Calhoun, Cayce, Deal, Doniphan. Douglass, Drake of M., Drake of St, L., Dunn. Duvall, Eitzen, Flood, Foster, Frayser, Gantt, Gorin, Hall of R., Henderson, Hitchcock, Holmes, Holt, Hough, How,

Howell, Irwin, Isbell, Jamison, Johnson, Kidd, Leeper, Lindenbower, Long, Marvin, Matson, McClurg, McDowell, McFerran, McLean, Meyer, Morrow, Moss, Noell, Norton, Orr, Phillips, Pipkin, Pomeroy, Prewitt, Rankin, Ray, Ross, Rowland, Sayre, Schofield, Scott, Shackelford of H., Shackelford of St. L., Shanklin, Sheeley, Smith of L., Stewart, Vanbuskirk, Walker, Waller, Welch, Woodson, Woolfolk, and Mr.


Mr. WOOLFOLK offered the following amendment:

Amend, by way of new section, as fol


"Section 6. That at the election to be held for State officers on the Tuesday next after the first Monday of November, A. D. 1864, the several clerks of the county courts, or, in case said clerks fail, then the judges of election, shall, in preparing the poll books for election, enter thereon two columns, one headed for emancipation,' and the other against emancipation; and if the majority of the legal votes given be for emancipation, then sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force; but if the majority of legal votes given be against emancipation, then sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this ordinance shall be null and void; and when the result of the election shall be ascertained, the Governor of the State shall, by proclamation,

announce the same."

Mr. ALLEN moved to amend the amendment as follows: Strike out "1864," and insert "1863;" which was disagreed to by the following vote, the ayes and noes being called for by Mr. Meyer:

AYES-Messrs. Allen, Baker, Bogy, Bonnifield, Broadhead, Bridge, Bush, Drake of St. L., Eitzen, Foster, Gantt, Gravelly, Hitchcock, Holmes, How, Irwin, Isbell, Jackson, Leeper, Lindenbower, Linton, Long, McClurg, McCormack, McDowell, McLean, Meyer, Morrow, Noell, Rankin, Schofield, Scott, Shanklin, Smith of L., Smith of St. L., Stewart, Vanbuskirk, and Walker-38.

NOES-Messrs. Bartlett, Bass, Bast, Birch, Breckinridge, Calhoun, Cayce, Deal, Doniphan, Douglass, Drake of M., Dunn, Duvall, Flood, Gamble, Gorin, Hall of R., Henderson, Holt, Hough, Howell, Jamison, Johnson, Kidd, Marvin, Matson, McFerran, Moss, Norton, Orr, Phillips, Pipkin, Pomeroy, Prewitt, Ray, Ross, Rowland, Sayre,

Shackelford of H., Shackelford of St. L., Sheeley, Waller, Welch, Woodson, Woolfolk, and Mr. President-47.

The amendment offered by Mr. WOOLFOLK was then agreed to by the following vote, the ayes and noes being called for by Mr. Drake of St. L.:

AYES-Messrs. Allen, Baker, Bartlett, Bass, Bast, Birch, Bogy, Calhoun, Cayce, Deal, Doniphan, Drake of M., Dunn, Duvall, Frayser, Flood, Gorin, Gravelly, Henderson, Holt, How, Howell, Isbell, Jamison, Johnson, Kidd, Lindenbower, Linton, Matson, McCormack, McDowell, McFerran, McLean, Morrow, Moss, Norton, Orr, Pipkin, Pomeroy, Prewitt, Rankin, Ray, Ross, Rowland, Sayre, Shackelford of H., Shackelford of St. L., Shanklin, Sheeley, Vanbuskirk, Walker, Waller, Welch, Woodson, Woolfolk, and Mr. President-56.

NOES-Messrs. Bonnifield, Breckinridge, lass, Drake of St. L., Eitzen, Foster, GamBroadhead, Bridge, Bush, Comingo, Dougble, Gantt, Hitchcock, Holmes, How, Irwin, Jackson, Leeper, Long, Marvin, McClurg, Meyer, Noell, Phillips, Schofield, Scott, Smith of L., Smith of St. L., and Stewart


Mr. HENDERSON moved a reconsideration

of the vote agreeing to the amendment.

Mr. HENDERSON moved that a Committee of three be appointed by the President to wait upon Major General Schofield and invite him to a seat upon the floor of the Convention; which was unanimously agreed to, and Messrs. Henderson, Hall of R., and Phillips, were appointed on said committee, who waited upon General Schofield and conducted him to a seat within the bar; when,

On motion of Mr. BROADHEAD, the Convention took a recess for fifteen minutes.

After being called to order, Mr. HALL of R. moved to adjourn until to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock, which was decided in the negative by the following vote, the ayes and noes being called for by Mr.


AYES-Messrs. Bass, Bast, Broadhead, Bridge, Calhoun, Cayce, Comingo, Doniphan, Douglass, Drake of M., Duvall, Frayser, Flood, Gamble, Gorin, Hall of R., Hitchcock, Holt, Hough, Howell, Jackson, Jamison, Johnson, Matson, McFerran, Morrow, Pomeroy, Prewitt, Ross, Sayre, Shackelford of H., Shackelford of St. L., Sheeley, Vanbuskirk, Waller, Welch, Woodson, Woolfolk, and Mr. President-39

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SATURDAY MORNING, June 27, 1863. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. WELCH.

The journal of the proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.

Mr. LINDENBOWER introduced an ordi

nance entitled "An ordinance to provide for supplying the vacancy existing in the office of Judge of the Fourteenth Judicial Circuit," which was read and adopted by the Convention.

Mr. Bogy, from a Select Committee, made the following report, which was read and agreed to:

"The committee to whom was referred the petition from the people of St. François county, praying that an ordinance be passed by the Convention authorizing the issue of Treasury warrants by the Governor, for the purpose of paying the Enrolling officers, have had the same under consideration, and have instructed me to report the same back and recommend that it be referred to the next session of the General Assembly

of the State of Missouri."

Mr. SAYRE called up the ordinance heretofore introduced by him, entitled "An ordinance appropriating money for the care of the sick and wounded soldiers of Missouri."

Mr. STEWART moved the following amendment: Strike out "fifty," and insert "one


On motion of Mr. MEYER, the ordinance and amendment were referred to a Select Committee of three, consisting of Messrs. Sayre, Meyer, and Phillips.


Mr. STEWART offered the following resolution :

Resolved, That this Convention do now adjourn sine die.

Which was rejected by the following vote, the ayes and noes being called for by Mr. BIRCH:

AYES-Messrs. Bonnifield, Bush, Deal, Duvall, Eitzen, Leeper, Lindenbower, McLean, Morrow, Norton, Orr, Ray, Schofield, Stewart, Walker, and Mr. President.-16.

NOES-Messrs. Allen, Baker, Bartlett, Bass, Bast, Birch, Bogy, Breckinridge, mingo, Doniphan, Douglass, Drake of M., Broadhead, Bridge, Calhoun, Cayce, CoDrake of St. L., Dunn, Frayser, Flood, Foster, Gantt, Gorin, Gravelly, Hall of R., Hough, How, Howell, Irwin, Isbell, JackHenderson, Hitchcock, Holmes, Holt, son. Jamison, Johnson, Kidd, Long, Marvin, Matson, McClurg, McCormack, McDowell, McFerran, Meyer, Moss, Moxley, Noell, kin, Ritchey, Ross, Rowland, Sayre, Scott, Phillips, Pipkin, Pomeroy, Prewitt, RanShackelford of H., Shackelford of St. L., Shanklin, Sheeley, Smith of L., Smith of St. L., Vanbuskirk, Waller, Welch, Woodson, and Woolfolk-70.

the motion to reconsider the vote agreeing The regular order having been resumed,

to the amendment of Mr. Woolfolk to the original ordinance of the Committee on Emancipation was decided in the affirmative by the following vote, the ayes and noes being called for by Mr. DRAKE of St.


AYES-Messrs. Allen, Baker, Bass, Bogy, Breckinridge, Broadhead, Bridge, Bush, Calhoun, Comingo, Douglass, Drake of St. L., Eitzen, Flood, Foster, Gamble, Gantt, Gravelly, Hall of R., Henderson, Hitchcock, Holmes, Holt, How, Howell, Irwin, Isbell, Jackson, Kidd, Leeper, Lindenbower, Linton, Long, Marvin, McClurg,

[blocks in formation]

NOES-Messrs. Bartlett, Bast, Birch, Cayce, Deal, Drake of M., Dunn, Duvall, Frayser, Gorin, Hough, Jamison, Johnson, Matson, Moss, Norton, Orr, Pipkin, Ray, Ross, Sayre, Walker, Welch, Woolfolk, and Mr. President-25.

Mr. WOOLFOLK, by leave of the Convention, then withdrew the amendment.

Mr. DRAKE of St. L. offered the following amendment: Amend section two by striking out the words "fourth day of July, eighteen hundred and seventy-six," and inserting in lieu thereof the words "first day of November, eighteen hundred and sixty-six;"

Pending the consideration of which, on motion of Mr. McCORMACK, the Convention adjourned until 2 o'clock P. M.


The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, and resumed the consideration of the amendment offered by Mr. Drake of St. L. On motion of Mr. LONG, leave of absence was granted to Mr. Pipkin.

Mr. DRAKE of St. L. moved that the Convention adjourn until Monday morning at 9 o'clock, which motion was decided in the negative by the following vote, the ayes and noes having been called for by Mr. GANTT:

AYES-Messrs. Bonnifield, Breckinridge, Drake of St. L., Eitzen, Foster, Gamble, Gravelly, Hitchcock, Holt, Irwin, Jackson, Johnson, Leeper, Lindenbower, Linton, McDowell, Meyer, Morrow, Noell, Schofield, Vanbuskirk, and Welch-22.

NOES-Messrs. Allen, Baker, Bartlett, Bass, Bast, Birch, Bogy, Bridge, Calhoun, Cayce, Comingo, Deal, Doniphan, Douglass, Duvall, Dunn, Frayser, Flood, Gantt, Gorin, Hall of R., Henderson, Halmes, Hough, How, Howell, Isbell, Jamison, Kidd, Long, Marvin, Matson, McClurg, McCormack, McFerran, McLean, Moss, Moxley, Norton, Orr, Phillips, Pomeroy, Prewitt, Rankin, Ray, Ritchey, Ross, Rowland, Sayre, Scott, Shackelford of H., Shackelford of St. L., Shanklin, Sheeley, Smith of L., Smith of St. L., Stewart, Walker, Wal

ler, Woodson, Woolfolk, and Mr. President-63.

Mr. DRAKE of St. L. offered the follow

ing as an addition to the pending amendment offered by him:

Amend section 2 by adding as follows: "Provided, that all slaves emancipated by this ordinance shall remain under the control and be subject to the authority of their owner during the following periods, to wit: those over forty years of age, for and during their lives; those under twelve years of age, until they arrive at the age of twentythree years; and those of all other ages, until the 4th day of July, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-four."

The question being then on the amendment of Mr. Drake of St. L. as amended by him, Mr. HENDERSON moved to amend the amendment as follows: "Strike out the words eighteen hundred and sixty-six and insert the words eighteen hundred and sixty-eight."

Mr. BRECKINRIDGE moved to adjourn until Monday morning at 9 o'clock, which was decided in the negative by the following vote, the ayes and noes being called for by


AYES Messrs. Bartlett, Bonnifield, Breckinridge, Drake of St. L., Eitzen, Frayser, Foster, Gamble, Gorin, Gravelly, Hitchcock, Holmes, Hough, How, Isbell, Jackson, Johnson, Leeper, Lindenbower, Linton, McCormack, McDowell, Meyer, Morrow, Noell, Phillips, Pomeroy, Rankin, Ritchey, Schofield, Scott, Vanbuskirk, Walker, Welch, and Mr. President-36.

NOES-Messrs. Allen, Baker, Bass, Bast, Birch, Broadhead, Bridge, Calhoun, Cayce, Comingo, Deal, Doniphan, Douglass, Duvall, Dunn, Flood, Gantt, Hall of R., Henderson, Holt, Howell, Irwin, Jamison, Kidd, Long, Marvin, Matson, McClurg, McFerran, McLean, Moss, Moxley, Norton, Orr, Prewitt, Ray, Ross, Rowland, Sayre, Shackelford of H., Shackelford of St. L., Shanklin, Sheeley, Smith of L., Smith of St. L., Stewart, Waller, Woodson, and Woolfolk-49.

The amendment of Mr. Henderson was

then agreed to by the following vote, the ayes and noes being called for by Mr. DRAKE of St. L.:

AYES-Messrs. Bartlett, Bass, Bast. Birch, Bogy, Broadhead, Calhoun, Cayce, Comingo, Deal, Douglass, Duvall, Dunn, Fray ser, Flood, Foster, Gantt, Gorin, Hall of R., Henderson, Hough, How, Howell, Jami

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