THE GLASGOW MEDICAL JOURNAL. EDITED BY JOSEPH COATS, M.D., and ALEXANDER NAPIER, M.D., ALEX, MACDOUGALL, 81 BUCHANAN STREET. 1883. THE GLASGOW MEDICAL JOURNAL. No. I. JANUARY, 1883. ORIGINAL ARTICLES. ON THE PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY OF TUBERCULOSIS OF THE UTERUS AND FALLOPIAN TUBES. BY JOHN LINDSAY STEVEN, M.В., Pathological Chemist to the Western Infirmary, and one of the Assistants to the Professor of Clinical Medicine in Glasgow University. IN what follows I purpose describing the pathological appearances presented by a case of tuberculosis of the uterus and Fallopian tubes, which I had the opportunity of studying during last autumn, while working in the Pathological Institute of Leipzig under the direction of Professor Cohnheim. I am anxious to record the appearances noted, not so much on account of their showing anything very special or unusual, as from the fact of their presenting several points of similarity to, and difference from, those observed in a case which I brought under the notice of the Medico-Chirurgical Society, and which was reported in full in the Glasgow Medical Journal for June, 1882. The present case occurred in the course of the ordinary work of the Institute, and I am indebted to the kindness of Professor Weigert for being allowed to undertake the microscopic investigation. I was quite unable to obtain access to the Clinical Records, so that the present account, like the former, deals merely with the pathological anatomy. The following, obtained from the report of Professor Weigert in the records of the Institute, is a note of the post-mortem examination, which was made upon the 15th August, 1882:M. D., æt. 24, hawker. The body is emaciated. Both lungs No. 1. B 22287 Vol. XIX. |