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that point, and the 31st Pennsylvania, Colonel Williams, on duty there when the action commenced. The losses in the 62d were not so great as in some of the other regiments. Its conduct was good, and its colonel, Lafayette Riker, whose signal bravery was remarked, met a glorious death while attacking the enemy at the head of his regiment. The 1st United States Chasseurs, Colonel Cochrane, fought bravely. By that regiment an enemy's standard-bearer was shot down, and the battle flags of the 23d North Carollna regiment captured. For further particulars of the conduct of the 62d New York, and the 1st United States Chasseurs, as well as for the account of those two excellent regiments, the 7th Massachusetts and 31st Pennsylvania, Colonels Russell and Williams, I refer to the reports of Generals Couch and Abercrombie. Those regiments, as well as Brady's battery, 1st Pennsylvania artillery (which is highly praised), were hid from my personal observation during most of the action. They acted in concert with the second corps, by the opportune arrival of which, at Fair Oaks, in the afternoon, under the brave General E. V. Sumner, the Confederates were brought to a sudden stand in that quarter. They were also present in the action of the following day, near Fair Oaks, where, under the same commander, the victory, which had been hardly contested the day before, was fully completed by our troops.

"At the time when the enemy was concentrating troops from the right, left, and front upon the redoubt and other works in front of Casey's headquarters, and near the Williamsburg road, the danger became imminent that he would overcome the resistance there, and advance down the road and through the abattis. In anticipation of such an event, I called Flood's and McCarthy's batteries of Couch's division, to form in and on the right and left of the junction of the Williamsburgh and Nine Mile roads;


placed infantry in all the rifle pits on the right and left, pushing some up also to the abattis, and collecting a large number of stragglers, posted them in the woods on the left. Scarcely had these dispositions been completed, when the enemy, directly in front, driven by the attack of a portion of Kearney's division on their right, and by our fire upon their front, moved off to join the masses which were pressing upon my right. To make head against the enemy approaching in that direction, it was found necessary to effect an almost perpendicular change of front of troops on the right of the Williamsburg road. By the energetic assistance of Generals Devens and Naglee, Colonel Adams, 1st Long Island, and Captains Walsh and Quackenbush, of the 36th New York (whose efforts I particularly noticed), I was enabled to form a line along the edge of the woods, which stretched nearly down to the swamp, about eight hundred yards from the fork, and along the rear to the Nine Mile road. I threw back the right crochet-wise, and, on its left, Captain Miller, 1st Pennsylvania artillery, Couch's division, trained his guns so as to contest the advance of the enemy. I directed General Naglee to ride along the line to encourage the men and keep them at work. This line long resisted the further progress of the enemy with the greatest firmness and gallantry, but by pressing it very closely with overwhelming numbers-probably ten to one-they were enabled finally to force it to fall back so far upon the left and centre as to form a new line in rear. Shortly after this attack, I saw General Devens leave the field wounded; there was then no general officer left in sight belonging to Casey's division.

"Seeing the torrent of enemies continually advancing, I hastened across to the left, beyond the fork, to bring forward reinforcements. Brigadier-General Peck, at the head of the 102d and 83d Pennsylvania regiments, Colonels Rowley and McCarter, was ordered, with the concur

fifty yards to my left was crumbling
away--some falling and others retiring.
I perceived also that the artillery had
withdrawn, and that large bodies of
broken troops were leaving the centre
and moving down the Williamsburg road
to the rear. Assisted by Captain Suy-
dam, my assistant adjutant-general, Cap-
tain Villarceau, and Lieutenants Jackson
and Smith of my staff, I tried in vain to
check the retreating current. Passing
through to an opening of our intrenched
camp of the 28th ult., I found General
Heintzelman and other officers engaged
in rallying the men, and in a very short
time a large number were induced to
face about. These were pushed forward,
and joined to others better organized, in
the woods, and a line was formed, stretch-
ing across the road in a perpendicular
direction. General Heintzelman request-
ed me to advance the line on the left of
the road, which I did, until it came
within sixty or seventy yards of the
opening, in which the battle had been
confined for more than two hours against
a vastly superior force. Some of the
10th Massachusetts, now under the com-
mand of Captain Miller, the 93d Penn-
sylvania, Colonel McCarter, of Peck's
brigade, the 23d Pennsylvania, Colonel
Neill, of Abercrombie's brigade, a por-
tion of the 36th New York, Colonel
Innes, a portion of the 55th New York
and the 1st Long Island, Colonel Adams,
together with fragments of other regi-
ments of Couch's division, still contended
on the right of this line, while a number
of troops that I did not recognize occu-
pied the space between me and them.

rence of General Heintzelman, to ad- that portion of the line a hundred and
vance across the open space and attack
the enemy, now coming forward in
great numbers. These regiments passed
through a shower of balls, and formed in
a line having an oblique direction to the
Nine Mile road. They held their ground
for more than half an hour, doing great
execution. Peck's and McCarter's horses
were shot under them. After contend-
ing against enormous odds, those two
regiments were forced to give way; Peck
and the 102d crossing the Williamsburg
road to the wood, and McCarter and the
bulk of the 93d passing to the right,
where they took post in the last line of
battle, formed mostly after six o'clock,
P. M. During the time last noticed, Mil-
ler's battery having taken up a new po-
sition, did first-rate service. As soon as
Peck had moved forward I hastened to
the 10th Massachusetts, Colonel Briggs,
(which regiment I had myself once before
moved), now in the rifle pits on the left
of the Williamsburg road, and ordered
them to follow me across the field. Col-
onel Briggs led them on in gallant style,
moving quickly over an open space of
seven or eight hundred yards, under a
scorching fire, and forming his men with
perfect regularity toward the last of the
line last above referred to. The position
thus occupied was a most favorable one,
being a wood, without much undergrowth,
where the ground sloped somewhat ab-
ruptly to the rear. Had the 10th Mas-
sachusetts been two minutes later, they
would have been too late to occupy that
fine position, and it would have been im-
possible to have formed the next and last
line of battle of the 31st, which stemmed
the tide of defeat, and turned it toward
victory; a victory which was then begun
by the 4th corps, and two brigades from
Kearney's division from the 3d corps,
and consummated the next day by Sum-sion,
ner and others.

"After seeing the 10th Massachusetts and the adjoining line well at work, under a murderous fire, I observed that

"As the ground was miry and encumbered with fallen trees, I dismounted and mingled with the troops. The first I questioned belonged to Kearney's divi

Berry's brigade, Heintzelman's corps; the next to the 56th New York, now under command of its LieutenantColonel; and the third belonged to the 104th Pennsylvania, of Casey's division.

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two batteries. And, later in the day, when the enemy were rushing in upon our right, Miller threw his case and canister among them, doing frightful execution."


When the attack commenced Casey's division, General McClellan, in camp on the left bank of the Chickahominy, was, as he tells us, confined to his bed by illness, and the first intimation he received of the affair was the sound of the musketry. Without waiting to hear from Keyes or Heintzelman, he at once sent instructions to General Sumner to hold his corps in readiness to move to the scene of action. "I did not hear," he continues, anything for a long time from the field. I think the first I heard was from General Heintzelman, who reported that Casey's division had been completely broken, and was in full retreat. I ordered Sumner over, as soon as I learned that his services were needed, and the affair serious. General Sumner had, fortunately, on the receipt of the first order, actually stretched his command out on the road, so the heads of columns were at the bridges ready to cross when he received the order. The main part of his force crossed at the

I took out my glass to examine a steady compact line of troops, about sixty-five yards in advance, the extent of which toward our right I could not discover. The line in front was so quiet I thought they might possibly be our own troops. The vapors from the swamp, the leaves, and the fading light (for it was then after six o'clock), rendered it uncertain who they were. So I directed the men to get their aim, but to reserve their fire until I could go up to the left, and examine; at the same time, that they must hold that line, or the battle would be lost. They replied with a firm determination to stand their ground. I had just time to put up my glass and move ten paces towards the left of the line, where my horse stood; but while I was in the act of mounting, as fierce a fire of musketry was opened as any I had heard during the day. The fire from our side was so deadly that the heavy masses of the enemy coming in on the right, which had before been held back for nearly two hours, that being about the time consumed in passing over less than a thousand yards, by about a third part of Couch's division, were now arrested. The last line, formed of portions of Couch's and Casey's divisions, and a por-bridge near Doctor Lent's farm, and tion of Kearney's division, checked the advance of the enemy, and finally repulsed him. And this was the beginning of the victory which, on the following day, was so gloriously completed. During the action, and particularly during the two hours immediately preceding the final and successful stand made by the infantry, the three Pennsylvania batteries, under Major Robert M. West (Flood's, McCarthy's, and Millers), in Couch's division, performed most efficient service. The conduct of Miller's battery was admirable. Having a central position in the fore part of the action, it threw shells over the heads of our own troops, which fell and burst with unusual precision among the enemy's masses, as did also those of the other

moved, by the shortest route, upon Fair Oaks, near which point he came in contact with the enemy's left, and drove them some little distance, thus relieving the pressure on the right of Heintzelman, who had moved up to support Keyes."*


The movement of General Sumner was not undertaken a moment too soon. his spirited account of the affair before the same committee of Congress, he said, that on receiving the order of General McClellan, "instead of merely preparing to move, I at once advanced with my two divisions (Sedgewick's and Richardson's), halting with the leading company of each division on the bridge. In that way I saved at least an hour of time. The river


Testimony before the War Committee. March 2,

was then rising rapidly, and when I re- right front, and at that point I posted a ceived the order to advance one of the battery of ten-pound Parrott rifle-guns, bridges became impassable in a very directed by Captain Hazard, 4th artilshort time, and many of the timbers of lery. I also posted the brigade of Genthe other bridge were floating; we, how-eral French, and one regiment of However, succeeded in crossing, and I ad-ard's brigade, in my front line. The revanced rapidly to Fair Oaks with Sedg-maining three regiments of Howard's wick's division. On reaching Fair Oaks brigade formed a second line, and GenI was met by General Couch, who told eral Meagher's brigade, with remaining me that he had been separated by the eighteen pieces of artillery, in third line. enemy from the rest of the army, and The early part of the morning passed was expecting an attack every moment. away; the enemy made his first appearI formed this division of Sedgwick's, to- ance on the other side of the large field, gether with Couch's troops-assuming his skirmishers forming in line across it command of the whole-as quickly as and advancing. A large body of cavalry possible, with a battery of artillery be- was also seen in the woods on the other tween the two divisions. Before the side, drawn up in column, as if to head a formation was completed, the enemy mass of infantry in column of attack for made a ferocious attack on my center, the assault. This soon drew the fire of evidently with the expectation of getting our Parrott guns. The line of skirmishpossession of my battery. My forces ers fell back before it; the cavalry broke, were formed in two lines, nearly at right and this, which no doubt was intended as angles. I had six regiments in hand on the real attack, failed at once, and the the left of the battery. After sustaining head of the column turned down the a very severe fire for some time, those railroad toward my left. My division, six regiments charged directly into the occupying the centre of our whole line woods, crossing a broken down fence in of battle, now appeared to be the object doing so. The enemy then fled, and the of attack, to follow the favorite plan of action was over for that day." yesterday. It was now half-past six o'clock in the morning. All at once the enemy came upon us in full force on the railroad, which, on my left flank, was crossed by two common wood roads, along which they pushed columns of attack in mass, supported on both flanks by battalions of infantry deployed in line of battle. Generals French and Howard now opened upon them a steady and well-directed fire from their brigades, within half musket shot. I immediately communicated with those officers my willing intention to furnish them reinforcements as soon as needed. After a close fire of musketry of an hour and a half, without any regiment giving ground on our part, the head of the enemy's column broke their line of battle, wavered, and the rout became general for the time. I had thrown in, in the mean time, the two reserve regiments of Howard,

So closed the battles of Saturday. The division of Richardson was brought up that night, and was prominent in the action of the next day, which closed this fierce and extended conflict. A letter written by that officer presents an animated account of the concluding scene"Sunday, June 1st, the army had lain on their arms all night in our front, the 5th Texas, 2d Mississippi, and 2d Texas regiments bivouacking within half musket shot of my front and picket, within speaking distance. Every one knew that the struggle would recommence in the morning, and our whole line 'stood to arms.' At three o'clock in the morning, before light, the enemy drew in all his pickets. The line of railroad is bordered by woods on both sides, except a few open spaces. There was a large field three-fourths of a mile in extent on my


to replace those regiments of the front line who had expended all their cartridges, the relieved regiments coming out and filling their boxes again. Sixty rounds had now been fired per man, and the battle was supposed to be ended. Hardly was this effected, however, when the enemy's column, being reinforced by the reserve, gave a general shout, and again advanced to the attack. This time I threw into action, in support, the Irish regiments of General Meagher's brigade, reserving some of the first, which had been much shattered in the early part of the conflict, and our steady fire was continued about one hour more, until the enemy again fell back. Their retreat this time was more precipitate than before, and three of the Parrott guns, which I had just placed in a new position, now opened their fire, and did what they could to hurry up the retreat. The enemy did not see fit to renew the attack, and from the account given by prisoners and deserters, they must have been badly beaten." It was General Sumner's prompt movement on the afternoon of the 30th, "instead of merely preparing to move, advancing," which saved the day for the Union army. The river was rising rapidly when General Sumner crossed; it continued to rise afterwards, and speedily became impracticable. They met and repulsed the fresh division of General Smith, which would probably else have succeeded in its flank movement, and cutting the Union force off from retreat by the road by which it had crossed the Chickahominy, would have driven it to utter destruction in the labyrinths of White Oak swamp. It was in this encounter that the Confederate commanderin-chief, General Johnston, who had been stationed during the day with the division of General Smith, was, about sunset, struck from his horse, severely wounded by a fragment of a shell. The missile struck him in the right shoulder, and it was said that in falling from his horse

two ribs were fractured.


The casualities in these engagements were very heavy. The total Union loss, as furnished by General McClellan, was, in the corps of General Sumner, 183 killed, 894 wounded, and 146 missing; in that of Heintzelman, 259 killed, 980 wounded, 155 missing; in that of Keyes, 448 killed, 1,753 wounded, and 921 missing-a grand total of 5,739. General Johnston, in his report, states the Confederate loss in the command of General Longstreet, at 3,000, in that of General Smith 1,233-altogether 4,233. General Hill's division was included in Longstreet's command, and General Huger did not reach the field. Many prisoners were taken by the Union troops, including General Pettigrew and Colonel Long. General Johnston claimed the capture of several hundred prisoners, ten pieces of artillery, 6,000 muskets, one garrison flag, and four regimental colors, besides a large quantity of tents and camp equipage.

In his first dispatch from the field of battle, in telegraphing the result of the conflict to the Secretary of War, trusting to various reports, General McClellan commented with severity upon the conduct of Casey's division. "They gave way," he said, "unaccountably and discreditably." In a subsequent dispatch, however, on the 5th, he modified his censure. "From statements made to me subsequently by Generals Casey and Naglee," he wrote, "I am induced to believe that portions of this division behaved well, and made a most gallant stand against superior numbers." The report of those officers, and the simple statement of the heavy losses incurred, with a candid review of the circumstances of the case, will, indeed, exonerate the division from any opprobious condemnation. "If a portion of my division," says General Casey, after reviewing the condition of the greater part of his command, raw troops on leaving Washington, ill provided and fearfully exposed on the Peninsula, "did not behave as well as could

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