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twelve miles north of Hatteras, and the horses, except a few which swam ashore, were lost. The Zouave, also, one of the gunboats, was sunk in the inlet, in consequence of an injury to her bottom, caused it is said, by overrunning her anchors. She had been already weakened by sticking on Barnegat Shoals on her way to Annapolis. Her guns were saved. One or two schooners, also, laden with provisions and coal, were wrecked.


its further passage to the destined scene
of its operations in the waters within.
Many of the vessels on which reliance
had been placed for carrying the troops
were found to be of too great draft, or
too heavily laden, for the transit. A.
New York regiment, the D'Epineuil Zou-
aves, was sent back to Fortress Monroe
for lack of appropriate means of enter-
ing the Sound. The skill of the various
commanders was tried to the uttermost
in the preservation of the various ves-
sels, and in attempts to secure their pas-
sage through the pestilent, narrow, vio-
lent channel, which would serve only a
few hours at each tide. The work, an-
noying enough under the most favorable
conditions of the strait, was frequently
rendered quite impracticable by the con-
tinued ill temper of the weather which
seemed spitefully to follow up the tem-
pest-tossed flotilla. It was
It was no more,
however, than was to be expected at
this wintry season in the latitude of
Hatteras. At times the anxiety was in-
creased by the want of water in some of
the vessels not provided with salt water
condensers, and the danger of passing
from one to another to procure the
needed supply. On one such occasion a
purse was made up in gratitude to an
adventurous boat's crew which had vol-

None of these disasters, it was remarkable, was attended with any loss of human life. The occasion, however, was not to pass without this melancholy consecration. On Wednesday, the 15th, while the ships were outside, a party set out for the shore from one of them, the Anne E. Thompson, which carried the 9th New Jersey regiment. They reached the land in safety, and were on their return to the ship, when their boat was overturned by a wave, and three of the company, the Colonel of the regiment, Joseph W. Allen, the Surgeon, F. S. Weller, and the second mate of the vessel, were drowned. When relief came the rest were saved, and the lifeless bodies of the two officers were recovered. Colonel Allen was a native of Burlington, who had been a civil engineer before entering the army. He had been engaged in political life, and in the mili-unteered for the duty. tia service of his State, and his loss, with The whole month of January was exthat of his fellow officer, was much regretted. Much anxiety was felt for the fate of the schooner carrying the Signal Corps, but she at length arrived, to the great joy of the squadron, bringing her passengers in safety, after having been tossed at sea in storm and tempest for more than a fortnight.

With these disasters, which, considering the magnitude of the fleet, and the perils of the place, and season, must be thought no more than the ordinary accidents incident to such a service, the Expedition having overcome its first difficulties on the sea, had now to encounter a series of vexatious embarrassments in


pended in the worrying process of studying the humors, and taking advantage of the kindlier opportunities of what Commodore Goldsborough, in the dispatch announcing the final passage of his gunboats, calls "this perplexing gut." length, however, by the unwearied exertions and ability of General Burnside and his faithful officers and men, diligently assisting in the unexpected and laborious work, what with temporarily relieving one and another of the vessels of their living freight, and by dint of prudent management, the fleet was fairly embarked on Pamlico Sound, and reported ready for action.

The unavoidable delay in its opera- north-west, and there was much animations had given the enemy, who had tion in the scene, as the entire fleet of every facility through the newspapers seventy vessels slowly traversed the disof becoming acquainted with the gen- tance, some thirty miles, to Roanoke. eral character and extent of the Ex- At sunset they anchored within sight of pedition, an opportunity of providing the island. The next day was foggy and against its attacks; and they had ac- wet, and nothing was undertaken beyond cordingly strengthened the defences, and a reconnoissance of Croatan Sound, as the congregated a large body of North Car- passage is called which separates Roanolina and Virginia troops at Roanoke Is- oke from the mainland. The channel was land, a position commanding the channel reported clear to the upper end of the which separates the waters of Pamlico island, where the rebel gunboats were and Albemarle Sounds. Their exact found to be stationed. Friday, the folforce was not known, but it was well lowing day, like its predecessor, was understood that it was formidable, that foggy in the morning, but about ten in it was securely entrenched, with various the forenoon cleared up sufficiently for fortifications along the shore, and had the advance. Commodore Goldsborough the protection of a fleet of gunboats, then gave the necessary orders, and with, of course, the means of reinforce- hoisted the signal, consecrated by Lord ment from the north by the open com- Nelson, "This day our Country expects munication beyond. If, as was intimat- every man to do his duty." It was reed, it was the intention of General Burn- ceived with enthusiam as the fleet went side to gain possession of the coast line forward. An active and daring bomof railway, at its most important station, bardment of Fort Bartow, at Pork Point, at Weldon, on the border of the State, on the upper part of the island, ensued, or cut off the supplies of Norfolk in its doing considerable damage to the work, rear, it was evident that he must open and setting on fire the barracks beyond, the way to the upper waters of Albe- with but little loss or personal injury to marle Sound. The enemy in his neigh- either assailants or defenders, while anborhood, at any rate, must be dislodged, other portion of the gunboats, unable and an attack upon Roanoke was conse- to come to close quarters with the enequently inevitable. my's vessels, in consequence of their The military and naval forces having shelter behind a blockade of sunken vesbeen thoroughly organized and assigned sels and double row of stakes which had their respective parts in the movement, been planted across the Sound, engaged the Expedition set sail from Hatteras in them, with little or no damage, at long that direction on the morning of the 5th range. The rebel squadron of seven of February. Fifteen gunboats of Com-vessels was commanded by Flag-Officer modore Goldsborough's naval squadron led the way, followed at an interval of a mile by the armed transports, sidewheel steamers, and numerous retinue of the army divisions. The naval vessels, placed by Flag-Officer Goldsborough under the immediate command of Commander Rowan, were formed in three separatecolumns, commanded respectively by Lieutenants Reed Werden, Alexander Murray, and H. K. Davenport. The day was clear, with the wind from the

W. F. Lynch, late a lieutenant in the United States service, widely known by his published account of an expedition to the Holy Land, which he had conducted under the auspices of the Government, while on duty in the Mediterranean. At the close of this action of the 7th, he reported the Curlew, his largest steamer, sunk, and the Forest, a propeller, disabled. Several of his officers and men were wounded, and his stock of ammunition was quite exhausted. "In all



probability," he wrote, "the contest the shore utterly unsheltered amidst the will be renewed to-morrow. I have discomforts of the weather. This, with decided, after receiving the guns from the wreck of the Curlew, to proceed direct with the squadron to Elizabeth City, and send express to Norfolk for ammunition. Should it arrive in time, we will return to aid in the defence; if not, will there make a final stand, and blow up the vessels rather than they shall fall into the hands of the enemy."

In the afternoon, the army transports came up, and preparations were made for landing the troops on the island. The place chosen for this purpose was situated on the west shore some distance below the first battery, and bore the promising title, Ashly's Harbor. It, however, afforded but little facility for a debarkation. The water was shallow, and the smaller steamers of the transports could approach the shore only at a distance. A boat, commanded by Lieutenant Andrews of the 9th New York, and manned by ten members of the Rhode Island regiment, who had volunteered for the perilous service, was sent forward to sound out a channel of approach. After this work was performed, and when the boat was nearing the land, it was fired into from a party previously concealed by the tall grass on the bank, and one of the men, Charles Vial, of Providence, was desperately wounded. When the troops were about to land there were some indications of a rebel force at hand to contest the passage to the shore, but it was quickly dispersed by a discharge of shrapnel from one of the gunboats into the sheltering woods. The landing was then effected with great precision, but the men were compelled to wade several hundred feet through the water, sinking at every step in the soft ooze. This cheerless process was going on through the afternoon, evening, and a good portion of the night, the usual inclemency of which, at this season, was aggravated by a cold rain storm, till some eleven thousand men were left on

an uncounted enemy before them on untried ground, was sufficiently discouraging, but the morning found them ready for battle, as General Foster, the commander of the day, promptly organized the brigades and regiments for the decisive attack. He himself led the way with his brigade supporting a six-howitzer battery, in charge of Midshipman B. F. Porter. The brigades of Generals Reno and Parke followed in order. The road which they pursued, leading toward the centre of the island, was wet and swampy, and closely environed with woods. "After fording a creek," to pursue the narrative in the words of an intelligent observer of the events of the day, "General Foster's force came up with the enemy's pickets, who fired their pieces and ran. Striking the main road the brigade pushed on, and after marching a mile and a half, came in sight of the enemy's position. To properly understand its great strength, in addition to what skillful engineering had done, the reader will bear in mind that the island, which is low and sandy, is cut up and dotted with marshes and lagoons. On the right and left of the enemy a morass, deemed impassable, stretched out nearly the entire width of the island. The upper and lower part of the island being connected by the narrow neck on which the battery was situated, and across which lay the road, the battery of three guns had been located so as to rake every inch of the narrow causeway, which, for some distance was the only approach to the work. General Foster immediately disposed his forces for attack, by placing the 25th Massachusetts, supported by the 23d Massachusetts, in line, and opened with musketry and cannon. The enemy replied hotly with artillery and infantry. While they were thus engaged, the 27th Massachusetts came up, and were ordered by General Foster to the left of the enemy in the woods, where

when the volleys grew hottest, dashing the right, General Smith with his division on when they slackened or ceased. Meanwhile, their own firing was constant and deadly. Meanwhile, also, Colonel Cruft's line was marching up in support and to the right of Colonel Smith. The woods through which we moved seemed actually to crackle with musketry. Finally, the 8th and 11th cleared the hill, driving the rebel regiments at least three quarters of a mile before them, and halting within one hundred and fifty yards of the entrenchments, behind which the enemy took refuge. This was about five o'clock, and concluded the day's fighting. In my opinion, it also brought forth the surrender. While the fighting was in progress, an order reached me, through Colonel Webster, to retire my column, as a new plan of operations was in contemplation for the next day. If If carried out, the order would have compelled me to give up the hill so hardly recaptured. Satisfied that the General did not know of our success when he issued the direction, I assumed the responsibility of disobeying it, and held the battle-ground that night. Wearied as they were, few slept; for the night was bitter cold, and they had carried the lost field of the morning's action, thickly strewn with the dead and wounded of McClernand's regiments. The number of Illinoisans there found mournfully attested the desperation of their battle, and how firmly they had fought it. All night, and till far in the morning, my soldiers, generous as they were gallant, were engaged ministering to and removing their own wounded and the wounded of the 1st division, not forgetting those of the enemy.

was ordered to the assault on the left. Both of his brigades were brought into action;-Colonel Cook taking the right of the attack, and Colonel Lauman assailing the heart of the enemy's works on the left. The movement was made by each with determined bravery, and with success. General Smith was in the thick of the fight, aiding and directing the operations, and encouraginging the men by his example. Colonel Lauman thus relates the performances of his brigade. "At about two o'clock," says he, in his report to General Smith, "I received your order to advance with my whole brigade, and assault the heights on the left of the position attacked on the previous Thursday. The brigade was promptly in motion, in the following order: the 2d Iowa, Colonel Tuttle, led the advance followed by the 52d Indiana, (temporarily attached to my brigade), who were ordered to support them. This regiment was followed closely by the 25th Indiana, the 7th Iowa, and the 14th Iowa. The sharpshooters were previously deployed as skirmishers on our extreme right and left. Colonel Tuttle led the left wing of his regiment in line of battle up the hill, supported by the right wing, advancing at a distance of about one hundred and fifty yards in the rear. So soon as he came within range of the enemy's fire, he led his men forward, without firing a gun, up to and charged into the rebel works, driving the enemy before him, and planting his colors on their fortifications. He was closely followed by the other regiments in the order of advance above named. The enemy were closely purColonel Cruft reported the casualties sued, and driven behind their inner of the four regiments of his brigade, works. Night coming on, we held the thirty-six non-commissioned officers and position we had gained, and remained privates killed; eight officers and one under arms until morning, intending at hundred and seventy non-commissioned the dawn of day to recommence the officers and privates wounded, and twen-attack. In this engagement the 2d ty-two missing. Iowa suffered terribly. Captains Slay

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While this conflict was going on upon maker and Cloutman fell just as they en



tion one half hour against an assault of the enemy, and said the enemy would attack him next morning at daylight. The proposition was then made by General Pillow to again fight our way out. General Buckner said his command was

tered the enemy's fortifications. Cloutman was instantly killed, and Slaymaker died gallantly shouting to his men to go forward and consummate the work." In this successful assault of the Iowa and Indiana volunteers, sixty-one were reported killed, three hundred and twenty-so worn out and cut to pieces and deone wounded, and one missing.

moralized, that he could not make anothThe issue of the day was sufficiently er fight; that it would cost the comdispiriting to the defenders of the fort. mand three quarters of its present They had staked all upon one decided number to cut its way through, and it movement, into which their whole avail- was wrong to sacrifice three quarters of able strength had been thrown; the con- a command to save a quarter; that no test had been long and severe, and had officer had a right to cause such a sacriended in their repulse, with the gain of fice. General Floyd and Major Gilmer several important positions commanding I understood to concur in this opinion. their works by the besiegers. General I then expressed the opinion that we Pillow, to whom the main sortie on their could hold out another day, and in that left had been assigned, bears witness in time we could get steamboats, and set his report, to the readiness of the Union the command over the river, and probtroops to meet his fire in advance of ably save a large portion of it. To this their encampment. "The enemy did General Buckner replied that the enemy meet me," says he, "before I had as- would certainly attack him at daylight, sumed a line of battle, and while I was and that he could not hold his position moving against him, without any forma- half an hour. The alternative of these tion for the engagement. I was much propositions was a surrender of their embarrassed in getting the command in position and command. General Floyd position properly to engage the foe. said that he would neither surrender the Having extricated myself from the posi- command, nor would he surrender himtion, and fairly engaged him, we fought self a prisoner. I had taken the same for nearly two hours before I made any position. General Buckner said he was decided advance upon him. He con- satisfied nothing else could be done, and tested the field most stubbornly. He that, therefore, he would surrender if did not retreat, but fell back fighting us, placed in command. General Floyd said contesting every inch of ground." The he would turn over the command to him command of General Buckner, which if he could be allowed to withdraw his was expected to gain an important ad- command. To this General Buckner vantage on the right, was found by Gen- consented. Thereupon General Floyd eral Pillow at noon, "massed behind the turned the command over to me. I ridge within the works, taking shelter passed it instantly to General Buckner, from the enemy's artillery." Subsequent- saying I would neither surrender the ly, General Buckner joined his forces command nor myself a prisoner. I diwith those of General Pillow, and main-rected Colonel Forrest to cut his way tained a stubborn, though, as it proved, fruitless conflict. In this condition of affairs, a consultation of general officers was held within the fort, when General Buckner, as we learn from the report of General Pillow, "gave it as his decided opinion that he could not hold his posi

out. Under these circumstances General Buckner accepted the command, and sent a flag of truce to the enemy for an armistice of six hours to negotiate for terms of capitulation. Before this flag and communication were delivered, I retired from the garrison."

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