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Adams, Henry, on the limits of the
Louisiana Purchase, 172
Adams, John, 43, 62; elected to
Continental Congress, 68; advo-
cates independence, 86; draws the
Massachusetts Bill of Rights, 85;
Peace Commissioner, 103; Vice-
President, 133; President, 149;
defeated by Jefferson, 155; Ad-
ministration of, 151-159; end of
his career, 158; death of, 159
Adams, John Quincy, and the Treaty
of Ghent, 194; Secretary of
State, negotiates Florida Treaty,
199; chosen President, 205; Ad-
ministration of, 205–207; defeated
by Jackson, 207; Member of
House of Representatives, defends
the Right of Petition, 236; states
the effects of war on Slavery,

Adams, Samuel, 36; at the time of

the Boston Massacre, 62; estab-
lishes Committees of Correspond-
ence, 63; elected to the Conti-
nental Congress, 68
Albany Plan of Union, 38

Alexandria Convention, 123
Alien and Sedition Acts, 152
Amendments to the Constitution of
the United States, Appendix V;
125; the First Ten, 133; the
Eleventh, 125; the Twelfth, 157;
the Thirteenth, 278
American Ideals, 160
André, John, Executed as a spy, 95;
Authorities on, 341

Andrew, John A., Opinions of on
Brown's execution, 253; Governor
of Massachusetts, prepares for the
Civil War, 264
Annapolis Convention, 123
Antietam, Battle of, 277
Oppose Ratifica-
tion of the Constitution, 132
Anti-Masonic Party, 218
Anti-Slavery Agitation, 235
Anti-Slavery Petition presented to
Congress, 143

Appeal of the Independent Demo-
crats, 245

Appomattox Court House, Surrender
of Lee at, 291

Arnold, Benedict, 75; in Canada,
83; in the Saratoga Campaign,
92; Treason of, 95; in Virginia,


Articles of Confederation, 109, Ap-
pendix III; Importance of, III;
Analysis of, 112; Defects of, 112,
116, 117; Convention summoned
to amend, 123
Ashburton Treaty, 226
Assistance, Writs of, 42; 57
Assumption of State Debts, 141
Atlanta Campaign, 285-286

Baltimore, Population of, in 1800,
161; in 1830, 209; in 1860, 259
Bank, First United States, 145;
Second, chartered, 197; Removal
of the Deposits from, 220
Barbé-Marbois, Supposed Letter
from, 103

Bayonne Decree, 181
Beaumarchais, Caron de, 94
Bennington, Battle of, 91

Benton, Senator from Missouri, 239
Berlin Decree, 176

Bernard, Governor of Massachusetts
and Otis, 44

Border States, The, in 1861, 266
Boston Massacre, 61-62
Boston Tea Party, 65-66
Boston Port Act, 66

Boston, Siege of, 71, 80; Evacuation
of, 83; Population of, in 1800,
161; in 1830, 209; in 1860, 259
Bragg, Confederate General Braxton,
in Tennessee, 279; defeated at
Chattanooga, 284

Brandywine, Battle of the, 90
Bright, John, on the Civil War, 270
Brock, British General, 189
Brooklyn, Population of, 1860, 259
Brooks, Preston S., Assault of on
Sumner, 248

Brown, General Jacob, 190
Brown, John, in Kansas, 249; at

Harper's Ferry, and death, 253
Brown, Senator from Mississippi,
formulates demands of Slave-
owners, 251

Buchanan, James, President, in the
Crisis of 1860-61, 263-264
Buell, General, at Shiloh, 273; in
Tennessee, 279

Bull Run, First Battle of, 269;
Second, 276

Bunker Hill, Battle of, 81; criticism
on, 76-77

Burgoyne, British General, 75; in
the Saratoga Campaign, 91
Burnside, General, in command of
Army of the Potomac, 277
Burr, Aaron, elected Vice-President,

156; kills Hamilton, 173; Con-
spiracy, 173-74; Trial of, 174
Butler, Senator from South Carolina,

Calhoun, John Caldwell, 188; and

Jackson, 199; Vice-President,

204; and Nullification, 214-216;
speech on compromise of 1850,
239; death of, 242
California, 236-237

Camden, Battle of, 97

Camden, Charles Pratt, Lord, ad-
vises repeal of Stamp Act, 55
Canada, Invasions of, 83, 189
Canal building, 211

Canning, George, 188; and the
Monroe Doctrine, 201; declines
to negotiate, 206

Carolinas, Population of, 1760, 2;
Claims of to Western Lands,
Catholics, The Roman, in the Co-
lonies, 3, 4, 17

Cessions, The Land, III
Chancellorsville, Battle of, 281
Charleston, The tea at, 66; Attack
on in 1776, 97; Captured by
British, 97; Convention at, 1860,
254; Population of in 1800, 161
Chase, Salmon P., 242, 265
Chase, Samuel, Impeachment of, 167
Chatham-Grafton Ministry, 56
Chattanooga, Battle of, 284
Chesapeake, Outrage on the, 179;
Capture of the, 193

Chicago, Population of in 1860,

[blocks in formation]

for the Presidency, 204; secures
J. Q. Adams's election, 205; and
the Bank of the United States,
220; and Tyler, 226; Again
defeated for the Presidency, 229-
230; Compromise of 1850, 237-
241; Death, 242
Clinton, Sir Henry, 75; captures
Charleston, 97

Cochrane, British Admiral, 190
Coinage, The, 120

Cold Harbor, Battle of, 289
Colonial governments, 26-35
Colonial Policy of Great Britain,

Colonies, Prosperity of the, 73
Commissioners of the Customs at
Boston, 61

Committees of Correspondence, 63,
64, 66

Compromises, The, of the Constitu-

tion, 130; as to Missouri, 202;
of 1833, 219; of 1850, 239
Concord, Battle of, 70
Confederation, Articles of. See

Confederation, Government of, 11I;
Finances of, 116; Foreign affairs,
117; Causes of the Downfall of,
121; Dissolution of, 135
Congress, The Stamp Act, 53; First
Continental, 68; Voting in, 107;
The Second Continental, 82; of
the Confederation, 112; of the
United States, 127

Constitution, The, and the Guerrière,

Constitution of the United States,
Appendix IV; Formation of, 122

Continental Line, The Soldiers of

[blocks in formation]

Cowpens, Battle of the, 98
Crawford, William H., 204
Criminals, Deportation of English,

Crown, Relations of the, to Colo-
nists, 28

Davie, William R., 154

Davis, Jefferson, Senator from Mis-
sissippi, 237; Formulates slave-
owners' demands, 251; President
of the Confederacy, 295
Deane, Silas, 94

Dearborn, Secretary of War, 166
Declaration of Independence, Ap-

pendix II; Adoption of the, 85;
Sir Henry Maine's criticism on, 87
Declaratory Act, The, 55
D'Estaing, French Admiral, 100
De Grasse and the Capture of Corn-
wallis, 101

Democratic Party, Origin of the,
213; Disruption of, 254
Deposits of Public Money with the
States, 222
Dickinson, John, 86

Dodge, Col., on the Civil War,

Domain, The National, 109, 113
Donelson, Capture of Fort, 271
Douglas, Stephen A., and the
Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 243-246;
Debate with Lincoln, 250; De-
clares for the Union, 266
Dred Scott Decision, 251
Dutch Immigration, 3

Dwight, President of Yale College,
on the Jeffersonian Republicans,

East Florida, Jackson's Invasion of,

Education in the Colonies, 22-24
Elections, Presidential, of 1788, 133;
of 1792, 147; of 1796, 149; of
1800, 155; of 1824, 204; of 1828,
207; of 1840, 225; of 1844, 229;
of 1852, 242; of 1860, 254; of
1864, 291

[ocr errors]

Ellsworth, Oliver, Chief Justice of
the United States, 154; Com-
missioner to France, 154; Resigns,

Emancipation Proclamation, 277
Embargo, The, 180-83
"Era of Good Feeling," 197
Ericson, John, 275
Erie Canal, 211

Erskine, British Minister, 184
Essex, Case of the, 175
Excise, The, 144

Farragut, Admiral, takes New Or-
leans, 272

Federal Convention, Summoned,
123; Powers of, 131; Members
of, 124; Madison's Notes of De-
bates of, 125

Federal Courts, 126, 139
Federalists, The, Favour adoption
of Constitution, 132
Federalist Party, Cause of Defeat
of, 160

Fillmore, Millard, President, 240;
Defeated for re-nomination, 242
Florida Treaty, 200
Federalist, The, 132
Fox, Charles James, Dislikes Shel-
burne, 102

France, Relations of United States
with, in 1776-78, 94; in 1794-
1800, 151-155; in 1806-10, 176-
185; in 1829-35, 221
Franklin, Benjamin, 21; Albany
Plan of Union, 39; on the Stamp
Act, 54; in Continental Congress,
86; in France, 94; Commissioner
to negotiate Treaty of 1783, 102;
in Federal Convention, 124; Pre-
sident of Abolition Society, 143
Fredericksburg, Battle of, 277
Freeman's Farm, Battle of, 93
Free-Willers, 16

French Alliance, The, 94; Results
of, 100

French Revolution, Influence of on
American Politics, 147
French spoliation claims, 155

Fugitive Slave Act, 241

Gage, General, his policy, 1774-75,
69; 76; at Bunker Hill, 81
Gallatin, Albert, 5; opposes Alien
Act, 153; Secretary of the Trea-
sury, 166; and the Smiths, 186;
one of the negotiators of the
Treaty of Ghent, 194; Minister
to England, 206

Garrison, William Lloyd, 235, 236,

Gaspee, Destruction of the, 64
Gaspee Commission of Inquiry, 64
Gates, General Horatio, 75; at Sara-
toga, 93; at Camden, 97
Genet, French Minister, 147
Georgia, Population of, 3; claims
to Western lands, 109

George III., and the Tea Duty, 60
Germaine, Lord George, 76
German Immigrants, 2, 3
Germantown, Battle of, 91
Gerry, Elbridge, Commissioner to
France, 151; on Nationality, 259
Gerrymander, The, 186
Gettysburg, Battle of, 282
Ghent, Treaty of, 194

Gladstone, W. E., on the Civil War,
270; on the Constitution, 125
Goodrich, Removal of, 166
Governments, Colonial, 26-34
Grant, Ulysses S., Early career, 267;
captures Forts Henry and Donel-
son, 271; at Shiloh, 273; cap-
tures Vicksburg, 280; at Chattan-
ooga, 284; in command of all the
Union armies, 285; in the Wilder-
ness Campaign, 289; captures
Lee's Army, 292

Great Britain, Treaty of 1783 with,
104; Relations with, 1783-89,
117-118; Jay's Treaty with, 148;
Relations with, 1783-1804, 174;
1806-1812, 177-181, 184-188;
War of 1812, 188-196; Treaties
of 1815 and 1818 with, 198;
1829-36, 206, 221; Ashburton
Treaty, 226; Oregon Treaty, 232

-234; attitude during the Civil
War, 269

Greene, General Nathanael, 74;
Presides at André Trial, 96; in
the South, 98

Grenville, George, 35; and the
Stamp Act, 48, 55

Guerrière and Constitution, 191
Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of, 231
Guilford Court House, Battle of, 99

Halifax Plan of Union, 39
Halleck, General, 273; his Inter-
national Law, 96
Hamilton, Alexander, Principal
author of the Federalist, 132;
Intrigues against John Adams,
133, 150, 155; Secretary of the
Treasury, 137; Political Opinions,
137-138; Restores credit, 140-
143; the Bank of the United
States, 145; Opposed to French
ideas, 147; in command of the
Army, 152; Letter to Dayton,
154; Death, 173
Hancock, John, 36

Harrison, William Henry, at Tippe-
canoe, 188; Elected President,
225; Death, 225
Hartford Convention, 195
Hayne on Nullification, 215
Helper's Impending Crisis, 252
Henry, Patrick, The Parson's Cause,

46; Resolutions condemning the
Stamp Act, 50; Committees of
Correspondence, 64; a Nation-
alist, 107; Opposes ratification
of Constitution, 132; appointed
Commissioner to France, 154
Hessians, 87

Hood, Confederate General, 286,

Hooker, General Joseph, in com-
mand of Army of Potomac, 277;
at Chancellorsville, 281; Lookout
Mt., 284

Hooker, Richard, his Ecclesiastical
Polity, Influence of, 87
Hopkins, Stephen, 64

Houston, Samuel, 229

Howe, British General, 75, 76; at
Bunker Hill, 81; in Campaign
of 1776, 89

Huguenots in the Colonies, 2, 3
Hutchinson, Thomas, Writs of As-
sistance, 42; the Boston Massacre,
62; reopens the contest, 63

Impeachment of Justices of the Su-
preme Court, 126

Impressment controversy, 178
Independence, Declaration of, 86;
Appendix II; Growth of the
idea of, 83

Indented Servants, 15
Inter-colonial communication, 24
Inter-state conflicts, 1783-88, 121

Jackson, Andrew, defends New
Orleans, 191; Invades Florida,
199; Defeated for the Presidency,
205; Elected President, 207–208;
and Nullification, 216-219; Re-
elected President, 218; Removal
of the Deposits, 220; Censured
by the Senate, 221; The Specie
Circular, 223; and the Annexation
of Texas, 229

Jackson, British Minister to the
United States, 184

Jackson, Confederate General, in the
Shenandoah Valley, 274; killed
at Chancellorsville, 282; as a
soldier, 297

Jay, John, one of the negotiators of
the Treaty of 1783, 103; writes
part of the Federalist, 132; Chief
Justice, 136; Negotiates Treaty
of 1794, 148

Jefferson, Thomas, his Summary
View, 27, 67; Committees of
Correspondence, 64; in Second
Continental Congress, 82; the
Virginia Constitution, 85; Writes
Declaration of Independence, 86;
Report on a Monetary System,
120; and Alexandria Convention,
123; Minister to France, 136;

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