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Abbott, Governor, 242


Adams, John, 24, 60, 61, 63, 87,
221, 336, 337

Adams, John Quincy, 14, 31, 76,
94, 98, 102, 139, 140, 147, 154,
159, 178, 194, 307
Aldrich, Senator, 24

Alien and Sedition Laws, 79
Allen, John, 268-272

Allison, Senator, 227

Alschuler, Hon. Samuel, 302
Ames, Fisher, 159

Amnesty Bill, General, 12, 19, 23
André, Major, 20

Archer, Representative, 39
Armstrong, W., 247, 249
Arnold, Benedict, 20, 22

Arrington, Judge A. W., 251-255
Arthur, Chester A., 61, 62
Ashburton Treaty, 310

[blocks in formation]

Beauregard, General, 101


Belknap, General, 13, 79

Bingham, John A., 263, 266, 267
Bissell, Governor, 171, 420
Black, Judge, 13

Blackburn, J. C. S., 18, 36-38
Bladensburg, Md., 146-154

Blaine, James G., 12, 18-21, 23,
109, 112, 124, 134, 227, 240
Blair, Francis P., 138

"Blind Preacher," see Milburn,
Rev. W. H.

Blodgett, Judge, 205
"Bloody Island," 171

Bloomington, Ill., 401, 414-417

Blount, Representative, 159
Boggs, Governor, 205

Bonaparte, Napoleon, 84, 85, 88

Bond, Governor Shadrack, 171, 184
Booth, Edwin, 303, 305
Booth, Wilkes, 303, 304
Boutwell, George S., 263, 265
Boyd, Linn, 98, 227

Branch, John, 141, 143, 144
Brandon, Vt., 92, 93

Breckenridge, Senator John C., 36,
61, 121, 125, 339

Breckenridge, Rev. Dr., 407
Breese, Sidney, 98, 102, 104, 339
Broderick, David C., 167, 422
Brown, Judge, 334

Brown, Welcome P., 379

Browning, Hon. Orville H., 93, 96,
213, 409

Bryan, William J., 315-317
Buchanan, James, 106, 107, 114,
194, 339

Buena Vista, battle of, 95, 171, 214,
216, 256, 420

Bullock, Rev. Dr., 29

Burgess, Tristram, 55

Burns, John, 274

Beck, Senator James B., 36, 384, Burr, Aaron, 60, 63, 75, 76, 79,

Bell, John, 102, 194, 339

Benjamin, Senator, 114, 423

Bennett, William, 170, 185, 186, 431
Benton, Thomas H., 102, 138, 154,
194, 220, 222, 339

Berrien, J. M., 141, 143, 144

158, 160-166

Burr, Rev. Aaron, 161

Burr, Mrs. Edith, 161

Burr, Theodosia, 166

Butler, Benjamin F., 80, 125, 263,
266, 267

Butler, Rev. Dr., 37

Butterfield, Justin, 408–410

Butterworth, Hon. Benjamin, 52,


Bynum, Representative, 151


Cadwallader, Colonel, 156

Calhoun, John C., 61, 102, 104, 143,
144, 154, 194, 339, 381, 382
Calhoun, Rev. John Y., 19
California, 103, 125, 168
Campbell, Alexander, 322

Campbell, David B., 402
Campbell, Thompson, 170
Cannon, Hon. Frank J., 197
Cannon, George Q., 197, 198

Cannon, Hon. Joseph G., 23, 24,

Carlin, Governor, 195

Carlisle, Representative, 53, 54,

Carpenter, Hon. Matthew H., 13
Carthage, Ill., 209, 210

Cartwright, Peter, 229-238, 290,
322, 332

Cass, Senator, 154, 194, 224, 339,

Caton, John D., 97

Chandler, Senator, 37

Charleston convention of 1860, 108,
124, 125

Chase, Justice, 79

Chase, Senator, 114, 339, 423
Chicago, Ill., 183, 432

Chickamauga National Park, 376
Choate, Rufus, 134, 311, 312, 313,

Cilley, Jonathan, 150, 151, 152, 153,

Clark, Daniel, 136

Clark, George Rogers, 84, 356, 428
Clarke, Professor, 175

Clay, Henry, 6, 19, 31, 36, 54, 75,

86, 94, 95, 97, 98, 103, 104, 106,
114, 120, 124, 134, 139, 140, 147,
154, 194, 216, 223, 224, 286, 288,
310, 339, 381, 382, 407, 411, 422
Clayton, Senator, 102

Cleveland, Grover, 51, 54, 239-245,
334, 368, 369

Clinton, DeWitt, 157, 158, 159
Clinton, George, 61, 63
Clôture, 73, 74

Cobb, Howell, 98

Code of honor, the 146-173
Colfax, Schuyler, 61

Collins, General, 285

Colquitt, Senator, 66

Columbus, Christopher, 342, 343, 364
"Compromise measures of 1850," 2
Confederation, Articles of, 68-70
Conference Bill, 15

Conger, Representative, 32

27th, 130-134
28th, 98

44th, 1st Session, 12, 13

44th, 2nd Session, 13-46
46th, 47-56, 128

Constitution of the United States,

the, 67, 69-73; twelfth amend-
ment to, 76

Convention of 1787, 67, 69-72
Conway Cabal, the, 155, 156, 157
Cook, Daniel P., 96, 139, 419, 432
Cooper, Dr., 161, 162
Corcoran, W. W., 219
Corwin, Senator, 102

Covert, Hon. James W., 48, 49
Cox, Samuel S. ("Sunset"), 26, 38-
41, 133

Crawford, William H., 76, 94, 139,

Crisp, Speaker, 334

Crittenden, Senator John J., 36, 97,
102, 151, 194, 339, 381, 407, 422
Cummins, J., 248, 249

Curtis, Benjamin R., 80, 264
Cushing, Caleb, 125, 348


Dallas, George M., 61, 102, 129
Davis, Hon. David, 3, 227, 274,
286, 287, 402, 421

Davis, Jefferson, 19, 102, 114, 171,

260, 266, 272, 325, 381, 423
Dayton, Senator, 102, 114, 158
Decatur, Stephen, 85, 148-150
Depew, Hon. Chauncey, 342, 343
Dickinson, Charles, 141
Dix, Senator, 102

Donnelly, Hon. Ignatius, 217
Dorshemer, William, 394
Douglas, Stephen A., 9, 92-127,
154, 205, 213, 226, 238, 246, 247,
274, 339, 381, 419, 422, 423, 432,

Drake Constitution, 295-301
Dred Scott Decision, 111, 119, 122
Drummond, Judge, 252

Duels, notable, 147-173

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Fairbanks, Charles W., 61
Fell, Hon. Jesse W., 9
Fellows, John R., 271, 272
Ferguson, William I., 170
Fessenden, Senator, 339
Ficklin, Representative, 98
Field, Cyrus W., 32, 33
Field, Dr. Henry M., 32
Field, Hon. David Dudley, 32
Field, Stephen J., 32, 167, 386
Fifer, Joseph W., 250, 346, 347
Fillmore, Millard, 61, 62, 194
Fish, Hon. Hamilton, 20, 98
Florida, 15-17, 76, 125
Flower, Representative, 285
"Flush Times, The," 386
Flynn, Dennis, 53

Foltz, Dr., 151

Force Bill, 29, 31, 242

Ford Governor, 3, 186, 198, 202,

204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210,
211, 212, 213

Ford, Judge, 97

Forrest, Edwin, 303, 304, 305
Forrest, General, 257

Franklin, Benjamin, 69, 132, 147,

Freeport, Ill., 119, 121, 122
Fremont, John C., 106, 114, 169
Fry, General S. S., 258-261
Frye, Senator, 24

Fugitive Slave Law, 103, 115, 119,

Fuller, Melville W., 240, 252


Gaines, General Edmund P., 136,

Gaines, Myra Clark, 136, 137
Gallatin, Albert, 220
Gardner, Mr., 222

Gardner, Miss, 222, 223

Garfield, James A., 12, 21, 22, 62,

Garland, Senator, 240

Gates, General Horatio, 155, 156
George the Third, 85
Gerry, Elbridge, 61, 63
Giddings, Joshua R., 98

Giles, Senator William B., 219–221
Gilmer, Hon. Thomas W., 221, 222
Gilmer, Miss, 219

Gordon, General, 285, 325

Grady, Henry W., 285

Graham, Miss, 219, 220

Grant, Ulysses S., 101

Graves, William J., 150, 151, 152
Greeley, Horace, 294, 391, 392
Greene, Nathaniel, 155
Gridley, General, 274

Grundy, Felix, 138, 194, 216

Gwin, William M., 169, 170
Gwinett, Button, 154, 155


Hale, Senator, 24, 36, 102
Hamilton, Alexander, 63, 69, 75,
76, 157, 160-166, 297, 336
Hamilton, Gail, 20

Hamlin, Hannibal, 61, 98
Hancock, Gen. Winfield Scott, 19,
20, 101

Hardin, Ben, 194

Hardin, John J., 93, 96, 173, 213,
214, 409, 420

Harlan, John Marshall, 29

Harrison, Benjamin, 242
Harrison, Hon. Carter H., 27
Harrison, William Henry, 62, 98,
106, 114, 311

Hawaiian Annexation Treaty, 242
Hayes, Rutherford B., 13, 14, 16,
17, 76

Hayes-Tilden contest, 13-18, 33,
76, 77

Hayne, Robert Young, 13, 339, 382
Haynie, Col. W. D., 395
Heise, John, 247, 249
Henderson, Hon. John B., 352
Hendricks, Thomas A., 61, 288
Hennepin, Louis, 425-427
Henry, Hon. Gustavus A., 321, 322
Henry, Hon. William Wirt, 334
Henry, Patrick, 87, 334, 357, 365,

Henry, Prof. Joseph, 174, 180
Hill, Hon. David B., 285
Hill, Gen. A. P., 101
Hill, Representative, 12
Hoar, Hon. George F., 13, 25, 26
Hobart, Garrett A., 61
Hoge, Joseph P., 205-207
Holman, Hon. William S., 23, 24,

Homestead law, 5

House of Representatives, the, 71,
72, 73, 74, 75, 79, 80
House of Representatives


trasted with British House of
Commons, 47, 48

Houston, Sam, 101, 102, 130, 339
Howe, Mrs. Julia Ward, 342
Hubbard, Gardner, 308, 310, 312,

Hull, Isaac, 85

Hungerford, Henry James, 177
Hunt, Washington, 98


Illinois, 84, 182, 183, 356, 357, 425,

Illinois Central Railroad, 104
Illinois Constitutional Convention
of 1847, 170

Illinois Tenth General Assembly, 96
Impeachment, of Belknap, 13, 79;

of Chase, 79; of Johnson, 62,
79, 80, 263–266; of Tyler, 62
Ingalls, John J., 314
Ingersoll, Clark, 227
Ingersoll, Robert G., 45, 225-228,
273, 274, 313, 378

Ingham, Secretary, 141, 143, 144
Ireland, a tribute to, 329-331
Irving, Henry, 305


Jackson, Andrew, 6, 76, 94, 95, 97,
99, 124, 136, 138, 139, 141, 143,
144, 169, 177, 178, 189, 194, 246,
321, 379, 382

Jackson, Dr. Charles S., 131
Jackson, Gen. Stonewall, 101, 259
Jackson, Mrs. Andrew, 141
Jamestown Exposition, 355, 357
Jamestown, Va., 357, 361, 363
Jay, John, 336

Jefferson, Joe, 304, 305

Jefferson, Thomas, 14, 60, 61, 63,
73, 75, 84, 119, 124, 160, 221, 336,
337, 357, 365, 429

John, Doctor, 274-284
Johnson, Andrew, 61, 62, 79, 97,
98, 263, 321, 322

Johnson, Hon. Cave, 349
Johnson, Representative, 130
Johnson, Richard M., 61, 75
Johnson, Sen. Reverdy, 102
Johnston, Gen. Joseph E., 49,


Johnston, Hon. Stoddart, 45
Joliet, Louis, 425-427
Jones, John Rice, 171

Jones, Senator, 151, 152, 153


Kane, Senator, 420

Kansas, 105, 107, 108, 115, 117,

Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 9, 105, 106,
119, 121, 122, 123

Kaskaskia, Ill., 182, 183, 356, 428,
429, 431, 432

Keifer, Representative, 53, 54, 246,

Kelley, Hon. William D., 23
Kellogg, Judge, 226

Kendall, Amos, 138

Kenna, Hon. John E., 49, 52
Kennan, Commodore, 222
Kennedy, Hon. John P., 7, 130
Kentucky House of Representa-
tives, 6

Kerr, Hon. Michael C., 18, 31
King, William R., 61, 63, 102
Kinney, Rev. William, 189
Knott, Hon. J. Proctor, 13, 26, 29,
30, 36, 39, 41-46, 148, 244, 306,
344, 387, 397
Knox, Henry, 336

La Salle, Robert de, 425-427
Lake Front Bill, 249, 250
Lamar, Lucius Q. C., 12, 28-30,
Lamont, Daniel S., 239, 244
Langley, S. P., 174, 176, 181
Latta, James, 417
Laurens, Col. John, 157
Law, William, 206, 209
Law, Wilson, 209
Lawrence, James, 85, 148
"Lecompton Constitution," 107, 108
Lee, Arthur, 357, 429

Lee, Gen. Charles, 155, 156, 157
Lee, Col. Phil, 410-412

Lee, Gen. Robert E., 101, 260, 288
Lewis, Meriwether, 84

Lincoln, Abraham, 2, 3, 6, 8–9, 62,
79, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91,
93, 96, 98, 102, 107, 109, 110,
111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 120, 122,
123, 124, 125, 171-173, 225, 226,
237, 246, 272, 274, 275, 286, 288,
304, 314, 322, 352–354, 377, 386,
402, 409, 419, 423, 433
Lincoln Centenary, 82
Linder, V. F., 409
Lockwood, Judge, 97, 422
Logan, Gen. John A., 93, 96
Longstreet, Gen. James, 101
Lord, Representative, 13
Louisiana, 15-17, 76, 125
Louisiana Purchase, 84, 102, 430

[blocks in formation]

McCrary, Hon. George W., 23
McCullough, John, 45, 303, 305
McDougall, Sen. James A., 213, 401,
402, 422

McDuffie, Senator, 325
McIntosh, General, 154

McKenzie, Hon. James, 36, 49, 50,
51, 148, 321

McKibben, Joseph C., 166, 167
McKinley, William, 55, 56, 62, 246
McLean, John, 96, 417-420, 432
McLean County, 413-432

Menifee, Representative, 150, 151,
216, 407

Merryman, Dr., 172, 173

Metamora, Ill., 225, 273, 274, 281
Mexican War, 8, 101,

Milburn, Rev. W. H., 27, 332, 333
Mills, Senator Roger Q., 322
Mirabeau, Charles Maurice, 88, 307
Missouri Compromise, 2, 103, 105,
115, 117

Money, Senator, 24
Monroe, James, 76, 94, 139, 357,

Monroe Doctrine, 242, 243, 367
Montgomery, Richard, 330
Moore, A., 248, 249
Morehead, Governor, 321

Morgan, John, 257

Mormon exodus from


Mormonism, and the Mormon
war, 197-215

Morrison, Hon. William R., 26, 27,

Morse, Samuel F. B., 129-135
Morton, Hon. Levi P., 48, 61
Morton, Sterling, 244, 368, 369


National Hotel, Bloomington, Ill., 9
Nauvoo, Ill., 202-204, 207, 209-

Nebraska, 105, 107, 115, 117
New Mexico, 103

New Orleans, battle of, 85, 99, 136,

Norwich, Conn., 22

O'Connor, Michael, 53

Oglesby, Gov. Richard J., 346, 347
O'Hara, Theodore, 216

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