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eration to that of the North, during the cruel trials through which it was passing, by using his efforts to cultivate the friendship, and multiplying the relations of both countries, proves itself faithful to its antecedents, if it to-day equally participates in the grief of that nation for the loss of its President, snatched from life when about to reach the end of his hopes and toils, and condemns an offence which the unanimous opinion of the present generation will transmit to the future ones under the appellation of execrable.

Furthermore, Venezuela feels assured that the United States, whose robust vitality events so grave and unexpected have not been able to curtail in the least degree, will thus continue in their career of greatness and glory, under the enlightened guidance of him who, through the confidence of his fellow-citizens, was named to take the place of the President in certain cases. The govern ment of Venezuela, while it conveys to him these wishes, will at the same tine consider it a very agreeable duty to maintain the good understanding which existed during the administration of his predecessor.

You will be pleased to communicate to the honorable Secretary of State the present note, which, as you see, approves of the one which your legation addressed to him voluntarily on the same subject.

God and the federation!

A true copy


F. RIBAS, Secretary.


No. 181.]

CARACAS, 2d year of the Law and 7th of Federation,
July 20, 1865.

The undersigned, minister of the department of foreign affairs of the United States of Venezuela, replies to the note of the 17th instant, in which the honorable minister resident is pleased to communicate to the government of Venezuela the fact that his Excellency William H. Seward, had so far recovered from his wounds as to have resumed the discharge of his duties at the head of the Department of State.

This most welcome intelligence has gratified extremely the citizen President of the republic, and for the same he congratulates also the people and government of the United States, not less than its representative in Caracas.

The far-seeing statesman who has contributed so largely to obviate the effects of the insurrection which at one time threatened to destroy the United States, and completely subdue that rebellion, is doubtless one of the men best fitted for carrying to perfection the plan which the late unfortunate President conceived with such matchless good sense, and which embraced not only the measures of overcoming the partisans of separation, but also the means of assuring the peace and prosperity of the Union, to which the marvellous advance of the country is due, and whereby that country, fully recovered from the great evils of the war, will return to occupy in the world the elevated position to which she is entitled. It is gratifying, moreover, to perceive that the hopes of new calamities which the assassination was to fasten on the country have all been frustrated, while the preservation of the associate of Mr. Lincoln, and his return to the Department of State, must now become the sting and punishment of those who attempted his life.

Such, in brief, are the sentiments of the government, and such those of the undersigned, and, in communicating them to Mr. Culver he begs to renew to him the protests of assurance of distinguished consideration.

Mr. E. D. CULVER, &c., &c., &c.



LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA, New York, 35 West 33d street, 2d year of the Constitution and 7th of Independence, April 16, 1865. SIR: I was lulled by the most flattering hopes for the termination of the civil war that threatened to sever this great republic, when the echo of the people's lamentation brought to my ears the sad news of the most horrid crime that perverse humanity ever committed upon earth.

The assassination of the President of the United States and of his Prime Seeretary, at a time when the cabinet was applying the balm of generosity and clemency to the wounds that perverted reason had inflicted upon the bosom of the country, is a crime unheard of and unexampled in the history of the world. The grief which that crime has caused my heart is as intense as the affliction of the American people for the loss of their second benefactor, the eminent magistrate who has guided the ship of state through the most critical storm of its national existence, with so much patriotism, intelligence, and abnegation.

And the sorrow of the government and people I represent will be equally as great when they receive the news of the horrid event that has just cast the gloom of mourning over the nation to which I have the honor to be accredited.

Please receive for yourself, and communicate to his Excellency the President, Mr. Andrew Johnson, my most sincere condolence for the death of that excellent man, Abraham Lincoln, whose great virtues have enshrined him in the hearts of his countrymen by the side of the father of his country.

With sentiments of the most high consideration, I have the honor to remain you attentive and most obedient servant,


Acting Secretary of State.




New York, 35 west Thirty-third street, April 17, 1865,

Second year of the Constitution and seventh of Federation.

SIR: I have just received your note of the 15th instant, informing me of the great misfortune that has put an end to the important existence of that most excellent man, Abraham Lincoln, and brought the Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, and Mr. Frederick W. Seward, Assistant Secretary, to a bed of pain and suffering. A note of condolence, on account of this horrid and lamentable event, was sent to you yesterday by me.

You also inform me that the Hon. Andrew Johnson has entered upon the du ties of the presidency, and has appointed you Secretary of State pro tempore. I am sure that judgment, reason and benignity will form the torch to illuminate the administration of the new President and guide him in the terrible crisis through which the republic must pass.

I embrace the occasion to repeat to you the sentiments of consideration with which I have the honor to be your humble servant.


Acting Secretary of State.


No. 113.]

Mr. Culver to Mr. Seward.

Caracas, May 8, 1865.

SIR: It was but yesterday that the mournful intelligence reached Venezuela, of the death of the President of the United States, and of the critical condition of yourself and son, by reason of violence at the hands of an assassin. The entire community was shocked at the intelligence, while the grief at the death of the President is profound, and the solicitude for yourself is universal. The Acting President here, General Guzman, and his minister of foreign affairs, Mr. Seijas, have been pleased to express themselves in terms of tenderest sympathy for the people of the United States in this their hour of affliction.

Our news only reaches to the morning of the 15th of April. Of course we can know nothing of the effect produced by, or the agencies that contributed to, this terrible calamity. As I have received no official notice of the event, I have not thought proper to bring it officially to the notice of this government. I shall await with painful and mournful anxiety the receipt of despatches of a date subsequent to the sad event. My own feelings are too much saddened and overwhelmed to add more.

I beg the department will accept the assurances of my deepest sympathy for its distinguished head in the afflictions visited upon him and upon the nation. I have the honor to be your obedient servant,

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SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your despatches Nos 104 and 105, together with copies of the proclamations enclosed in the latter. I have lost no time in communicating officially to the government of Venezuela the melancholy intelligence conveyed in your No. 104, and I have no doubt I shall, at the proper time, receive the appropriate reply.

Deep sorrow pervades the hearts of all loyal Americans residing here, and sincere sympathy seems everywhere to be expressed in Venezuela for the people of the United States.

Suitable demonstrations of mourning have been made at the different consulates and at the legation.

Since commencing this despatch I am gratified to say the minister of foreign affairs has called upon me to say that he came, by special order of his government, to express to me verbally, what he is preparing to do in writing, the deep sorrow and sympathy felt by the President and people of Venezuela for the people of the United States, by reason of the death of their President.

[blocks in formation]




I have the honor to be, with sentiments of highest respect, your obedient




Acting Secretary of State.


Mr. Von Bierwirth to Mr. Seward.

New York, June 2, 1865.

SIR: I have the honor respectfully to submit to you a copy of a letter received this day from his excellency Baron de Varnbuler, minister of foreign affairs of his Majesty the King of Würtemberg, and I avail myself of this opportunity to assure you, sir, that nobody can feel greater satisfaction than the undersigned at your recovery from the assassin's blow. The feeling of horror excited by the assault upon your life was as general and as strong as the consternation at the atrocious murder of the good President, and as general and sincere are the wishes for your restoration to perfect health.

I have the honor to be, with the greatest respect, sir, your obedient servant, LEOPOLD BIERWIRTH, Consul General of Würtemberg.


Secretary of State, &c., &c., &c.. Washington, D. C.


STUTTGART, May 9, 1865.

SIR: I thank you for your despatches of the 15th and 20th ultimo, in relation to the assassination of the President of the United States, Mr. Abraham Lincoln. This deplorable event has called forth from the people of Würtemberg, as it has done elsewhere, the greatest consternation and sincerest sympathy, and his Majesty the King, himself most painfully affected by the atrocious deed, has, immediately after the receipt of the news thereof, graciously commissioned me to express, for himself and in the name of his government, to the present representative of the United States, Consul Klauprecht, their sincere condolence in the great loss which, in this death, the United States and the entire civilized world have sustained, a commission which I have lost no time to execute. Requesting you to make the proper use of this communication, I avail myself, &c.,

LEOPOLD BIerwirth,

VARNBULER, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Consul General of Wurtemberg.

[Translation. J


[Extract from the records of the session of April 29, 1865.]"

Address of the president to the Chamber of Deputies.

GENTLEMEN: The report of the assassination of the President of the North American republic, Abraham Lincoln, is now confirmed. Trusting that the whole Chamber stand united in their judgment on this political murder, and that I meet the sentiment of all of you, I request you to rise from your seats in proof of your sympathy with this disaster that befell not alone America, but which concerns the whole civilized world.

The member rise from their seats.



December 18, 1865.

Whereas the melancholy event of the violent and tragic death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, having occurred during the recess of Congress, and the two houses sharing in the general grief, and desiring to manifest their sensibility upon the occasion of the public bereavement: Tuerefore,

Be it resolved by the Senate, (the House of Representatives concurring,) That the two houses of Congress will assemble in the hall of the House of Representatives on Monday, the 12th day of February next, that being his anniversary birth-day, at the hour of 12 meridian; and that in the presence of the two houses then assembled an address upon the life and character of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, be pronounced by the honorable Edwin M. Stanton, and that the President of the Senate pro tempore and the Speaker of the House of Representatives be requested to invite the President of the United States, the heads of the several departments, the judges of the Supreme Court, the representatives of foreign governments near this government, and such officers of the army and navy as have received the thanks of Congress, who may then be at the seat of government, to be present on the


And be it further resolved, That the President of the United States be requested to transmit a copy of these resolutions to Mrs. Lincoln, and to assure her of the profound sympathy of the two houses of Congress for her deep personal affliction, and of their sincere condolence for the late national bereavement. Attest:

J. W. FORNEY, Secretary.

December 18, 1865.

Resolved, That the House concur in the foregoing resolution that the two houses of Congress will assemble in the hall of Representatives on Monday, the 12th day of February next, being the anniversary of the birth-day of the late President, to hear an address upon his life and character, and participate in such other commemorative exercises as may be proper on that occasion, recited in said resolution.



Official arrangements at Washington for the funeral solemnities of the late Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, who died at the seat of government on Saturday, the 15th day of April, 1865.

Washington, April 17, 1865

The following order of arrangement is directed:


FUNERAL ESCORT-in column of march.

One Regiment of Cavalry.

Two Batteries of Artillery.

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