delegation cast the vote of the State for Bates, two delegates claiming their right to individual votes. After some discussion the Convention rejected the votes as cast by the Chairman, and received the votes of the delegates separately. On the first ballot Mr. Seward received 173 votes; Mr. Lincoln, 102; and Mr. Bates, 48. The balance were divided between Messrs. Cameron, Chase, McLean, Wade, etc., etc. The States voting for Mr. Lincoln, were Illinois, Indiana, and, in part, Maine, NewHampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, and Iowa. The second ballot was then taken. Mr. Cameron's name was withdrawn. The third ballot was taken amid excitement, and cries for "the ballot." Intense feeling existed during the ballot, each vote being awarded in breathless silence and expectancy. This gave Lincoln 230 votes, or within 1 of a nomination, Mr. Andrew of Massachusetts then rose and corrected the vote of Massachusetts, by changing four votes, and giving them to Lincoln, thus nominating him by 2 majority. The Convention immediately became wildly excited. A large portion of the delegates, who had kept tally, at once said the struggle was decided, and half the Convention rose, cheering, shouting, and waving hats. The audience took up the cheers, and the confusion became deafening. State after State rose, striving to change their votes to the winning candidate, but the noise and enthusiasm rendered it impossible for the delegates to make themselves heard. Mr. McCrillis of Maine, making himself heard, said that the young giant of the West is now of age. Maine now casts for him her 16 votes. Mr. Andrew of Massachusetts changed the vote of that State, giving 18 to Mr. Lincoln and 8 to Mr. Seward. Intelligence of the nomination was now conveyed to the men on the roof of the building, who immediately made the outside multitude aware of the result. The first roar of the cannon soon mingled itself with the cheers of the people, and the same moment a man appeared in the hall bringing a large painting of Mr. Lincoln. The scene at the time beggars description; 11,000 people inside, and 20,000 or 25,000 outside, Two cannon sent were yelling and shouting at once. forth roar after roar in quick succession. Delegates bore up the sticks and boards bearing the names of the several States, and waved them aloft over their heads, and the vast multitude before the platform were waving hats and handkerchiefs. The whole scene was one of the wildest enthusiasm. Mr. Brown, of Mo., desired to change 18 votes of Missouri for the gallant son of the West, Abraham Lincoln; Iowa, Connecticut, Kentucky, and Minnesota, also changed their votes. The result of the third ballot was announced: Whole number of votes cast.. 466 234 Mr. Abraham Lincoln received 354, and was declared duly nominated. The States still voting for Seward were Massachusetts, 8; New-York, 70; New-Jersey, 5; Pennsylvania,; Maryland, 2; Michigan, 12; Wisconsin, 10; California, 3-total, 110. Mr. Dayton received one vote from New-Jersey, and Mr. McLean half a vote from Pennsylvania. The result was received with renewed applause. When silence was restored, Wm. M. Evarts came forward on the Secretary's table, and spoke as follows: "Mr. Chairman, Gentlemen of the National Convention :-The State of New-York, by a full delegation, with complete unanimity in purpose at home, came to the Convention and presented its choice, one of its citizens, who had served the State from boyhood up, and labored for and loved it. We came here, a great State, with, as we thought, a great statesman (applause), and our love of the great Republic, from which we are all delegates. The great Republic of the American Union, and our love for the great Republican party of the Union, and our love for our statesman and candidate, made us think we did our duty to the country, and the whole country, in expressing our preference and love for him. (Applause.) But, gentlemen, it was from Governor Seward that most of us learned to love Republican principles and the Republican party. (Cheers.) His fidelity to the country, the Constitution, and the laws-his fidelity to the party and the principle that majorities govern-his interest in the advancement of our party to its victory, that our country may rise to its true glory, induces me to declare that I speak his sentiments, as I do the united opinion of our delegation, when I move, sir, as I do that the nomination of Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, as the Republican candidate for the suffrages of the whole country for the office of Chief Magistrate of the American Union, be made unanimous." (Applause, and three cheers for New-York.) The life-size portrait of Abraham Lincoln was here exhibited from the platform, amid renewed cheers. Mr. Andrews, of Massachusetts, on the part of the united delegation of that State, seconded the motion of the gentleman of New-York, that the nomination be made unanimous. Eloquent speeches, endorsing the nominee, were als made by Carl Schurz, F. P. Blair, of Missouri, and Mr. Browning, of Illinois, all of which breathed a spirit of confidence and enthusiasm. At the close, three hearty cheers were given for New-York, and the nomination of Mr. Lincoln made unanimous. With loud cheers for Lincoln, the Convention adjourned till five o'clock. On the first ballot, in the evening session, Mr. Hamlin, of Maine, received 194 votes for the Vice-Presidency, and was nominated with enthusiasm. THE RATIFICATION BY THE PEOPLE. Everywhere, throughout the land, in New-York as well as Illinois, in Pennsylvania as well as Indiana, everywhere, the voice of the people has gone up in shouts of joy over the nomination of Lincoln and Hamlin. Even from Albany, where the friends of Mr. Seward were so strong, comes a despatch like the following, dated the night of the day on which the nominations were made : "Nine o'clock, p. m.-The Republicans of this city are now fairly waked up, and the wildest excitement prevails in regard to the nomination of Lincoln. State street is a perfect sea of fire from burning tar barrels. The whole heavens are illuminated with a red glare, cannon is firing, music is playing, and the people are shouting on State street and Broadway. Both streets are literally jammed with men of all parties, who are earnestly discussing the action of the Convention. "The Republicans of the city are now more reconciled to the nomination, and unite in hearty approval of it. They consider that while Lincoln may not be as strong in the State as Seward, he will be less objectionable throughout the Union. |