71.S. Lavys, statutes, ate. AN ACT, ESTABLISHING RULES and ARTICLES FOR THE Government of the Armies OF THE UNITED STATES; WITH THE Regulations of the War Department RESPECTING THE SAME, TO WHICH ARE ADDED, The several Laws relative to the ARMY; the MILITIA Index to the Laws, &c. AZ 1812 PAGE. 'AN ACT for establishing rules and articles for the government of the armies of the U. States, An Act fixing the military peace establishment, 50 An act for completing the existing military es- An Act authorizing the President of the United States to raise certain companies of rangers for the protection of the frontier of the U. States, An Act for the organization of a corps of artificers, 87 An Act authorizing the President to accept and An Act making further provision for the corps of An Act for the better regulation of the ordnance, 75 NOTE. In the following Index, where the figures are ABSEN BSENT without leave, From parade, Accused persons, Rights of, A Adjutants, their allowance for forage, Adjutant General, rank, pay and emoluments, Deputy Adj. Generals, and their assistants, His postage to be free, Age and qualifications of recruits, Aids de Camp...maj. generals two, brigadiers one, Their extra pay, Alarms, false, Rations and forage, Allowance and extra pay for labor, Only to be made for actual service, Armorers; 2 masters and 16 men; pay, &c. Arms, penalty for selling, &c. Captains accountable for, Army, uniform of, President to prescribe, For the more perfect organization of, See Military Peace Establishment. Arrears of pay not to exceed two months, Arrest of officers, Of soldiers for debt, Art. Page. 21 18 44 23 86 32 90 33 103 4 69 ib. 2 101 3 102 11 54 69 51,62 70,103 49 24 42 44 Arsenals and magazines, keepers to make returns, 8 93 Articles of war, act establishing, When to be read and published, 13 101 36 10 53 Militia to be governed by, when in service, 97 Conductors of 250198 35 36 17 85 Art. Page. Artillery,two teachers of music to be added to ea. reg.1 60 Light, may be mounted, 1 79 Officers of allowed forage, 1 ib. To furnish their own horses, A saddler and farrier to ea. company, Their clothing, Twelve drivers to ea. company, Artificers, a corps of to be organized, 87 How composed, pay, &c. ib. ib. ib. 41 Attached to qr. m. general's department, Duty of superintendent of, Axes and spades, four to each company, B BAGGAGE, allowance for transportation of, Barrack Masters, by whom appointed, Brevet, officers to take rank according to, Rank, President may grant, Brigade Majors, their allowance, Inspectors and qr. masters, allowance for &c. 87 Carpenters-2 masters, 20 house and 5 ship car- Certificates, false, Challenging, to fight a duel, how punished, Chaplain, penalty for absenting himself, To be appointed, his pay, &c. Children of officers-See Officers. Clothing, regulations respecting returns of, 54,71 61 26 .4 102 Art. Page. Clothing, soldiers may be supplied at contract prices, 53 Penalty for purchasing of soldiers, Commissary General, and his deputies, To give bond, salary, duty, &c. His further allowance, Compensation for clerks, 19 57 4 82 83,96 3 ib. 11 84 Allowed the privilege of franking letters, 10 83 See Ordnance-Musters. Command and rank, Compensation for enlisting each recruit, To n. c. officers and soldiers when discharged, To officers for extra expenses, See Pay. Conductors of artillery-See Artillery. Confinement, term of, limited, 62 26 11 54 64,66 55, 64, 67, 72,77 20 74 Contempt of the President of the United States, Commanding officer, Corporal punishment by whipping, abolished, 7 95 Court martial, 66-68 28 For trial of the militia, when in service to Courts martial general, Form of voting in, Challenge, - Officers to be tried by, Who may appoint judge advocate, In trials before, depositions allowed, Courts of Inquiry, Proceedings, how authenticated, Cowardice, &c. how punished, Crimes, capital, Not capital, D DEATH, sentence of, by court martial, Spies to suffer, Debts under 20 dolls. soldiers not liable to arrest for, 58,74 A 2 |