Deranged officers, allowance to, Penalty for inticing soldiers to desert, Allowance to be made when granted, Disabilities-See Pensions. Dragoons, light, liable to serve on foot, One surgeon's mate to be added to regt. of, 1 79 98 Troops of, number of officers and men each, 4 ib. Drunkenness, how punished, Duels, punishment for wilfully suffering, E ENLISTMENTS, form of; oath, &c. 45 24 19 ib. 47 24 15,117,118 Premiums to officers for, 11 71 Enemy, relieving, how punished, 56 25 Corresponding with, &c. 57 ib. Engineers, article respecting their duty, &c. 63 27 attached to, Eighteen month's men may be enlisted, Evidence before courts martial, F A teacher of the French and drawing to be One artificer and 18 men to be added to, Embezzlements, &c. Farrier, one to each company of light artillery, Monies when to be paid in lieu of, Forcing a safeguard, 49 24 14 17 15 ib. 18 ib. 2 79 84,85 40,41 7 52 41 Franking letters granted to certain officers, Fraud or cowardice, Frontiers, see Rangers. Furloughs by whom granted, GENERAL G ENERALS, two additional to be appointed, Two additional, Com'g the U. S. army, allowed a sec'ry, Gestures and menacing words, 76 30 Governor of N. Y. his authority to call out the militia, 113 Guardians and parents-See Minors. Gun to be fired at day-break at certain posts, H HARNESS Makers-See Saddlers. Half pay-See Widows and Pay. INFANTRY I 46 47, 48 24 97 2 ib. NFANTRY of the army, number of regiments, 1 Inspector General, his rank, pay, &c. 4 69 Allowed two assistants, their rank, pay, &c. ib. Sub-inspectors, to be appointed, Instructions for recruiting officers, Further duty, Oath, Who may appoint, One to each division, Justice and good order to be preserved, K KEEPERS of Arsenals, &c. their duty. Kettles and tin pans, to be furnished the soldiers, Lt. Artillery...See Artillery-Lt. Dragoons... See Dragoons. MALT liquor, may be supl'd, instead of spirits, 2 61 Militia, when in the service of the United States, 97 - For calling out detachment of 100,000, Of New-York, Governor's authority to order Courts martial for trial of, to be composed of militia officers only, Military peace establishment, act fixing, 87 76 30 35 105 108 111 113 35,109 50 61,68,86 65 81 82 19 85 56 Force, additional, Establishment to be completed, Stores, by whom provided, Law, who subject to, Agents, their duty, Minors not to be enlisted without consent of parents, 54,71 Muster rolls, returns of, Mute or perverse prisoners, Mutiny, &c. and punishment for not suppressing, 7, 8 14 N NON-Commissioned officers-See Soldiers. New-York, militia of the state of, Governor's au- ATHS to be taken, by officers and soldiers, To be taken by n. c. officers and soldiers, 113 57,74 10 15 To be taken by members of courts martial, 69 28 To be taken by members and judge advo- Order and justice, Organization of the army, act for the more perfect, Commissary General, Assistant, Deputies, Officers, to subscribe the articles of war, Arrest of, For each recruit enlisted, Field and staff of the new army, Killed or dying in service, their wi dows, &c. allowance to, Not to lie out of their quarters, Oath to be taken by Of militia when in service, 68 55,64,67,73 42 23 20 57 97 ib. 98 36 Of artillery, subject to be tried by c. martial,36 35 Serving under any particular state, Provision for those attending g. c. martial, 22 58 Rank, those highest in to command, To be fixed by the President, Redress for wrongs, Term of confinement, Com'ing a guard, &c. to receive and report, but not to release prisoners,, To be tried by court martial, Their subsistence, Estimated, Their stationary, regulation respecting, Unbecoming conduct, 62 26 Arrears of, not to exceed two months, 44 54,72 See Quarter Master General-Ordnance. Half-pay for 5 years allowed to widows and children of deceased officers, For three months to the heirs of soldiers killed, Pay Master of the army, and district pay masters, 16 District and regimental, Art. Page. Dep. Pay Mast. Gen. & assistants, pay, &c. 2 101 Penalty for desertion, For enlisting persons under age, For purchasing soldiers' clothing, &c. Pension list, who to be placed on, Physicians, regulations respecting, Postage of letters of certain officers free, 20 18 11 54 19 57 55,64,67,72,77 45 83,102 Prisoners, officers com'g. guard, &c. to receive, 80-82 31 President-See Appointments-Promotion. Promotion, rules respecting, Property maliciously destroyed, Provoking speeches, &c. Public stores taken from the enemy, Purveyor of public supplies, his office abolished, Q QUARTERS, regulations respecting, Quitting guard, platoon, &c. 47,98 54 25 24 19 58 26 9 83 Quar. Master General's department, act to organize, Act establishing amended, Rank, pay, duty, &c. Deputies and assistants to take an oath, 37 50 24 80 96 81,96,97 82 4 96 Prohibited dealing in certain articles, Allowance for clerk hire, Not accountable for subordinate officers, His letters free of postage, Dep. Qr. Mas. Gen. pay, duty, oath, bond, In what case additional ones to be appointed, 2 101 Asst. D. Q. M. Gen. pay, duty, oath, bond, |