Psalm lii. (y) WHY boastest thou thyself, thou tyrant that thou canst do mischief; 2 Whereas (z) the goodness of God endureth yet daily? 3 Thy tongue imagineth wickedness and with lies thou cuttest (a) like a sharp razor. 4 Thou hast loved unrighteousness more than goodness and to talk of lies more than righteousness. 5 Thou hast loved to speak all words that may do hurt : O thou false tongue! 6 Therefore shall God destroy thee for ever: he shall take thee, and pluck thee out of thy dwell ing, and root thee out of the land of the living. 7 The righteous also shall see this, and fear and shall laugh him to scorn; 8 (b) "Lo, this is the man that "took not God for his strength: "but trusted unto the multitude "of his riches, and strengthened "himself in his wickedness." 9 As for me, I am like a green olive-tree in the house of God: my trust is in the tender mercy of God for ever and ever. 10 I will always give thanks unto thee (c) for that thou hast done and I will hope in thy Name, for thy saints like it well. Lessons for the Tenth Day of the Month throughout the Year. (y) This Psalm is supposed to have been written by David against Doeg the Edomite, for having falsely accused Ahimelech, the priest, of inquiring of God for David against Saul, in consequence of which Saul gave an order for slaying Ahimelech and all the priests: and Doeg executed it, by slaying 85 priests, and smiting their city, both men and women, children and sucklings, and oxen and asses, and sheep, with the edge of the sword. See 1 Sam. xxii. This was I (9) ante 31. 81. 3. EVENING PRAYER. Psalm liii. (d) THE foolish body hath said in his heart: "There is no God." 2 Corrupt are they, and become abominable in their wickedness there is none that doeth good. 3 God looked down from heaven upon the children of men : to see if there were any that would understand (e), and seek after God. 4 But they are all gone out of the way, they are altogether become abominable: there is also none that doeth good, no, not one. 5 Are not they without understanding, that work wickedness : eating up my people as if they would eat bread? they have not called upon God. 6 They were afraid where no fear (f) was for God hath broken the bones of him that besieged thee; thou hast put them to confusion, because God hath despised them. 7 Oh, that the salvation were (d) Upon the blasphemy, wickedness, &c. of those against whom the Psalm is written, with an allusion to some discomfiture they had experienced, and a prayer for deliverance. It is nearly the same as the 14th Psalm. (e) "Would understand," i. e. had a right mind, true wisdom, the wisdom of seeking after God. 6. (f) (f)" No fear," i. e. no real cause for fear; no danger. 7. (g) "Captivity." nothing more than "distress." This may mean (b) A short prayer for deliverance, with a thankful conclusion, as though it had been granted. It is supposed to have been written by David, when the Ziph given unto Israel out of Sion: Oh, that the Lord would deliver his people out of captivity (g)! 8 Then should Jacob rejoice: and Israel should be right glad. Psalm liv. (b) SAVE me, O God, for thy Name's sake and avenge me in thy strength. 2 Hear my prayer, O God: and hearken unto the words of my mouth. 3 For strangers are risen up against me and tyrants, which have not God before their eyes, seek after my soul. 4 Behold, God is my helper: the Lord is with them (i) that uphold my soul. 5 He shall reward evil unto mine enemies: destroy thou them in thy truth. 6 An offering of a free heart will I give thee, and praise thy Name, O Lord: because it is so comfortable. 7 For he hath delivered me. out of all my trouble: and mine eye hath seen his desire (k) upon mine enemies. ites informed Saul where he was, and Saul and his men compassed David round about in the wilderness of Maon, but was drawn off by an invasion of the Philistines. See 1 Sam. xxiii. 25 to 28. The first three verses are considered as written whilst Saul was coming against him, the fourth and fifth when Saul was called off, and the last two when the danger was quite over. It is one of the proper Psalms for Good-Friday. (i) "With them," &c. i. e. it is he v.4. that upholds, &c. he is one of them that upholds. (k)"Seen his desire," &c. The same expression, Ps. lix. 10.-Ps. xcii. 10.Ps. cxii. 8.-Ps. cxviii. 7. 0.7. v.9. 2 Take heed unto me, and hear me how I mourn in my prayer, and am vexed. 3 The enemy crieth so, and the ungodly cometh on so fast for they are minded to do me some mischief, so maliciously are they set against me. 4 My heart is disquieted within me and the fear of death is fallen upon me. 5 Fearfulness and trembling are come upon me and an horrible dread hath overwhelmed me. 6 And I said, "O that I had "wings like a dove for then "would I flee away, and be at (1) This Psalm was probably written by David at the time of Absalom's rebellion, when Ahitophel, David's own counsellor, was amongst the conspirators, and David with his servants fled from Jerusalem. See 2 Sam. xv. 12. 31. It expresses the infidelity of the people, the perfidy of one of them in particular, the consternation into which it had thrown him, his earnest prayer for deliverance, and his full confidence in God's protection. (m) "Tongues," i. e. (probably) 12 For it is not an open ene my, that hath done me this dis honour for then I could have borne it. 13 Neither was it mine adver sary, that did magnify himself against me for then peradven ture I would have hid myself from him; 14 But it was even thou (), my companion: my guide, and mine own familiar friend. 15 We took sweet counsel to gether and walked in the house of God as friends. 16 Let death come hastily upon them, and let them go down quick into hell for wickednes is in their dwellings, and among them. 17 As for me, I will call upon God: and the Lord shall save me. 18 In the evening, and morn ing, and at noon-day will I pray, and that instantly (0) and he shall hear my voice. 19 It is he, that hath delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me: for there were many with me (p). .O. 21. 20 Yea, even God, that endureth for ever, shall hear me, and bring them (q) down for they will not turn, nor fear God. 22. 21 He (r) laid his hands upon such as be at peace with him : and he brake his covenant. 22 The words of his mouth were softer than butter, having war in his heart his words were smoother than oil, and yet be they very swords (s). 23 O cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall nourish thee: and shall not suffer the righteous to fall for ever. J.24. 24 And as for them (t): thou, O God, shalt bring them into the pit of destruction. 25 The blood-thirsty and deceitful men shall not live (u) out half their days nevertheless, my trust shall be in thee, O Lord. .25. he is complaining. (s) "Swords." So Ps. lvii. 5. mention is made of men, "whose teeth are spears "and arrows, and their tongue a sharp "sword." And Ps. lix. 7. of those who speak with their mouth, and swords are in their lips." So Ps. lxiv. 3. In Prov. xii. 18. the same figurative idea occurs: "There is that speaketh like "the piercings of a sword." And Prov. xviii. 8. "The words of a tale-bearer are as wounds," &c. And Ps. lii. 3. "With "lies thou cuttest like a sharp rasor." (t) Them," i. e. his opponents. (u)Not live," &c. Length of days, on the contrary, is one of the promises to the righteous. Prov. iii. 1, 2. My son, forget not my law, but let thine "heart keep my commandments: for 66 length of days, and long life, and peace, "shall they add to thee." And Prov. iii. 13. 16. Happy is the man that "findeth wisdom, and the man that "getteth understanding: for" (among MORNING PRAYER. Psalm lvi. (x) BE merciful unto me, O God; for man goeth about to devour me he is daily fighting and troubling me. 2 Mine enemies are daily in hand to swallow me up for they be many that fight against me, O thou most Highest! 3 Nevertheless, though I am sometime afraid : yet put I my trust in thee. 4 I will praise God, because of his word (y): I have put my trust in God, and will not fear what flesh can do unto me. 5 They daily mistake (z) my words all (a) that they imagine is to do me evil. 6 They hold all together, and keep themselves close and mark my steps (b), when they lay wait for my soul. other blessings)" length of days is in "her right hand, and in her left hand "riches and honour." (x) This Psalm is supposed to have been written by David, during his absence for fear of Saul, and whilst Saul was seeking to destroy him. It complains of his enemies, but expresses the utmost confidence in God's protection. (y) "His word." This might allude v.4. to the assurance God had given David that he should be king: Samuel anointed him before Saul knew him. See 1 Sam. xvi. 13. (x) Mistake," i. e. put a false con- v.5. struction upon. (a)" All," &c. i. e. they think of v.5. ย.5 nothing else. (b) "Mark my steps." He might al- v.6. lude to the information from time to time given to Saul where David was: Saul was told of his being at Keilah: the Ziphites informed him when David hid himself with them in strong holds in the wood, in the hill of Hachilah; and Saul was again told of it when David was in the wilderness of Engedi. See 1 Sam. xxiii. 7. 19.—xxiv. I. ข.10. v. 13. 7 Shall they escape for their wickedness: thou, O God, in thy displeasure shalt cast them down. 8 Thou tellest my flittings; put my tears into thy bottle: are not these things noted in thy book? 9 Whensoever I call upon thee, then shall mine enemies be put to flight this I know; for God is on my side. 10 In God's word (c) will I rejoice in the Lord's word will I comfort me. II Yea, in God have I put my trust I will not be afraid what man can do unto me. 12 Unto thee, O God, will I pay my vows unto thee will I give thanks. 13 For (d) thou hast delivered my soul from death, and my feet from falling that I may walk before God in the light of the living. 8, 9: (e) This Psalm is supposed to have been written by David, on account of his escape at the cave of Engedi. Saul went out with 3000 chosen men to seek him, went into the cave where David was without perceiving him, and lay down to sleep there: David cut off the skirt of Saul's robe whilst he was sleeping, and so shewed him, that had he wished it, he might have killed him. It is one of the proper Psalms for Easter Day, probably because then our Saviour made his great escape from the power of death, and ex merciful unto me; for my soul trusteth in thee and under the shadow (f) of thy wings shall be my refuge, until this tyranny be overpast. 2 I will call unto the most high God even unto the God, that shall perform the cause, which I have in hand. 3 He shall send from heaven: and save me from the reproof of him that would eat me up. 4 God shall send forth his mercy and truth my soul is among lions. 5 And I lie even among the children of men that are set on fire (g) whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue (b) a sharp sword. 6 Set up (i) thyself, O God, above the heavens and thy glory above all the earth. 7 (k) They have laid a net for my feet, and pressed down my soul they have digged a pit be fore me, and are fallen into the midst of it themselves. tricated himself for ever from the hands of his enemies. (f) "Under the shadow," &c. The taking refuge under the shadow or covering of God's wings is poetical; (see ante 255. note on Ps. xvii. 8.) and so is the address in verse 9. to the lute and harp. (g) "Children of men that are set on "fire," i. e. men of great fury, violence, &c. a strong figurative expression. (b) "Their tongue," &c. See note on Ps. lv. 22. ante 309. (i) "Set up," &c. A burden to the hymn; shew thy superiority, by giving me deliverance. (4) This may allude to Saul's situation in the cave; he was endeavouring to get the opportunity of taking away David's life; and the opportunity of taking away his life was given to David. See note on Ps. vii. 16. ante 246. |