Obituary. DEATH OF MRS. TROUTT. [The following notice of the death of Mrs. Troutt, having been mislaid, its insertion has thereby been delayed until now.-Ed.] MRS. TROUTT left this world on Sab- her interment was deferred until the bath, 16th of Dec. 1821. The following are the particulars of her death. On that day she attended a prayermeeting, at Sister Ranson's, in the village of Haverstraw. While there she appeared to be well and cheerful. Near the close of the meeting, Judge De Noyelle requested her to join in prayer. While fervently engaged in this solemn exercise, it was noticed, that in bringing to mind her past life, she wept much, but soon her weeping was succeeded by joy, and she praised the Lord for having sent his messengers, to proclaim a full and free salvation; that ever the glad tidings of the Redeemer's birth had reached her ears, and the power of truth had reached and changed her heart; and after dwelling with rapture upon the glories of the holy city, she said, "How happy shall we be to set down in our Father's kingdom, where we hope to praise him for ever." She said no more. After which a hymn was sung and another prayer was made, and the congregation was dismissed. In the Class-Meeting, which was held immediately after the congregation was dismissed, it was discovered that the spirit of our sister had taken its departure from the body. Some, however, thought that she had only fainted, and therefore, with a view, if possible, to reanimate her, various stimulants were applied, but all to no purpose. She was then removed to the nearest house, when it soon appeared evident to all, that she was really dead. Nevertheless Tuesday following, when her body was committed to the earth, by the side of her husband, who had died a short time before. That Sister Troutt died in the Lord, we have the fullest evidence. From the time that she embraced religion, until the day of her death, she manifested an invincible attachment to the cause of Christ, evincing in her tempers, words and actions, the purity and excellency of that religion, which was the joy of her heart, and the support of her life. Affliction she bore with true Christian fortitude and hamble resignation, always bowing with submission to the will of God. Her faith and patience, had recently been put to the test, by the death of her husband, who, it is hoped, exchanged this world for a better. Instead of murmuring at this event, she made it a motive to excite her to diligence in preparing to follow him. She was a woman of much prayer.. In addition to her secret devotions, how often have we witnessed the fervour of her spirit in our solemn assemblies. In our prayer-meetings especially, she generally took an active part; and on these occasions she often expressed her joyful anticipation of a final deliverance from all her sorrows. She was, indeed, an example of piety, of faith, of patience, and of resignation, worthy the imitation of all. May this example be long emembered and imitated by her surviving friends. Poetry. From the Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine. SULLEN age on age has gone, Since from Heaven the Mighty One Stoop'd to earth to live and die, Veiling all his Majesty ; Not upon the thunders borne, THE NATIVITY. CATHARINE K. DEEN. Harps and voices angel-ton'd, With their faces earthward bow'd, The Shepherds heard the glorious hymn, Till the seraph pomp was dim,— "Peace to man, and praise to God,”— Echoing up the starry road, Through the million words around, Like a new Creation's sound, Till it reach'd the gates of Heaven :--Man was in that hour forgiven! How biest the pilgrim who in trouble At day-break o'er the purple heath, He plucks the wild flowers round him playing, And binds their beauties in a wreath. More dear to him the fields and mountains, For him the vine expands its clusters, In good old age serenely dying, In life and death a faithful friend. ib 74 114 115 RELIGIOUS AND MISSIONARY INTELLIGENCE. Revival of religion on Essex circuit, Missouri Conference Mission, Wyandot Mission and School, 35 Wesleyan Methodist Missions in South-Africa, 314 318 345 State of religion in the Michigan Territory, 346 347 76 Anniversary of the Wesleyan Methodist Mis- 351 Ceylon Mission, 358 |