Use the Best! Use the Best! NEW AND IMPROVED COPY BOOKS. POTTER & HAMMOND'S Analytical and Progressive System of PENMANSHIP Is Based Upon the Most Scientific Principles. Penmanship is really simplified and reduced to a Perfect Science, by a Careful Analysis of all the letters, and a Methodical Arrangement of the Copies. IT IS IN TWELVE PROGRESSIVE BOOKS. RETAIL PRICE OF EACH BOOK, TEN CENTS, OR, ONE DOLLAR PER DOZEN. N. B.-The Publishers will promptly send, post-paid, a Specimen Dozen of the Copy Books, upon receipt of ONE DOLLAR. These books are made of the best Paper, and have no superior in any respect. POTTER & HAMMOND'S SYSTEM OF BOOK-KEEPING, IN THREE NUMBERS. BY SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY The first two numbers of this Series, comprising three sets of books, with 32 pages of beautifully engraved copies, designed as a continuation of their System of Penmanship; well adapted to higher classes in schools. Appropriate sets of Blanks accompany each set. IN PRESS. 4 BLANKS FOR THE FIRST SET OF DOUBLE ENTRY, as found in No. 2...... 2) No. 3 BOOK-KEEPING........ Each set of Blanks contains, except the blanks for the bound edition, sufficient paper for rewriting a set of books in a practical manner from the printed transactions. Retail price for the first two numbers, bound together, boards, 65 cents; 5 Blanks for the same 25 cents. Sent by mail on receipt of the price. POTTER & HAMMOND'S STEEL PENS. EXTRA FINE, Per Gross,. SCHOOL PEN, Per Gross,.... 75 cents. 65 44 These pens are manufactured by JOSEPH GILLOTT, expressly to order, and are invariably pronounced the BEST PENS in the market. The Extra Fine Pen is adapted to schools of a higher grade, and is in every way equal to Gillott's 303. The School Pen is adapted to schools of an intermediate grade, and is an excellent BUSINESS PEN. Sent by mail on receipt of the price. SHERMERHORN, BANCROFT & CO., Publishers, 25 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia; 596 Broadway, New York. ... ruly Boy....A Quadrupedopolis......... 364 Grammar...Arithmetic... History. Natural Musings on the Triennial ... Philosophy....Geography..... Physiology ...... Slang Phrases....Music's Moral and Medici ....... 365 and Book-Keeping....Spelling........ nal Influence....Object-Teaching... 367 The Military Element in School Discipline... 469 The Essays of A. K. H. B....... The Winter School..... Dignity and Universality of Music.. EDUCATIONAL INTELLIGENCE. 371 The Word "Way.". 8 88 .. 381 382 373 Mineral Springs in the Vicinity of Pawtucket, 383 373 Camels in California......... Animal Food....... Meeting of R. I. Institute of Instruction..... 374] BOOK TABLE. 384 384 384 Providence Evening Press Establishment. NO. 16 WEYBOSSET STREET, NEXT DOOR NORTH OF THE POST OFFICE, PROVIDENCE. COOKE & DANIELSON, proprietors of the above establishment, invite an increase of the favor already extended to them as the publishers of 1. THE PROVIDENCE EVENING PRESS, The largest daily newspaper in the State, and the only evening paper published in Rhode Island. It always has the latest telegraphic news, the same as contained in the Boston papers received in Providence several hours afterward. City and State intelligence will be found copiously set forth in Its columns. Its general news and miscellaneous interesting matter in great abundance give it an additional passport to public favor. Its editorial conduct is strictly upon independent principles. Three editions of this handsomely printed journal are published daily. THE EVENING PRESS is furnished to subscribers at the very low price of $6 per annum, payable in advance for any time desired. It is served in any part of the city at twelve cents per week, to such as prefer a weekly arrangement. Single copies, two cents each, may be procured at the office, at the news depots, and of the newsboys. THE EVENING PRESS is a very valuable medium for advertisers, and both yearly and transient advertisers will be dealt with liberally. 2. THE RHODE ISLAND PRESS, Which is equalled in size by only one other weekly Rhode Island paper, contains a very large amount of reading matter, and is suphlied to subscribers at the cheap rate of $1.50 per year, payable in advance. Ten copies will be sent to one address for a year for $10. Single numbers, three cents. Only a limited number of advertisements will be received for this paper, the advertisers in which will find their interest promoted by an arrangement with respect to it. 3. THE RHODE ISLAND SCHOOLMASTER. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. The Proprietors of this establishment confidently invite the patronage of the public in connection with their Book and Job Printing Department. They are prepared to execute all kinds of letter press printing with NEATNESS, CHEAPNESS and PROMPTNESS. No pains will be spared to make it to the interest of their friends to transact business of this kind with them. PROVIDENCE March, 1861. GREENE'S ENGLISH ᏀᎡᎪᎷᎷᎪᎡ, ADAPTED TO The Use of Schools and Academies. BY SAMUEL S. GREENE, A. M., AUTHOR OF "INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF GRAMMAR," "ANALYSIS OF SENTENCES," &c. COWPERTHWAITE & CO., PHILADELPHIA. This Book contains a full discussion of all the essential principles of English Grammar, and is Intended to be upon this subject. A COMPLETE TEXT-BOOK Particular attention is invited to the logical and systematic treatment of "Syntax"; the "Models for Construction," and "Models for Analysis"; the "Cautions" against adopting ungrammatical constructions, which also serve as guides in correcting false Syntax; and to the appended SYSTEM OF PUNCTUATION, growing directly from the analysis of sentences, which will be found easy of application by any one who has studied the previous discussion of elements. PROF. GREENE'S WORKS have been long and favorably known to teachers and other friends of education throughout the United States, and it is believed that it will not be necessary to publish long lists of recommendations in order to obtain for this, his last and most carefully prepared book, an impartial examination. TEACHERS AND SCHOOL OFFICERS will be furnished with copies for examination, by mail, on receipt of fifteen cents to prepay postage, or they will be furnished free of expense on personal application to the Publishers, or to DEXTER S. STONE, Boston, Mass., AGENT FOR INTRODUCTION OFFICE AT CYRUS G. COOKE'S BOOKSTORE, 37 & 39 BRATTLE STREET. Use the Best! Use the Best! NEW AND IMPROVED COPY BOOKS. POTTER & HAMMOND'S Analytical and Progressive System of PENMANSHIP Is Based Upon the Most Scientific Principles. Penmanship is really simplified and reduced to a Perfect Science, by a Careful Analysis of all the letters, and a Methodical Arrangement of the Copies. IT IS IN TWELVE PROGRESSIVE BOOKS. RETAIL PRICE OF EACH BOOK, TEN CENTS, OR, ONE DOLLAR PER DOZEN. N. B.-The Publishers will promptly send, post-paid, a Specimen Dozen of the Copy Books, upon receipt of ONE DOLLAR. These books are made of the best Paper, and have no superior in any respect. POTTER & HAMMOND'S SYSTEM OF BOOK-KEEPING, IN THREE NUMBERS. BY SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY The first two numbers of this Series, comprising three sets of books, with 32 pages of beautifully engraved copies, designed as a continuation of their System of Penmanship; well adapted to higher classes in schools. Appropriate sets of Blanks accompany each set. 4 BLANKS FOR THE FIRST SET OF DOUBLE ENTRY, as found in No. 2...... 23 No. 3 BOOK-KEEPING....... ..... 46 IN PRESS. Each set of Blanks contains, except the blanks for the bound edition, sufficient paper for rewriting a set of books in a practical manner from the printed transactions. Retail price for the first two numbers, bound together, boards, 65 cents; 5 Blanks for the same 25 cents. Sent by mail on receipt of the price. These pens are manufactured by JOSEPH GILLOTT, expressly to order, and are invariably pronounced the BEST PENS in the market. The Extra Fine Pen is adapted to schools of a higher grade, and is in every way equal to Gillott's 393. The School Pen is adapted to schools of an intermediate grade, and is an excellent BUSINESS PEN. Sent by mail on receipt of the price. SHERMERHORN, BANCROFT & CO., Publishers, 25 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia; 596 Broadway, New York. |