To Clear the Eye of Dust............... ..... School Goes Wrong,-Where's the Blame.... 240 The Sanitarium The Lily of the Field... 255 242 A New Primary Geography... 255 BOOK TABLE. The True Thing The Sewing Machine..... Providence Evening Press Establishment. NO. 16 WEYBOSSET STREET, NEXT DOOR NORTH OF THE POST OFFICE, PROVIDENCE. COOKE & DANIELSON, proprietors of the above establishment, invite an increase of the favor already extended to them as the publishers of 1. THE PROVIDENCE EVENING PRESS, The largest daily newspaper in the State, and the only evening paper published in Rhode Island. It always has the latest telegraphic news, the same as contained in the Boston papers received in Providence several hours afterward. City and State intelligence will be found copiously set forth in its columns. Its general news and miscellaneous interesting matter in great abundance give it an additional passport to public favor. Its editorial conduct is strictly upon independent principles. Two editions of this handsomely printed journal are published daily. THE EVENING PRESS is furnished to subscribers at the very low price of $6 per annum, payable in advance for any time desired. It is served in any part of the city at twelve cents per week, to such as prefer a weekly arrangement. Single copies, two cents each, may be procured at the office, at the news depots, and of the newsboys. THE EVENING PRESS is a very valuable medium for advertisers, and both yearly and transient advertisers will be dealt with liberally. 2. THE RHODE ISLAND PRESS, Which is equalled in size by only one other weekly Rhode Island paper, contains a very large amount of reading matter, and is suphlied to subscribers at the cheap rate of $1.50 per year, payable in advance. Ten copies will be sent to one address for a year for $10. Single numbers, three cents. Only a limited number of advertisements will be received for this paper, the advertisers in which w find their interest promoted by an arrangement with respect to it. 3. THE RHODE ISLAND SCHOOLMASTER. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. The Proprietors of this establishment confidently invite the patronage of the public in connection with their Book and Job Printing Department. They are prepared to execute all kinds of letter press printing with NEATNESS, CHEAPNESS and PROMPTNESS. No pains will be spared to make it to the interest of their friends to transact business of this kind with them. PROVIDENCE March, 1861. PUBLISHED BY COULD & LINCOLN, BOSTON. WORKS OF HUGH MILLER. CHAMBERS' WORKS. THE OLD RED SANDSTONE; or, New Walks CHAMBERS' CYCLOPEDIA OF ENGLISH in an Old Field. With Plates and Geological Sections. 12mo. Cloth, $1.25. LITERATURE. Two imperial 8vo. volumes of 700 pages each, double colums, with 300 elegant Illustrations. Edited by Robert Chambers. CHAMBERS' MISCELLANY OF USEFUL AND ENTERTAINING KNOWLEDGE Edited by William Chambers. With elegant Illustrative Engravings. 10 vols. Cloth, $7.50. CHAMBERS' HOME BOOK, or Pocket Miscellany: a Choice Selection of Instructive Reading for old and young. 6 vols. 16mo. Cloth, $3.00. THE CRUISE OF THE BETSEY; or, a Sum-. The above works contain a vast fund of valmer Ramble among the Fossiliferous Deposits uable information, admirably adapted to the School of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or Family Library, furnishing ample variety for over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland. every class of readers. 12mo. Cloth, $1.25. THE FOOT-PRINTS OF THE CREATOR; or, the Asterolepis of Stromness; with numerous Illustrations. With a Memoir of the Author, by, Louis Agassiz. 12mo. Cloth, $1.00. TESTIMONY OF THE ROCKS; or, Geology in its Bearings on the two Theologies, Natural and Revealed. With numerous elegant Illustrations. Royal 12mo. Cloth, $1.25. MY SCHOOLS AND SCHOOLMASTERS; or, MY FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF ENGLAND The above 7 volumes are also furnished in sets,, printed and bound in uniform style, as follows: Embossed cloth, $8.25; library sheep, $10.00; half calf or antique, $14.00. Of Hugh Miller's works little need be said at the present day. They have achieved a distinguished position among the best productions of the time, and claim a prominent place in every well-chosen library. DR. HARRIS' WORKS. THE GREAT TEACHER; or, Characteristics of our Lord's Ministry. By John Harris. D. D. Introductory Essay by H. Humphrey, D. D. Sixteenth thousand. 12mo. Cloth, 85 cents. THE GREAT COMMISSION; or, the Christian Church charged to convey the Gospel to the World, A Prize Essay. With an Introductory Essay by W. R. Williams, D. D. 12mo. Cloth, $1.00. THE PRE-ADAMITE EARTH. Contributions to Theological Science. By John Harris, D. D. 12mo. Cloth, $1.00. MAN PRIMEVAL; or, the Constitution and Primitive Condition of the Human Being. With a Portrait of the Author. 12mo. Cloth, $1.25. PATRIARCHY; or, the Family, its Constitution and Probation. 12mo. Cloth, $1.25. SERMONS, CHARGES, ADDRESSES, &c. Two elegant volumes, octavo. Cloth, each $1.00. The immense sale of all this author's works attests their intrinsic worth and great popularity. BAYNE'S WORKS. Works by Dr. Wayland. ELEMENTS OF MORAL SCIENCE. By Fran- ELEMENTS OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. By The above works by Dr. Wayland have received the most hearty commendations of Reviewers, Teachers, and others, and have been extensively introduced into the leading colleges and higher schools throughout the country. BUNGENER'S WORKS. THE PREACHER AND THE KING; or, Bourdaloue at the Court of Louis XIV. By L. F. Bungener. With Likeness and Biographical Sketch of the Author. 12mo. Cloth, $1.25. THE PRIEST AND THE HUGUENOT; or, Persecution in the Age of Louis XV. Two volumes. 12mo. Cloth, $2.25. This is not only a work of thrilling interest, -no fiction could exceed it, but, as a Protes tant work, it is a masterly production. DR. WILLIAMS' WORKS. LECTURES ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. By MEMOIR OF ROGER WILLIAMS, Founder of The publishers have the pleasure to inform the friends of popular education that they now have in press, and will soon publish, A NEW PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY, PREPARED BY PROFESSOR F. A. ALLEN, Principal of Chester County Normal School, West Chester, Pennsylvania, designed as the first book of the series, of which Smith's Geography forms a part. The work is the result of many years of observation and experience in the school and lecture-room, and is emphatically primary in its character. The author has proceeded upon the hypothesis that the study of geography will be superficial and profitless unless attention is at first directed to subjects and objects either already or readily made familiar; that a commencement embracing home scenes, people, animals, plants, etc., furnishes the only standard by which the child can judge of similar objects in other parts of his own, or in foreign countries. The work will be copiously illustrated by pictures, and picture-maps, executed in the finest style of the art; the former will fully illustrate the text and take a prominent part in the presentation of the subject, the latter, printed in colors, will show the young pupil at a glance the geography of a country by such pictures upon the map of that country as will exhibit its great physical features, Zoology, Botany, Ethnology, and the occupation of its people. The publishers feel assured that this book, prepared, as it has been, by a teacher of experience, and upon nature's plan, will supply a want long felt by the best educators of the country. A NEW CEOGRAPHY, BY R. C. SMITH, A. M. JUST PUBLISHED; SMITH'S NEW GEOGRAPHY Containing a Concise Text, and Explanatory Notes, WITH OVER 100 MAPS, FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. AUTHOR OF SEVERAL SCHOOL BOOKS................ ....QUARTO. PRICE $1.00, SMITH'S NEW GEOGRAPHY has been in course of preparationfor many years, and is the crowning production of the distinguished author. No pains have been spared to combine in this work ALL that is essential to a complete and comprehensive School Geography, and great care has been taken in its construction to render it of the greatest practical usefulness in the school-room and family. The following are some of its features which deserve attention: I. Clearness and comprehensiveness of expres- and terms. This feature is of great practical valsion in the Text, especially in the Definitions; it ue to teachers, and intelligent scholars. being the aim of the author to teach the pupils just what they want to know, and in as few words as practicable. II. Superior colored Maps. exhibiting the Races, Religions, Governments, and states of Civilization of different nations. III. Forty-four Vicinity Maps of the Principal Cities on the globe. IV. Thirty-two large full-paged Maps of States and Countries. VI. Comparative Map on a uniform scale, exhibiting the relative size of the different Countries and larger Islands on the globe. VII. Railroad Map of the United States, exhibiting the principal railway lines, with their con nections. VIII. Physical Geography, with Humboldt's System of Isothermal Lines. IX. Outline of Mathematical Geography. V. Copious Marginal Notes and Explanations, X. Geographical Clock, exhibiting the relative giving the derivation and meaning of difficult words time of day under different degrees of Longitude. FROM THE MASS. TEACHER. "All we have to say is, that this Geography is a novelty and a choice one too. to-day a geographical text-book for our own use we should choose this." *** If we had to select TEACHERS will be furnished with copies of the work, in flexible covers, by mail, for examination, upon receipt of 25 cents in money or postage stamps, by the Publishers; and schools will be supplied with the work, for introduction, upon accommodating terms. 3. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphi a. |