My Jewels...A Humble Petition to Teachers. 140 Microscopical Parasites.... Over the River.......... A Blind Girl Feeling for a Sunbeam. Government ............. English and American Scienco. The Shrewd Trustee 155 .... 141 The Sense of Taste...... 156 "Is it Wise to Store the Memory with Propo Providence Evening Press Establishment. NO. 24 WESTMINSTER STREET, (JONES BUILDING,) PROVIDENCE. COOKE & DANIELSON, proprietors of the above establishment, intite an increase of the fave: already extended to them as the publishers of 1. THE PROVIDENCE EVENING PRESS, The largest daily newspaper in the State, and the only evening paper published in Rhode Island. It always has the latest telegraphic news, the same as contained in the Boston papers received in Providence several hours afterward. City and State intelligence will be found copiously set forth in Its columns. Its general news and miscellaneous interesting matter in great abundance give it an additional passport to public favor. Its editorial conduct is strictly upon independent principles. Two editions of this handsomely printed journal are published daily. THE EVENING PRESS is furnished to subscribers at the very low price of $6 per annum, payable i advance for any time desired. It is served in any part of the city at twelve cents per week, to such as prefer a weekly arrangement. Single copies, two cents each, may be procured at the office, at the news depots, and of the newsboys. THE EVENING PRESS is a very valuable medium for advertisers, and both yearly and transient advertisers will be dealt with liberally. 2. THE RHODE ISLAND PRESS, Which is equalled in size by only one other weekly Rhode Island paper, contains a very large amount of reading matter, and is suphlied to subscribers at the cheap rate of $1.50 per year, payable i advance. Ten copies will be sent to one address for a year for $10. Single numbers, three cents Only a limited number of advertisements will be received for this paper, the advertisers in which wi find their interest promoted by an arrangement with respect to it. 3. THE RHODE ISLAND SCHOOLMASTER. BOOK AND JOB The Proprietors of this establishment confidently invite the patronage of the public in connection with their Book and Job Printing Department. They are prepared to execute all kinds of letter pres printing with NEATNESS, CHEAPNESS and PROMPTNESS. No pains will be spared to make it to the interest of their friends to transact business of this kind with them. PROVIDENCE March, 1860. E. S. Ritchie has just published a Catalogue of Philosophical Instruments, which have been expressly devised and constructed with the object of offering to the COMMON SCHOOLS of the country a class of apparatus, at moderate cost, for the elucidation of the elementary principles of Natural Philosophy. It has been his aim, in the compilation, that each article shall illustrate d principle, in the simplest form by which it can be clearly and adequately shown; to adopt the size best uniting efficiency and economy; to simplify the construction, and to avoid unnecessary cost of material or of ornament, that well made, valuable, and durable apparatus may yet be of moderate price. Sets are made up at the respective prices of twenty, thirty, fifty, ninety, one hundred and fifty, and two hundred dollars. The Catalogue (illustrated with 120 Engravings) containing full descriptions of the instruments, practical directions for operating with each, and clear explanations of the principles illustrated, will be sent gratis on application. RITCHIE'S CATALOGUE OF PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS For Colleges and High Schools, new and enlarged edition, containing descriptions of over Twelve Hundred Pieces of Apparatus, Will be sent by mail, on application. E. S. RITCHIE, No. 313 Washington Street, Boston. ap SARGENT'S ORIGINAL DIALOGUES: A Collection for School and Family Reading and Representation. BY EPES SARGENT, Author of the Standard Speakers, the Standard Readers, Spellers, &c. The few original Dialogues that Mr. Sargent has published having attained a rare popularity and been in extensive demand for School Exhibitions, &c., Mr. S. has yielded to the solicitations of many of our most eminent teachers in all parts of the country, and consented to prepare the new collection which we here announce. It forms a handsome large duodecimo of 336 pages, with a fine portrait of the author, engraved on steel, and with wood-cuts representing appropriate attitudes in dialogue delivery. Price, $1.00. The usual discount to the Trade. On receipt of one dollar, a copy will be sent, postage prepaid, to any teacher or pupil. From the National Intelligencer. The dialogues are eminently adapted to representation; vivid, full of action, with characters well discriminated, and language never bordering on coarseness. From the New York Home Journal. The best collection of dialogues in the language. It ought to be introduced into every school in the country where elocution is taught. From the Chicago Democrat, A book worth having, It is written in excellent style, and calculated to delight all intelligent boys and girls. From the Gardiner, (Me.) Home Journal. -- every Will be a favorite in every academy, high school, grammar school, or county schoolwhere where ** boys are boys." It is decidedly the best collection of dialogues for youthful representation that we have ever examined. From the Boston Post. These dialogues seem to be immensely popular with the boys. The book reached a third edition before it had been out ten days. From the Manchester (N. H.) Mirror. Many a weary search have we had in our school days for just such a book as this. Sargent's dialogues are not only such as the young will read and recite with the keenest interest, but they are of a character to delight an audience, and to bring out the elocutionary talents of the speakers. SARGENT'S STANDARD READERS, CHARTS, &C. Sargent's Standard Series of Readers is now the leading Series used in the Eastern States, and in most of the principal cities of the Union, and comprise five carefully graded Readers, a Primer, and two Spelling Books. 4. Su These Readers have met with unprecedented success; more than fire millions of copies having already passed into schools. Their points of superiority are: 1. The appropriate character of the reading matter, and the great care evident in the preparation. 2. The drilling exercise, and the simple system of reference, by which accuracy in pronunciation is secured. 3. The Explana tory index, by which difficult words are explained, and a taste for etymology is inculcated periority in the careful graduation of the several Readers to different capacities; ease and simplicity being studied, and the labors of the teacher much lessened. 3. Superiority in the mechanical execution, paper, binding, &c., and, in the smaller books, in the wood-cuts. 6. In the Speller a scientific classification of words, with Dictation Exercises, combining all the modern improvements. The present publisher devotes his whole time exclusively to the manufacture and sale of these works. He has paid especial attention to the printing and binding, which have been greatly im proved under his charge. The sales are constantly increasing, The testimonials as to the superiority of Sargent's Readers are so numerous, and from such high quarters, that we must refer Committees and Teachers to the pamphlet containing them, which may be had gratis, and postpaid, on application to the publisher. Copies of the Readers will be furnished gratis to School Committees and Teachers, who are desirous of examining the same, with a view to introduction into schools, on application to the publisher. Or they will be sent by mail, prepaid, when the amount of postage is sent in stamps. The postage rates are, on the Fifth Reader, 24 cents; the Fourth, 18 cents; the Third, 15 cents: the Second, 12 cents; and on the First, 9 cents; Standard Speller, 12 cents; Standard Primer, 6 cents; Smaller Standard Speller, 6 cents. The New Lithographed edition of Sargent's Standard School Charts (to accompany Sargent's Standard Readers) is now ready. The Charts are six in number, and each Chart is 22 by 28 inches in dimensions. The Charts may be had either on six single sheets, as they come from the stone, or mounted on three large cards with a Chart on each side. In sheets, these Charts may be nailed or pasted on a wall, and renewed at small expense, when defaced. The six lithographed Charts in sheets, will be sent, by mail, postpaid, for 75 cents. Mounted on Cards, they will be furnished at $1.50 for the set, or 50 cents a card. An explanatory pamphlet goes with them. Address JOHN L. SHOREY, 13 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. |